Please say hi to Lexi
And from there, we went to her ChipIn Page and pawed a few green paper$ her way - her human has been pawesome about updating us on how things are going - her human had heard about the Dals that Mom shared the pikhs of a few weeks ago - and also knew the furry nice Debi lady from SW VA!
Please keep Lexi in your thoughts and if woo khan, paw a bit furward - and keep Lexi's Human in your thoughts as well - and ask The Job Karma Fairy to pay a special visit their way!
I'll khlose with this video of some snow time on Friday - just enjoying the wonder of The White!
You look like you're in Sibe Heaven out there, Khyra! I'm betting it was tough to convince you to come inside.
We've heard about Lexi and we have our paws crossed for her!
So, now I'm the only dog in blogville without snow...so unfair!!
I think I give up for this year, it's 60 degrees here...
But I'm happy fur you, cuz you are a snow dog and you gotsta have it!
I love the pictures of you looking up at the birds! That could be in a magazine.
I know my Layla pictures have been sparse lately, I'll try to make up for that soon :)
Look at all that beautiful snow.:) Did Brofur and Butterskotch enjoy the snow too?
Teddy Bear
Is that Brofur with the crinkled whiskers? I hope he didn't freeze them!
You looks so preety in the snows!
Monty says Hi Khyra!
Wohoo! Snow!!
You look very contented and calm in the snow there! Hope the whiskers on Brofur didnt freeze and crack..!
We wouldnt want that!
Hi Khyra
We are so happy for you - we can see how much you are enjoying the snow.
Off to watch the video!
We don't know Lexi but will pay a visit.
Butterscotch is looking very beautiful in the snow too.
Martha and Bailey xxx
You look so happy layin' in the snow, Khyra!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Hi Khyra! Looking quite content in the snows!!! Yay! So calm you are..I would be going NUTS in that stuff.
Hope Lexi and family will be ok.
Happy Saturday....
Sweet hugs,
Sierra Rose
We've got so much of that wunder of white stuff outside my dawg house that it's literally over my head! I'm sure you're enjoying it. Marley really loves it too. My mom cracked up watching him catching snowflakes in his mouth during the storm!
Glad to see you having fun with your snow, Khyra. Great pics of you all. Paws crossed for Lexi.
You look right at home in the snow Khyra! Enjoy the weather.
Your snow is beautiful and so are your pictures! How did you maintain your coolness when you were in the snow? Most of my friends zoomed and zoomed in the snow!
Nothing better than some great snow to lay in!
Hi everyone specially Lexi.I love Dalmations
ah, you look soo happy in your snow. Glad you got it at last. Well, I seed it a while ago but Mum was not doing commentings very good. I doesn't really want mine back so I will give it to you if I gets anymore.
~lickies, Ludo
Love dove watching pic! You look so dreamy, Miss Khyra! Glad you got your snow!!!
Khyra, I'm so happy to see that snow sticking around for you. You look like a happy happy Sibe!
Thinking of Lexi with paws crossed.
Khyra I can see why you love the snow so much, you look beautiful in it!
We're glad to see you finally got some snow!!
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Ruairi
You look so happy with all that white stuff around you!!! We MOL @ your comment about BroFur's whiskers!!!
The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie
SNOW!!!!! You look so very much full of the happiness!
hehehe... love your Laugh In comment.
Wyatt is not the only dog in blogville without snow. He can pout right along with Grete! We don't have any either. Sigh.
Brofur is looking rather well padded!
Butterscotch looks so cute noting your Mom taking a photo of him.
Lexi is definitely a cutie.
Have a great time in the snow for us. We had some in Vegas over a week ago and it started melting as soon as it stopped.
We are so happy for you, but please kheep it there.
Misty the alpha Poodle
Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful pictures!!!!!!!!!!!
Happy Saturday....xxxxxxxx
We are so happy that you finally got the snow you deserved!! You really look happy in it!! Butterscotch is pretty...we hope his whiskers didn't stay that way for long! We will pay a visit to Lexi. Have a great weekend Khyra and mom! Lots of love, Holly and mom
Wow, snow and sun. Wonderful.
Nice woooh
Funny! You love the snow Khyra and kitty is trying to stay warm in the sun. BOL
Happy Day
Benny & Lily
Just look at you in all your snow. How much the enjoyment shows on your face.. Enjoy my woofie friend and we will go see your friend.. Hugs GJ xx
We love all the photos of you in the snow, Khyra!
Thanks for letting us know about Lexi. We visited her Chip-in page and are crossing all of our paws that she can be successfully operated on. She looks like such a sweetie.
I is crossin my paws for good thoughts to ur friend. :)
Poor Lexi, she does have a serious problem. We hope she will be able to have her surgery and will be okay.
Khyra..your snow pictures are brillo.
Paws Crossed for Lexi.
Have a good weekend.
Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx
Looks like you got some very nice snow to enjoy there Khyra! Your Dalmatian friend looks adorable - we go visit the link.
Your welcome....enjoy!
Looks like you are really enjoying that snow, Khyra!
Have a great weekend
Clive and Murray
what an adorable dog. Mine looks a lot like her..except smaller and not AS gray.
i wish I had a cat too though. also a little cutie.
I have information about a Cutest Pet contest on my blog if you wanna check it out!!
You look so happy in your snow. :)
Hi Lexi!
You look so happy in the snow Khyra! We still don't have any here. It's too bad Sammy didn't come over and play with you. I would have!
Brofur looks very content hanging out in the sunshine at your house. Hope Butterscotch is staying warm!
We're thinking of Lexi too!
You got your snow finally! We are not sure how you can sit in it (doesn't your tail freeze?) but you sure do look happy!
I know you are loving the snow now!
I'm glad you are getting to spend some time in the snow. Just like we are!! It IS the the best thing ever!
Holly and Khady
Hi, Khyra!
Looks like you had a nice and relaxing saturday there in your yard enjoying the snow!
Paws crossed for Lexi.
Kisses and hugs
Oh Khyra
your snow looks sooo cold....
did you make snow angels?
i don't think those kittys like the snow..... my kat brothers and sisters DON'T!
Khyra always looks so content. Even more so now that there's SNOW!!!
You really do look good in snow, I must say, great pics.
And I am glad I have CAT backup to keep an eye on you!
Lexi is most adorable!
SNOW!!!!! We hope it stays around and your get some more.
Butterscotch and Brofur~~soaking up the sun...good move on their parts. Or was that just Brofur?
Lexi is a cutie. We will go over and read about her, and purr for her.
Lexi is adorable!
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