Thanks Khyra!
First of all, I must admit to a 'khase of khanine khonfusion' with regards to my passengers! Jake The Rotti was the one going on to Latrobe and Taylor The HuskyShep continued along with me - but I didn't realise this until after I probably babbled about Jake and Taylor in the videos - I guess this shows I've got too much fur built up in my brain from almost three years of transporting - so now for the day's pictures
Off I go
The traditional light - with the SPCA in the background
A glimpse of blue and ES3 on the horizon
Whilst waiting for my passengers, two guys and a Dexter pulled up in this - they had New York plates - I didn't get a chance to take a pic of the handsome black Lab but I did get to pet him - he was a very nice fella! When I saw Edith pull in, I did warn them dogs would be here soon - and explained this was a transport meeting place - and that was a reason the Lab was so interested in the smells!
Due to a mix up in meeting places, I did get to drive Jake to another McD's - but due to another mix up, I got to drive him back to the original spot - he was an awesome guy! He is ten months old and a solid eighty pounds of love! He did have some trepidations at the transfer spots and made us work a bit to get him out - I think he was just making sure he got lots of extra yummy treats!
I really was disappointed to not get more time with him - he was just a big teddy bear of a Rotti!
Of course, he reminded me of a certain British Rotti pal who is a cousin to Khyra's pal Ginger Jasper. I do think Jake felt the good kharma of the Xterra because he was quite comfy with me - and when we did get him to his next drivers, he had no problems at all getting out of the front seat! Of course, the fact they were both wearing Rotti sweatshirts probably made a good first impression too!
Whilst waiting for them - and thinking I'd be passing Taylor along - I got some pics of him
He was SO hard to photograph because he was a perpetual motion machine - including bouncing - thank Dog for video!
Definitely the best of both breeds going on here!
So back on the road to Exit 5A - sorry Jake - just trying to have more time with you!
I let Taylor ride shotgun - since his crate would fit on the front seat!
Most of Taylor's pics are blindly point and shoot since I couldn't see the front of the crate!
Who could ever refuse that face anything? Taylor was very intrigued by the windshield wipers - I needed to use them from time to time - along with some washer fluid due to the roadspray - he watched intently each time!
One state closer!
For our friends in Iowa!
Snow nose throught the side of the crate facing me - he really liked to work the camera!
Yes, squee AND ahhhhhhhh!
Sugar's commentary on the day - I shot this at the light after we exited I81 and were finally just about THERE!
Our Harrisburg shot!
The sky as I crossed the Susquehanna River
Mission Accomplished!
Jake met his potential adopter Sunday night and they were immediately smitten so he spent his first night with his furever family that includes another Rotti from the same rescue group!
The other four met their people in the NYC area Sunday evening - all four were thrilled with their new families as well!
Here is the link to the Photobucket Slideshow and here is the link to the album with nine videos - four from Mary and five of mine - there are pictures from the Saturday legs as well!
We did the transport with a shout out dedication to those purrrrrrrty girls Calle and Halle - since it was their sixth Gotcha Day!!!!!!
Thanks again for all the support and for remembering
Hugz&Khysses From Khyra's Khorner
P.S. It looks as if the rest of the Eight Is Enough Gang will be coming North next weekend - including Tommy!
Wow did you move a lot of furry hearts this weekend. It's tough to pick a favorite because I'm so smitten with that roar picture. Can we see more of this side of you? It's fun! :)
Hi, Khyra and Mom!
Glad everything went well with the doggies!
I am sure they are enjoying their new lifes!
Thanks a lot!
Have a great monday!
Kisses and hugs
It seems you had a busy day doing the transportation.
Your furry friends are really cute and beautiful but I love Jake the most. Can't tell why, most probably he let me think of my Laura.
Have a great Monday!
Wow, what a beautiful photo of you in your white stuff.:) Such cute pups today and we're so glad they all have furever homes.:)
Teddy Bear
Boy do you two get about! America is such a big country.
Thanks for purring for Au. he's eating a little then not eating. I'm hoping though that he looks a bit better....
What sweet puppies and such glorious snow!!
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Ruairi
We love those rottie dogs. They are the cadillac of working dogs for sure. I am laughing at your goofy face. That will come in handy next time somebody wants to photoshop you. Hehehe.
Hey Missy. We love your snow! What a shame we can't just pop over and have a mongrel-around with you...
All we've got is sand, lots of it....
Hehehehe....I loves da roar pikture of Kyhra!
Sigh...looks at da sweet Taylor, how precious is dat? ANd what a beautiful Rotti!
So glad da transport went well...except furs da mix up:)
aww, cute cute cute!!
What cute puppies. Muzzer said Aww www. And then, A "Carl" dog tooo!
She says thank you for sharing
Extremely cute pups this weekend! Glad you got that transport in before the freezing rain and snow come again!
I love the pic of you telling it like it is!
I'm glad you finally got your snow, Khyra! It's almost up to the window sills here, so I've gone into hypurrnashun. Mom can never get more than 4 photos at a time on my blog. She is wondering how your Mom does it. (Love that big Rotti!)
Look at all that snow Khyra! Wow!
We always feel so warm and fuzzy after reading about your weekend transports.
Purrs, Khory
Love seeing you in the white stuff! It makes you more beautiful than ever!
That's a lot of beautiful dogs on their way to their happily ever after! Thanks for helping them!
Khyra, we loved your photos, especially your "roaring" one...MOL!!!!!!!
We are purraying that your mama will be greatly blessed for helping these darlings......and we'll be purraying that their forever homes will work out and they will receive scads of love.
You really changed lives this weekend. Seems like one dog is cuter than the next.
Misty's mama
Adorable puppies and that Rotti looks like a nice dog too....he would make a good bodyguard for me!
All dogs are so cute :-)
Nice woooh
Khyra what a bunch of cuties your mum transported this week again. That resemblance to Ben is uncanny and he looks the same gentle giant as Ben. Wow those sweet little one's they are going to make someone realy happy. I hope they are all happy in their forever homes. Your roar was quite impressive too.. Hugs GJ xx
Deep gratitude to you for being a transporter - a desperately necessary job. Sounds like if we ever need to get a kitty to the New York area, you might be a connection for us - a last leg of the journey.
Bless you!!
Teeny, tiny Elizabeth!!! What a cutie!!! Actually, a whole load of cuties!!
love your photos khyra :D
El'bow & Hauwii
Great bunch of friends! RESCUE DOES ROCK!
Oh, we just love reading about your transports over here! They're such a huge help for the rescues and it's such a selfless act on your part! What cute passangers you had!
Hooray for all those babies finding new homes. Mum is smitten with Jake, of course.
Those puppies are just too cute!
Hi, Khyra and Mom! What great travel pikhs! I really like the pikhture of you enjoying the snow, too!
Glad to hear the transport went well! Khyra, your roaring picture is fierce!
Elyse and Riley
OH they are all so cute.. Not sure if Dad told you but Mom and Dad had a Rotti before they got us heeler's. He was Mom's protector too. No salesmen dare come near Mom after she said "No I do not want any"
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Oh my, what cute transports! (Of course you were the khutest in the Xterra Khyra!) Jake is very handsome and Taylor is adorable! Thanks for all you do for these sweet pups Phyll!
Those sure are some cute passengers. :)
That's a whole lot of moving and shaking!
Khyra, if you start right now you can get here in time for our Snowmageddon! We're supposed to get fifteen inches starting tomorrow. They even moved the Groundhog Day festivities to inside the television news station!
You get to meet the cutest pups!
Khyra, Mom shivers when she sees you laying in the snow!
Another successful trip. :)
Aw, those puppies are so adorables!
What a great trip!
Pug love from,
Pearl & Daisy
We love all of the pictures but our favorite ones are of Khyra and the big roar! Lots of love, Debbie and Holly
Your mom sure had quite the cargo!! Hope they all get wonderful, loving furever homes! All paws up for another successful transport!
Another group of handsome/beautiful souls that continue to be, in no small part, because of youse guys. Even as busy as having to go to work hasn't stopped the mom. We are all grateful for her compassion and dedication to the less fortunate. Bravo-Zulu.- WELL DONE!
Another great group and awesome transport! Your mom is the bestest, Khyra! Love hearing about each passenger, but the sweetest is knowing that forever homes are at the end of the roadtrip. Ah! Have a great week my friends.
Sweet hugs,
Sierra Rose
Such adorable photos of all the pups. We got a good "puppy fix" from all these photos.
Khyra.. you look so beautiful in all that snow
What a pawsome transport!!! Mom is kinda smitten with Elizabeth and Nicholas! Although she loves ALL dogs:)
Thanks for sharing!
The Road Dogs
The best part is...and they lived happily ever after! Rescuers Rock!
Beautiful photo of Khyra in the snow under the Monday morning sky pic. Cute pupsters! Glad you are safely back before all the snowy weather. Stay warm!
Khyra your momma is an angel, but you already knew that huh?
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