Mom and I were furry sad to see a FB post Monday that Butters had left us - he was a furry special Siberian soul - so emblematikh of what reskhues khan do - here is the blog that was started fur him a few years ago - it hasn't been updated in recent times but woo khan see how luckhky all that met THE BUTTERS were!Here is a short video from the 2008 TOTTS Hike featuring The Butters!


I wanted to share this khool story we saw in our Sunday paper about some Guide Dogs In Training - we thought of several of our blog pals when we read it!
Thanks Khyra - yes, something very special - another GRoup project if anyone is interested - Sam and Monty's mom wrote me last week about and idea she had to honour The Luke - and hope perhaps it might help his mom with the healing - we went back and forth and decided it was a GReat idea
So, if any of you would be interested in participating, please drop me a line 'here' in the comments - and I'll share the idea along with Sam and Monty's mom Christine's email so you can be in touch with her as well -
Considering the special STAR power The Luke had, I think it will be a SHINING example of how Bloggers can unite during times of adversity and emotion
I'll make sure to mention this later in the week as well since I know all of us are busy and don't always get to each other's blog everyday - we've already communicated our own visit curTAILment given the new job and schedule here - which BTW finds me working Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday of this week
Thanks again for all the kind words of support - for both the re-entry into the workplace AND the transports -
Khyra says make sure to come by tomorrow for the first Walkin' Wednesday of 2011 - I think she had two special guests along!
Hugz&Khysses from Khyra's Khorner
Aww! Butters was a handsome fellow!
We'd like to hear about the special Luke project!
Oh No! Not Butters! What happened? That makes me so sad. I remember when he was a TOTTSHR rescue and then got adopted. I can't believe he is gone.
Butters seemed like a special guy, and I'm sorry to hear that he has crossed over to the much dreaded Rainbow Bridge.
Can't wait to hear more about the great idea about the Luke's GReat project!
Of course, we want to participate in the Luke Project! Please let us know!
We hope Butters can run for miles in snow and sun and be forever young and healthy on the Other Side of the Bridge. May his grieving humans find comfort in knowing that his memory will live on in every heart who knew him.
We saw about butters crossing on fb earlier, we send sad woos. Jack & mom got to meet the Butters at the TOTSHR Hike in 2009, he was a handsome one! He will be deeply missed.
jack & moo
Butters sure was handsome. We are so sorry to hear that he crossed the Bridge.:(
Teddy Bear
It sounds like you've got something great planed for Luke, can't wait to see what it is!
We didn't know Butters but it is always very sad to read about other dogs going to the RB. He was very handsome.
Molly, Taffy and Monty
So sorry to hear about Butters - sending you purrs and hugs xxxooo
Merdie opens her pressies so ladylike!
Your first crush was very handsome. We are so sorry to hear of his passing.
Sad sugars,
I didn't know Butters, but I am sure he's at the Bridge, watching us and providing whatever comfort he can to the family he left behind!
by butters :(
Hi Miss Khyra
Sorry to hear about your friend. You know we are interested in the Luke project.
Tucker and Daisy
So sorry to hear about Butters crossing the bridge.
So sorry to hear about Butters, he was such a nice boy. We would like to hear more about the Luke project - anything for him and his mom.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Khyra, so sorry to hear that you've lost your pal Butters. He'll be playing across the Bridge.
:: petting your beautiful head ::
So sorry to hear about Butters- what a beautiful kiddo. We'd love to find out about the special plans...
Butters was a very handsome pup!! Sorry to hear he has crossed but it sounds like he left a lot of good memories for others.
Too bad to hear about Butters. He sure was a beautiful dog.
That guide dog story was neat.
Elyse and Riley
We are very sorry about Butters. We didn't know him but looking at his pictures and video, he was a beauty. Godspeed dear Butters.
We are definitely interesting in the project for the Luke and the mom. We can't wait to hear more! Lots of love, Holly and mom
So sorry to hear about Butters!
So sorry to hear about Butters.
Nice woooh
Butters has a pretty face like our Chamois. Count us in on a Luke project.
Misty the alpha Poodle
Hi Khyra and Mom,
We keep hearing about friends crossing over! It is so sad! When it is Bambi's turn I am going to curl up in bed and stay there!!! I don't know how I will live through it!!
She is already passed her expected life years here............
xx, Bambi & Fern
Of course I didn't know Butters and am sorry about the loss...But I know there's wonderful company at 'the Bridge' ...
Since I mentioned 'the Bridge' please count me in to help with honoring the Luke, it would be, well, an honor--Let me know what you need from me....
I am so sorry to hear about your friend....
Wow, snow finally for Miss Khyra, hooray. Stuffies for the Goldens and strange work schedule for the Mom. Life is good. We are dropping by all of our favorite bloggy friends before we disappear for a few days. We are driving to Arizona from Washington, so Lady and I will be out of touch in the wilds of Idaho and Nevada.
Best Wishes - Golden Licks from Lady, belly rubs for the Queen from KT
Sorry 'bouts your furiend Butters. :( Count me in on The Luke project!
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae
You can sure tell how very special Butters was. Run free, Butters.
You can count me in on The Luke Pawject!
Wiggles & Wags,
Oh, Butters looks like he was a great woofie. We will be sure to go over and read his story and leave a comment.
Let us know what the plan is for Luke.
We are glad you still have some snow. And it looks like Merdie and Harley got some wonderful goodies.
We're so sorry to hear about Butters. We ache for his family.
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
You know we are on board with any project to honor Cool Paws Luke and support Amanda and The Bleu. Just let us know how.
P.S. - We were also saddened to hear that Butters had gone to the Bridge, even though we only knew him from the Siber-world.
Khyra - Wow, we've missed so many of your adventures and are sloooowly trying to catch up!
You have excellent taste in BFs, Butters was a very handsome guy! We're sorry to hear about him.
But we were relieved to hear about Daisy Mae's return!!! Wow!
You're such a busy gal, dont' think we can keep up with you, but we'll be back to see what you're up to!
The Road Dogs
RIP sweet Butter's.
Looks like you are doing a great job with the Fox Watch Khyra..
Wow Merdie and Harley got a real hall there..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Another resident at the Rainbow Bridge. My heart goes out to his family.
We're sorry to hear about your furiend Butters. Our thoughts are with his family.
Hope that fox comes closer for you to play with him Khyra! Merdie sure has quite a lot of stuffs!
Would love to hear about the special Luke Project. Never knew him, but have read some of his blogs and he had a huge presence in blogville.
We totally forgot to comment about Merdie and Harley and their gifts. Thanks for sharing the video and pictures. I should have placed treats in those packages, that always works on getting them to open them.
Sad news about The Butters :(
Poor Butters. We're purring for his family.
You look nice though, Khyra and your mummy and I share the same philosophy - make fewer things illegal and stuff the nanny state! This also applies to bone chewing rights for woofies...
aw, we are very sorry to hear about your friend Butters. we will purr comfort purrs for his beans.
we are very happy you got your snow! that is very exciting! you look like you are having so much fun. that is great.
we are sending purrs to your mommy for going back to work. purrrrrrrs we know it will all turn out purfect.
Rest in peace, Mr. Butters.
Hi Khyra!
Me and mommy are very sorry and sad to hear about Butters. We've sent our prayers and will light a candle for him.
So excited to hear about what you're planning for Luke.
P.s- Sure you can watch TV with me, anytime! :))
Butters was very special.
Take care
Kisses and hugs
You are so thoughtful, on all fronts. :)
Please include Jo, Stella and Zkhat in the Luke project. Gmail seems to be working best these days so send to
Sorry about your pal Butters, we didn't know him at all but we can offer our sympathy to you and his family.
oh I am so sorry about Butters.
I did not know him. It is so sad to say goodbye. He was such a cute pup.
Please count me in with the information on Luke. I was one of the many who hoped for a miracle
miss khyra,
i'm very sorry about your special friend butters. :(
pretty please could you woof more to me about the luke project?
the booker man
they sure did get lots of stuff!
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