I've seen that Mayzie's khommentathon was going pawesomely - as I staged this post - how furry khool!!!
Happy FrEYEday EvFURRYone!
I've seen that Mayzie's khommentathon was going pawesomely - as I staged this post - how furry khool!!!
Happy FrEYEday EvFURRYone!
Those Great Kibble Providers get in the way of important stuff like blogging all the time. We hope you have a good Friday Khyra!
we just noticed the khute pattern on your nose :)
Wyatt and Stanzie
If it wasn't for sleepy time, I wouldn't get anything done at all! :)
Mayzie's comment-a-thon is a HUGEEE success!
I'm waiting for A's company to send the important papers to her so she can buy me some stuffs too!
Woofie, you always look to be the hight of comfort!
We just love photos of you sleeping in your arm chair.:)
Teddy Bear
If I could reach you, I'd be buried deep in your fur, darling.
Thanks for your good thoughts for Au. We hope he gets better soon...
My goodness but you look way too comfortable for a working breed. Poor Ms. Phyllis is slaving away all day at the great Kibble provider and you're just sacked out doing squat. We guess we know where the expression "a dog's life" comes from now.
OBTW: all 15 of us individually left comments on Mayzies blog for the commentathon event.
I think we all have the perfect chair for sleeping in- and you certainly look comfortable . Sweet dreams !!!
Maisy and Argyle
That armchair looks really comfy!!!
Mayzie did great! And we understand that there is more snow headed your way.
Why did "Da Burgh" get all the snow this year?
Lacie must have put in a word or two.
Khyra. Do you know you is sleeping like a... a KHAT? hehe!
~lickies, Ludo
It's good to see you're getting your beauty rest! Mom must miss you like crazy when she goes to the great kibble provider!
After watching the news this morning, I think you ought to live in Conneticut. I heard they've had 71 inches of snow this winter!
I hope you get to enjoy a great weekend!
Woof! Woof! Happy Friday!Sleeping on a chair ... Life is Good. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
You are such a beauty, Khrya.......thank you for being our friend.
One must inspect one's paws after snow walkies, followed by a nice long nap.... ahhhh! It is good to be canine!
jack & moo
Perfect paw placement fur your Chair napping.
you look very comfy
Those are great pictures! Thanks for sharing them.
Khyra, that chair was meant just for you wasn't it! You look beautiful in it!! Lots of love, Holly and mom
You are too sweet, Khyra!
So beautiful in your chair!
Happy Friday Khyra!
Happy Friday! I love that picture with your tongue sticking out! :)
Rest is crucial fur da weekend. Hehehehe, you stuck you tongue out...bad Khyra...hehehehe!
Resting and prepping for the weekend is a good way to spend Friday!
We are glad you got a little more of the white stuff!
Happy Friday to you, Khyra!
Great pawsitioning!
Bravo Khyra, your chair sleeping is unsurpassed.
That is my favorite place too and I strive to have your form.
You look so comfy cozy in your chair, Khyra!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Happy Friday to you! I'm spending the morning lying in front of the fake fire place, soaking in the warmth... ahhhh.... Slurps, Tucker
Oh, Khyra. One day you could do a post on nothin' but your Most Adorable toesies!
Thank you again for your help with the Commentathon and coming over to visit, too! You're a Most Wonderful furend!
Wiggles & Wags,
You are truly the great thinkher of dogs.
Misty the alpha Poodle
Such comfy pics of you! That sky pic is amazing!
SShhh, baby is sleeping
Benny & Lily
So sweet!! It's never too treacherous out to go to the Great Kibble Provider!!
Elyse and Riley
Dear Khyra, how lovely you look in the comfy chair! I hope you and mom have a good weekend of accomplishing all the things on your list!
Glad your mom returned to work without incident. We're sure she's just as competent there as she is at blogging.
"The Great Kibble Provider" was a phrase that made me guffaw! Good one, Khyra! I hope that your mom gets some food too!
Glad that you got some snow to enjoy but not too much for easy driving. My dad got more... I'm so glad that he has great friends who help him out in storms like this one. We can't convince him to move to CO! He thinks it's the "wild west".
Jobs are only important when done by cats and dogs.
Awww!! Cute Khyra!!
And love'da froggies and bears!
Pretty Sky shot too!!
Hugs and Happy Friday,
'da Gurls,
IzZY, Josie and TriXie
Hi Khyra!
Gotta get me one of those armchairs..!
We love the sky pic, gets mom all nostalgic..!
That chair looks like doggy heaven. I agree with sticking your tongue out at the camera!
Hey Khyra, how come all the snow is falling on your yard? Can you please send some this way? Denver was 70+ degrees today and that just ain't right! Love, Kiva
With all that lying about and thinking, I think Khyra and Arwen would get along just fine!
More great photos of your Khyra! :)
Hope you and your mom are having a wonderful weekend.
I love you in your dreamy chair.
I have a chair that I dream in also.
We loved the beautiful sky.
I am so happy you finally got snow, but not too much.
We don't like lots of it, cause mommy drives 50 miles to work- one way- and snow is slippery!
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