BTW, she made the flash funkhtion fur this one instead of letting TFB decide



Some of woo khommented on the Butter Skhulpture from The Farm Show - well, here is a post I did LAST YEAR with the 2010 work - and I also linked bakhk to prior efFURts -
I've also ventured into the arkhhives to share the next special event from the show I'll post about next week - The Sheep To Shaw event - last year's winner was gorgeous - and so khool in how they tied it to our state bird!
Happy Saturday to all!
Yay you got snow Khyra! It was much but at least you got to khool off your fluffy tail in it for a bit!
Brofur certainly is handsome and does know how to work that camera. He must have been taking pointers from you!
Something's better than nothing...but I can't wait to see you buried in it one day.
Our dusting didn't make it :(....You look so cute sitting in your snow though. Have Fun!
Wags and Licks,
Mollie Jo & Bobo
Snow looks like lots of fun Khyra!! Say Hi to your BroFur for us!!
Your TX furiends,
I am glad that you finally got some snow! Enjoy it while it lasts!
Oh SNOW!!!! You didn't just dream it, did you?
Brofur is a cutie and certainly knows how to work the camera.
YAY! Khyra got some snow. Finally, huh...Enjoy!
well, that's better than NO-SHOW SNOW. Paws crossed woo get a few more inches for your fluffiness.
jack & moo
Feather friends are awesome!
BTW, your cat-brother and you seem to be in two entirely different places. They look so different! There's sun, and then there's snow. That's strange!
I like the sun puddles idea!
Hooray!!! You've got some snow at last! We hope the snow angels will come and play more pillow fights in your place again!
Have a great weekend and enjoy the snow!
Think of this snow as the downpayment! We are sending The White Dog Army's strongest snow vibes your way....Snow...SNow...SNOw...SNOW!
Snow? Woohoo!! Time to celebrate!!
Could you send some over here by any chance..?
your beautiful in your dusting.
Brofur is beautiful in the sun.
I heard more snow is coming, so get out yout golashes
Woohoo, we're so glad you got snow? We're doing the happy dance!!!
Teddy Bear
yippeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee - you got snow of your own, Khyra! We are so happy for you!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Aaww...Khyra looks so cute all curled up!
Happy Saturday to you too...we hope you get more snow next week. We need more Khyra in the snow pictures.
Hey, you got a little snow! We got too much - couple inches and it's going to be here awhile. Mom hates it.
Hope your weekend transports are not affected by bad weather!
Love the red-bellied woodpecker photos!
OKAY... maybe that dusting will be enough to Prime the Snow Pump. I woke up to 3 inches of it this morning.. and it is still coming down... lightly. My mom had to sweep a pee path fur me. hehehe
Hooray!!! All that wishing finally paid off! We are supposed to get more snow on Monday and I'm working hard to push it your way instead.
Khyra, I really REALLY want to see you sitting in a snowbank!
I can't help but wonder if Brofur and Butterskhotch are conspiring against a major snowfall...
Have a rompin’ good day!
Stumpy and her bean
Woooo Khyra has some snow at last, so pleased for you. Is the cat friend or foe? I see Woody is back too :)
Great photos, Khyra! We enjoyed them!
Not enough snow to make a snowman, but keep wishing.
Misty the alpha Poodle
Khyra you will get more snow!! You will!!
Your turn is coming!!
xx, Bambi & Fern
yippe, you got snow.
Happy weekend.
Nice woooh
Hey Khyra!
Wow, I'm so glad you finally got some snow...even if it's a little bit. My peeps would gladly send you some more. We had about 4 inches yesterday and another 1 this morning. Great for zoomies, bad for shoveling. I'm hoping for some snowy stick time this afternoon. Great pix of the kitty.
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP
Khyra is invited to spend some winter days with us in Anchorage where the snow is plentiful and a winter certainty!
Love to see Brofur, love his little Toesies! Happy Saturday! xoxo
We are so glad you got some snow Khyra!! We got some too and they are calling for more here. We just know you have to have more too! Lots of love, Holly and mom
Sweet Khyra, we wish you could be here! We have lots of snow. The Humans don't like it and we only think it's fun for a very short while. The Humans took Emma (a dog at the Summer house) for a walk in the snow - you should have been there :-) Happy New Year!
Woo gots da snow!!! I am so glad for woo!! Maybe the big winter storm coming will visit woo and dump some more snow!
Hurray! Dust off the sled and wax up the runners! It's finally winter in PA!
Yay...snow, it doesn't matter that is isn't much... it is still snow. We didn't get that much this winter yet but loved what we did have.
We are hoping for more but don't think the humans are that bothered... they don't seem to enjoy it as much as us pups do they?..hehe
Oh Khyra...we so wish lots of snow for you!!! You've done so much pretty dreaming! You so deserve a real snow fall! Ok - FiveSibes are doing the official "Snow Dance" just for you!!!
Just enough snow to tease you, Khyra. We've been begging everyone everywhere to ship snow to you but so far no takers.
Thank goodness you finally got some, Khyra! Whoopee - and we hope you get some next week too(and more... like you woof!)- can't believe all those kitty pics you posted - do they ever hang out by the bird feeder?
Sammie and Avalon
Khrya, that looks like about as much as we woke up to... but it's gone now. BOO!!
The TV box is saying something about a storm coming here on Tuesday... paws crossed we both get some more white stuff!
oh khyra we are so pleased to see you got a teensy bit of snow - we will cross our paws you get more... wow you've had a bust time while we were away we loved seeing all the chrismas things and all the happy dogs... loves and licks xxx
Oh Khyra we are so happy you finally got your wish.. The weatherman is saying we might even get a few flurries this weekend. Cold and rainy tomorrow..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Enjoy your white stuff! :)
I'm glad you got your snow, Khyra! We had a bit of a dusting, too, yesterday. Sun is out today though. Enjoy it while it lasts!
You closed your eyes so tight and dreamed for snow! aND you look so comfy!
Teehee. We like toesies pictures! We can photoshop you into more snow, if you'd like! ;-) We'll keep thinking snow thoughts for you!
*kissey face*
-Fiona and Abby the Hippobottomus
It looks like things are improving for you weather-wise, Khyra!
BTW, our friends at Windermere Farms won Champion Stallion and Best of Breed Percheron with ADRENALIN at the PA Farm Show!
Tommy (and #1)
Wooo hoo... Khyra at last you got some snow! we are you sure you'll get more soon.
Have a good weekend.
Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx
miss khyra,
YAY! you got some snowflakes! i know it's just a little bit, but the sky's gotta get warmed up (errr, cooled down?) for the BIG SNOW that you're gonna get this week. i just know it!
btw, those butter sculpture thingies are amazing!!
the booker man
pee s -- bwuahaha! my mama runnin' with scissors...that would explain it! :)
We are SOOOOOOOOOO glad you finally got a little bit of snow! It snowed for about an hour here earlier and it is already all melted.
That back link to the butter sculptures was so cool.
Well, enjoy your snow while it lasts!
Elyse and Riley
It might only be a little - but it's SNOW! Enjoy it, Khyra. Maybe more will fall on you next week.
Brofur looks almost pregnant - he's so plump! He must get lots of good eats in your neighborhood.
Also love the woodpecker!
Hooray Khyra!! Snow is good :) I hope you get more white stuff soon...
Khyra! We have tons and tons and tons of snow here, you can come over and play anytime, I'm a nice guy and will share some of my cookies with you.
(using my mom's computery thing, this is so embarrassing, I need my own blog)
Too cool that you got your snow, Khyra!
Beautiful pics of BroFur! He is handsome.
It was not too much but... at least to got some snow!
I am sure you will get lots more!
Kisses and hugs
Hooray you got some snow! Some is better than none, right?
Happy Saturday Khyra! We got a little bit of snow today, but won't be doing our dance until Tuesday because we k now how important Sunday is for you and your Mom--glad you're resting up, I know it's going to be a big day!!
PS: Tell your Mom THANKS for accepting my friend request on FB!
Hi y'all!
So glad you finally got your snow!
Hawk aka BrownDog
Those are great pictures. You are so pretty!!!
We had a dusting this morning too and so we acted wild and crazy this morning but then it was melted by lunchtime so we hard to act nice.
Ps. Just kidding, we still were crazy!
That looks like a great place to lay down for a nap!
Hiya Khyra,
Charlie and I would like to thank you for stopping by and sending us positive words and love during our difficult time, it really means a lot to us.
We also think you should be thankful you didn't get 20" of snow like we did last week. It might be fun for like ten minutes. Then it gets not so fun!
Yeah for the snow!!!
We are getting more snow tonight! I'm glad! If it's winter, it should atleast snow!
We will keep wishing you get the snow you want!
Hi, Khyra -
Yippee! You finally have some snow.
Snow is in the forecast for us (at least in CT) for three days next week. Snow may be pretty to look at but Mama certainly hates to drive in it.
Love -
Hershey and Kaci
Hi Khyra! Glad to see some "snow"...need to send MORE YOUR WAY! :)
Thank you to your mom for including us in the updates...so so sad to hear...my mom was on a work project but was able to check emails. Our heart drop with the news.
Sweet hugs,
Sierra Rose
yippity do da!! Finally
Benny & Lily
Your Brofur is a handsome kitty.
You finally got some snow!! We did, too, but it was almost silly how little there was. Your brother is quite the photogenic one...when he wants to be ;)
You gots snow..... about time.
woof - Tucker
Congrats on the snow!
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