We wanted to share some pikhs of FUREVER happiness
Tugger was on THIS TRANSPORT with one of his brothers - they were the furst of the six to khome North - then khame Bandit and Caleb - and hopefully furry soon, Starsky and Hutch will make their journey!

Well, Mom saw their foster Mom share some pikhs Tuesday night of Comet

So many things to be thankful fur! ! !
As we often remind ourselves, it takes a village!
Have a great rest of your day!
PeeEssWoo: Whitney hopes all the boyzzzzzz have sufficiently rekhovered following her WWW post!
Tugger is just too adorable
They are all cute doggies, especially Tugger!!!
No snow yet, Khyra?
Tugger is so adorable!! But, then again, they are ALL adorable!
Oh my goodness, how cute are they? Adorable! (and especially endearing - just read "His name is Sam")
thanks for all the work you do helping rescue all those precious pups!
jack & moo & mom
Ok, seriously. Theese are adorable pictures! And we LOVE your banner!
Thanks for the lovely photos - they are all so cute! And we are happy they have all found the loving homes they deserved!
Lots of licks
Sally and Paddy
Oh dear, we have puppy fever lately!!! Those puppies are so adorable and Tugger is really cute!
Cute puppies but so are yous, you gots some snow. are yous happy now. spose you wanted more.
What cute doggies! Tugger is just too adorable!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
WE love Tugger too. What a fun dog. And those puppies are too cute too. But Khyra,you are the cutest of all and we really like your new toy. We have lots to be thankful too. One is we are so thankful that your Mom does all that transporting for the doggies that need those homes. Take care and have a great day.
I ADORE seeing updates on the pups we've gotten to know. Whether it's a week later or a year! thanks!
Waggin at ya!
Happy tails, FUREVER!
Stumpy and her bean
We are thankful too ~ thankful that yoo, and yoor mom and the team do so much to help the wonderful deserving woofies, and help them to find noo furever homes.
We just love happy endings, AND the photos of YOU with your bunny!!!
I love the furever home photos! Now, that's something to be very thankful for!
I truly love the PupDates about how things have turned out fur your transports. I'm sure it makes your mom feel like 87 million green papers too.
It just makes my tail wag to see all the happy dogs in their forever homes! Thanks for a good start to the morning!
Still no snow? I think the snow gods are conspiring against you!
we are hoping that next Thursday you can be thankful for SNOW
gussie n teka
I think all of us reach out to help other pups, whether it be thru money or time. We love them all, don't we?
Hey beautiful floofy its just not right you have no snow. You and your mum sure do a good job helping to transport us 4 leggies around to their furever homes. High paws to you.
Khumbu x
Khyra-face: THAT'S why we do it!
BTW-you're very beautiful today, darlin'.
Gosh all of you are soooooooookhute sp. Tugger.
Mom I love your sweet comment on my blog. I will treat Sheeba 's hair as signs of affection she loves me too much
Oh, it's SO great to see the happy endings!!! YAY for all those wonderful doggies you helped!
TUGGER!!!! OMG such a cutie!
And you look so serene waiting for your snow!
Ahhhhh...such happiness! Tugger is Most Squee-dorable! And I'm ever so happy that Bogie has such a super terrific furever home, too.
You look cute snuggling with your bunny, Khyra. Do you need any help with de-stuffing?
Wiggles & Wags,
Great pics of all!!! Tugger is one adorable pup!! Khyra we can tell you luv your new playfriend...
looks cuddly.
PeeEss: we loved the comment about snart...
Bogie and Maggie Moo appear so different in size! At least MM is the little one. Hoomans keep mistaking ME for a boy since I'm so bigboned. Imagine my embarassment. #sigh#
Hey Khyra! That Tugger is a cutie patootie. Well, had to let you know that we are back in Phoenix now, so no more snow for us. So sad. That wabbit you got looks like you love him. Nice gift!
Khwite the beautiful post, made me cry the happy cry this morning....Beautiful dogs given a second chance......I love it!!!
We are so glad you like your new toy. But we wish we could have sent snow instead. I think we will have you put in for the Weather Channel snow day next year. The come to your house and give you a snow party, we thinks you should enter next year. Also, we love all the pics of the doggies finding new homes. It makes us all warm and fuzzy inside. Sniffs, The HoundDogs
It's wonderful to see the puppies all grown up and happy in their furever homes! That Tugger is a sweetheart! Khyra, you look as pretty as ever with your bunny!! Lots of love, Holly and mom
I like your little snow moves, Khyra. We are going to have to give that a try, cuz nothing else seems to be working!
We luv your transports, happy faces and happy endings!
Wyatt and Stanzie
There are lots of things to be thankful for in this post! We like the Doga Snowga Khyra! Tugger is adorable and looks so happy! We love all the photos of the happy pups.
Whitney, it'll take the boys a month to recover from your pics and then you'll send them into a tizzy again!
Thank you for sharing these great photos of puppies in forever homes. So happy now.
Misty the alpha Poodle
We love to see the Forever photos! And it is so sweet that you and bunny can play hard together and then cuddle up to nap! Only wish you were tired from excessive snow play.
Yes, momma DOES seem to have a problem with the 2011 thing on our blog titles...she didn't make the mistake a single time when paying bills, but open the blog and she refuses to move forward! Maybe because so many things from 2010 remain unfinished? Or maybe she is just getting old and forgetful. I will have to edit her more closely.
What precious pups!
And my heart rate is still not back to normal MFT!
Oh Khyra, you shouldn't be showing out mum cute pups - gives her ideas!
Tugger is super cute although we are fed up seeing snow!
We liked your cool bunny Paw Doodles.
That was a great Xmas present - you certainly seem very fond of it - and it is still in one piece!
Martha and Bailey xx
WOO HOO!!! Woofies in good homes! We love seeing that!
oh how cute! you know, for aliens. - Sammy
I love all the pictures!
Try to focus your Sibe-Mind thing to bring the snow away from us and over to you. They might postpone the Christmas Party this Friday and if they do, I can't make the rescheduled date :(
I can't stand all the puppy cuteness on your page anymore. I need to squeeze some of them. hehe
Your tail is extra floofy tthese days :) All those lucky doggies are so cute!!
Aw, what a beautiful group of photos. Thanks for sharing.
And yeah for Brandy and her pups being rescued.
tugger is super cute :D
El'bow & Hauwii
Tugger & the other pups are so cute, what furry great photos!
That Tugger is so cute.. Commet and Dancer are one already. Time sure does fly by...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Tugger is a cutie!
Tugger is extremely cute!! It's snowing here again Khyra - could it possibly be on its way to you?
It's just hard fur me to imagine yo usnuggling withs a stuffie.
What sweet little pups dat grews to be even way more adorables.
Those puppies are adorable! And Tugger is so cute!
Tugger is da cutest little pupper! And da snow! Oh the beewootiful snow! Thank woo for sharing those wonderful pictures with us!
You do have so many things to be thankful for!
Cute pictures!!
What great pictures. Khyra are you afraid some buddy is going to take your stuffie?
Benny & Lily
All the puppies are adorable!
Sure you had a happy thankful thursday!
Kisses and hugs
Our momma knows about failed fosters - how do you think we got the extra kitties! She'd bring the sick ones home, make them better and then wouldn't take them back!
Hi, Khyra -
Tugger is so cute! Mama laughed looking at him playing in the snow.
Hopefully, you will get some snow. The snow melted from the storm we got last week. It snowed the day after Christmas.
Now we have been hit with two more storms. Last night we got about four inches. Tonight it is just a dusting. Mama and Papa are tired of shoveling snow.
Love -
Hershey and Kaci
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