
Please be sure to paw THIS one on your social khalendar - let's help empty Mayzie's Mom's wallet!!!
Mom says thanks fur all the nice khomments about Sunday's passengers - Lacey and Mary spent their furst nights with their new AND furevFUR furamilies - we are hoping to get some pikhs to share!
I hope woo have some Tuesday Tellings of your own!
We know that watchdogs never really sleep.
Misty the alpha Poodle
you have a very bizzie day whilst mom is away. I often work as much as you while the peeps are off doing "important" peep things.
Cheers, to emptying Mayzie's Mom's wallet!
Happy Tuesday, Khyra!
Do you watch the animal planet while your mom is at work?
I like to dig in the dirt, when I'm home alone!
That's a perfect woofie chair!!
I see snow makes you sleeeepy!
We are super excited about Mayzie's commentathon!!
Tell your mom to leave the TV on before she goes to work!
Looks like the perfect way to spend time!
It must have been a lot of fun with your Sibelings, since you seem to be partied out this mornng!
I hear that you may be getting more of your beloved SNOW.
Maybe you could have your mom put the Weather Channel on for you during the day.. You could Direct the flakes right toward your yard.
Oh, that is a Most Excellent way to pass the time, Khyra. Are you dreaming of SNOW?
Thank you, thank you for telling everybuddy abouts the Commentathon! I sure hope mom's wallet is totally empty by the time it's all over.
Wiggles & Wags,
Whoo look very comfy!
Khyra, we haven't been able to visit in a while and we are very happy to see you!!!!!
Khyra, we just love you in that chair. It must be the best seat in the house and you fit in just perfect! Lots of love, Holly and mom
You certainly know how to cozy up yourself while Mom is away! What a good girl you are - taking it easy rather than looking fur things like g-l-o-v-e-ses! We might be able to go stringless, but we can not be trusted "stringless" at home hee hee!
Big Hugs xoxoxo
Sammie, Avalon and Oz
You look tuckered out Khyra
Hi Khyra, you even smile when you are sleeping!
It is important to pass the time when moms are away and that is an ideal way to do it!
We will make sure and visit Mayzie for her big day - and remember Khyra you must keep an eye open for Haggis tonight!
Martha and Bailey xxx
hey Khyra,
We all agree with u that this is the bestest way to pass the time when mummy is away.
glad ur passengers found nice n happy homes:)
yeah, we are heading over to Mayzie's,
wags, bud, gin n shadow
Hi Khyra! When u wake up com on over. We have 6 inches of snow for u to run in!
The passengers over the weekend were very cute! We are glad they ahve furever homes!
Looks like you are catching up on your rest quite well while your Mom is "bringing home the bacon".
Good to see you spend your free time wisely. Glad you got to go on a nice walk with the sibesters!
~lickies, Ludo
I bet your Mom would like to be home just so she can watch you!
looks like you have the perfect way to pass the time while mum is at work.. Looks good to me.. Hugs GJ xx
You certainly look comfy, my friend!
Today it has rained all day. Bambi has been doing a lot of that never really sleeping thing!!!
Thanks for coming to see me!!
xx, Bambi & Fern
Good to see you keep the house safe while your mum is at work.
Now that chair does look comfy!
Such a nice thing of Mayzie to do. :)
We sure wish we were allowed to relax on the furniture! Our hoomans are sure mean!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Hehehehe...I thoughts you was hung overs. Oh no dat was me, sorry! I wished I had my very own chair dat I didn't has to shares.
I am super excited to help empty Mayzie's mom' wallet. Wonders if her has a credit card in theres.
Does your mom work as hard at work as you do at home? We think not!
You're working hard there i see!!
Ahh..your khomfy chair time is just how i would spend the time when mom's out too! Perfect!!
Except that it's on my doggy bed and by the entrance.
P.s - be sure to give mom lots of kisses and hugs when she comes back from work!
You look so comfy!!
et tu Khywa??????
calling me khwackew dog just cause I'm playing tag joyously???
smoochie kisses
Great Kibble Provider!! LOL
No wonder you're tired. All that moving from one sleeping spot to another. :)
Oh darling Khyra... we just want to snuggle with you all day long.........
Thank you so much for telling us about that mushroom!! Mom was searching for the empty package which was tossed already and there was no success on line somehow. BOL
Momo & Pinot
What a darling snoozie pup!
Do you have room for me to come snuggle with you? I think you choose the best way to pass your time.
I like it when Mom comes home from the soopeymarkit. She has lots of noms then! :)
Hi, Khyra!
That is what I do while my mom is at work too!
Glad the doggies are happy now!
Take care
Kisses and hugs
Dear Khyra,
I really like the photo of you enjoying the khomfy chair! You do a great job of kheeping things together at home while mum is earning green papers!
Your fan,
Looking so comfy there, Khyra!
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