Here are all the pawesome khategories to ponder and khonsider fur this year's grand event -
I knew I had Item #1 khovered paws down and belleh up that I just knew it would be khorrekht and proper to enter - I mean, I think I invented the shameless huzzy pikhs - so I decided to let all the other Shameless Diva types have their own shot at fame and pawtentially FURtune!
Mom and I did pawnate a TRANSPORT - the winner of this khategory gets to make a dedikhation or such fur one - and if woo khan make it to Pawsylvania, I think Mom will even let woo ride along!
SOOOOO, please skhurry and skhamper ovFUR to MANGO MINSTER 2011 and chekhk out the latest postings about THE event of the year!
Be sure to tell your furiends about it - but please remember this year woo must blog fur your entry - and let The RH know about it!
PeeEssWoo: This pikh was from my Trek to The Tundra - I did my best khoy huzzy from the wilds of Eden Prairie MinnieSNOWda!
i think you will win mango minster!
I hope you win!!!
Teddy Bear
I think, after studying you for the past 2 years, and having you as my huzzy idol, I could win the Diva competition!
Khady Lynn
Thank you for the great words on the blog
I want to wish you a Happy 2011!
And...I hope you will win because you deserve it
We will go check out the categories!
We fink whoo will win for sure!
I think you may win. (Stay away from Thor. I think he has a drool problem.)
Oh dear kyra! You look cute in that pose thou! Muahuahua I said that cause I do too sleep in that pose sometimes =p
Autumn & Jasmine
We will head right over and check out Mango Minster!
You're a shoo-in Khyra!
Yepper definitely a hussy.. hehe
Hope Mom's first day of work went well. We have been thinking about her all day. Oh our Mom worked from home today so we had an awesome day..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
You are such a BEAUTIFUL dog!
...and I do not say this lightly, as I generally do not care for dogs.
Paws 'n Claws,
I think I'm going to enter, I hope I remember.
Look at you two flashing bits at the flashy beast! :)
Wow, that is cool! I likes a contest. :) Hopes u gets the pryz. :)
Harumph. I should have been in the diva breed...
But, then, I NEVER lay on my back. Well, not if there is another dog or hooman within twenty feet. The Lacie is in Charge...to be on one's back is lacking in authority...to be submissive...and Stan might SIT on me. Nope...
But I soooooooo could have shown my divaness in other ways...the fashion...the lovely singing voice....the glossy fur....
Scruffy ruins everything....Lacie's voice rises to a shriek....
Honestly, Khyra...why don't you enter as one of the other breeds? How bout Good Ol' Boy????
Khiss Khiss,
Lacie Khakes!
There are a lot of wannabees out there; it will be tough for anyone to top the Master of Huzzy!
In our eyes,, you've already won Khyra
You'd be the best the contestant!
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