Here is a video Mom shot from my snow snakhking - then looking fur one of THEM - then my tail - please make sure woo watch the video to the furry end

UPDATE TO POST WE HAD TOGETHER: He was going to be one of Mom's passengers AND she WAS going to get to introduce him to his new mom today BUT due to a change of plans, he'll be khoming North another time - but we decided to share his pikhs anyway - since his new mom to be lives in Northern Merryland, Mom hopes to be able to meet him sometime - Mom was going to drop off her other passengers at the usual Harrisburg spot - then khontinue to the Tom's Khonvenience Store next to my B&B - okay, SPCA - where his new mom was going to take the leash!
All too sadly, it seems that Chief's new mom had experienced a loss furry similar to The Luke with 'her man Moses' - his evil C was diskhovered in April - and he was gone by Fall - he even got some of the same treatments as The Luke - he went to Annapolis fur his - looking bakhk now, Mom thinks she was probably telling her about The Luke about the time he was pawmitted to start his journey - a journey without physikhal pain - the journey that khosts our humans a big chunk of their heart - but is the biggest gift they khan give to us
We also wanted to share the GReat post from our 1oooooooooo - okay, 1000 Goldens furiend -
Have a GReat Sunday evFURRYone!
Please remember to make evFURRYday the best day woo khan - do it fur THE LUKE - he'd like that -
I'm just sayin'
PeeEssWoo: I got a bit more snow Saturday morning - another inch or so - so what was grass on Friday is kinda sorta white again!
Love your snow. Wishing we had some.
Wags and Licks,
Mollie Jo & Bobo
I'm thinking you need to see if The Herd can send you some of their snow!
We were so very sad this afternoon when we learned about The Luke. Our hearts are very heavy for his The Mom and The Bleu.
We likes that idea! Make every day the best day you can! My mom could learn lots from you and Luke!
Monty says Hi Khyra! We feel bad about Luke, having met him in the past.
All the love for the Luke has made his journey just a bit easier.
It is times like these that I wish that we could all gather in one room and throw our arms around each other and squeeze until the tears stop.
You got snow!! and I got my blog back!!
Your my first comment since we got back.
Khyra, I see your tracks in the beautiful white snow, and it is more than a dusting.
Is that Merdie I see too?
Khyra, our hearts are so sad right now. We so did not want it to end this way. Oh how we wanted a miracle.
But now he sits alongside the angels and he kisses their faces.
But the heart ache for those that did not go with him can be so much,,, we place our paws around thier necks and send love.
We are also sad for Stubby that left us yesterday too.. so many crying hearts and sadness.
We are grateful for all that Scout and Frejya's mom organized,
I'm sorry about the passing of the Luke. He's a sweetheart to everyone and I hope he is running and playing happily over the bridge now.
Glad you have a bit more snow again!
Thank you, Khyra, for keeping all of us updated. We had not heard of Luke's passing. You are a major part of the glue that keeps the dogblog world together.
Jed & Abby
Hi Khyra!
See you got your snow back! Grrreat!
So sorry to hear about Luke, we will definitely say a prayer for him and light a candle tonight.
Love that you got more snow!:) We hope you get more soon.:) We are so sorry to hear about The Luke.:(
Teddy Bear
Enjoy your snow while it is still there. :)
Our momma is sobbing buckets as she travels the blogs reading the Luke's memorials. Part of life's mystery is the deep and immense love that all of us have for each other - near or far - and how pain reaches out across the miles to be shared amongst so many.
Rest well and peacefully, the Luke. You will be missed by more souls that you will ever know...
We got more snow too, Khyra! Isn't it just the best!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
So glad to see you in some snow. We seem to have a little more than our fair share at the moment.
We were so sad to learn of Luke's passing and then reading Chief's story. That circle of life can be hard some days. Just saying.
How sad about Luke. We are thinking of his family.
Sorry the whole snowstorm thing didn't work out for you. We got just enough here to cover the ice in the yard making it most perilous to run about.
Very, very sad about the Luke.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
I would LOVE to share some of the 5-8 inches we got yesterday/last night!! Who needs all this snow?!? :)
Sorry to hear about Luke. So sad!!
Jen and the Black Dog Crew
I gots extra snow, I will send some of it to you!
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae
PeeS We is so sad 'bouts The Luke...
We're supposed to get more than a foot of snow today. We're sending some of it your way, Khyra! I love seeing you in the snow, even if it isn't heaps and heaps.
My heart is aching for Luke, Bleu, and the rest of the family.
RIP Chief and Luke! Run Free, togther and shine your golden starlight, to light our paths.
I love the snow doga pictures, but still think you need a heapin' high snowbank to sit in!
We are amazed you can sit in the cold stuff! It makes Mom's tush cold just to see it!
Luke's passing has made Mom very sad. She has sent our love to his Mom and the Bleu.
Your movie was terrific, Khyra - how the floof rises to all the right occasions hee hee! Love your licking the snow too - just exactly the right complement to biscuit! And, of course, we just ache for Amanda and the Bleu and Aunt Karen too - RIP the Luke.
Big Hugs xoxoxo
Sammie and Avalon
Khyra I keep watchin and watchin down my road fur YOU.. When are you gonna come pick up the snow that I have saved JUST FUR YOU?? It is ALL White.. Not a trace of Yellow.. I pawmise.
Come and get it girrrrrl
Poor Khyra. I wish you could come visit me. We had another 5 inches of snow last night (to add to the 6 inches we had the night before). I enjoyed seeing your sis-furr's picture. What a cute girl.
Khyra, you made mom laugh when she saw you licking the snow! That was so cute!! We love your extra static floofy tail. We are very sad about the Luke and couldn't say it better than Scout and Freyja's mom. Lots of love, Holly and mom
Momma just read on another blog that the Luke is riding shotgun with your today. That made her smile and feel so, so good 'cause she is cryin' so much lately an' we is worried 'bout her.
Khyra, great that you got some snow finally! Enjoy it!!
We were very sorry to read about your friend Luke.
take care
Clive and Murray
Whoa Khyra......looks like you got a TON of da Snowflakes at your house (course, I am in Texas, so any snow looks like alot to me!)
We are already missing The Luke and his wonderful smile......................butt we imagine him now running free and happy and healthy at da Bridge!
A new trend, dog snowga, BOL
Benny & Lily
Yay for snow Khyra! Wish I was there to enjoy it with you!
Chief is a very handsome fella. We hope your mom's transport goes well today and we're very sorry to hear about Luke.
happy sunday k & p!
we love seeing you enjoy the snow!
m & e
Hi Khyra. We managed to sneak in between disconnections...
You look so happy sitting in your snow!!
Very sad about The Luke. We did not know him but, as so many others, we understand only too well.
Thank dogness Khyra, you finally have snow!
Now enjoy it and we hope you get even more.
We were really sorry to hear about Luke - we didn't know him but we can tell he was much loved across blogland as well as with his own family.
Much love
Martha and bailey xx
We are so sorry to hear about Luke..
Well Khyra we got your snow. We got about 2 inches but it is already beginning to melt out there.. Mom says good it will make an easier trip to work tomorrow...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
That be way not enuff snow. I cannot beleef we still gotted more than you when you should has it, not us!
You got snow and so did we!
We heard about The Luke, and we are sad.
I am so happy some of your snow arrived! So sad to hear about Luke....
Excellent snow-shaking technique! We detect Iditarod potential here!
Buster, Bailey, Sephie & Gracie
We always hate to read about a loss. It's very sad about Luke.
We're so sad to hear about The Luke.
Khyra, I think we're going to get more snow on Tuesday and when it is done here, I'll make sure it finds you too!!
I hope your Mom gets to meet Chief!
It's very sad to hear about The Luke.
Finally, some of the white stuff -- now THAT is one happy dog! We finally got a few inches ourselves, Kiva thanks Khyra for sending it. :)
I knew your wish would come true sooner or later!
Our thoughts are with Luke's family.
Take care
Kisses and hugs
Khyra-face, you are so bewootiful in the snow!
Khyra - we're glad there's still snow there for you to enjoy. The Chief looks like a wonderful dog. We share in your sadness about over the Luke :( Take care and thank you for the mention too...Love, Farley
Thanks for sharing the news of Luke. Furry sad.
You look so great in that blue snow.
Misty the alpha Poodle
I very sorry about the Luke. He was a good dog. He will be missed. Wuv.
Blessings to you. We have heavy hearts over Luke. This is a wonderful post, and what a great tribute to Luke's passing. Amazing work you do, all around.
Sweet Hugs,
Sierra Rose
Beautiful Khyra, woo got some snow! We are expecting 2 to 5 inches over the next couple of days, so I will wish some your way.
you look so happy about the snow!
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