BUTTER skhulpture time again -
The PA Farm Show starts on Saturday - and one of the highlights - and sekhrets until it is unveiled - it what will this year be
Here is a
link to OUR Channel 8 - with the slideshow posted shortly after it was revealed -

Watching fur the snow 'they' say we'll get Friday morning - just an inch or so but - it is okay - Mom has a transport on Sunday and we don't want it to be delayed or adversely affekhted


Yes dreaming

Of the snow - SIGH!

The neighbourhood Heron

Khooper De Hawk in MY tree the other afternoon

I was outside when he/she took up the perch there - Mom had to shoot the pikhs from the porch window - and just after she had pikh #2 in the flashie beast, Khooper moved on - he/she was took khwikhk fur Mom to get a shot at takeoff

This odd bird khame to the feeder on Wednesday

Then spent a good bit of time fluffing their khlubhouse on the right

It is pretty entertaining to watch the khonstant fussing with their sekhret hideaway

The last dusk of 2010


Out ovFUR the fields where my khattle pals hangout
Have a great Friday evFURRYone!
I sure hope you get some snow this time!
We have a butter sculpture here at our State Fair every year, and it's always some kind of butter cow. It's pretty fascinating from what I hear!
Wow Khyra you sure look comfy and snoozy. That's what we kitties like to do ALOT. However, we NEVER dream about snow. Guess what, out Momma used to live in Pennsylvania when she was growing up, but we're glad she came to California so she could find us.
Love, Petey, Jack, Spunky, Tabitha and Madison LaRue
Well, if you don't have snow, you my as well sculpt some butter!
We is supposed to get snows too! I hope woo gets snows. Just enough to make woo happy!
Oh Khyra
You now how we love those sunrises, and sunsets, and the last one of 2010 was beautiful.
Such a big looking KLUB house for those birdies... I guess they plan on raising a big family.
Your snow should be arriving any minute,, I saw the snow cloud go your way
We've got our paws crossed woo actually DO get some snow, MFT. Woo look like woo could use some. Sculpting in butter is just plain weird, don't woo think? Ha-roo roo roo, silly humans!
jack & moo
PS - We choose WOO to receive the stylish blogger Award! Details on our post today, so go back & download the award!
Aww, no snow at all yet? Yipes! Maybe ur Mom can get a fake sno macheen. :)
Khyra i know what your dreaming about.. hope FAD doesn't find out!
just sayin.
I hope you get snow - if we get any we will send it your way!
Butter sculpture? The thought makes us hungry....
Licks licks licks
Sally and Paddy
interesting sculpture! I can't believe you are still snowless! We got chilly and rainy down here tonight so hope that means snow up your way!
Gosh Khyra yoo shor hav got a big berdy hanging arownd yor terratree. I ownly get sparows & uva smorl berdys to chayse away. Sumtyms krows kum heer but not very ofen wot is good becorz thay ar bigga than me & hyoomans rekon that thay pek yor eyes owt.
We will pray for you that the snow comes as soon as possible. We hate to see everyone has snow but not you.
We are dreaming of the snow too. Where could it be? Khyra, we always have room for you here.:)
Teddy Bear
awww, you want snow??? do as what our mumster does for us.....*snow* from the freezer!!!
it's better than nothing and she assured us it's as good as the real thing ......should we believe her since you do know the REAL thing???
coco and tiffy
Butter sculpture is amazing - they must keep it frozen. We'd like to lick it once or twice.
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Ruairi
What a beautiful butter sculpture! Mitch loves to lick the stuff off the butter knife after mom butters her toast!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
'They' are sumtimes correct...then again, they ain't. But I am interested to see what da weather brings you.
Dat is da coolest butter sculpture! I has seen those on TV but not in real life.
PS why does mum have a brown bag?
What a beautiful sky pictures!
Hope you get your snow, Khyra!
Paws crossed that the snow comes your way. And ya know, the streets and walks should still be a bit warm, so that will maybe help with the transport thingie?
Oh boy a squirrel to chase.
I see you have one of those bird eating birds too. AND a Squirrel!!
Now if you can just get some SNOW to go with them. I'll cross my paws fur it to come your way.
We love the Khyra Dreaming (or Dreamy Khyra) pictures and the beautiful sky pictures!
Our friends the Allebachs, from Windermere Farms, are at the PA Farm Show
That is some fancy butter you have there!
I hope you is getting snow this time coz it do be ofur here by me. Again. Enuff alreddy!
We're rooting for snow, snow, snow for you Khyra.
Love the hawk photos! What a regal looking bird. The dusk ones are pretty awesome too!
Go snow!
Hi Khyra! Wow those butter sculpture's pawsome! Hope your snow comes back to you!
Great sky pics too, recently it's been raining lots in Singapore..so the sky's pretty dim and dark..
Thanks for sharing your Friday with us!
Khyra, It's unfortunate, but I have at least one butter festival in my kitchen everyday. How does one live without butter and cheese? I just can;t wrap my head around that!
Judging by that first pictures of you, you REALLY need some snow!
You have herons in the winter??? I never heard of such a thing!
AWESOME catch for the the last sunset of 2010. both our sunsets and sunrise have been lacking lately, like my posts on the other blog!
You can have my snow....I don't want it. It came this morning in the middle of England where I am. I could put some in an envelope for you - but it might melt.
I have never heard of a butter sculpture.
I thought it was cheese for a minute. I would LOVE to eat a cheese sculture.
Love and licks, Winnie
The butter sculpture is awesome ~ we've never seen one before!
We hope yoo get enuff snow to enjoy, without it causing a transport problem.
Have a great weekend, dear friends.
Where's your snow???
Maybe today....
We will do a snow dance for you! (And us, too - most of ours is gone!)
Pug love from,
Pearl & Daisy
The snow order said it should be there today. I hope it's on time! Butter? That is so cool!
We hope you get your snow!!!
The butter sculpture is very interesting!! We love the pictures of you dreaming and the ones outside at the tree and sky!!! Very good photos!!! Lots of love, Holly and mom
We'll dream of you getting snow today too Khyra!
Mmmm, butter and birdies and squirrels! All of our favorites!
What beautiful skhies you have. They don't look likhs snow ones though.
Misty the alpha Poodle
We are hoping for snow for you. Houndstooth told you about the butter display at our State Fair, it is a cow every year. Never seen it but heard it is awsome. We wish you good lucks on your transport Sunday.
I had never heard of butter sculptures before. They don't have those at our State Fair. That sculpture is really cool though!
Glad you're finally getting a little bit of the white stuff! We're supposed to get an inch or so on Monday.
Elyse (and Riley)
We're supposed to get ICE! Bo! So I hope you get snows!! You need it!
Thanks for the Farm Show reminder Khyra! Not that we're going to that but it reminded me that Pawsability is comin' up too at the Farm show buildin'.
I don't wanna miss that this year! Lotsa dawgs, lotsa good doggeh toys and treats, demonstrations and DOCK DIVIN'!! You should bring your Mom!
Woofs and demonstrative slobbers,
Chester ;0=)
I hope you really do get snow soon! Let's hope those weatherpeople are right.
Mom said she saw on Facebook that you "had" some snow! Yippee! At least you got a little bit of a snow-fix. Maybe that means more is on the way soon!
And WOW! That sculpture is made out of butter? DEE-lish!
Wiggles & Wags,
It snowed alittle hewe but it didn't stick..I hope you had mowe luck.
I hope youw dweams awe bootiful. Youw sky suwe is
smoochie kisses and good luck wif the twanspawt
The butter sculpture is realy good. Love the bird pictures your mum snagged and mum liked the funny bird pics cause she likes them and thinks they are cute.safe transport for your mum. Hugs GJ xx
What are those squirrels doing in your tree Khyra. If you need some help we will come over and help herd them away...
The sky looks so beautiful.. We sure hope you get your snow...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
It must be very interesting to sculpt butter. I'm afraid we might just lick it! ;)
We can't believe you don't have snow yet! What in the world is Mother nature thinking?
Oh Khyra, you need to get yourself on a plane and get over here. It is snowing again right this very minute!
We are a bit fed up now but you would love it.
That was an amazing butter sculpture - have never actually heard of anyone sculpting butter before!
Do you think they could scupt some dogs out of the butter!
Sweet dreams
Martha and Bailey xxx
Hallo Khyra,
you might miss the snow, but you sleep on your owner's bed and I am still not allowed to...
So you see, you can never have it all...
I will keep my paws crossed that you get some snow soon to make you happier!!!
Ciao Lucille
PS: nice picture... and I never saw butter sculptures... ;)
I don't think dreaming of snow is such a good idea.
I would rather dream about you MFT.
Great wildlife shots, especially of the furbird at the feeder!
We just got about an inch more snow. Brrrrrr!
I hope you are dreaming of me!!!
Khyra, have you heard from aunty Claudette?
Is she OK?
I hope everything is well for her.
I hope you get the snow you are dreaming of, Khyra.
You're the 2nd person in two days to tell me they had seen a Cooper's Hawk! The other was in Raleigh NC...cool!
We have snow in forecast too...dreaming of snow with you sweet Khyra!
Oh, my gosh! What a cool header! Just stopped by to say thanks for the follow. Hope to see you again at the Hall of Fame!
And P.S. That butter sculpture is AMAZING!
A butter sculpture?!?!?!
Whew! Good thing Hanklin didn't see this!
Lick ya later!
Hi there. I've never seen a butter sculpture before. It's pretty cool. Are you going to eat it?
Dream of white, my friend!
Oh I luvs butter, I would eat that sculpture right up..... ooops I mean I was appreciate the creativity and fine craftsmanship - then I would eat it.
woof - Tucker
Hi, Khyra -
The butter sculpture is amazing! We love your pictures too.
Mama told us that she would be more than happy to send some of the snow we have your way.
Love -
Hershey and Kaci
Great pics - every time I try and take one of the area hawks, they are too quick for me, too.
that butter sure is cool looking!
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