And OFF WE WENT!!! - it was a nice walk - Khousin Harley had khome a long way since his last walk in the fall with us - and Khousin Merdie merded along so well!
Thanks fur the nice words fur The Butters!
We've sent an email to those that expressed interest in hearing about The Luke memorial - but we didn't have emails fur all that indikhated they wished to learn more - so we've tried to leave messages on the khorresponding blogs
I hope all of woo get your own Walkin' Wednesday!
Khyra and The Golden Khousins
The girls feel walkies are the best - especially when shared with a friend or 2!
Hi Merdie!!! Good to see you again. Walkies are good but great to have your cousins with you.
You look a bit sleepy there, Khyra.
Hey, nice to see those cousins of yours! (I included both of them at my pawty next Sunday). Walkies are the best,aren't they?
toodle woo,
miss moo
So glad Merdie and Harley got to visit! I know you always have fun together when they do!
If I can even make it a waking Wednesday it would be a start. When are we supposed to stop hibernating? :)
Wednesday is GREAT for walking, yeppers.
A realized she didn't put her pee-mail up. *Gasps* She's gonna drop you a peemail soon!
How great to walk with your lovely cousins.:)
Teddy Bear
Happy Walking Wednesday Khyra. It was nice seeing you walking with Merdie and Harley, we agree Harley walked along very nicely indeed.
The three of you looked very good together - our human could never manage three of us - she gets tied in knots with just the two.
Martha and Bailey xxx
We love walkies too. Every day dad takes us owtside on a harness and very long lead, and we get to sniff the garden and stuff. It's awesome.
It's always good to have walkies with dear friends and relatives!
Oops!!! we didn't have any walkies for the past two days as it rains a lot. HOpe we can resume our walkies tomorrow.
We just love the bounce and sway on Merdie!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
How awesome to all be out there walking together again!
How nice walking with your khousins!
I see snow on the ground!! I hope M & H enjoy it as much as you!!
Enjoy your walking Wednesday!
Have fun with the walking!
I missed yesterday but I'd be interested in a Luke memorial. You have my email. Thanks.
Harley and Merdie and Walkies with You all in one post!!! Whoooooie. Sooooo good to see you all together. That Harley is becoming quite a grrreat fella.
No walkie Wednesday for us. We have a slight cover of ice and more snow on the way. Also, our human hates the cold.
Wonderful family shots today, Khyra!
Oh, how we wish our mama would take us on walkies!!!!!!!!!
Love to y'all.
I guess we need to amend our previous comment.....we wish she would let us go on walkies by ourselves......:)
Happy Walking Wednesday Khyra, Merdie and Harley.
Nice woooh
Hey Khyra!
Wow, good for you and your whole pack. Walks are the best! Glad you got out-and-about.
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP
Khyra, you look like you have a smile on your face!! You must have known you were going for a walk!! It's great to see Cousin Merdie and Harley again too!!! Lots of love, Holly and mom
Brillo Paws you all got to go for a walk!
Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx
And here I thought it was Tuesday. I'm just all discombobulated!! :)
Walking Wednesday! Perfect!
Khyra, I bet you have SO much fun walking with your khousins. I know I always luv to walk with Cuzin Bridger.
Wiggles & Wags,
Our kind of day. Relaxing and more relaxing
Benny & Lily
Oh what a wonderful walk you all had.. You all are doing so well. Mom struggles with the 3 of us only because the Pest has to zoom around behind her all the time. Mom has to hold her leash separate from the other 2..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
**waves paw** Hi Merdie, Hi Harley. Hope you enjoyed your walk!
Butters sure was a purrty woofie.
We enjoyed our walk today with all of you! Merdie's flag tail was so happy and her noodleloons were cute too. Harley sure likes to keep up with you Miss Khyra! We loved your fluffy tail as usual!
It's good to go on a family walk!
you looked furry khozy by the radiater!
So Merdie merds along. We've been debating about how fast that particular gait is.
I like "Thinking Walk."
We were extremely lazy today and didn't even do our workout.
Oh, well ...
Tomorrow is another day!
Have a great Thursday, Khyra!
- Chloe
We didn't manage a walk, but we did manage some good cuddles!
Hello Khyra and Merdie and the rest!!!
Walks are definitely GRRREat with company!
hey Khyra,
I thought you were thinking "snow" or "treats." But, walks are good!
Hey Merdie and Harley, furry happy to see you two back and walking with your FT cousin! What a fun way to spend time together!
p.s. I would be interested in The Luke memorial. Thanks!
Looking at your pictures I thought you all were very tired...
Then... Happy Walkin' Wednesday!
Kisses and hugs
There is nothing better than for Khyra to go walking with Merdie and Harley. Its a happy day for a walk.
Wednesday is a GREAT day for a long walk! It must have been extra fun to have Merdie and Harley along! How is the routine training/adjustment going?
Great to see you three pals!! Harley looks so calm and mellow for a pup :) You all have great expressions!
Sweet hugs,
Sierra Rose
Aww...just love cousin Merdie and Harley. :)
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