Since part of my plan fur World Domination by The Khanines of The Universe inkhluded infiltrating The 'Cat' Blogosphere, I wanted to pawticipate in wishing
Sammy and Andy's mama a Happy Birthday today!!!

Just after 6am on Sunday

The light near my B&B where Mom usually takes a pikh - well, since it is still way way dark this time of year and THAT time of the morning this is what one gets!

Mom took this whilst we waited in Hagerstown fur Conway to arrive from his overnight hosts near Leesburg VA

Just watching

Sorry some of the on the road pikhs are a bit blurry - but we wanted to share them anyway

This was just after Pawsylvania welkhomed us - that pikh - well, let's just say it must have been too early in the morning fur someone's mom as she khaptured a nice shot of the khloudy sky - it is in the Photobukhket slideshow so woo khan see it

I had a regular beat I adhered to whilst travelling I81 - I kept an eye on Conway and Mom and the traffic - and repeated throughout the hour long trip -

In Harrisburg

I welkhomed him to PA with my FT

Isn't he a dear?


He made his next driver and her daughter skhweeeeee - just like Mango's Momma would have!

Look into those eyes!!!
As I mentioned on Sunday's post, this transport was done fur The Last Resort Rescue - if woo go
this link here - and type in HUGH in the search area, it will bring up the listing fur Hugh which has three videos of Hugh and Conway at their foster dad's house - truly a blast to watch them together

Harrisburg on the way bakhk

Mom let me snoof some - since it had rained off on off on most of the way to Hagerstown and back to Harrisburg, the window was too dirty to really get a good pikh SO Mom put the window down

On the way bakhk, we made a sidetrip to the grocery store - and woo khan see we were lukhky to do that - it was rainbow time - ironikhally enough, the building on the left is MY VET's office - whodathunk that was the pot of gold!

What a difFURence four hours khan make

Another mission akhkhomplished! - Conway's foster dad wrote us Sunday afternoon to say he had arrived in NJ where he met his new furamily who were THRILLED with him!!!
His new mom wrote the list Sunday evening - thanking all of us - letting us know how beaWOOtiful they thought he was - he was settling in and playing with a tennis ball as she wrote the email - he was still a bit overwhelmed by his last two days but thrilled with his new khrate and his sisfur Cassie - and to honour his beginning along with his new life up North, he's been renamed Tennessee Jed - he'll go by Jed fur short - and YES, THAT
I celebrated under my tree

Whilst Mom shook the pikhs out of the khamera

The sun made a few more appearances
I wanted to share some bonus pikhs here - with more pikhs and videos in the Photobukhket fur this weekend's transport

This is Buckshot


When The Nice Mary Lady From Charlotte sent the pikhs and videos on Saturday, her email mentioned fire - so Mom wrote bakhk and asked fur details since she wanted to inkhlude them on this post - here is their sad story
The family home was completely destroyed by fire with the exception of the garage. They had 6 dogs (2 were small doggies, not dals), - 3 were taken in by other rescues or family members. These 3 dals are mom, dad, and male offspring. They had been living in the garage, but had to be moved in an emergency transport this weekend. The warranty company needed them "gone" because the whole place has to be bulldozed and cleared and then everything gotten in place if the family is going to rebuild. They had no place to go during all of this and the future months - which could take up to a year - and decided rescue was the best for them. They'll all overweight and have some minor health issues like fatty tumors, but will get slimmed down and everything taken care of by the rescue in PA, which is
Willing Hearts Dalmation Rescue - in Royersford, PA. I don't know where that is, but I know they're familiar with Debi Smith and she knows them and says they're really good!
Thank DOG that none of the dogs or hoomans were destroyed in the fire.
Well, we know where Royersford is - it is a few hours from here - and the Debi Lady Mary mentioned is one of the special humans behind
Dalmation Rescue of Southwestern Virginia When we saw Royersford we had to smile one of THOSE smiles fur we had dedikhated this transport to
- his home was khwite near to that area of Pawsylvania - in Siberian speeds, he would have been there in no time at all! When Mom and I decided to dedikhate this to him, I asked if I khould ride along - since there was plenty of room in The Xterra - she said she would like that furry much - and thought Echo would like some Siberian representation as Conway made his journey to furever happiness!
Here is
the Photobukhket Slideshow link AND here is
the Album link with two videos from Conway's leg and three videos of the Dalmations!
PeeEssWoo: Please spread the word about Mayzie's Blog - she's doing a Bark It Furward fur Milk-Bones!!!
Enjoy the pics of you and the transportee. Rain, no snow - just tooooo bad, Khyra.
Ummm, I don't know about the infiltration into the CB. Sneaky! But we'll let you, since you are such a cute furry.
I laughed very much about the infiltration because as I see it you are already very much part of the CB.MOL. Great rescue pics and oh my gosh what an awful start to the year those poor dalmations and there family, I am glad they are all safe. Hugs GJ x
Wow! I'm glad you got to go along and help this time!
We are so glad that there are some happy dogs in new homes now. It's awfully sad about the dals losing their home that way. Mom said if we all had to live in the van together after a fire, that's what we'd do!
I agree with GJ. Even though you think there will be domination by the khanines, you are very much part of the CB! And we love you!
So sorry for those doggies who had to be taken away from home!
I hope they will find lovely forever homes soon!
Thanks for sharing them!
Happy monday!
Kisses and hugs
So sad for those Dalmatians to lose their home because of a fire.
We too laughed about infiltrating the CB since you're an honorary CB cat.
We already posted Mayzie's link.
Glad you had a successful trip today in honor of Echo.
That is the most welcoming FT evah! PA gets alot of rainbows.. must have something to do with all the help woo and your mom do:)
You have the most busiest life. I don't know how you do it!!
It has been a long time since we haves been to PA... That skyline of Harrisburg brought back memories!
You and you mom are so good and do wonderful things!
Monty says Happy New Year to you Khyra!
We are so glad Conway is with his furever family, safe and sound. We hope the family of Dals get to stay together furever.:)
Teddy Bear
hey Khyra,
Still no snow?! What's up with that?!
Conway is such a cutie!! What a happy story! And the Dals were very cute. Thanks for sharing their sad story, but at least they are safe and together. You and your mom are starting off the New Year doing such amazing, wonderful things! I think it is going to be a good, happy year!
Paws crossed that you get at least one day of snow before Winter ends!!
hey Khyra,
happy happy new year to you and your very very busy mumster!
we enjoyed your post very much and we laughed and then we were rather sad for the dalmations and their family......so relieved that they are safe.
chikisses for a wonderful 2011 for you and your family and tell that mumster of yours to keep safe as there are crazy drivers on the roads
coco and tiffy
Conrad is beautiful! You must be so proud to have played a part in his journey to his new forever home.
What a shame that all of those doggies lost their home in the fire but thank doG they're safe!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Thanks for nothing. Oh my ears. SQUEEEEEE!
What a lovely sharing. Jed is adorable ~ our mom wanted to kiss him all over his sweet little face. We are so glad he is gonna be loved and cared for.
How sad about the fire ~ and we agree, thank goodnes no human or pet was hurt. We hope the beautiful dogs are well provided for ~ will they eventually go back to their fambly once they are back in a safe home? We are gonna purr for the fambly 'cos it must have been an awful experience.
Khyra, it's good to knows dat your lack of snow hasn't ruined your sense of humor and your ideas fur world domination.
What a heart breaking story bouts da dalmations and their family.
Oh dear, poor Dals!! So glad to hear that nobody was hurt in that fire, but how devastating for humans and dogs included! Bless you for doing another rescue run! Like I said in my last comment, you are a necessary part of this process!!! :)
Jen and the Black Dog Crew
Khyra, we love spending Monday with you and your Mommy!!
Glad the weekend's transport went well! So sad about the family and their dogs and the fire - thankfully no one was hurt.
Oh, Tennessee Jed (gosh, that's a big name!) has the sweetest face and eyes! I hope he's very much happy in his furever home.
Thank you for telling peoples about my bloggie today! I hope we raise a million hundred green papers!
Wiggles & Wags,
I think I saw a Rainbow there. That is just now what YOU want from the sky at this time of year. It should be filled with HOOOOGE snowflakes.
I know you would use some of them to make a SNOWMAN... just to taunt and mock me. hehehe
You are sooooooo ornery!!!
Such a sad story about the dalmations and their family. The world is a better place because of rescue organizations and the 2 leggers that run them....
...AND because of all the miles that you and your Mom put on every week transportin' dawgs to their forever homes.
One of these days you must make a stop at the Gcastle MickyD's so we can meet!
Woofs and transportable slobbers,
Chester ;0=)
Khyra, you're so brave to infiltrate the world of evil khitties! We'll be ready to bail you out if they make your khover and you're busted!
Congratulations to Jed's new family! They certaily scored big!
I've always loved dals and am happy to see those three have a bright future!
As always, thanks for all you do!
Thanks for stopping by. You can come run in our snow anytime! Plenty of it to share! ;)
Loved your photos, so sad for the other doggies though. :( Wishing good homes for all.
I really feel for Buckshot and family - what an awful way to spend the holidays. And how wonderful of you to shepherd them homeward...
What a sweetie Conway/Jed is. May his life from now be filled with love, as ours are.
Such great pics!! So sad to hear about the doggies being separated from their family because of the fire, but at least no one was injured and the family was smart enough to realize they couldn't take care of them :( Mom says she would be heartbroken if she had to do the same.
Also, Green Mountain Pug Rescue is doing a rescue of 18 pugs from a puppy mill in OH. 2 people are making the drive and are looking for a dog lover near Lancaster, PA that they could spend the night with on Friday evening as they are coming from VT - if you know of anyone willing to do this, please paw our mom an email at cgrieze@gmail.com and she will pass along the info.
Pugs & Kisses,
Yoda, Brutus & Ellie
Monday's with Khyra are always fun!! That dog Jed is so very cute! I love him! I know he will have a great furever home. That is sad about the dalmation's home. We had a fire behind us on New Years Eve two years ago intendly set and the dog was home and didn't make it. The house is a loss and just sitting there. We loved that dog and have a hard time to this day looking that way. I bet when you get back home you must have a wonderful sense of accomplishment. It is just so wonderful!! Have a great day!! Lots of love, Debbie and Holly
Our human is being stupid about Conway/Jed. Our eyes are prettier.
Misty the alpha Poodle
who is ready for world domination
Sad story about the Dalmations and their family. I hope they find great furever homes soon.
That Conway sure is a cutie! And we are very glad those Dal's and the other woofies are being taken care of.
Still no white stuff for you? Sheesh! That is terrible!!! We will purr for you to get at least one good snowfall soon!
Another great adventure....thank you for all you do! Love the rainbow -- won't be seeing one around here for awhile....
Conway IS a dear! And three spotty-dogs -- I hope they go to a forever home together.
I enjoyed the photo of the rainbow and the photos of Khyra! Happy Monday!
I founded more snow today. They still has some up in Noo York. You must come quickly!
Looks like Conway had a wonderful trip with you Khyra despite the rain. It is always nice to take a trip with Mom no matter what the weather and having a friend along makes it that much better. Great pictures Mom...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Oh, Khyra, that little Conway reminds me so much of a puppy who joined our family three years ago. Thank you so much for helping him from the bottom of my heart.
We enjoyed all the pictures of your trip, thanks for posting - looks like a furry fun time!
Glad to hear he has a good home,
You know, Leesburg is my neck of the woods, and I know that a lot of transports come through here because we're so close to Maryland and West Virginia.
It is very sad about the fire. I'm glad that no human or pet was hurt. I'll add my prayers that the precious dogs have all that they need and their family does too!
We were so glad to read the family and all of the pups were safe from the fire but rebuilding sounds like it will be long and arduous! We hope all manage through this adjustment period without too much suffering.
It was wonderful to see you riding along, Khyra. Echo must have been very pleased looking down to see so many happy pups being sheparded to loving homes by you and your mom.
I know Echo was supervising your trip this week.
Good job Khyra on your mission accomplish. That little guy was a cutie
Benny & Lily
What bootiful pictoowes those doggies awe deews. you and youw Mama did it again!! Bwava!!!
Thank dog that those dalmation kids awe safe and that the little dawling cutie is safe wif his new family
Thank you Thank you sweet Khywa
smoochie kisses
Such cute little faces and sweet eyes that got helped in the transport. We also looked at all the splendor in the photo bucket...it makes me happy to hear of so much happinesess, but the fire makes me sad
That was a precious little transport you had there Khyra. You and Momma are such good people!
We're glad all those doggies and their humans were safe after the fire. We're really glad to hear about Conway! He's a cutie and we're so happy he's got a furever home as Tennessee Jed!
Khyra, we always think it's so special when you get to go with your mom on the transports. You are such a sweetie and so is your mom!
Well, I think both of those doggies are very cute, but I have a thing for fluffy tails. ;-)
Ha, expected to see a ton of snow covering your khamp, where is it? Poor Khyra, putting up with the green when all should be white! Another lovely post with happy endings and happy-endings-to-be. Sending our best wishes for the spotted crew to find furever homes.
Conway kinda looks like a certain corgador who sits at the rainbow bridge
I likes the transports. Yay for new forever homes! Thank u to ur Mom, too. :)
Hi, Khyra -
Jed is adorable and we are glad that he has a great furever home.
Mama is sad that the dalmations and their humans lost their house because of fire. That must have been frightening. It is good that no one was hurt though. We are hoping that the dalmations will find loving homes soon.
The rainbow is so pretty.
It has been a while since Mama and Papa went to Pennsylvania. It is such a pretty state.
Love -
Hershey and Kaci
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