Please take a minute to chekhk out the post on Handsome Ben The Rotti's Blog about a missing person from his area of England - and spread the word - The Power of ALL Paws khan so make a difFURence!
Monday morning sky
So khomfy
Khooling my fluff!
K - hute
One of Frankie's pals chilling akhross the street

Idita-Walk 2011 khommences today!!! Woo khan still join in!!!
Meet Trent - I thought I'd take a look around to see what I khould find fur my better half - the entries are now khlosed and oh my my - such inkhredible pairings!!!
I wonder if Harley wants this to be his entry fur Hootie and Baby Rocket Dog's Khontest?

Here is my entry fur Noodle's Rose by Any Other NAME khontest -
K - hute
H - usky Y - ankee since I live in PA
R - unner and the reason Mom has me since the other people chose to surrender me
A - ffekhtionate

Idita-Walk 2011 khommences today!!! Woo khan still join in!!!

I'm still trying to think of something fur mine!
Happy Tuesday EvFURRYone!
PeeEssWoo: Remember what tomorrow is!!!
Bunny ears for the year of the rabbit. Purrfect!
Happy Tuesday :) Im glad your mom decided to keep you even if you are a runner!
Merdie the bunnie bean! Cute! Miss khyra-trent is a pawfect match for your FT. I will add your entry so there's another dollar towards the winningbtotal!
Khyra, without your momma fallin' in love with you what would we do when we needed to a good dose of fluff? Life would be PURRty dull.
Trent is your other half!:) What a cutie. It's so great to see the white stuff.:)
Teddy Bear
Great pictures today! I love the sky picture. Of course, Khyra and Merdie always look beautiful:-)
It is so nice to see you out in the white fluffy goodness!!!!
Beautiful sky pic!
Don't run away Miss Khyra! That's a big no-no!
I know you love your momma too much!
Great post, Khuyra! I love the photos of you looking so happy in the snow!
Great entry for the "Any Other NAME" contest! Bibi entered too but we have not posted his entry on the blog yet. Maybe tomorrow...
You look so comfy in the snow!
OoH looks like you gots lots of snow....more on da way fur today and tomorrow too! Happy Tuesday my furiend. :)
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae
O hai to all ur friends!! :) (shakes paw)
Yous kinda makin' me cold looking at them snow piktures...brrrrr! But, you does look happy.
I nevers could find my twin. Yours is perfect and he is so handsome.
*sigh* you are sooooo furry bwoootiful! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you that will make Mum soooo happy that you will help. The other Ben being missing is making her sooo sad, she just thinks of what his Mum is going through and the leakage starts!
I miss you woo too, soooo much! Strange circumstances it has taken to drag the secretary back to blogland but maybe now I can convince her to stay?? Love woo xxxx
Ah, Year of the Rabbit! Good for chasing, those rabbits are; but this is, specifically, the Year of the Metal Rabbit, so you'd better watch out for your teeth if you should happen to catch one...
- - - - - - -
dog beds and more
So nice to see you enjoying your bed of snows.
Woowsers, what an inkhredible sky shot! Ha-roo, we start our Iditawalkin today too!
cute bunnies!
jack & moo
Hi Khyra, we are posting abowt Ben Manning tomorrow. Here's the link:
Khyra, We are very happy to know your Mom saved you. You had to run, it's in your genes - needing to see what's around the next corner. (M says that because of the 3 Sibes they had a long time ago). As always you look happy & beautiful in the white stuff.
Woofs & Wags
You look so beautiful posed against the snow.
We don't.
Misty the alpha Poodle
Look at all the snows! Glad you're enjoying it! You may be getting more! Major floofing-cooling power!!
Thanks for the story about Ben. I hope he is found soon. You look just perfect in the snow!
Khyra, I wish you were here! You'd love this blizzard! It looks like weather only a Sibe could love.
I really like your poem!
We will be purring for the missing person to be found!
WOO HOO!! You still have snow!!!
We love Merdie and Harley in their bunny ears!!
WEll, we are very glad your Mom adopted you, or rather, you adopted her. We bet you only ran because you didn't get taken on regular walks like you do now!
I think there is a reason you ran it was so you could be with your mum who loves you so much..Thank you for including Ben's plea. I love all the pictures today.. Hugs GJ xx
Khyra-Face, you are VERY BEWOOOOOO-TIFUL against the pristine snow. ::sigh::
Great post and I love the pics!
Tomorrow is Thursday. Is it special?
Looks like you got a good amount of snow again!
Bunny ears you poor pups.. Khyra you got the right idea just chill out there..
Mom changed her post in hopes that we can help find Ben..
Khyra you would really love our weather today Cold and windy. Mom not so much...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
We love seeing you so happy in the snow, Khyra! Enjoy!!
take care
Clive and Murray
SNOW!!!!!!!!!!! Isn't it the bestest?? Hope you'd not getting ice still. We were supposed to but seem to have been spared. Whew!
Khyra, we hope you're getting lots more snow with the storm since you went so long without any this year. You deserve lots!
We love the bunny ears! And we think the boys are waiting for tomorrow!
We read about Ben on GJ's blog. We sure do hope they find him.
The bunny ears are so cute!
You and your mom were just meant to be...can't fight destiny!Enjoy the coming blizzard but stay safe and warm...and tell mom to be extra careful on those early morning roads.
Khyra, Happy Tuesday to you and your family!!! You look so comfortable and cute in the beautiful snow!
Momo & Pinot xoxo
No luck luck on the boot, I didn't get rid of it. Momma saw it come off.
And yes we is getting 12 - 18" tomorrow. I think you had better stop asking for snow cause we new englanders are getting snow every wednesday!!!!!!
woof - Tucker
I love the Bunny Ears! I wanna see them on Khyra!
I think Trent is indeed your other half!
Yikes Khyra - you look so gorgeous in all those snows!!! Love the bunny ears and your letters of your name contest! And Trent is totally your partner - whoopee!
Big Hugs xoxoxo
Sammie, Avalon and Ozzie
You awe in youw look pawfect in that floof.
I do love youw entwy in the side contest!!!1
smoochie kisses
Oh my gosh Khyra
Trent looks just like you!
Are you going to be wearing those ears? They would be nice and warm.
You know how we always and always have loved you sky pictures and we love this one too.
Very cool your intitals for the initial game.. Very clever.
My paws are crossed for human Ben!
I hope he comes back home soon!
Snow, beauty Khyra an adorable bunnies!
Kisses and hugs
We have just read the awful news that Ben's body has been found. What a terrible tragedy. We are very sad for his loss of life, and know his family will miss him terribly.
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