Khousin and Khat Edition
Friday Morning
Pausing as I ventured out fur my last paws of SNOW
Oh Mom - will it really be gone when woo get home from work Friday evening?
The answer is YES - Mom and I will spare woo a pikhk - it is a horrible sight!
Khousin Abby heading bakhk from Prescott last Sunday
Khousin Merdie saying HI!

The answer is YES - Mom and I will spare woo a pikhk - it is a horrible sight!

I can't believe it's gone already. Sniff, sniff.:( We love the pic of Butterskotch and Brother sunbathing.:)
Teddy Bear
YIPPPPEEE MERDIE!!! and Khrya in one post!!! wahoo.
Hey MFT... our snowballs melty away too but now we got a small batch today. Do woo think mango-ella will get invited to the prince's ball?
Brr it looks so cold that we're shivering. Nice pics though taken in furry difficult light!
I wish I coulda gone sledding with u! That woulda been fun. We could have inner toobs and sit in them and go wheeeeeeeeeeee! :) Fun.
Brrrrrr! I don't like all that white stuff.
Looks pretty cold to me
::retreating into basket::
Hi Merdie!!!
Hi kitties!!!!
Khyra, does it ever get dark at night where you're living? It's very very foggy out there. Do you ever freeze out there?
It looks pretty cold there this time! I hope you're warm enough!
Those first shots look mystical! They are beautiful.
So, is your cousin Abby home from Prescott now? You know we were there 2 weeks snow there while we were there though. We heard they have lots now.
Smooches from pooches,
BabyRocketDog and Hootie
(using mommy's blog)
I sense your woos, Khyra. Stay warm!
Your pics are gorgeous Khyra! Love the top two, so misty.
We wish you could be up here for the day to keep the PM and the wee ones company when they go out to shovel. The guy who does the driveway hasn't been by yet so they are waiting to go out. We can't see out the front windows so it looks pretty crazy. You'd love to go bounding through it all!
great to see all the cuzzins and catses! Maybe there will be one more good snow this winter? We will get to work on arrangements.
You have such cute khousins Khyra!
Sorry about the snow - yesterday morning was a mess here but we only have a tiny bit of snow left.
Mom says we will meet you halfway and brings you some of our snow, we got 12.5 inches in total! Still expecting 4 more tonight!
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae
Khats are NOT Snakhs Khyra!
xoxo Khory
I loved to see all the furramily members!
Have a great saturday!
Kisses and hugs
I think all your snow came here! Phooey!
Khyra, the snow thief is taking my snow too. It's just a real shame!
We love seeing Merdie, Abby and Harley and of course Butterskotch and Brofur too!
It's halfway plus two days to our mommy's Gotcha Day too!
We got MORE snow -- I'll see what I can do for you....
Oh goodness, it is already gone. We are getting more here. Meowm had a hard time driving home last night from her friends house. She was certain you would have been frolicing in it if you had been here. We will purr for some more for you!
Happy Saturday back atcha Khyra!
Glad you got your last bit of snow in your paws for now ... spring is on the way. And we finally see all of the ground, no snow in sight.
Sorry to hear your snow is going away...but we are kind of happy and ready for spring.
So nice to see Merdie and Harley. :)
Sorry that your snow will go. I still say keep some in the freezer!
~lickies, Ludo
Hey cousins.. Looks like you are all ready to get home.
Khyra so sorry about that snow.. Maybe the flower will come next?
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Damn, that is one of the saddest photos we have seen in while ... poor Khyra
Remy and Flash
We have rain today. So I am stuck inside with the stupid kitten. Grrr.
Lots of rain here, too. A big "Hi" to the kitty sunbathers!
Oh khyra, don't worry about the snow. They always come back, don't they. Here we don't have snow so we make our own snow that is edible! So we can have it all year round! Mommy promises to make some for u if you come here ;)
Hi, nice to meet you all! You are very beautiful dogs, and it looks like you're having a lot of fun in that snow. Hugs!
That 3rd photo is so gorgeous and almost mysterious looking=it would be an awesome movie poster!...We love seeing all your beautiful family, gorgeous Khyra, especially the kitties :)...Hope you all are enjoying a happy weekend and staying warm...xoxo...Calle, Halle, Sukki
Dear Khyra
One day the sun was shining in the sky.. My kat bruthers and sisters napped in the sun like Brofur and Butterskotch are napping in your sun.
Now it is 18 degrees and the snow is back... my kats are saying your kats are lucky- cause your snow is leaving and it is now here..
I know you do not feel the same..
so nice of your cousins to say hi!
what a great post to see all the furbabies. we saw YOU in that mirror woofie, tehehe!!! so CUTE!
I'm so sorry about the snow leaving you, is a sad event indeed :(
But then you made us smile with those beautiful cousins!
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