Mom wanted me to say my Roaching Snow Angel was all she khaught - I started doing it and by the time she got the khamera on and fokhused, she only got the one shot - I'll make the best of my dwindling time with my wonderful whiteness - the temps in the khoming days will rekhlaim it - BOOOOOOOOOO!
We hope all have a great Saturday! Yes, Mom has a transport on Sunday - she said she'll share the runsheet pikhs to tease evFURRYone!
At least you have one picture to prove it happened! You look very regal on the couch!
Yep, just like me!! Couches are the best places to nap!!
Oh, and I like your snow angel pic from yesterday!!!
Pretty pictures you have there. And you look pretty Snazzi on your own couch!!
Oh no...warmer temps? Boohoo.:( Your snow Angel pic was the best!:)
Teddy Bear
You look like you own the couch, Khyra! Best seat in the house.
The couch is my favourite too! Paddy likes the laundry basket!
Lovely photos! - lots of licks
Sally and Paddy
Such lovely photos my friend!
We think that is a great couch picture! Monty hogs the couch often! I get the chairs and the backs of the couches!
Monty says hi Khyra!
Beautiful sky pictures, they let me feel so free and calm.
You've a very nice comfy couch, I don't think Eva likes ours, it's leather, Teehee!!!
Beautiful sky pics, as always!
Khyra, Bibi says he knows your vote was the clincher and he is so honoured to have been chosen by you and sends you huge tractor purrs!
PS: Fernand is home!
hey Khyra,
I love you on your golden couch! So apropos! I also love your "Fluffy Style" of rolling in the snow pic from yesterday. Very cute!
You have such pretty skies with pawsome clouds. But I am sorry to hear your temperature is going to start taking away your snow. Maybe you can hide it in the freezer?
p.s. Brofur is pretty cool to wait for you!
Your sky shots are just gorgeous, Khyra!
Bummer that your snow is going to disappear. Maybe you'll get more - we can hope, right?
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
we haven't seen snow since december... so sad. i think it's time for an xterra drive north for some snow adventures!
I know - isn't it great that it's staying lighter longer into the evening now? Spring is coming - slowly!
hope you and your mom have a great weekend too. And me and Teka much prefer the couch to the dog beds...but the couch is in the living room and the dog bed is under the 'puter desk, so guess where I stay?
Wow those sky pics are really something!
My personal fav is of course the sofa with the cute sibe on it!!
Have a great weekend!
Points for creative use of pillow to prop up back leg.
Gosh, golly, gee whiz. Ms. Phyll must have OSS - obsessive sky syndrome, and she must gotta go to the work place pretty early since the orange ball is way up the sky pictures. Maybe it'll be up in the summer time. HURRAH to Khyra cuz her mom is energetic enough after a hard work week to do rescue transports and still have time to groom out the Khyra. We's all very impressed at how stunning Khyra always looks; ain't there any mud puddles in York.
Lovely pics today. I suppose you are very much sad that it is getting a bit warmer.
You look like you are control of the INSIDE though... based on that couch shot!
Lovely sky pics today! Enjoy your snow while you can!
Happy tails,FUREVER!
Stumpy and her bean
Khyra-Face, I think you look bewootiful wherever you are, but you're especially striking against the snow. Your mom's put up some gorgeous skye-day pictures today!
BTW, you should email me, I have something for you!
Next step for Brofur is INSIDE!
Pretty sky shots and of course you are beawootiful Khyra!
Wooo hu'mum says clouds make lovely pictures. Hope the temps dont go high for you, we have high temps here :(
What gorgeous pictures!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love the pics!!! We have been quiet so long and have a little longer to go before we are in the swing of things(still not hooked up but soon).
We think probably everyone forgot us, but we will try to remind our friends when we can visit!
You have such dramatic skhies!! Probably more snow is on the way.
Misty the alpha Poodle
Mom says you can have all of our snow if you want it! :)
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae
Ihope youw white stuff stays a bit longew at least thwoo Valentine's day.
You make the best snow angel evew!
Come to the pawty!!!
smoochie kisses
So beautiful!!
Hi, Khyra!
And that picture said it all!
The sky there looks soooo beautiful!
Have a happy saturday!
Kisses and hugs
wooo, nice sky shots! that's the great thing about great pics - its NEVER too late to share them! we love the one of woo n the couch, too. that's a pic woo'll never see of us - we just can't convince our humans we should be allowed on the couch!
jack & moo
Awesome shots, my friend!
What beautiful pictures Mom. So sorry about all your snow. Ours is gone too..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Lovely skies - the people that look up and often are those in search of beauty. I hope I never stop looking up...
Poor Khyra with her fading snow - enjoy it while you can!
Our skies look like that a lot of the time. We live near an Air Force base, so there's always jet trails in the sky. Isn't it beautiful?
Khyra, you look great up there on your couch!
Elyse and Riley
I is sorry YOUR snow be melting away but I is not sorry MY snow be melting away. WOO HOO!
At least you still have a bit of snow left! Better than nothing.
Those skies sure are cool looking. :)
Supposed to be 40 here tomorrow. We have a big Frisbee playdate set up. :)
Oh how Rudy wishes he was allowed on the couch, but those darn guide dog rules keep getting in the way :)
Rudy's Raiser
that is a gorgeous sky show! It looked like it went on and on forever.
That couch looks like one of the most comfy ever.... and of course your so cute on it!
Did I hear you say- the snow is going away? Oh NO!
Khyra great photo on the couch..you look very comfy!
we love the sky photos.
Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx
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