Too funny Mom - of khourse I want to go out!

So I khan do this

and this

this fur sure


Here are updates from three of Mom's passengers

Lacey on the left with her big sister Carly


Lacey's mom wrote that Carly is a great big sister AND that Lacey has brought out the puppy in Carly

Yes, surely a skhweeeee pikh!

Lacey was on Mom's
January 23rd transport 
Elizabeth from
this past Sunday's transport is now Biz - and living the good life - here is
a short video her new mom sent the transport list Sunday evening - I added it to the Photobukhket from her weekend!

Another inkhredible updated pikh of
Seamus - previously known as Jimmy - he khame North last Summer!
Once again, it always soooo khool to see the pupdates on the passengers from The Xterra!
Mom hopes to have more to share in khoming weeks!
PeeEssWoo: We were khwite sad to see the update on Ben's Blog about the missing human Ben - Thanks to Jan and Her Funny Farmers fur letting Mom know whilst she was at work on Wednesday
*sigh*, that Seamus is soooooo handsome! Its really wonderful to hear pupdates on the rescue ups, to see how happy they are in their new homes... you just made our day, MFT! (Of course, seeing woo makes our day anytime!)
jack & moo
I'm doing a lot of that same thing outside myself! The frigid air and fluffy snow is absolutely delightful!
Great pupdates on your former passengers! More lucky pups!
We are so sorry to hear about Ben. Our prayers are with his family.
Holly & Khady
Love your pupdates, Khyra!
- Charlie
That's a lot of snow for you too, Khyra!
I love those rotties, they are big and sweet!
It's so good to see those pups living the good life now! My tail is wagging!
You take some of the best puppy pictures!!
It is always pawesome to see updates of your Mom's passengers. They all look so happy and very loved.:)
Teddy Bear
Hi khyra!
That's very sad about Ben's human..Our prayers for him
and his family. Thanks for sharing the updates on those pawsome passengers,all soo cute!
My fav pic is the first one! What are you wishing for there? Bet it'll come true!!
happy thursday!
We love the pupdated and that your Mom does all of those transports, but we know you are loving the snow and cold weather now!!
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Ruairi
Your bottom doesn't freeze to the ground? Hmmm... must have some secret.
I was glad to hear you all missed the worst of that storm that just went through! I would hate to think of your mom driving to work in horrible conditions!
But of course you want to go out - and sit in glorious snow!
We were very sad to read the update about the human Ben.
Khyra we would like for you to come and collect our cold weather. We are ready for spring. Can you believe we actually had snow flurries here last weekend.
HELLO KHYRA! We hope that you have warmed up after your stroll in the snow.
that seamus is a looker! i'm always curious about your passengers too... it's nice to hear about them.
How do you keep your feet warm out there??? I am certainly glad that you FINALLY got a yard full of that stuffs. Don't furget to use some of it to fill your snow locker.. July and August are coming.
I love seeing the pictures of the pups in their new lives! How awesome! Beautiful pictures of you too!
We're sad to hear about that young man in New England. What a shame.
Thanks for sharing those cute doggies, though.
Moms sure ask silly questions! Your friends sure are good looking doggies. Have fun playing in the snow
Benny & Lily
I just love reading the passenger updates!
We love happy endings so we really enjoy your pupdates.
Misty the alpha Poodle
hey Khyra,
I know, why is your mom even asking if you want to go out?! Silly humans! Snow = I want to be out now! :-> So furry happy that you have so much snow to enjoy!
What gorgeous dogs! Thanks for their updates. They are such a good looking bunch of pups!
Very heartbreaking news about Ben. Our prayers and love are with his family and friends.
p.s. Thank you for your woofs of wisdom. You are correct, we are what we are! :->
We love that first photo, Khyra!
So sad about human Ben.
WOO HOO!!! Good updates on your passengers! And you still have snow!!!!!!
Hi Khyra! We have missed you! We love all your pictures! We wish we could send you some of our mountains of snow - we know you would appreciate it more than we do!
And the transport updates are great - it is so wonderful to hear about all the lucky pups in their new forever homes!
And we are sorry to read about Ben - that is just so sad. We send his family lots of purrs and prayers.
We love seeing the pictures of you enjoying the snow and of how the transport passengers are doing today. It looks like you are really loving the snow, Khyra! We're glad you FINALLY got some this year.
Elyse and Riley
I'm so gwateful fow all the help you and youw Mom give to help fuwwkids..and I'm happy to see you laughing and enjoying youw snow
smoochie kisses
Hello, Khyra!
Of course woo must go outside and enjoy all the snow! I am glad mum took pikhtures of you out there!
Lacy & Carly are two beautiful sisters!
Great post and great pics, my friend!
Yes. Thank you for the updates. We love all that you do.
Lacey is too cute and what a good family she landed in!
We love to hear the great news about the transports but we fell so sad for Ben's Family. RIP sweet Ben your life was way to short.
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Khyra, that first pic looks like you're laughing at all the snow. It's about time, now you don't have to drool over the other blogging Sibes' snowfalls.
It's great to see the former transports happy in a home.
That is ONE HAPPY KHYRA in those pictures. And I just luv pupdates like that. They make me SO happy!
Wiggles & Wags,
We're so happy to see those pupdates of the happy pups in their furever homes! We also love seeing you so happy in all your snow too Khyra! We hope it stays around for a long time!
I love hearing that your transports are so happy and loved. It must make it all seem very worthwhile to you. Lacey looks like a real cutie!
I also love seeing Khyra in the snow!
Sorry that we've been absent - we've been having internet and weather issues here. A burst pipe and a basement full of water is the worst of it...
See any bunnies while you were under the Thinking Tree? Happy Year of the Rabbit!
We do appreciate the followups on the transport pups. It is warming to know just how many are now living the good lives they deserve. Thanks.
All the puppies are adorable!
Here is very cold today... and I am not loving it!
Take care
Kisses and hugs
your so beautiful and snowy clean!
How very sad about Ben,,, we will keep them in out thoughts, in fact we will light a candle
Khyra you got snow! Lucky you
Thanks so much for the update on the pups in their new forever homes.
Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx
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