Here is a preview of Mom's passenger fur later today -

These two khame North thanks to The Last Resort Rescue - Mom is going to drive fur them next weekend - and the preview of that group is BIG SKHWEE!
Please read Vicky's story on TLR's Adoptable Pet Link -
Now fur the special furiends to be honoured today -
Bandit left us - he's a member of a furry special pakhk of pals in Whitehorse Yukon Territory - his pawrents are furry special people that love animals in a furry special way - woo khan read about him on his mom's blog post - the past months have been furry challenging and diffikhult fur them with others in Bandit's pakhk khrossing as well -
Bandit's mom is also a furry talented beadmaker - with one of her special ofFURings being beads which inkhlude some of our ashes - please chekhk out her Etsy shop

prior to his journey, he left us a furry special post -
Please chekhk out the furry special post Tweedles did fur her furiends - it is so touching and so grounding!
Our HEART will go out to all of them
PeeEssWoo: I must apologise that I won't be making the festivities this weekend - Mom will need The Xterra in the morning - and I know it will turn bakhk into a pumpkin around midnight - BTW, don't furget to chekhk out the latest inkhredible aukhtion items - I'll blog more about that on Monday or Tuesday!
I did send a KHAT-o-GRAM to Frankie's - I hope woo enjoy the tasty snakhks!
Khyra, Horrors your snow is all gone, but don't lose hope, we are sure you will still get some more before spring.
Hamish & Sophie
What happened!! Where is your snow?? Oh, you sent it to me and Stanzie...Thanks :)
Have a good transport, be safe.
Wyatt and Stanzie
The snow thief took ALL your snow? That's pretty dang greedy of him! We still have a little here though and I'll guard it from that bad snow thief for as long as I can!
The rest of your post made Mommy all leaky. We're sorry to hear about your furiends. We hope your mom's transport goes well!
Who took all your snow!!! Thank goodness they didn't steal your tree. Good for mom doing all those transports!
Benny & Lily
What happened to your snow, Khyra??
I saw it there yesterday!!!
Hmmm... do you think there is a snow thief around there??
Happy and safe transport for your mom and the doggies!
Take care
Kisses and hugs
I hope that our snow disappears that fast, too!
Just let me know how many truckloads of snow you want delivered to your door and send me
87 thousand green papers for each one you want, and it will be on the way! I can include ice with that too!
Yup, Khyra, all the snow is gone here, too.. whatever's left is big, grey piles of city slush. Not something you want to get your paws wet with!
I think I got your snow! Maybe the snow bandit took it from you and brought it here.
Hope you have a good transport! Poor Hope just breaks my heart!
We will keep them all in our thoughts.
Holly & Khady
Aww, poor puppy... you need a kitty friend to help you stop missing the snow!!
I can't bare to look either. I can't believe it can go away that quickly.:( We can't wait to hear about this weekends passengers. They sure are cute!
Teddy Bear
We're so sorry that the snow is gone that quickly but I hope the beautiful sunshine will come soon and cheer everyone up. It's really sad to hear about the passing of some of your friends and we will visit them right away.
The balloons look good!
Someone must be stealing all the snow in the middle of the night when everyone is fast asleep.
It was sad to hear of all the passings this week, but we know we'll all unite some day at the Rainbow Bridge. Even so, the hoomans must be very sad right now. Tell your mama to drive carefully with her rescue guests. We love her and the work she does for us pooches.
BRD & Hootie
Sorry about your snow. We will go now and visit those you mentioned. What a lot. :(
Good luck with the transport!
~lickies, Ludo
I am sorry you had to say goodbye to your friends. That is always so sad. Wish you were here. We got more snow AGAIN last night. In fact it was still snowing when I went out this morning. ARG!
that is one good lookin' tree....sniff sniff...much easier to snff stuff out without all that snow! I'm still rolling in the rapidly melting mountain in our driveway.
I am happy for Hope and Heart and Vicky and that other big malamute dog that is so cute. I would love to run and play with all your guys, and offer up some big kisses and words of advice for the recently rescued.
Have a great sunday guys! off to the mud pit!
How could it leave so quickly - the nerve of that snow!!
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Ruairi
Darn snow, so unreliable. I'll contact my peeps in Flagstaff and have them send some over.
Pretty balloons and rescue doggies. Have a good week.
Our snow is gone too. :sigh: Mom said it might be gone until next winter. Can you believe that? How could she say such a thing??
The trouble with snow is it doesn't last. Of course, that's what's good about snow, too!
Khyra I am so very much sorry that your snow has gone. You do have some grreat pictures of it though. It is Possible that you could get some more though.
Once again, and much to my dismay, your snow was delivered to dirtville.
Stumpy and her hoo-bean
OMD you has no snows left!!!! Whatevers will you do?!?!
We heard bouts Emmitt last nite and our hearts go out to his mom and dad.
Sending good thoughts for your momma's journey today. Wish you were here - you could play in our snow with us☺
What a poor skinny pup - I hope she is doing okay!
...and Khrya, we hope you get a little more snow before spring comes around!
Khyra, I cazn't believe your snow left you...when it knew that you loved it so much!
MFT, head over here - we got SNOW last night! Thanks fur posting about Bandit, our hearts were hurting for his pack & Tamara & Stuart. God's sled dog team gained a few more good dogs in that field North of the Rainbow Bridge this week.
jack & moo
Looks like something is missing from your pictures. Where did all your white stuff run off to?
So sorry you lost your snow!
It does not seem possible that you do not have any snow..... Your world looks so different.
I am thinking of your mom doing the transport and bringing hope to so many furrys...
And I am thinking of you Khyra on this cold winter day
Hi ya Khyra! So sorries about the snows! Hope for more. Looks like mom has some amazing passengers coming on board. And, thank you for keeping us updated with news.
Sweet hugs,
Sierra Rose
Sorry your snow is gone! We got a lot more last night. Maybe Remington will send some more. (He says he's in charge of the snow.)
Thank you for thinking of us, Khyra. Heart is surely a beauty. We hope she finds a wonderful forever home very soon!
We saw Heart on FB and agree, she's a beawooty!
We were so sad to read about Emmitt. He was our Christmas in July pal. Mom was so leaky eyed when she read that he had gone to the Bridge.
The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie
Oh no what happen to all the snow. Do you have Snow Monsters in Pawsilvania?
We can't wait to see the transport pictures...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Don't go and visit Jack and Moo. You will be very sad.
Your snow is gone!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cute passengers today!
Khyra, I'm so sorry, I was wishing for OUR snow to go away, not yours! Mother Nature got the request wrong!
I read the beautiful tribute on Tweedles blog...We're lighting a candle tonight for everyone to find comfort and the pups to find their way to the bridge...
Um...that khomment you left about my delicate derriere being too big to fit in our pool was just harsh, Khyra...of course I can fit in there...Mango made a nasty comment 'bout my posterior on his bloggie today too...sheesch...
Yes, the snow is gone...we have a little pile we're gonna send to ya....course the boyz did pee on it....
Lacie Teacakes!
Your dedications are wonderful, Khyra. I hope that beautiful Heart is heading toward her forever home.
I'm so sorry about your snow...
Don't worry Kyra, I don't have snow here either. I want to go to the snow, I've been trying my shiba mind control for her to take me to the snow so I can hunt for rodents like that fox from "Yellowstone: Battle for Life" movie. Anywoos, that one white pup is soooooo skinny. I will save a portion of my foods and send it to her. We are verry sorry and send our condolances to the family of those pups who were too young to cross the rainbow bridge (my family and I all share the thought that everyone is too young to cross that rainbow bridge).
Oh Khyra - I know how much you love it, and I'm sorry it is gone :( We are sad about your friends who have crossed the bridge...take care dear heart.
I sorry about ur friends. May they be at peace at the Rainbow Bridge.
thank you so much k & p for the wonderful tribute to emmitt.
we so appreciate you and everything you do!
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