Of khourse, I might have given all of woo a Valentines Day gift a little later in the post! Okay Mom, it is all yours!

What a great group of travellers - as I said in one of the videos, I barely knew there were others in the vehicle besides Happy - Bamba did truly sleep almost the entire way - and the crated girls were so good!
The run was the combined efforts of three rescues - A Pathway to Hope - Charlie's Angels Animal Rescue - and The Silver Lining for Pit Bulls
The transport split off from Harrisburg since Tayla, Beth, and Betty were headed to Buffalo and Bamba, Happy, and Jan to NJ - and YES, Bradley was adopted by the foster - I know the rescue world is full of Foster Failures!
There are quite a number of pics in the Photobucket - 87000 or so of them of Happy - sorry, I couldn't help myself - plus, riding shotgun gave him the most camera time - of course, there are videos - and some pics sent from another driver - and even some pics from Saturday's leg with the two redheads together in Charlotte - that is where Summer departed the transport to head to her foster for her heartworm treatment - we got word Sunday night she had settled in well AND now has a family in NJ waiting for her when her treatment has been completed!We did the transport in honour of A Pathway to Hope AND in particular, Rocky! His first heartworm treatment went well last Monday - so we'll be keeping him in our thoughts until it is completed and he's free and clear of those nasty nasty invaders! We had a special benefactor paw us some driving dollars - we were very touched and HAPPY to have them! I did forward the passenger manifest for them to see the lucky dogs benefiting from their kindness - they gave us the paws up of approval!
Here is the link to the Photobucket Album with seven videos - AND here is the link to the slideshow which includes some nice sky shots - this transport leg was two hours earlier than my usual Hagerstown to Harrisburg leg so I got to see a different kind of sky!
So, as we say: RESCUES ROCK!
Khyra wanted me to thank those of you that sent her some very pawesome Valentines AND she wanted me to share this one with you as HER Valentines Gift!
Hugz&Khysses From Khyra's Khorner
Happy Val'z Day!!!
How great it is if only we could join your trip.... can't wait to meet mommy in a week time!! weee
Autumn and Jasmine
aaahhh cute pictures. Love the tranport kids. Khyra isn't your hiney cold in that snow
Benny & Lily
Happy Valentines Day to you!! You look great as always.
Happy looks like my old dog.
hey Khyra,
Sweet pics of you, as always! Glad you still have snow and are enjoying it so much! You look so in your element sitting by your tree in the snow! :->
The card from your Auntie Di is very cute!
Such gorgeous transports this week! Happy and Bamba sure are beautiful, as are the pups. The BEST photos is of Happy's paw and tongue! Classic!
A very Happy and Sweet Valentine's Day to you and your mom, and hope you both get lots of sweet treats from your sweethearts!
Aw, Khyra, that last peekture's a great Valentine's gift! My heart's thumping and my tail's waggin'. Hehe.
I love the stories of your transport missions! Yay!
Loving Valentine Woofs,
OO, and Happy Valentine's Day!!!
Kyra that was s transport run of such fabulous pups. PawsCrossed soon in their new furever homes.
We hope you have a happy valentines day!
Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx
That is one of the cutest Valentine's cards we've ever seen! And we loved all the pups from the transport this week.:) Happy Valentine's Day to you, Friend!:)
Teddy Bear
Happy Valentine's Day to yoo all! We LOVE yoo guys so much, for all yoo do to help dogs and pups in need. Thank yoo.
Happy Valentine's Day to you, Khyra!
It still looks snowy in your place but you look so cool in there. It's really the right weather and temperature for you, right?
Hope those kids get their furever homes as soon as possible and be loved and cared by their new family members.
Beautiful transport passengers=so glad they all found loving homes with your help!...Thank you for the last shot, gorgeous Khyra=it made our Mommy's day!...Happy Valentine's Day, sweet friends...kisses...Calle, Halle, Sukki
I am surprised that floof dog did not get hijacked along the way by your DOH. Can't believe she spotted the moose mobile.
Happy Valentine's Day!
Happy certainly fits his name! You had some awesome passengers this weekend!
Happy Valentines Day, Khyra-Face,you BeWOOOOOOtiful girl!
You know, it always amazes me to see the Xterra so full of hopeful pups and dogs and peace seems to reign. I've never read a trip report, that I remember, where the passengers fought or growled or otherwise displayed unsocial behavior. Must be that Sibe Serenity!
Yay for another mission accomplished!
Happy Valentine's Day!!! another great mission accomplished :)
Happy Valentine's Day. Love the picture of him with his paws crossed. So precious and great job Mom. Sniffs, The HoundDogs
Fabulous lot of pictures today. That Happy is a lovely woofie and also the others too. I am glad they are getting a taste of love. That valentine card is gorgeous. But oh Khyra that last picture will have all the man woofies swooning. Happy Valentine.. Hugs GJ xx PS glad your mum is enjoying the job..
Happy Valentines Day to both of you. Tell Khyra we love the hussy picture.
Happy Valentine's Day to you all!
Now that's an XTerra full of AWESOME!
Khyra, I hope you get some more snow soon!
glad to hear all is going well with the job. Of course, I knew it would!
Happy Hearts, FUREVER!
Stumpy and me
Happy valentine's day! U r right! Happy would fit right in and us redheads will rule the world wahaha! I can see him having a great life ahead ;) That's a great ride! Well done, khyra ;)
Happy Valentine's Day Khyra! We're glad your mom has a few days off to enjoy spending time with you! :)
That redhead is absolutely beautiful!
You remain a doggie-angel.
Happy Valentine's Day from all of us here in South Africa!
Sending lotsaluv
Happy Valentine's Day. You're mighty fine lookin' Khyra.
Another successful transport.....we purray your mom will be greatly blessed for helping these darlins'.
Great transport - we were ouu-ing and ah-ing over Happy's pics on fb all weekend - what a gorgeous sibe! And HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY to woo from both of us, MFT!!!
Luv ya,
jack & moo
Happy Valentines Day, Khyra and Mom.
Nice woooh
Happy Valentine's Day, and what wonderful pictures!
Rudy's Raiser
A Very Happy Valentine's Day to WOO, Khyra!
We loved all the shots of Happy looking so very happy!
Oh, you sure did help those doggies have a Most Happy Valentine's Day!
Thank you, Khyra, for your Valentine. I hopes you have a very much wonderful Valentine's Day, too!
Wiggles & Wags,
Happy Valentine's Day Khrya and her maw!
Husky kisses,
Happy Valentine's day, Khyra! We are so happy that you have snow on this very special day!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Your Mom's passengers this time were awesome.Of course they all are, always. they are Dogs after all!!
We think Bamba is a very handsome Dog n was certaily very comfortable n at home in your mobile!
Hope they all find heaps of love, wherever they are.
wags, Bud, Gin n Shadow
Happy V Day, love all the photos. Looks like a great day with some happy pups on the way to furever homes, K-mom likin' her new job, and K-gal all happy and floofy in the white fluffy stuff!
hi k & p!
happy happy valentine's day!
m & e
Wonderful passengers as always!!! And thank you again for doing the transporting!
Khyra, we are so very sorry your are seeing some 5's in your temperatures! We had 57 yesterday!! It was very nice down here in the valley, but still lots of snow in our mountains! We hope your temps drop a bit so you can enjoy your white stuff for awhile longer!
You can snorgle my tummy, but beware of the claws of doom! Snorgle at your own risk!~~Junior
Happy Valentines Day to both of you! Another great transport! Good lookin' pups - I'll be thinking of them!
Happy Valentine's Day! Thank you for all you do, my friend!
♥ Happy Valentine's Day ♥ to you and you mom!
Red huskies are just so darn cute!
Happy valentine's day to you and your mum, Khyra.
Cute card! Khyra, the snow thief seems to be stealing some of your snow!
The transports are so adorable! Our mommy would have diverted that transport right away! We can see why your mom took 87,000 photos!
Happy Valentines Day to you, your mom, the Doggy Nanny, Fred, Merdie, Harley, their beans, Abby and Auntie Di!
Happy Valentines Day to you and Mom Khyra..
What a wonderful bunch you had Mom. That Happy certainly does look like a Happy one. Still not sure how you can give them up.. Great pictures..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Happy Valentine's Day, Khyra - you shameless hussy, you! :-)
Honey the Great Dane
Sending Valentine's wishes to you and those that you love and hope you all are having a fun filled day!
And bless your folks for helping the rescue doggies.
Happy Valentine's Day!!!
Twinkie and family
Happy Valentine's Day!
best wishes
Clive & Co
Good job on your transport, Happy looked like a wonderful dog :) Happy Valentine's Day!
Happiest of Valentines! You look regal as ever. Thanks to your Mom for sharing her heartwarming photos and story from the rescue drive -- she's right: Rescues Rock!
Another great trip! Yay! Happy Valentine's Day!
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae
Happy Valentine's Day to you too Khyra. Is that Toby on your card?
It sounds like a great transport. Wonderful pups who I hope all get love-filled forever homes.
What a super group of passengers this weekend! You make our hearts sing with joy every Monday when we see the happy hopeful faces being given a new life! Thanks for all you do.
Happy Valentine's Day! May your hearts be filled with love and joy!
Happy Valentines Day!!!! Mom is totally in love with Happy!
The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie
Awww~ Sweet!
Happy Valentines Day!!
IzZY, Josie, TriXie and Anakin Man
hey we decided we needed to pounce on over and visit the woofies bloggy!
happy V day to you !!!
what wonderful photos.
and such a great day of love!
by the way- we thank you for your last photo, tehehehe. actually the mom says it is Squee-able-licious...cute, cute, cute!
That's quite the full crew! Another successful day for all! Our mom did a transport for two lucky Brittany's headed for AZ on Saturday. It's always so rewarding to help rescue pups on their way to their furever homes!
We hurried over to wish you a Happy Valentines Day Khyra
We are very far behind in our commenting...... geeze where is time?
Happy V Day!!
The transport guests are really something and you are right about that shotgun passenger! He sure is one handsome fella! Hope all of them get good forever loving homes! They truly deserve it!
Hello Khyra!
Wonderful transport. We've missed you. Sorry we've gone missing for a bit but we do read your posts as often as we could. Happy sure looks happy.
Happy Hearts Day to you, your Mom and everyone there.
Piappies Fudgie, Princess, Frappie, Mocha, Sugar, Wai-Pai, Wai-Max & Forgie
So you really did have a Jan on your trip. You're lucky it wasn't our Jan.
Such adorable transport puppies!
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