Speaking of The Xterra
Poor Jethro WON'T be in The Xterra this weekend - his furever family didn't work out BUT we know this means his REAL one will show themselves soon!
Randi The Dal Puppi
And Lady Dallas got on in Anderson SC and departed at Dixie Caverns so they khould go to The SW VA Dalmation Rescue
Speaking of The Xterra

Now fur Mom's Hagerstown to Harrisburg passengers - two woo met earlier this week
Lil Bit
Susan and Joanie - the last of The Eight Is Enough Litter!
Lil Bit, Shilo, Sophie, and YoYo are khalled The Four NC Miracles - Mom will explain on Monday - the entire transport is being done in memory of Baby Puppy Stotle - one of their siblings that didn't make it - the ugly Parvo monster strukhk again -
Mom and I would like to thank all of woo fur the kind words fur Katy - we wish we knew her and her furamily show we khould share a hug or two BUT we'll send the link to the posts about her to the Lisa Lady Mom mentioned and ask her to please share it with Katy's family -
Happy Sunday All!
I lubs all ur friends! :) :) :) I know Jethro will have a nice new home soon. :)
What a cool snowman.
Cute passengers as always.
I hope the right forever home comes along soon.
hasn't the moon been beautiful? :)
Will you get more snow??
I hope so knowing how much you like it!
Jethro will find the perfect family for him! I am sure!
All those puppies are sooo adorable!
Happy families for them too!
Have a great transport!
Kisses and hugs
Khyra. Those are some of the cutest puppydog eyes we've seen in one place in a long time.
And. About that snow. Ours is melting. Like yours. Once it's all gone, then we'll be ready for more. But not before.
Happy Sunday!
Jake and Fergi
What a lot of wonderful faces!
We hope it snows more for you Khyra!
Monty says Hi!!
Well that snowman looks like he has been rode hard and put away wet! :)
Scary snowman..
Your passengers always puts a smile on mommy's face.
Enjoy your Sunday!!
I hope your snows return soon, Khyra. :) you and your Mom are really sweet, I sure hope Katy's furmaily gets to know about the love efurryone has fur them.
Happy Sunday!
Wow..thats some snowman!
Your moms passengers this week, are so cute.
Hope the transport drive goes well.
Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx
I so hope your snow isn't all gone for the year! Jethro is so cute - his furrever family is out there somewhere!
Happy Sunday,
Those were some extra cute pups there in the transport. Sorry about your snow. I still have plenty here if you want some.
Snow desserts are the best! And all those cuties...oh my!
Teddy Bear
There sure are some pretty pups on your site today - but the snowman was the best!
What a bunch of little cuties!!! We can't wait to read more about them on Monday.
Tama-Chan says she is crossing her paws for you to get more of the white stuff, Khyra!
Love the snow man and all of the cute passengers.
You know how we pull for our friends at Sarge's. Our local shelter got so full this past week that they had to stop accepting new animals (an incredibly sad situation), but Sarge's has worked out a cross country haul to move some lucky winners to a no-kill in Idaho.
Oh how sad... a Full Melted Snow Moon. I know that does not make you a happy girrrl.
Khyra.. i know we're getting more snow today- no worries, the post office is just down the street. i'll send woo some ASAP!
safe travels,
If you felt like a small detour today, yo could drop any of those pups off in dirtville!
Once again, there was a mis-delivery of the white stuff! WTH???
Happy, Waggin' Tails, FUREVER!
Stumpy and me
Those are some of the khutest puppies you have ever had. Not sure what to say about the sad snowman or little patches of snow.
Misty the alpha Poodle
That poos snowman looks like he could use a layer scraped off... but that's how late-winter snow is. cute pups - will be watching fur more news about them. enjoy your tree, MFT!
jack & moo
Come on over - we gotted some now left, not much but some. Momma says this has been a coo-coo winter, even for way up here.
WE say, no more photos of baby dogs. Our momma gets all starry-eyed when she sees them and we DON'T need no babies in this house. It is just fine the way it is!
I would keep an eye on that taunting snowman. Khyra what are you doing out in the dark, BOL
Benny & Lily
What a dirty snowman! He either needs a bath or he needs fresh snow to fall on him to cover up the grime!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
OOOO what cuties!! Thanks for sharing them with us!!
Jethro has the sweetest face...I'm certain he will have his new home very soon. Who can say no to that face?
Love the dirty snowman!
Khyra...we may just get some snow yet...let us know if you spot any!
That makes me want a puppy so bad!!!!
What a bunch of cuties..I hope they all get wondwful loving homes..poow Jethwo looks so sad..Pleez let them all find fuwwevew homes deew god.
Thank you fow youw mama's twanspawt!
Smoochie kisses
pee ess Khywa thank you fow slaving away in the kitchens of the castle fow Katie and Bewtie's Biwfday pawty
We agree with everyone else, Jethro looks so sad, but we have our paws and fingers and feeties crossed for better luck in future.
Er, that snowy stuff looks horrid.
Love Pippa xx
Your mom sure has some cute passengers!
Sorry about your snow! Maybe you'll get one more snowfall, although I'm hoping that we don't here!
Just the thought of watching Lassie makes our mommy leaky! That show caused trauma from when she was a kid and had to wait a week sometimes to make sure Lassie made it home safe!
It's so sad that your snow is gone. Maybe you'll get some more before winter is over.
Those pups faces are simply adorable! We hope your mom has a great transport!
What cute puppies! I hope they all have new homes soon.
My mom did agree with the Euthymic Dog article on BT's when they said we had square heads!!! Thanks for letting us know about the bloggy!
That snowman looks like he's in need of a bit of rescue himself! :-))
But those pups are about the cutest little faces I've seen all day!
Hope you've had a good weekend!
Oh little Jethro, don't you worry. It won't be much longer friend :)
What a cute bunch of puppies you transported today! I hope that it went smoothly and that Jethro's true family finds him soon.
Sorry about the snow, Khyra. I bet that you'll get more. Or, come visit us. We are now entering our two most snowy months (march and april). We usually get something like 10' of snow total over those two months.
Great friends! Dixie Caverns...right up the road from us!! Small patch of snow there...maybe it will be some more soon! Lots of love, Holly and mom
Hope you get more snow, and that Jethro finds a purrfect home.
Hey, guess what? Au is eating! And purring. Sooo happy!
Oh la la transporting pups!!! that scares Momma - too many wiggly poopy parts. But they are a-d-o-r-a-b-l-e.
Ben and the fellas
I just knew Frosty the Snowman was somewhere, and there he is!!!
Those are mighty cute pups in that transport,,, now we got out puppy fix
WE are mourning the snow, too...
Those puppies are too cute for words!
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