Thanks Khyra!
What a great transport AGAIN! First, I'd like to share four I ALMOST got to meet!

They were travelling Saturday and Sunday for The Last Resort Rescue - I had seen their request for drivers email - and saw they were doing Hagerstown to Harrisburg around the same time I was - I also saw that Peggy would be driving that leg SO I was very excited when she pulled along side me as I headed South on I81 - then followed me - BUT she got off for the OTHER McD's at Exit 9 and not my Exit 5A - but our paths crossed again as you'll see later!
As I headed out, I saw THEY were back - I also saw golfers at the Rich Valley course I pass between Harrisburg and Carlisle
Ready to roll
The light AND the SPCA in the background along with our good luck charm!
Of course, no transport post is complete without a shot of ES3 up ahead on the left -
The sky at Chester's Bridge along I81 - I didn't snag the shot in time to REALLY do it justice BUT I did try again as I headed North - he always threatens to be there as I head South and then North each Sunday - especially if one of the passengers might make a great new sibling for him!
We decided to throw in a BARK OUT to Sissy - the winner of a Khyra Transport since she was the winner of the Shameless and Diva Dogs Group at Mango Minster 2011 - Khyra and I had written her about choosing a day or event or SOMETHING to celebrate her win - she's still pondering it BUT she also had pawed back that perhaps one of the passenges would prove to be a worthy DIVA to honour Sissy - well - as soon as I saw Pebs in Hagerstown I KNEW we'd be giving Sissy a mention here -
This isn't HER transport - especially since we were already dedicating our leg to Katy - and the transport was dedicating the weekend to Baby Puppy Stotle - we will still give Sissy her very own transport one of these future Sundays!
Isn't she a beauty?
One state closer!
Chester's Bridge from the Northbound direction
She was a perfect passenger - and since she was in the wire crate, I could snag her from the road - the other two crates were behind my seat so they were out of photo range
Notice her proper paw placement!
She really enjoyed watching out the window - as you'll see in one of the videos in the Photobucket from the weekend
FINALLY napping!
Paws on PA soil in Harrisburg
Puppy Fun in Harrisburg!
Joanie and Susan - Joanie is heading to what Mango calls Connect The Dots AND Susan is heading to Master Chew Sits!
Our Harrisburg shot
Yes, mission accomplished!
I had mentioned the transport was in honour of Baby Puppy Stotle - The Four NC Miracles along with their mom and two other siblings were pulled from a shelter by PMAR - sadly, they had been exposed to the nasty Parvo monster and it took Stotle - though he fought hard, it wasn't meant to be - his ashes are in a place of honour at Mary's place in Charlotte - along with her heartdog Lassiegirl - their foster dad adopted one and we got to chauffeur the little miracles!
Khyra had also shared on Saturday that we'd be doing our leg for Katy The Siberian - well, on my way South, I heard this song from Five Finger Death Punch just as I passed Carlisle - so many of the words just seemed to capture aspects of Katy's last days - and boy did I get to cry as I thought of her - and what she endured - as she tried to find her way home - what went through her head - damn, I'm crying again as I put this together -
In addition to the passengers on board for PMAR, the others were for Rotts 'N Pups - when I called Mary to let her know I was on the road to Harrisburg with the special cargo, she asked about my driving next weekend and told me of the potential passengers - Jethro might just be in The Xterra next Sunday - and I should have an awesome MastiffRotti girl - Mary says she's beautiful and so the best of both breeds!
Mary also mentioned whilst we chatted that if anyone is looking for a Rotti puppi, RnP has eight of them - they are a bit more than a week old - so they won't be available for pickup any time soon - LOL!
As I mentioned above, I did get to cross tracks with Peggy - she came by the Earthlink/AMP Building so she could see the passengers - and then two other transporters showed up to wait for their passengers - so Sunday's pups got LOTS AND LOTS of special attention! Seven canines and five humans is a pretty good ration of attention! Of course, the big winner was YoYo since he was the only male in the bunch - he had quite a collection of females to attend to him!
Once again, we so have proof that Rescues Rock - as a few of us discussed whilst in Harrisburg, we know we can't save them all so we focus on those we do save - and hope that we can influence others to do something to help rescues by driving or fostering or even donating some of the very necessary green paper$ - AND you get to meet the nicest people!
SO, grab a mug of something because there are lots of pics and videos - I've included the pics sent from Saturday's drivers - and a video from Mary with her dedication to Stotle - I have the two pictures of Katy that we shared on Saturday's post as well -
Here is the album link that includes the videos and here is the slideshow link for just the pictures -
Once again, thanks for the support and kind words!
Hugz&Khysses From Khyra's Khorner
Hi Khyra! Happy Monday to you and your mom!
Wow those pups are really really something!
It's amazing, what your mom is doing and i'm very very sure those pups really really are happy!!
Enjoy your day!
I just don't know how you do it all!! You're amazing!
My heart is always touched by your dedicated weekend transports. I know I've said it often, but you truly are one of the special doggie-angels! Thank you for your wonderful work. Please just be safe on those roads - you are very important to us all.
Lotsaluv to Khyra and the rest of the family.
Another successful transport of more lucky pups! We love reading these stories every weekend! It's so nice to know that there are some being saved out there. BUT, still way to many who are not.
Mom found out yesterday that 3 of our rescue's pups were adopted! Abby, Nakita and Keisha all found their furever homes! We are so happy fur them!
Rescue rocks!!
What a carful of precious cuties!
Thank you Khyra's mom for all the great stuff you do for us doggies!!
thanks for sharing another great transport- lots of licks
Sally and Paddy
We are always very sad when we hear that some dogs and pups don't make it and go to the Bridge too soon ~ and we are very grateful when we hear about those you rescue. Thank you for your enduring kindness. You are very special.
Oh they all is so beautifuls! So many lucky families to welcome such sweet faces.
I wish all the puppies and doggies find their homes as soon as possible. It's an amazing job that your mom is doing all the weekends, Khyra.
Those sky pictures always let me feel the freedom of the spirits and the vastness of the universe.
Thanks for sharing them!
Ahhh, I am on holidays for a week so I can get caught up on my blog reading!! I always love reading about your transports- it gives me warm fuzzies about the work people do (especially as my own rescue foster puppy likes to scream in rage at 330AM, needing to go out and I forget how noble rescue work it. But, he's 10 weeks old, I guess I'll forgive him!). In any case, I always love to see what others are doing! GOOD JOB!! :)
Jen and the Black Dog Crew
I am still stuck on those pictures showing actual grass. Oh so envious.
What a load of cuteness! Thanks for helping them, and for all you do for the pups!
Stumpy and me
Seeing you in that tight bodice, cooking for a mass of hungry knights and ladies, was one of the thrills of the weekend's events!!!!
You may have a second career in the offing!
Wirey woofs,
Jake and Just Harry
Seeing all of the wonderful deserving pups being transported to loving homes just makes us purr purr purr!
BLESS YOU for being a transporter!! I've said it before, but I'm just SO thankful for those of you out there doing this necessary part of the work. Thank you.
Those golfers did has to take advantage of no snows coz you mite be getting more today - we is - BOO! And yes, we did see some deers at Valley Forge but not many coz they did has huntings there and shoosted a lot of them :( :( :(
Happy MOMday, Khyra.....we hope your mom will be wonderfully blessed for what she does to help these darling pups.
We love y'all.
Wow! What a great trip! Those little puppies are too precious.
Looks like another successful transport of some real cuties!
Cold rain here today changing to snow. Guess the golfers will have to wait a little longer for spring!
Yes, YOUR work in rescues rocks too!!!
It looks like you're getting better weather than we are. It has rained so much that the fields are incredibly slippery and muddy. YUK!
Oh my...Percy is just ADORABLE!!!! So many cute passengers.
Speaking of Five Finger Death Punch, want to hear something funny? My mom and dad have actually met them. My dad actually played Paintball with them and the singer of the band used dad's paintball gun in a magazine photo shoot that they did at the paintball field. The band was SO nice. Mom has lots of photos of both her and dad with the band on her Facebook page.
Another successful run. what a lot of news. :)
That little Rose sure is a heart stealer! It looks like your mom was really busy this weekend. I'm sure all those pups are much happier now!
You rock!
woof hoooooosssssssss
I just really want to snuggle with the fluffy puppies!
First those cute little one's oh mythey are cuties. Your words today are so heartfelt, that poor love almost home. Khyra your mum is brilliant in what she does.. Hugs GJ x
I am so happy ur Mom does the rescue drives! It must be so much fun. Dat is very kind of her. :)
It's nice to know that some more pups have been saved!
Oh Percy is adorable. Those kids sure have cute faces. We hope they all find forever homes
Benny & Lily
Totall awesome shout-out! Such beautiful doggies... We're thinking and thinking...
Okay, I'm thinking. Gretchen is telling Sissy she should be thinking, and Sissy is inspecting Dadaw's discarded work clothes to see where he's been today. Hem.
We'll get back to you soon.
Your mom rocks! And rescues rock. Very cute crew this week.
Like Mango, I'm a little stuck on the concept of grass and golf...
Such a lovely bunch of rescues/transports. Meowm is partial to little Joanie and Susan.
It is very sad about Katy, as we postsed before, and little Stolte. Fighting like they did and losing, just sad, sad, sad.
As always, we are very glad you do this and that Khyra lets you!
Such cuties... of course I'm partial to little "Ruby."
miss khyra!
your mama is just the awesomest!
my mama is smitten with your pretty little pittie passenger! she's adorable!
the booker man
Well our mommy is leaky now too! But even though she's sad she's also happy for the rescues that your mom helps get to their furever homes. We're so thankful for all she does!
We hope you get more snow Khyra! We're crossing our paws!
What a wonderful crew of pups! Thank you and all of the people that do the transports for these dear ones! Lots of love, Holly and mom
Another great (and adorable) transport!!! Love the pics!
PeeS - it just started snowing here. I'm sending some your way!
Happy Monday to you and your Mom! Looks like another great transport with cutie pups. Thank you for sharing with us!
Happy Monday and Tuesday!!!
What a transport. The puppies are so cute!
You rock!! Those perfectly placed paws made me smile :)
Holy Cod those pups are cute!
Hi, Khyra!
Happy Momday!
All of them are adorable!
Glad it was a pawesome transport!
Kisses and hugs
The cutes pups ever!
Thank you Khyra and mom...
yes,,,, resuces work!
It is Monday...time to look at Khyra's blog and regain perspective on just how wonderful the world CAN be! Once again thanks for the refill of hope and the smiles of lives saved! You make Mondays so worthwhile!
Khyra..all those pups are so stunning.
Your Mom does an amazing job with all the transport trips.
Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx
What a great post! Starting off with Khyra's smile and moving on to so many other pups smiles...and mine too! Thank you for all you do. :)
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