Some Sunday afternoon tree time


Monday morning I found myself on my own private ice floe

Thanks fur ruining the fantasy Mom


Bakhk to dreaming

Please don't go away my snowy furiend!

This made us thinking of a member of
The White Dog Army!

Homeboy Harley

Khousin Merdie had her beans take khare of him fur sharing her bath pikhs!

A few weeks ago, I was lukhky enough to win this from the beaWOOtiful
Sugar!!! When she pawed me fur my address, I told her I'd be letting Khousins Merdie and Harley have the stikhker - and I'm going to send the GoRgeous photo she shared along to Auntie Di - she still misses her heart dog Sierra The Golden Retriever furry much - and whilst Mom was on the road to Hagerstown on Sunday she was chatting with Auntie Di as Auntie Di was looking at Sugar's Blog - she khouldn't stop talking about how special Sugar is! BTW, if woo head to Sugar's Blog, chekhk out the furry khool Valentine's Giveway she has going on!
Mom was glad to see all of woo enjoyed the weekend's passengers - she does think they were one of the most fun trios she's had - and she was so happy to be part of them getting to their furever homes!
We'll see woo tomorrow fur Walkin' Wednesday!
PeeEssWoo: In order to maintain my mom's sanity - or what remains of it fur her - we had to utilise THAT button on The GR - we were in excess of 300+ and I would find her just staring at the laptop - we worked our way through most of the recent days' posts but had to sakhrifice some of the more aged posts
I'm surprised you haven't shot the GR:)
Love the picture of your cuzin in the hoodie!
Khyra, you don't need a hoodie cuz you have FLOOF!
Wow you do love your snow, those pictures made me shudder .. Mum thought they were lovely. Just love the hoodie picture and Sugar's. Tell mum not to stress about the button cause we do understand about the sanity thing. You take care.. Hugs GJ xx
Homeboy Harley looks pawesome! I'm so glad you still have lots and lots of snow.:)
Teddy Bear
We thinks that jacket hoodie looks real good on Harley! And you look great in the snow!
Monty is telling you hi Khyra!
Harley does look great in the hoodies! It's so good that you still have some snow fun and those snowy pictures with you in are good.
Harley looks so cute in his hoodie!
Guess what I discovered, Khyra. For me, laying in the snow wasn't the best thing. I got stiff! Mom says it must be my arthur-itis acting up but I sure did have fun enjoying the warming sun and the icy ground!
Love ya lots
Wow! You have your own private ice floe! That's sooo cool!!
It is still Febawerry; maybe u will have some more snoo! :)
Harley, is that you I hear rappin'!?
You are in heaven with all that snow Khyra!!!
Harley looks good in his Hoodie. Blue compliments his furs.
teka toy
You look so at one with all that snow, Khyra!!!
The photos of Harley are great. Sweet homeboy!!!
You look like you're thinking deep thoughts out there in the snow!
What's up homie! Hehe, nice shots of Harley! You look so good with the snow, Khyra!
That Harley has some seriuous Style!
Harley is stylin'! With a name like his, he needs a leather jacket!
Glad to see Khyra in the snow! What a happy girl.
Love seeing you in the snow, Khyra! Harley looks great in his hoodie, too!
Happy (and Floofy) tails!
Stumpy and her bean
We want to see you in a hoodie.
Misty the alpha Poodle
Khyra, whoo are just loving that snow, aren't whoo!
Harley in a Hoodie!!! What a HOOT.
It looks like you are HUGGING the snow.
You look super pretty in the snow!
You look so nice just CHILLIN in the snow. Sniffs, The HoundDogs
Harley really rocks that hoodie!
Hi Khyra! We understand about having to use "that button" - mom is using it to catch up with everyone too. She is at even more that 300+!
We love your pictures - we totalluy thought you were on an ice floe in that one til your mom zoomed out! We wish we coudl send you some of our snow - we have way too much!!
I thought you was somewhere in antartica! I believed you!
Harley is hard core yo! Whickity whickity wack DAWG!! :)
We know the feeling about trying to catch up and falling further behind. It leaves you with your head spinning. Harley looks so cute in his hoody and Khyra looks like she loves the snow and ice! Lots of love, Holly and mom
Hey Khyra,
Harley looks good in his hoodie, why aren't you wearing one too? That would make a perfect photo blog post!
We love that you have your own ice flow, funny
Benny & Lily
"Im dreaming of a white Christmas!!!" Oops wrong season! A white Valentines! :)
Harley makes a good homeboy!
Such furry wonderful pictures; love the hoodie one :)
We don't blame your mom one bit for hitting the mark as read button on GR. We didn't comment on people's blogs over the weekend, so we've just chalked that up to a loss instead of trying to catch up. Khyra, you look beautiful out there in all that white snow! Thanks for explaining the Whitney thing to me! :)
Elyse and Riley
You look like the queen of snowland..I hope t stays awound fow you..Mine has gone away and all I have left is coldness . Too cold to go to the wun and it makes me sad.
Mewdie looks adowable aftew hew baf.
smoochie kisses
Homeboy Harley looks purrty cute!
Well, at least for a brief moment you were on your own ice floe!!
We understand your Mom needing to retain some sanity. As much as we all want to visti all the blogs, there just isn't enough time!
Good one Merdie :)
Wow...for a second there, I really did think you were on an ice floe. Oh, well. It's fun to pretend, isn't it?
Harley is SO cute! I just luvs his shirt. He's stylin'!
Oh, and we had to use THAT button, too, on Monday. We were soooo far behind and we just knew we'd never get caught up.
Wiggles & Wags,
Khyra you are looking good out there in your snow.. Although ours is all gone they are saying we may get a bit more tonight and tomorrow..
Merdie and Harley are sure looking great in those sweaters..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Love the photos...so cute with the hoodie.
That sure was nice of Sugar to send you all those goodies. :)
When I see you in the snow, Khyra, I can see you were bred for that weather. you look so gorgeous.
Photos of Merdie and Harley are cools. The photos of you are "colds". ;o) Actuallys they are fabs.
Yes, maybes I would prefers the snows over the fast moving airs. You make it looks so comfortables.
Suzy :o))
Harley is pretty cute in his Homeboy outfit! Khyra, we love how you get as close as you can to that snow. You look so happy!
Great pictures!
we love to see you lying in the snow!
Happy Tuesday Everybodys! :) MOm and me luvs all da pictures today.
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae
Hi, Khyra!
It amazes me how much you enjoy being there out in the snow-ice!
Harley looks adorable with the hoodie!
Take care
Kisses and hugs
I can tell how much your loving this snow. Good thing your mom does not have to drive far to go make the green papers.
Harley is adorables in his jacket- where is your jacket?
Khyra you and your mom need time to do stuff, not just look at the lap top- or go to work,,, I say go roll in the snow.
I can't believe you can sit in the snow like that! You are a trooper. Just thinking about it makes my shiver with cold...brrrrrrrr.
Bella the Boxer (who hates the snow!)
Quinn, got all excited that you had bought him a sportscar! (sometimes he is SO like dad)! Black would be BOTH of their choices! Great plate and thanks for thinking of us!
Khyra has such wonderful imaginings! Snow puppy, indeed ;)
OMC! Harley in his hoodie! So precious!!!!
Ok, so it's ok to use "that" button in GR. Mom understands because work has been so crazy for her she just has to read and can't help me post as mant comments as I would like. It's no fun...but a mom has got to go earn cheese and sock money afterall...
xoxo Khory and her woofie Grete the Good
Harley looks wicked in the hoodie!
we can't believe how behind we are on your bloggie! Must make a note to give our PA a big nose poke nudgie.
Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx
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