Normally whilst Mom gets ready fur work, I khurl in my chair but yesterday I went bakhk to bed - I figured she'd khould use these fur my entry in
Reilly's khool khontest - so here I go - after all, it sets off my nose dribbles khwite well!

She noticed I was missing when she went to get those human khlothes on SO the flashie beast akhkhompanied her

Okay Mom - let's get it ovFUR with







I went bakhk down with her and had one last trip out to khool my tail

It was expekhted to rain starting Thursday afternoon - and it did


So my snow will be disappearing - probably by the next time she snags some pikhs - of khourse, I did some of my Princess RainKhloud sponge work during Thursday evening

More SkEYE

Making me khome in so she khan go

From our walk in the snow on Tuesday

From Mom's furst break on Thursday
Happy FrEYEday EvFURRYone!
PeeEssWoo: One more day and she'll be all mine again!
w00fs, loveee your sleepy pictures...mama gotta git busy wiff ours...she fixed 'em, just gotta put them on bloggie...
b safe,
I'm like you, Khyra, I like to sleep in!!
Enjoy ur snow! Wish I could play there. :) Maybe ur Mom could get a fake-snow machine, and make snow for u to play in? I bet that would be neat! :)
don't you hate it when they get up i the morning?
If you had an alarm, Khyra, we could picture you hitting the snooze button a few dozen times while your mom gets ready.
Oh Khyra we hope mom didn't disturb you!!
Benny & Lily
Love your sleepy pix! And, all the photos here...skye was captured quite well, and the snows....ah :)
Sweet hugs,
Sierra Rose
Heehee, we know how to sleep over here! We'd like to join you sometime, make it a slumber party!
Nice sky pics! Sorry about your disappearing snow :(
Happy Tails!
Stumpy and her hoo-bean
I'm sorry you're losing your snow too!
I see woo is stalked by the flashie beast all the time, too! Woofs! I likes dat puppy paw pillow woo gots! And I loves da snows!!! Woo is lucky! Have a nice nappy!
Mya Boo Boo
Aw, she really does torture woo with that flashie beast, doesn't she? well, your sleepy-time photos are rather adorable! We're saying goodbye to our snow too, I guess its bound to happen this time of year.
a-roos to yous,
jack 7 moo
Don't you hate it when you're trying to get a good snooze and the flashy beast comes out? Phfft. Love the sleepy peektures though.
Hi Khyra!
Me and mommy just couldnt get enough of that eyes shut look and you looking very comfy on your pawsome pawpad pillow!!
Hang in there, bet your mom cant wait to spend the whole entire day with Khute Khyra too! :) Have a wonderful weekend!
P.s - Thanks for sharing those amazing snow pics as i can only imagine!
Must be really annoying to see that flashy box thingy right in your face when you're sleeping huh?
We love the sleepy pics of you.:) And enjoy all that snow before the rain takes it away.
Teddy Bear
You are a lovely snow flake my dear puppy pal!!
Woof! Woof! LOVE to sleep too. Happy Friday ... sweet dreams. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
You looked soo tired, you could hardly keep your eyes open! How inconvenient of Mom to go to work so early. hehe!
~lickies, Ludo
Why do humans like to take pictures while we are asleep???
You've got your own pillow - you lucky gal!!
Well, we got new snow here and are expecting another inch tonight, so come on over, Khyra!
Khyra, Mommy just loves all your pictures!
OMD! KHYRA OPEN YOUR EYEBALLAS JUST A LITTLE!! Woo are toola funnie. but i guess if i had a pillow like that.. forget about it!
First of all, that khomment you left me was harsh...my petite derriere fits nicely in our pool...
Secondly, we love the idea of a Sibe sponge...that does take tremendous talent...Scruffy is the main sponge around here...his coat absorbes water...then he drips like a faucet.
Thirdly, I think your mom would have CLOS TRO PHOB E A, here in da Burgh...
You see, our skies are smaller...cuz the hills get in the way. We see just little bits of the sky...not those big grand pics you can get.
And yes, the rain is here AND the snow...it's doing both. Most konfoosing.
I'm thinking I should have a molding contest next year...do your dog outta snow, rice krisbee treats, play dough whatever...
Maybe I'll make me outta CAKE...OH YUM...
We love the profile shots, mouth closed, mouth open. Request more.
Misty the alpha Poodle
You did a lovely job of sneeping in those pikhtoowes. I'm glad at least you got to go and cool youw tail off. Have a wondewful weekend wif youw Mom
smoochie kisses
Woo, good thing you woke up in time to play in the snow.
Remy and Flash
You sure were trying REAL hard to keeps your eyes closed and stay asleep while she was snapping the flashy beast. I tell ya. The things we have to put up with!
Wiggles & Wags,
You sure looked comfy Khyra but it was worth waking up to khool your tail one last time. We hope your mom's work day goes fast so she can become all yours again!
Khyra, you look so very cute snoozing on your paw pillow!!!
We are sorry you are going to lose your snow again. :(
Now I need a nap!
We just love that pillow!
Oh man...that pillow looks comfy Khyra!
Happy Friday Khyra. I hope you get to keep a bit of snow for the weekend.
You gets to sleep on the bed, I am so jealous. ~Fenris
I thoughts of your today. i gots 9 inches of snow... no joke.
woof - Tucker
That is a very cool pillow you have! And you look just snuggly precious in sleepy mode!
You did some very cute snoozin' Khyra! Our dogs love to go back to bed while we have breakfast, just like you did.
Sorry about the rain :(
But, those are some beautiful skies!
I LUVS to sleep too! We gots 10 inches of snow today AND we is gonna gets 4 more inches tomorrow! Mom says dat if you want some of it you can have it! ;)
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae
Those snooze in pics make me jealous! You are a very lovely model, even so early in the morning!
Who's the sleepy one??? Oh, it you Khyra! You look very relaxed.
Sweet Khyra
You are so cute when your sleepy!
The sky photos your mom took are beautiful
With all the really cold and windy weather here, the FiveSibes have been sleeping in on their pillows a lot too. You look so adorable snoozing on your pillow, Khyra! Here's to happy naps! (And maybe a little more snow???!!!)
Khyra, you are a very lovely model! And what a pretty transport passenger, too!
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