But furst a Merdie Moment

All brushed and dried after her bathing torture - she got even with her brofur Harley - she sent pikhs and I'll share them tomorrow!

Of khourse, some ME pikhs prior to letting Mom take the keyboard


Chekhking out the view the passengers get to see!
Okay Mom, it's all yours!

Thanks Khyra! Off I go

The traditional pic with Whitney's B&B and the tranport charm!

Not very clear but just below Greencastle, I always see this assortment of critters grazing and playing - horses, ponies, and llamapacas!

The Mason Dixon Line - I realised last Sunday I hadn't taken a shot of it after entering Merryland before

Max and Nancy whilst we waited to leave the shopping center in Hagerstown

Max was an awesome shotgun passenger - he napped 99% of the time - good thing he was resting up to meet his furever family at the Allentown spot!

One step closer to seeing them and one state closer to Nancy and Tommy getting to meet theirs too!

Okay - could you deny THIS look?

Or this one from Tommy?

Behold The Power of The Paw!

Tommy didn't nap - he was too busy watching me and watching Max and watching Nancy and watching traffic!


He was about as they come - with all that Mango Marbling going on!

Nancy kept her eye on me whilst Tommy was chewing on the Xterra football I keep to occupy the passengers

I just wanted Martha and Bailey to see Scotland is still in PA!

Tommy was taking great care of his sisfur!



Meanwhile, Max was still sleeping!

How's that for snuggling in?!?

He seemed to say 'Really, I'm just sitting here behaving myself'

We passed this truck just before approaching Harrisburg - I wonder if it was headed to
Koobie and Her Mom's place in Mountaintop!?!

Yep, still sleeping!

Are we there yet?

Nancy just prior to their next drivers transferring them to their next limo - or in this case, a Ford Explorer!

Same for Max - he was chilling on the seat getting ready for the next stop!

He smelled happiness!

This weekend's Harrisburg shot

Ah yes - ES3 time again - this is the side of the building I drive along to get to my area - and the side I take the morning pics from -

The view I have when I go out for breaks and lunch -

The York Barbell Guy signifies I'm just about done this week's transport!

And this one shows another mission accomplished!
This trio just ooooooooozed cuteness - they travelled so well - their crates weren't needed since they enjoyed just being together - at their overnight B&B in VA, they were prone to a puppy pile! Their hostess Wendy tried to get some pics but each time she attempted to do so, her dogs went along to check them out too!
I will warn you - there are LOTS of pics in the Photobucket - many were sent from the other drivers - so I've included them - along with some videos Mary took on Saturday - some of the pics I took appear to be the same, but they are different and I just couldn't delete them SO they are in their special scrapbook to always be able to recall the weekend they went home FUREVER!!!
In fact, Max's family sent four pictures Sunday evening and I added them to the Photobucket - I'll share their comments about him later this week when I can copy and paste without fear of losing the post in place! Let's just say, thrilled is an understatement! His new mom promised more pics as he grows up too! I did add her words to the first picture of him in the album in the description section!
We did do the transport for ElsieRosie - these three represent Rosie's early days as a rescue pup! I hope she enjoyed riding along with us!
Here is the link to the Photobucket Album with videos AND here is the link to the Photobucket Slideshow - you will notice my voice is not quite the usual mellifluous one you are used to hearing - I had a slight sore throat Wednesday that progressed to sexy voice by Thursday afternoon to no voice Thursday evening and all of Friday! I was lucky enough to regain it by Saturday morning - it is not quite completely back yet but...
Once again, we get to show how RESCUES ROCK!!!
Speaking of RESCUES ROCKING, please head over to The White Dog Army's Blog later today - a very special commentathon will be going on!
Hugz&Khysses From Khyra's Khorner
Love love love me some merdie!
Hee Miss Khyra- looks like woo hosted your own puppy bowl!
Hope woo got some cheese tonight?
What wonderful pics! Those little sweeties are already oozing so much personality. I can just see them as they will be later in their lives ;)
As always, thanks for doing this selfless work. We need more people like you!
That might be the cutest bunch yet. How could you not pupnap them??
Tommy looks so worried, but we're sure he has happiness in store.
llamapacas? We know llamas and alpacas but we know not of llamapacas.
Misty's human
Great mission pics - as always!
Woosers, this could be your cutest transport yet! Oh my,you rmom must have squeee'd all the way! Ours did looking at all the pup-pup-puppy pics!
jack & moo
Oh my! Those puppies are adorable! How do you keep your eyes on the road - when all you want to do is watch them and snuggle them!!!
Another lovely transport, thank you for the pics...
Sally and Paddy
Khyra, you and Merdie both look beautiful!:) And all those pups are just super cute.:)
Teddy Bear
Mieow Merdie!!! Mieow Khyra!! You two always look great (and beautiful). This transport is just cute overload. Love the pups!
Kyra the photos of you are lovely!
Awww how those puppies ozzzed cuteness. We hope they love theri new furever homes.
How far does your mum travel of these important journies? How far fo some of the pups travel in total to their new homes?
Thank your mum for doing such a brillaint jobbie.
Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx
Well Khyra, we have said it before and we will say it again, your mom has the cutest passengers!
That look from Max.........! Oh yes please we will have him.
We are glad to see you still have Scotland in your sights.
Lovely pics and great you still have snow ther.
Of course you and Merdie were looking very good. Merdie scrubs up well!!!
Now please don't think we are ignoring you we just have a busy human at the moment!
We are trying to still get round all our pals but sorry to say we just can't manage everybody everyday but you know we still love you.
love and kisses
Martha and Bailey xxx
OMG, those are the cutest passengers ever, Khyra! Our mom can't stop smiling!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Adorable pics today. Those pups make mom's heart melt. Thank yoo again for showing rescuing ROCKS!
Merdie, you look beautiful!
Awww! Those puppies just ooze cuteness!
Max has the cutest paws! He's gonna be a big boy!
Hope your mom feels better Khyra!
OH BAST. the puppy cuteness has made our the mom a drooling mess. she's squeeeeeeeeeeeing all over the place! we has to admit though- they are furry cute!
I think my puppy fevers came back again!!! They are so adorable!
What a kharful of khute khritters!
Wonderful pictures!!!!!!!
We purray you will be greatly blessed for helping in these transports.
I always love merdie moments and pictures of you (I thought you were chaperoning the transport, seeing you in the XTerra)
But OMD those PUPPIES!!!!! Puppie feet and puppy breath and puppy bellies and puppy snuggles! I would have dognapped the lot of them, for sure!
Thanks for hlping them to safety!
Stumpy and her bean
hey Khyra,
Merdie looking gorgeous as ever! Khyra, loved your "Me" pics!
What a sweet, cuddly bunch of transport pups! Great photos! Tommy is hilarious, just being the big boy of the bunch, checking everything out, taking car of his sisfur, staying awake just in case... So precious, all of them! So furry happy to hear they all went to forever homes.
Yay for rescues and those humans that do them!!
Such cute little transporters this week. I know they will find homes FAST.
O..M...G!!! Too much sleepy-adoralicious cuteness in that car!! You should have been pulled over for breaking the cuteness quota!! Wow! Great job!!
Those puppies are super super cute!
Adorable pics!
And Merdie looks like she is glowing in that first pic.
Those puppies are so adorable and we hope they will find a good home.
to much cuteness! and merdie
El'bow & Hauwii
Merdie looks very lovely in that first photo, as do you, Khyra!
What a bunch of sweeties again this week! We loved the photos of Max in his new home!
We hope your Mom finds her voice soon!
Such cute puppies!!!!
Great pictures of you Khyra and Merdie. Wow what three cuties they were. Your mum would have just loved travelling with those little darlings. I think there are going to be some happy smiling faces when they go to their forever homes.. Gorgeous.. Hugs GJ xx
What cutie patooties. Bet you want to keep all those kids.
Benny & Lily
Dat is some serious puppy cuteness!
woof - Tucker
Sweeties! Love the pics!
Merdie sure glad you made it through that torture..
Those puppies sure are cute.. Mom you are so lucky to get to help them along there way to wonderful forever homes...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
HOLY SMOKES!!!!! LOOK AT ALL THAT CUTENESS!!!!! Merdie and Khyra and Max and Nancy and Tommy! We now have toothaches from all that sweetness!! And those paws! A-Door-A-Bull!!! ;)
Hi Bootiful Mewdie and Khywa
I love youw pics and wish I could sniff you.
The twanspawt looked so vewy special wif all those cuddly dawlings..Tommy's winkled bwow looked like he was a little concewned , but I know that by now he knows the happy ending.
Thank you again..We agwee
Wescoo Wocks!!!!!!
smoochie kisses
ASTA and mommi
I know those baffs are torture but Merdie looks SO beautiful!!
And those pups... OMG - adorable! Mom's squeals were deafening!!
Oh my...SO cute. I would want to keep all of your passengers.
Merdie looks beautiful! Khyra, you are always so khute too! Those puppy faces just sent us in cuteness overload! Such sweet little babies!
What cuties!!!!!!
What adorable passengers! Puppies! Lots of love, Holly and mom
Oh Khyra, those puppies where soo Khute!
Oh my dogness, that is the cutest series of photos that I've ever seen. Those three were amazing! I'm so happy to hear how well behaved they were and that they're at their forever homes.
I hope that you are feeling all better soon!
Thanks for your devotion to helping these dogs!
Looks like another great transport! I gotta ask though, and maybe this is a dumb question...who is Whitney?
Elyse and Riley
Thanks for making us smile with news that more deserving pups have found their perfect forever homes. May they have long lives filled with safety, health, and love.
A Special Thank You for sharing the word about Nuka's Birthday Comment-A-Thon. She is so excited that so many people are stopping by just to wish her a happy day.
Pretty Merdie!
Yes. Tommy looked worried! But sure he is going to have a happy life!
Same for Max and Nancy!
Kisses and hugs
The transporters were adorable!
Dear khyramom,
looks like the puppy express!
Mumma is here going cluck cluck cluck at all the puppy Khuteness :D
your pal,
Could your puppy passengers have been any cuter? I don't think so!
Ohmidogness! How did you even keep your eyes on the road with all that cuteness to look at in your Xterra?
Wiggles & Wags,
I glad u did some more reskyoo trips. :)
Such beautiful dogs and pups. That's a beautiful Golden at the top of the post and not a bad looking Sibe specimen either. Of course, pups are always cute. BZ on the transport Ms. Phyll. We love ya lady.
What cute pictures there Khyra. The puppies look just adorable.
We got a nice " doggy fix- from looking at all the happy photos of all the passengers,,, and Merdie is so fluffy and clean, and I bet smells good too
Lots of cute in this post. :)
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