I'll let Mom take khontrol of the keyboard now!
Tehya - she's a HuskyBorderCollie - and she's the best of all those breeds offer -
As we mentioned on Sunday's post, we were going to do Heart's transport in honour and memory of Bandit and the others at Wandering Spirits -
Well, here are some pictures we snagged from Tehya's post about her brothers -
Mac and Ozzy
We are still thinking of them and Emmitt's family too - please check out the awesome video his mom put together for us to celebrate Emmitt on their blogOff we go
This is for Auntie Di - she works at United Rentals in Phoenix - this one is our local one - it is down the hill and across the interstate from Khyra's B&B SPCA!
I'll be back HERE on Wednesday!
I saw this plate when I stopped to get some very precious $3.199 ga$ that was $3.229 when I went by three hours later - most of the gas I saw enroute to and from Hagerstown was $3.259 to $3.319 - sad sad sad
Short of Chambersburg I passed this truck and took it as another omen of a great transport!
Once again, Chester's bridge as I headed South -
Some bonus PUPPY pictures!
I got to McD's and encountered Peggy - the one who joined us in Harrisburg last Sunday - and Helen - coincidentally enough, Helen had done Hope and Vicky's overnight for Sam's transport - I had been to Helen's quite a few times to get pups that had spent the night at her place - she'd been out of the country for some months but has returned and will be back to helping with B&B and driving as her schedule permits!
I told her how I had wanted to drive Hope and Vicky on Sunday - she confirmed they were very special girls - Helen got very excited talking about Vicky - she said she was a beauty - and that Hope was so in need of love - but what a great pair they were!
I did get a video of the pups in Hagerstown - AND again in Harrisburg for they were there when Heart and I arrived!
I let Heart check out the snow in Merryland
Some girl was FURRY happy to be heading home!
She was such a sweetie!
I think she was one of the most photogenic dogs I've transported - so please be prepared for the number of pics in the Photobucket - I just couldn't bring myself to delete any of them!
The blanket was hers - and she loved it
Her eyes were awesome and so expressive!
Sorry - out of focus - had to shoot it quickly!
Chester's Bridge heading North -
Checking out the sights in Harrisburg
Inspecting my side of The Xterra
Another successful trip as we try to see they all do have a home!
Our Harrisburg shot as I headed back across The Susquehanna River for home
Mission Accomplished!
There are LOTS of pics in the Photobucket including some from Saturday's meeting spot in Charlotte - Heart got to ride along with a Dalmatian transport - and Mary went over to the Bob Evans to snag some pics of all of them -
As I mention in the one of the videos, Heart is going to live in Western Master Chew Sits - her mom and dad drove down to North Paterson NJ to meet her and escort her HOME! She's nine months old with lots of happiness and fun in store!
UPDATE: Around 7:30 Sunday night we got an email wrapping up the transport - Heart was on her way home with her mom and dad - they were THRILLED - and thanked all of us for bringing 'this bundle of joy into our lives' -
The transport was done for PMAR - Heart had been fostered in the Greenville SC area!
Here is the link to the Photobucket album with six videos AND here is the link to the slideshow -
Once again, all the wagging tails you see are proof
Hugz&Khysses From Khyra's Khorner
The "snoof" pic is one of my all-time favorites, I think! Such a photogenic, sweet pup. Glad she's got a forever home now!!!
Certainly she looked happy in those pictures!
Glad she found a pawesome forever home!
And the little ones are adorable too!
Good job, mom!
Happy Monday!
Kisses and hugs
You are right. She does have amazing eyes!!
That puppy certainly is very photogenic. Love those typical "terrier" ears of his!
Aw, look at those cute cute puppies!!! And that gorgeous girl - love her ears, lol. bless your mom, MFT, for another terrific rescue run.
jack & moo
Such good news about Heart!!
Yay for rescues! Yay! :)
Heart is a beauty! We're so glad she's found her furever home.:)
Teddy Bear
What a wonderful way for us to start a Monday ~ rescue most certainly does ROCK! Thank you.
We wish all the dogs and pups the happiest of lives in their new forever homes.
OMD, those EARS... will they stand up eventually? i wonder. she is beautiful...
that first photo is a side of Khyra i've not seen! :)
Cute, cute dogs - all of them!
We got lots of rain and storm after storm last night - no more snow whatsoever - but spring flowers are peeking up from the ground. And two days ago we saw a bush in full bloom! Turns out it is witch hazel - very cool and so amazing to see flowers in February!
Happy Monday MOMday to you, Khyra! Thanks for the report of what's going on with you and your mom and those little kids.
She's a very photogenic girl! Glad she's got a forever home.
Wow, puppies, a super model, what a day!! Rescues do ROCK! They Rock my socks off...well, if I wore socks!!
So glad the sweety got a new forrever home. I think I can see her sitting on her colourful blanket lapping up lots of love.. Good job your mum did again Khyra, she is a star.. Hugs GJ xx
"snoof" - we like that!
hey Khyra,
Hope you had fun with your SibeLings! You look a bit lost without all your beautiful snow. Sadness. :-<
We are so sad to read of the passing of yet more pups from the blogging world. Our hearts go out to the families.
Heart sure is a beauty! Great "snoof" picture! Thanks for doing all you do to help these gorgeous pups!
p.s. great license plate!
Hi Khyra! We are so behind! We love that we got to see this transport - your mom is right - Heart is GORGEOUS! She really has an expressive face and those are some gorgeous eyes! We are glad that you all had another successful transport!
Oh, and tell your mom - the cheapest gas I have seen around her (for regular) is 3.53/gallon - and that my car has to use premium - I long for gas that is only 3.31!
She is a model! Beth said she would have fun taking pics of her too! Thanks for all you do, my friend....
can I just ride along and play with the pups while you drive sometime?
What a georgeous girl!! and thanks for the link to Emmitt. Great video. You are amazing!
Oh my, what a beautiful girl she is-her eyes exactly match her coat!
Thanks for doing what you do!
Happy Monday Khrya!
Heart is beootiful, so happy dat her has a furever home!
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae
Lovely pics of a lovely dog!
Heart and those puppies are so cute. Heart looks like quite an nosey one. hehe
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
She is VERY photogenic. Looks like she's smiling and happy with life too.
Heart is so gorgeous! We just love her ears!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Happy monday MOMday, Khyra!
We love the video!
You and your mom are angels...
Anothew most wondewful Wescoo Mission accomplished. Thank you fow showing us and fow those wondewful pups.I love the "till they all have homes" sign
smoochie kisses
Khyra we love that big open mouthed pic best!
We loved all the photos today starting with beautiful Khyra all the way to Heart who we're very happy is in her furever home! Thanks for all you do and for making us smile!
Heart is such a beauty. I got all choked up visualizing her heading home with her forever family. *You* rock!
Always love seeing your rescue pics! Khyra, lovely pose in the first shot!
We love the pictures of all the kids being transported. Yes the one babe is happee to be home
Benny & Lily
We LOVE Mondays because of you! Thanks for making a difference is so many lives.
Gas isn't QUITE that expensive here yet...ouch! But you know we couldn't expect Big Oil to have reduced profits! :) (Preaching to the choir about BB, I know)!
Thanks for stopping by and leaving kind words for Quinn on his Gotcha Day! You traveled the entire journey with us from start until now so your words meant a lot to him...and to us.
What cute passengers! I have that same pink/brown leash the pups were playing with. hehe
Hi, Khyra -
Thanks for coming to visit our blog. Mama has been really behind in blogging. She had a cold for about six weeks and is just starting to feel like herself now.
Heart is such a cutie and we are glad she found a forever home!
Love -
Hershey and Kaci
P.S. We will do some more visiting tonight.
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