Winged Edition
Shots from Monday whilst the sun was still around
Ready to go Mom!
Now fur the winged part of today's post
It's getting to be time again
From what Mom has been able to see from hitting THE SITE from time to time, we should have some PF peeps this year - albeit a bittersweet hatching - the furst year with the new female - with Valentine's Day approaching, the traditional behaviours start to show with him wooing her - demonstrating what a good provider he would be fur their khlutch -
We'd like to share some other winged sites that have been shared this year - The furst was sent our way by our CaliFURnia pals The Boo Bears -

Here is this week's video - enjoy!
I did have fun on my sekhond walk of the day - Mom lets me choose the route once we get beyond where the khattledogs play - well, I chose a route we hadn't walk before - the last time I had been on those streets was during my last big run-a-bout - I chose the khorrekht turns when we khame to intersekhtions in need of a decision - even direkhted Mom out of the developments and along the road that is the eastern edge of 'here' - turned on to my street when it was time to do so! Mom told me later it was interesting watching me process evFURRYthing -
Now fur the winged part of today's post

We'd like to share some other winged sites that have been shared this year - The furst was sent our way by our CaliFURnia pals The Boo Bears -
It is this furry khool hummingbird khamera feed - I know Auntie Di watched this a lot last year - and has already spent time watching this year -
Another one is the pawesome owl site fur Bear and Willow - which has lots of khool pikhs and links
Be warned - the sites are addikhting!
We hope woo have enjoyed this winged edition of Walkin' Wednesday!
Our human doesn't need any more addicting websites.
Misty the alpha Poodle
We like different walks too. We need some new smells, from time to time!
Hey, we saw a big owl fly over our truck this morning :)
Wyatt and Stanzie
Guess that means the falcons at mom's work will be starting their new family soon too! I'll have to be sure to let mom know to check their online falcon cam! Cool!
I think the winged creatures are plotting something. There was an owl that flew down to the underground train station in broad daylight! Walks are good, same or different route!
We LOVE your flooofffffy tail shots - very pretty!
The winged ones are up to stuff here too! There are all these squeeeeeky sounds coming from our Birch - we can't tell if it is a Blackbird or what?
We will check out the birdie sites - D loves Hummingbirds!
Sally and Paddy
Don't you just love when the humans let us choose the route?:) Woohoo, we are excited to see the winged ones again.:)
Teddy Bear
Trails of our own to choose? now that's a sibe's dream come true!
We've forbidden mom to visit "addictive" sites, 'cos we don't get enuff blogging time as it is!
Dat was awfully nice of your mom to let you pick your route. I hopes yo had 2 leashes on...hehehehe! Mum says it's very cool to watch how we walk as far as watching where we wanna go and knowing where to stop when we has to cross da road and blah blah blah.
Oh!!! Your tail on the first pic looks awesome!! Haha seems like you do have a fluffy white tail? hihi
I went to Bear and Willow site as you suggested and guess what?? the site is really addicting!! One of mom's dream pet is to own an eagle and an owl when she met one for sale few years back. I bet mommy's gonna go to that site quiet often now.
Autumn & Jasmine
I am most impressed by your directional skills, Khyra! Of course, our GPS system here is called a "Tom-Tom" for obvious reasons...!
I do love your fluffy tail!
I do admire you have that winged creature with you, we don't have any here but sometimes we do see another type of winged creature, it's a little one with big black winged which is blind too.
My grandma was just reminding us the other day that it would be time to start watching our PF site again soon!
Woof! Woof! Happy Wakie Wednesday. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
My mom sent her self the Phoebe link so she can watch it at work!!
Oh no! I canNOT let Mom look at those sites! How would I get my blogging done?
nice walkies pikshurs.
we haf PF's at the Kodak Tower in downtown Rochester!
I'm trying to cut back on my computer time so no more addicting sites for me, either!
You're looking more floofier than ever!
Happy (and floofy) tails!
Stumpy and her bean
Super floofy walk my friend!!
Our little wrens that come back each spring has made permanent residence in their old nest! I guess since it's been so cold, they decided to stay in!
Grrrrreat walkie!!
I don't think they turned on falcon cam yet. Boo hoo. I think it is too cold for them yet anyway, right?
the birds are back already?
Oh Khyra your tail cracks us up. Sure looks like a beautiful day
Benny & Lily
Happy walkin Wendnesday, Khyra.
Nice woooh
That's so cool that Mom lets you choose your route! And that you knew just where to go! Happy Wednesday!
Elyse and Riley
Happy Wednesday Khyra! Our Mom says we can go to the addicting websites. We have chores to do. Sniffs, The HoundDogs
It looks like your snow is melting?
Ours TOO!!
woof - Tucker
Those sites look realy interesting and mum will go back to them when she has a little more time. Looks like you took mum on a great walk Khyra. Hugs GJ x
Wow! Wings and walking! What a way to spend a day!
The is so cool! Thanks for sharing!
Just because you know the way home, it does not mean you are allowed to go out by yourself.
What a great walk you had.. Looks like all your snow is melting.. We love you burying your nose in the snow. Callie does that all the time too...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Looks like you had some fun walks. Sure was nice of your mom to let you choose the route. :)
Super floofy tail today, Khyra! Beautiful!
Love those critter cams too - and your floofy tail, Khyra. Your mummy must be very fit walking you all over the place.
I haven't learned about the flying things around here yet, but I sure went flying down the road today when I learned how to sneak out of the gate!
We always pick the route, we just let our moms think we don't right Khyra? Is it really time for the PFs already? Time sure flies by!
If I let my dogs choose the route, I think that we'd be running in small circles for hours. Good job, Khyra of the Floofy Tail!
I can't let myself click on any more addicting websites. I've been watching the Minnesota bear den cams... You wanna talk about addicting? No more for me.
But, I am curious about the PF female. Did last year's female die? Do they form pair bonds for life?
Spring must be around the corner if they're getting ready for the chicks!
hi there,
we miss you and wanted to touch base since we've been MIA for too long
coco and tiffy
Hi Khyra,
Thanks for visiting my blog and for your kind comments. I'm glad to hear that you saw a truck from Koobieville on your last trip. Now you have proof that there is more in Mountain Top than just me. :)
If you have a chance, please revisit my blog and watch the three short videos of me that my mom just put on there. You'll see how busy I am. Hehe..
Love and Lots of Koobuss Kisses,
We felt like we were right there walking along with you in your video...and we just love your floofy tail!!!
Great Floofy tail shots today! Happy Wednesday!
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae
Happy Wednesday!
Oh,'s always fun going a different way on a walkie. You are Most Clever to have found your way home, too!
Wiggles & Wags,
There's snow on the ground and you're already planning your birdwatching for the new year. :)
Your walkin' wednesday started with style! Fluffy tail!
And then... going where you wanted to go!
Kisses and hugs
Must be something in the air...directing exploration in new directions. Quinn decided tonight to window shop down Route 66!
Dear Khyra, I think your tail is pawesome! It, like the rest of you, is fluffy and beautiful! Thank you for taking me on a walkie with woo!
Your admiring fan,
Such a smartie for choosing all the right turns on your route! If I let mine choose, we'd end up in Alaska! Hmmm...maybe that's not such a bad idea...
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