I have a special request I hope you might pass on to your readers. My pals Colin and Molly are a couple of humans who truly went above and beyond to help a sweet, severely neglected dog named Elsie. She ran away on the day they adopted her. It took a month, night-vision wildlife cameras, several pursuits with a dog-tracking dog, and finally a professional trapper to get her back. Then a careless dog-walker let her get away again -- this time things did not end well. (It's a riveting tale -- see their blog ) Sadly Elsie died yesterday. Colin has asked that anyone who hears Elsie's story would give their dogs an extra dose of play this weekend in her honor.
He writes: "The only thing that I could think that would truly comfort Molly and I would be to know that this resulted in hundreds of real, additional fetches fetched, trees sniffed, muddy trails hiked, balls snatched, and that finally, dozens of conniving fleece people and untrustworthy knotted ropes will be brought to justice for their many crimes."
Here's their blog with pictures and the whole (well-written and often funny) story:
I know it would mean a lot to them if you would ask your readers to give their dogs a special mid-winter frolic this weekend.
Thanks so much,
Kellie Bartlett
So, please honour the rekhwest this weekend - and visit their blog to woof and purr some words of support and khomFURt -
We are going to dedikhate this Sunday's transport to Molly, Colin, and RosieElsie
******Wednesday morning's special snow preservative - this is what has helped maintain my snow khover - we really didn't get much from any of this week's storms - my four to six inches are from last week's event
Who is that hunk?
Fluffy tail inspekhtion
My turn
The khoating even held his Malamute-ness!
The Ziggy smile!
Here is a short video of us romping Wednesday evening after his arrival - we didn't get many good pikhs given the lighting in the house at 11pm - AND due to our speed - Mom did REALLY well at khapturing blurry ones!
Ziggy and his mom made a trip to visit with a friend who was in the area on business and staying about 20-25minutes South of us - we said 'why don't woo stay with us rather than drive bakhk to VA' so they did!
Mom and I had met Ziggy's mom in Gettsyburg a few years ago whem Malamute Nationals were held there - Ziggy had akhtually just entered her life shortly prior to that time - but we didn't meet him - what a fluffy handsome Mali Boy!

Happy FrEYEday All!
Another sad story...
We are saddened to read this story.
We enjoyed Ziggy's pictures! He is a is a real handsome boy!
Well Khyra...
It's good ta see that ya finally got some snow....'n we guess that yer pretty lucky that ya have missed the worst of all the storms that have been workin' their way across the country....what a winter !!!!
Punxie Phil didn't see his shadow 'n so he says Spring is just around the corner...there are millions of peple who hope that he's right.....
Dewey Dewster here....
we will give many many extra doses of play and love this weekend
Woo-hoo, what a hunky malboy! That is so khool that Ziggy & his mom stayed with woo! He's got the best smile ever!
We will be thinking of Elsie this weekend. What a sad story. : ( Godspeed Elsie. Woo can romp & play and do zoomies all over the other side of the Rainbow bridge and always be safe.
Be safe, everyone.
jack & moo
Four paws up to those special humans, and yes you are adorable
Benny & Lily
We are so sad to hear about Elsie.:( Ziggy looks like such a fun pal.:)
Teddy Bear
Poor Elsie - we will think of her this weekend and play that extra bit for her.
Ziggy is very handsome -
Lots of licks
Sally and Paddy
What a sad story, we're sorry for their loss.
We are so sorry to hear that Elsie's life was so short. We hare in her people's pain.
That's quite a visitor, Khyra!
Sad story about Elsie - she was such a good lookin' girl. Mom says she looks like a gigantic Pedro! I've already gotten extra lovin' in her honor. Ziggy! His face is so sweet (Mom said that, not me...)
I'm so sorry to hear about the sad story of Elsie and I promise I'll give Mika and Eva loads of doses of play today.
Ziggy is a cutie!!!
MFT, I went over to Rosie/Elsie's blog and left some lovin' purrs.
You know, that Ziggy fella is nearly fluffier than you are!
We'll be visiting Rosie/elsie's blog, when we leave here.. I dunno if I can handle the sadness, though.
That Ziggy is one handsome mal!chaperoned or not, there are going to be some jealous dogs in blogland!
Happy tails!
Stumpy and her bean
What a terrible thing to happen to dat poor family. My mum will most definately honor their request...fur da rest of our lives!
Oh Ziggy is a hot one.
So sorry to hear about Elsie!! We'll frolic extra hard for her this weekend!!
Woofs and Kisses!
The Fiesty Three
What a sad story.
Nice woooh
hey Khyra,
What a sad way to start the week-end. I pawed my way over to Elsie's blog and posted a comment of support and love. What a tragedy. She was such a beautiful pup. Thank you for sharing and getting the word out. K will DEFINITELY be giving me PLENTY of extra love, attention, and play this week-end in memory of Elsie.
I must admit, Ziggy is a very handsome Malamute. He seems more fluffy than me, and he has a very good looking face. I am glad you two had such a blast playing together! The video is so fun!
Khyra..we're gonna go right over and leave some wordies on Elsie's blog. And we will get extra hugs and romps this weekend...Mumsie said.
She also said Scruffy is for sale cheapest. He um brought in some sort of large FROZEN HEAD last night...my speculation is he bit Phil's head off and quick froze him but with Scruffy one can never tell...details on blog.
As for Ziggy...DOES HE DATE???
Everyone, thank you for your kind comments about Elsie. Knowing all those pups out there are getting some extra fun this weekend cheers us a great deal. Though the story ended sadly, she gave us plenty of happy memories and ridiculous stories while she was with us. Thank you again!
We were so sad to read about Elsie we have been over to their blog.
Lots of TLC and play here this weekend.
Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx
Oh, how heartbreaking for ElsieRosie's family! I hope they know that we'll be thinking of them while we're out hiking in the snow somewhere this weekend!
Ziggy is one big boy! Wowzers! You look all tiny and petite beside him! I'll bet you had a great visit!
What a sad story - but we love the idea of turning it into a nice event for many doggies.
Such a sad story... I need to go home and hug Dar.
Ziggy is a handsome guy! We have Malamute friends that hang out with the Danes at the park and they are big boys!
That is just heartbreaking about Elsie.
Your pal Ziggy is super floofy!
So sad....Beth promised me that there would be extra football time this weekend....
Oh Miss Khyra, we are so sad about Rosie/Elsie. So much to go through to have it end that way. We pawed them a short message.
Wow! That Ziggy sure is a big handsome boy! We will have to watch your video, but we are certain you had a great time!
We so hope you get a bit more snow still.....so that you can bask in its coolness longer!
So sad! :-( Mom said extra love in on this weekend.
Mr. Nubbin'
We do not like the sad stories..
You sure are lucky you had such a handsome visitor..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
We stopped by to leave words of comfort and a promise for the weekend...thanks for sharing.
A Ziggy sleepover! Sounds like nonstop fun! It is always great to see good friends. Anything yummy foodwise to celebrate?
Elise's story is very sad, but we are glad that they gave her a good home while she was on this earth.
We're so sorry to hear that sad story. We'll think of her this weekend and be sure to play in her honor.
Khyra, you sure had a handsome visitor! Or should we say, whay to go Whitney! Your whikhkedness sure whorked! :)
How cool that you got to meet Ziggy pup! He is pretty awesome. So is his mum.
I am very sorry for the loss of Rosie - Elsie. Rest in peace. :(
So very sad about Rosie. I will play extra with my Duo this weekend, in her memory. I hope that you and Khyra find some extra time for fun too.
BRrr! The snow looks so cold. It's nice having company from out of town-Ziggy looks like a good guy to know. Enjoy his visit.
Tell your Mom that I think it's very thoughtful of her to dedicate Sundays run to sweet Elsie.
Ziggy!!!!! What a handsome boy he is! Looks like you two were having lots of fun!!
Very sorry to hear that the pup passed. :(
Sure looks like you're enjoying all of your snow. :)
were a little behind but were going over to Elsies family blog now. Such a tradgedy.
My moms will play extra with me this weekend in her memory.
Ziggy is such a furry little doll
Thank you so much for your visit and the purrs while we await my test results and for my mom's nerves.
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