I wonder if Mom will furget to let me in whilst she goes to work

I'll just pretend to be a statue - she really needs more prakhtice shooting early morning shots - they are a little out of fokhus Mom

Say hi to CHIEF!

He's a GoldenSNOWDOGRetriever

Trotting along The Trail

Khwite the happy furamily!

Furry happy!

Chief was the one Mom was
supposed to transport in early January - but cirkhumstances prevented him from making that one - his new mom shared some pikhs of Chief enjoying some fun in a 14" snow in Merryland - she said he's settling in really well - went to the groomer and did furry well there as well as the trip in the vehikhle!
We notice that Chief doesn't get to wear a ribbon like some dogs whose name we won't mention here do
Misty the alpha Poodle
What a happy guy Chief seems to be - all settled in to his new home!
Hope yr mum remembered to let you in! What a happy ending for Chief! You cam see the bond between canine and human.
We're so glad Chief has found such a great furever home.:)
Teddy Bear
Hooray for Chief finding a great new home! I don't think you'd wanna stay out while Momma goes to work, Khyra. ;)
BOL at your statue imitation, Khyra!
and many Congrats to Chief! That is great news that he is all cozy and happy in his new home!!!!!!
It's great to see Chief so happy!
Nice try, but I can't see your mom forgetting you out there!
Chief sure looks happy!
We love Chief's smile!
Yay for Chief!! He looks SO very much happy!
So... did you get to stay outside in the snow while mom went to work?? I'm guessing not. My mom forgets lots of stuff but, unfortunately, never forgets to bring me inside when she goes to work.
Super news about Chief!!!! I see you are still enjoying your snow!!!
Chief looks good and happy!!! It's always good to be with family!
I'm sure your mommy won't forget about you, letting u inside is part of her work too! And Chief is a handsome fella yah!
So, did you get to stay outside in the cold?! BOL! You crazy dog...
ahem...psssst....Khyra...statues don't have floof! I'm just sayin...
It's great to see Chief living happily ever after!
Floofy, Happy Tails!
Stumpy and me
Oh Khyra we don't think mom would ever forget you out there. But you would make a cute statue
Benny & Lily
Wow, honey.....I love them first two pitchers. Ya look like a woof on the tundra!
This sure is yer kinda weather, honey.
He sure looks happy in his forever home :)
That snow looks awesome! We got some last week, but our "blizzard" was pretty disappointing. The patio is melted and re-frozen just right so there's lots of ice for me to eat. it is awesome! Mom gets kinda annoyed when i stand out there nomming ice instead of doing my bizness. Especially when its super freezy cold like it has been the last couple of days. hehehehe
Happy Thursday!
your pal,
Chief looks quite happy in his new home! Too bad Mom didn't let you stay outside in the snow all day!!
Elyse and Riley
Chief looks like a furry happy dog, and I just love all those pictures!
Great news! Loved all the pics!
Oh Khyra, this post makes my eyes leak!!! I'm so happy that Chief finally crossed the state lines to Merryland to a new home and life!!!!!
You've made my day--THANKS for that!!!
It's amazing to se all that snow when we already have early spring flowers blooming!
Chief is so sweet.. What a happy fella..
That sniffer work look like so much fun. Bet the deaf ones would be good at that their noses work over time..
Yepper Callie is a short little stumpy jumper. But a fast one..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Great news about Chief! He looks so happy!=)
What a happy boy Chief is! We are thrilled for him!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
You always have such neat pix on your blog, Khyra.
You look very dramatic in the early morning light, my friend! And Chief looks VERY happy!
Sniffing for fun sounds like it could catch on as a sport...maybe even of Olympic status!
We're so happy to see Chief happy in his furever home! We don't think you're mom would ever forget you Khyra!
Hi Chief! Nice to see you're having lots of fun. I'm sharing my little terrier's favorite website with you. You might cajole your human into getting you some really really special treats, wink. http://www.naturalk9supplies.com
Chief looks SO happy! I bet that's what Khyra is thinking about!
Youw pink sky is bootiful.
I love seeing how happy Chief is wif his new family
smoochie kisses
It would be impossible for your Mom to forget about you Khyra :) The Chief looks like an awesome dog!
The Chief looks awesome, but we can't take our eyes of of you, Khyra!
with love from The Bleu, The Mom and The Luke who art in Heaven
Hi, Khyra!
I know you would love to be all day outside in the snow!
Sure Chief is happy in his new home!
Kisses and hugs
wooo Miss Floofy it looks pretty dark out there. Chief looks a happy chap, good to hear he is settling in well.
Three cheers for Chief!!! yea yea yea!!!
Khyra, I think you do an excellent job in helping your mom to stay focused.
She will never forget you
Chief looks like his is enjoying his new furever home.
Some how Kyra..we just don't see your mum forgetting you when she goes to work!
Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx
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