Monday Evening 10:35pm

Thank Woo Bluebirds Of Happiness!










Yo snow - where are woo?

17"+ in Eden Prairie MN - sigh!

Even The PF is looking fur some!

Say hi to Kaz - he's available due to the kindness of The Blind Dog Rescue Alliance -
here's his page on their site - I got to meet him on Sunday bekhause he's now being fostered by my SibeLings - he's a Husky and a TulaMonstah - also known as Akita - he's furry lovable - and furry khyssy too - his left eye was removed bekhause it ruptured - and he doesn't have much sight in the other but that didn't stop him from playing - Mom says having seen him in the fur, he truly is a pawesome khombination of Husk-kita!
Mom had the flashie beastie with her when we all met him but she decided not to subjekht him to a photoshoot YET - but of khourse, his turn will khome!
Woo should head ovFUR HERE and chekhk out this furry khool khontest - I might just have to sleep on khoming up with a suitable entry!
PeeEssWoo: It might be a WHITE Whalking Whednesday!!!
Wow! What a difference. One minute there's snow, next minute there's none!
Gee Khyra...
Are ya still waitin' fer snow? Sheesh...it seems like there's a whole lot of it visitin' the rest of the states...maybe they can truck some over ta ya.....
Dewey Dewster here....
hey Khyra,
I feel your pain. My heart breaks with yours. I search the sky as you do, wondering where our snow is. If you find it, please let me know.
So my home state of MN got all our snow?! Drats! I hope Princess Eva and Brice the Handsome appreciate what they have received.
Kax is SO adorable! I wish I could make him my brofur. I will keep my paws crossed that he finds an extraordinary home of love!
p.s. My human sends you many thanks for the video link! Pawsome! :->
Wow...the snow went away that fast?:( We hope you get atleast a few more good dumps before spring.:)
Teddy Bear
Aww..snow then no snow! boohoo
We went ot bed with snow falling last night, but his morning only wet and mud.
we'll drop in and see Kaz.
have a good week.
Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx
What happened to all of that snow? We hate "teaser snows". We still have a tiny little pile left from a month ago - it's hanging on waiting for another - we're sure of it.
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Ruairi
Khyra's doing what Khyra does best...mmm...the snow WILL arrive! :)
Sending lotsaluv
Well, it was meant to be. That sleepy photo contest on the very day that I posted a sleepy photo.
I sure wish you were here to snuggle with. It is FREEZING cold. Momma says she is not even going to walkie me before taking Pea to daycare because it would make her super grouchy. Sob.
Just that little snow??? What a disappointment!
My mom always like your crossed paws pictures, she thinks you're the best example of crossed paws girl.
~ Eva
We heard there was some snow stuff coming your way. Hope you get to keep some for a while.
Gussie n teka
I could truck you some snow. We have LOTS and it will likely linger until April! See, you just live in the wrong part of the world, where I sometimes think the same for me- I SHOULD be somewhere less snowy and warmer!!
Ah well, life, right? It's warmer today so I hope to get out and get some photos of fetch in the yard or something today! Then you'll see the snow, Khyra!
Jen and the Black Dog Crew
WooHoo snow for you!! We got lots of rain and then freezing rain/sleet and then about an inch of snow. Mom is hoping it won't last long. But I hope you enjoy it Khyra!
You can have all the white stuff! We don't want anymore!
WE got all excited for you when we saw your first picture! It's coming, I Know it it!...maybe it's kind of like that watched pot that never boils...
Kaz is beautiful!
Happy, Waggin' Tails, FUREVER!
Stumpy and me
So the snow did make it ofer by you. That woz the second round wot did not make it ofur by us, thank dogness. We had just enuf from the first round to make it slimy and nasty out.
Kaz sure opened our eyes this morning! For Sis's honorary transport, any visually impaired rider would suit us well. I don't know why I didn't think of that right off!!
That Blueberry of happiness better deliver more snow pronto!!
Whoo must have been disappointed when that snow disappeared! Kaz looks adorable.
Wait, where did all the snow go?
Your snow watches are so sad to see.
Misty the alpha Poodle
Hi Khyra!!!
Hope your snows come back :) I haven't rolled in any snows in quite a while now...sadness.
Great photos! And always fantastic when furpals fine nice homes!
Have a great week friends.
Sweet hugs,
Sierra Rose
We were so hoping that you would have gotten at least a foot of the cold white stuff, Khyra!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Whered all the snow go?! We got a light (barely there) dusting last night mixed in with hail. This morning it was all gone.
Sorry your snow disappeared so quickly Khrya. Is there a snow thief where you live???
Molly, Taffy, Monty and Winnie
Just got a big shipment of snow in....looks like you need some....I'll get right on it!
WOO HOO!!!! More snows for you!!!
Woohoo SNOW!
Keep calm and carry on .... the snow will be back ASAP.
We like you at your tree snow or no snow.
Remy and Flash
We hope the snow comes - and gives you a wonderful white yard!
Your pictures look so sad without white in them :(
Al - Rudy's Brother
Hello! I wish u had some snow to play with. Still, it's gonna be spring soon, and u can go for even more walkies! :)
that snow looks so cold! how can you stand it? Brrrrrr.....
Au is eating 3 times as much as he was on Monday. This FIV miracle drug he's testing seems to be working. We're over the moon!
Yea snow!! I guess all that waiting paid off! WOOOO!
We hope you get lots of snow again soon! It's really cold here again but we got rain which is fine with me! The pictures of you at your tree Khyra are always so sweet! Love the one of you looking at the sky! Lots of love, Debbie and Holly
We can't wait to see a whyte whalking whednesday! Yay!
Kaz is very handsome! We hope he gets a furever home soon!
Hi Y'all,
What lovely pictures of you Khyra! Maybe you can get your Humans to take you on a visit to Colorado. I hear the next month or two is their heaviest snow season.
Y'all come back now,
Hawk aka BrownDog
We just don't think that all those pictures of Queen Khyra and her tree, praying for snow, can do justice to the final result.....yea you guessed it....SNOW. Good job Khyra, pray for Glen Beck's head to explode and that the shrapnel hits RL.....he he
Long live the Queen.
Frickle weather, one moment there's snow then no-snow! Kinda like that here too, except here its sunny one moment then downpour the next!
I hope that was not the last time you saw the snow this season!
Yes! Kaz is very handsome!
I am sure he will find a lovely forever home soon!
Kisses and hugs
Hi, Khyra -
Kaz is such a beautiful pup. Mama just got caught up reading all of your posts.
Do you still want snow? We still have a pile in our front yard but it's really ugly now.
Love -
Hershey and Kaci
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