Hi Samantha,
It's hard to believe it's already been over a year since Dunkin has come to stay with us. I can't remember what is what like not to have him around. His physical appearance has changed so much that I can't believe it when I see then and now pics of him. Compared to his original web photo, and even the couple I had sent shortly after we got him he looks so different.First, he has gained 15 lbs. putting him at his optimum weight. Second, with some dedicated grooming (he has that double coat and is constantly shedding) his coat is beautiful and he prances like a show dog!
We walk 3x a day and I often try to hit different routes and still can't believe how many people stop to ask me what kind of dog he is or comment on his appearance. My favorite answer is that he's a great dog!
His personality was good right from the start but now that he knows the family's ways I can't tell you how blessed we are that he is so obedient. He is also the "king" of our block with neighbors who come out to give pets and treats.
Here are a couple of the latest pics. Coming from North Carolina I don't think he knew what snow was but it didn't take him long to figure out it could be fun. Then it's his resting place for the morning after his 2 mile hike. He has free reign in our open back yard since he is not interested in going anywhere (except after squirrels!).
We want to thank and praise you again for all the work you do at The Last Resort.
After Sam shared the pikhs and update with those on his transport that day, one of his driver's shared this about him:
OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He's the one who was pulled from Gaston and privately adopted in Charlotte, to a guy who turned out to not be a good adopter. He said Little John jumped out of his car and he couldn't find him. One of us immediately went to Charl/Meck Animal control once we found out what happened, and there he was!!!!! What a blessing it turned out to be that he ended up there! WOW!!!!! He looks amazing!!!! What a lucky boy to have landed in such a wonderful home!!!!! Thanks so much for the update!!!!!!
SO, some GREAT news, eh?
Ready fur more???

Rudy will go home Thursday. He is doing great. All of his tests and bloodwork have come back perfect, and they have tested for everything. We saw him yesterday, and he had SO much energy. He was soooo skinny, but he didn't seem sick. He was loving on all of us for a half hour. He kissed and hugged (okay, humped) the entire time.
His mom couldn't believe how much energy he had--more than before! lol He is SO happy to be around people now and is starving for attention and affection as much as for food. He will be thrilled to go home!
The family is amazed and so excited. They are still in shock. She told me her husband named him after the movie "Rudy" with a football player that never gave up...and made it. How perfect. And, you won't believe what his collar says (the collar he has had on since the beginning)--"Back to the Wild!"
This pup really amazes me!!! I thought Rocky was a miracle, but Rudy has him beat!
Here is a press update.Ryan and Rachel (Bear's Mom and Dad) have been interviewed by channel 4, 11, and 45 (Baltimore Stations) today and will be on the news at 5pm today.The story has all been picked up by USA Today.Also if you check facebook, you can see that one of the AA Co. councilmen have stepped up and demanded a full investigation.Thank you for fighting the good fight for Bear!
I will update as I can - but right now, I'm just overwhelmed by it all - I was up late and didn't sleep whilst there - my heart and head are running on full Siberian on Coffee speed - I think each time I see the words 9mm hollow point bullet I get even more angered - Bear's internal organs stood no chance against such violence
The same friend that shared the info about the contacts for the area went to the park Wednesday night and posted this on their FB page:
Just returned from visiting the Quail Run dog park where Bear-Bear was killed. Talked to locals who bring their dogs there every day at 6:30pm. Very disturbing to hear how the "officer" acted. That Bear lay in the dirt dying for 20-40 minutes while police and animal control stood outside the fence, and how the police acted all chummy with the shooter afterwards. We put up a sign, flowers and a dog toy.
Most of you know my mantra of things happening for reasons - this one is quite a challenge to that one BUT I'm terming this Bear's Legacy - and he's going to make a difference from Beyond The Rainbow Bridge
Hugz and Khysses from Khyra's Khorner
PeeEssWooP.S. We are woefully behind with some THANKINGS we need to do - along with sharing and such - we are hoping very much to get back on track in the coming week or so - we are attempting to keep our paws from the MARK AS READ button but...........................
We're so glad to see your former charges doing well! I hope that the investigation into Bear Bear's death is thorough!
Woos! It was wonderful to read some good that is out there, right now we are all a bit overwhelmed ourselves... then reading about poor little dr. dre broke Mom's heart again. It will take some time fur us all to heal from this.
~husky kisses~
-Kira The BeaWootiful and her Mom
Lots of good news! Great to see Rudy looking well again, he's quite the little survivor!
Great to know that Bear-Bear's death is getting a lot of publicity--the more there is, the more people will be outraged at how he was treated. Hopefully this way, justice will be done to the officer.
Much good news along with the sad... Poor Bear Bear, we will say a prayer for Bear and Dr. Dre.
Dunkin looks AMAZING... Dunkin almost looks like he has some Chow in him.... and RUDY!! YAY!!! That little Andrew is adorable and he is learning great lessons for such a young soul.
Ginger asked to please thank Ms. Khyra for the lovely birthday greeting! Hope your heat wave breaks soon! We in Anchorage are hoping it will quit raining!!! xoxo
So much overwelming news ,,,,
we do not know how you handles all this.
we are still upset about the Bear Bear story,,,,, we are kinda lost for words still
but thank you for the uplifting news too
Thank you for today's post. I needed some good news after all the bad.
I am glad ur doggie friend is happy in the noo home. :)
I hope Bear Bear's family will feel some hope after seeing this. Sending them my love.
My mommy was wondering, when you transport puppies or dogs that are nervous in the car, do you have a special spritz or something you use to help them calm down? If you could comment back on my blog (to make sure mommy gets the info) that would be great! Something is making me start shaking at night again, and she wants to try some stress reliever thingie until daddy's friend's wife can come by and see why I'm shaking. I've already been invited to stick around them all the time when they're home to see if it is separation anxiety, but I still shake when they are around. =(
Anyways, if your mommy has some special secrets to share, my mommy would really, really, really appreciate it. I think she is shedding a lot worrying over me. Thank you!
Dunkin is beautiful and we are so glad he is thriving in his loving home!...Rudy is so lucky and we are so happy to hear he is doing great and going home!...The Bear Bear situation is just heartbreaking; I can't go there again, it makes me so angry and upset...Sorry to hear about Dr. Dre; wishing his family and Bear Bear's family comfort at this sad time...kitty kisses sweet friends...Calle, Halle, Sukki
I just found out about Bear and I'm soooooo disgusted! What the hell is wrong with people?
My mom just emailed the senator over there! This brutality will not stand!!!!
What pawtastic news about Dunkin and Rudy. We still can't believe what happened to Bear Bear. There will be justice!
Teddy Bear
I'm so proud to know you guys, what a wonderful thing you're doing for poor Bearbear. If there is anything we can do to help please let me know.
Dunkin is surely handsome! We are happy for him! And Rudy is furry cute!
That is a sad, sad story about Bear. Those humans are evil. It hurts to read such. We are also sad about Dr. Dre. and will be praying for his family.
Monty says "Hi to both you Khyra and Khousin Merdie"!!
We so love yoor happy updates on former charges. they warm our hearts.
We are deeply saddened by Bear's death. Mom said sumtimes she is ashamed to be hooman. may he not have died in vain.
RIP sweet Bear.
It is good to hear wonderful news! It seems every blog has sad news to post, from the passing of some of our good friends, Dre, Bear-Bear and Kodiak, to illnesses and issues everyone is trying to get over!
Yours is the first blog I've read this morning and it's great to see the good news and the difference that has been made for some special pups!
By the way, on the news here this morning they are reporting that there WILL be an investigation into shooting Bear-Bear--I continue to hope for justice for this senseless act! (I also posted it on my FB page)
Thank you so much for those happy making photos. We certainly could use it after all the horrible news of late.
It's so awesome to see the adopted doggies doing so well...thanks for sharing the photos!
Mom read about Bear-Bear on your Mom's Facebook page and it's so sad to see some irresponsible people just do these cruel things to an innocent dog. I hope that there will be justice for Bear-Bear...that man needs to be relieved of his gun like, forever!
Hi Khyra! Thanks for writing about Dunkin' and Rudy. It's good to see love and joy. We stopped by Dr. Dre's blog to pay our respects. We are still reeling from what happened to Bear-Bear.
Good news on Dunkin and Ruby, but we are still in shock and very sad for Bear. Hopefully all the efforts being exerted will bring justice.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Wow! That is amazing news about Rudy!
Great news about Dunkin & Rudy! Nice to hear some good news :) Our hearts go out to Bear Bear & his family - we hope an investigation is done and justice is served for Bear Bear!
Pugs & Kisses,
Yoda & Brutus
What great news about Dunkin & Rudy!
Bear-Bear's death was such a tragedy.
Ever time I listen to the interviews, the tears start flowing. The guy at WBAL said it best "A gun is not a dog-discipline weapon".
So furry happy that woo got some good news today - rescue rocks!
jack a-roo & miss moo & mom
Thanks for sharing those updates! It's always nice to see the Xterra passengers with their new families.
We're still upset about Bear-Bear and were sad to read about Dr. Dre too. So much saddness.
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
That is so very tragic abour Dr. Dre and Bear-Bear.
We loved seeing Rudy in such great shape.
Could you please tell Duncin for me that I absolutely LOVE his donuts?Bol!
Yay for Rudy and Dunkin!
I'm still speechless about Bear Bear's tragedy, but at least there's some talk about an investigation.
So glad to hear about your former charges' new homes, new looks! Wow, what a difference a little time and lotsa love from wonderful peoples makes!!! Thank you so much for sharing, Khyra. And I'm just so furious about the deaths of Doctor Dre and Bear-Bear - oh, glad to hear of all the coverage, but doesnt' diminish the ache and pain that their hoomans are going through.
Sending Huge Hugs and Love xoxoox
Sammie and company
Thank you for sharing the good news about the pups that found great forever homes with people who love them BUT it was so SAD to read about Bear-Bear. That is just wrong to let him suffer for that long. He was beautiful - maybe his story will spur on the investigation. Bet he and DR Dre are getting to know each other...
Dunkin and Rudy look great!
We really hope that Bear-Bear gets some justice. It only makes things worse that he wasn't taken immediately to a vet.....we can only hope he didn't suffer too long. Meowm would love the chance to whap a bunch of those people upside the head (at least).
And poor little Dr. Dre.....such a tiny thing and to pass so brutally.
All we can do is purr for those hurting or crossing the bridge, and purr that all the bad guys get their due.
We hadn't read about Bear Bear until now, how awful. That poor pup... we are so sad for him and his family. :(
It must be so nice for your mum having these follow up emails and pix of pups she has helped. :)
Thanks for the cheering up with the snow!!
We are so sad about both Bear Bear and Dr. Dre!! Many pryaers and good thoughts!!
Woofs and Kisses!
The Fiesty Three
Pugga Mommy here~
We just came from Kira's bloggy and found out about Bear Bear~
This is horrible~
Our thoughts and prayers are with the family and friends suffering the loss of Bear Bear~
Much love,
Katy, Izzy, Josie and Anakin Man
Thanks so much for the good news - I think we needed it, too - the story of Dunkin is really wonderful (I LOVE rescue tales with good endings!), and I am so happy to see little Rudy alive and well.
Great news about Dunkin and Rudy. So glad that they are doing great! Mom had said it many times, there is no bad dog, just bad humans thinking that a dog is automatically well-trained when it was born.
Sorry to hear about Bear-Bear's death. It is too upsetting. We hope there's justice fur Bear-Bear.
Sam & June
We are all crying for Bear=Bear here. And purring and praying that his shooter is brought to justice.
This was a post just filled up with good news and it made me smile. Even the part about Bear-Bear's sad death getting on the news and people asking for justice - that was a very, very good thing.
I am ever so sorry abouts poor Dr. Dre, though. What a very sad thing.
Wiggles & Wags,
Looks like a lot of happee kids. Bet you guys miss the snow. So sad about Bear Bears death. Have a nice snuggly day
Benny & Lily
We really needed some good news! Thanks for sharing!
Thanks for the Bear-Bear links, I am really angry and hope the shooter gets exposed soon. Just unbeleivable what that guy did to a dog in a dog park.
Also thanks for some good doggie news.
So lovely to see the smiley faces and see what you helped make happen. Sorry not been around but have been trying to keep up. I am so sorry about the dear sweet bear and hope they oust the killer son. Take care.. Hugs GJ xx
Gosh, Miss Khyra, your blog is full of the handsomeness today! You must be proud of these deservin fellows and the wonderful homes they have found!
It is a relief to have some happiness amongst such overwhelmin sadness. I fank you for providin it, but most of all, I fank you and your the Mom for fightin the good fight in the name of the Bear.
wif love from the Luke
It is wonderful to see Dunkin and Rudy. We are very upset about Bear Bear though and pray for Justice for him. That is past horrible what was done to him "in the name of the law" as they say. We know better and hope something is done. Lots of love, Debbie and Holly
Oh great news in the blogworld. There has been to much bad going on..
You caught us. Mom didn't feel well yesterday, she did stay home with us but didn't post. We slept really close to her so she is all better today...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
What a happy and yet sad post. I can't believe the story about Bear Bear. I really hope that guy has to pay for what he did.
Thank goodness for some good news for a change.
Thanks for the cool down and "success" photos and stories! Bear Bear could not ask for a fiercer more determined advocate! Keep up the pressure and don't let the story just fade away after its "15 minutes."
It is so good to hear and see good news. Been a tough week. I just wish I could do to that officer (if you want to call him that) what he did to Bear Bear.
Oops, I meant to say it is really hard to believe it has been a year since Dunkin and Laska rode with you!
We didn't know what happened to Dr Dre and we sort of wish we didn't now. What a horrible thing to happen.
We're glad you also posted some good news.
Your mom is one of the good ones...tell her thanks for us!
It's nice to read some happy news after the past few days. We are still keeping track of what is going on with Bear-Bear and are praying for his family, and that the jerk who did this pays in some way! And, poor Dr. Dre. How horrible for him and his family. We will be sure to include them in our prayers.
It is great to see them doing so well with their families!
I hope that "man" pays for what he's done!
Take care
Kisses and hugs
We've shed so many tears this week, we appreciate your khool down.
Hi Dunkin! We didn't know Dr. Dre but he was too young to go. :-(
Dunkin’ sure is beautiful now, and Rudy looks very happy! We love hearing the good stories like these, but are very saddened with the other stories. Still, it is good to know so that something can be done to be sure things are done to prevent such bad stuff from continuing to happen.
Very sad about Bear-Bear but the word is spreading and we are all hoping that this officer pays for the heartless murder he committed.
Hearts and thoughts go out to Bear-Bear's family!
Thanks for the happy news
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