Sunday Sharing!


(again cell phone whilst waiting fur his next ride)

He was soooo sweet and khwiet. He LOVED his khrate!

Khyra's Mom here: of all the transports I've done, Laska really made an impression on me for some reason. Something bad happened to him at some point in his life. The first pic of him just staring out the window is how he spent the entire trip. From time to time, he'd put his head down but he still had THAT look. I reached back as I drove and stroked him to reassure him he was safe now and only good was ahead for him. I told him I'd like to know his story but I'm not sure I would be ready for it. During the transport, we tethered his leash to something in the vehicle. During the first leg he tried to get under things (including the vehicle). Somehow it didn't seem prudent to give him the option to scoot under the driver's seat AND gas pedal. He was quite content on his pillow in his safe spot.
There were a few times he flinched over nothing - that made me sad too. He was so gentle as I lifted him into and out of the vehicles. Even as I write this almost four hours later, I can still see the look on his face and in his eyes. I'll admit that just writing that line has made the leaking start.
Whilst waiting for the next driver, we had lots of time to walk around. He became more and more comfortable with his surroundings and with me. I wasn't able to get any other pics of him because each time I had the camera, he walked toward me and would sit on my foot. He allowed me to pluck and pluck AND THEN PLUCK some more. You'll see in the videos how many Sibe starter kits have been released into the Harrisburg area! I was very sad to see him go. I even told him if I was in a position to add another Sibe, I would have chosen him. His eyes told me so much yet so little. Eyes are the feature I am most drawn to in a person or an animal. The old saying of the eyes being the window to the soul is true IMHO!
As Khyra shared, I did do two legs this time so I got to hit MD, WV and VA. I saw one eagle around the Harrisburg area...quite a few hawks...and on the return leg just as I crossed the Potamac River a pair of eagles! I was relieved I didn't see any dead deer this time.
Here is the Photobucket album with more videos (and some of the pics you saw above). There are quite a few videos - I couldn't stop myself again!
Little John and Roxy have homes. Laska is available. When I spoke to Sam several times throughout the day, I warned her she was getting a very special boy.
Khyra will be back tomorrow!
Until then, have a great Sunday.
Hugz&Khysses From Khyra's Khorner!
Such a wonderful thing you do. Laska has many fans in our household. how beautifully you described Laska.
Oh Khyra once again you made mum leaky eyed. That pup must have had a bad time. I so agree that the eyes say it all, and flinching at movement, that too says a lot. Poor little guy. It sounds as though you made an impression on him, he would have felt that love.
Here's hoping he gets an extra special home with lots of love to share.
Mums going to work so we will watch the video's later.
Hugs to you and your special mum. GJ and Carol xx
okay - so my mom is sobbing!! Khyra you have such a special mom - I know you realize how very lucky you are!!!
Woo there Pretti Girl~
Woo know how pleased I am that you let yer Mom help so mani other pups. Just think back on how she helped woo. If she hadn't rescued "Whitney" we wouldn't be such wonderful buddies! I hope Laska finds a perfekht home. He sure looks like he deserves one!!!
Your BG,
Mummy wishes she could do something like that here, but as far as we know there isn't anything like that in Western Australia...
Big licks to you
I lov the car ride! So excitin! :)
Hi Khyra
You looked beautiful giving you nan kisses - you are such a lovely dog.
We read about Laska and felt sad too. We know exactly what you mean. Even now with Martha who is much more settled and happy I get upset when I see her flinch when someone reaches out to stroke her.
It is so awful to see any dog being afraid and to know that some humans have been unkind.
As a dog lover it breaks your heart.
Laska is beautiful and we are so glad that you are helping in the bid to find a safe forever home. It will take time. As with Martha she seems more able to accept us but not other humans as yet.
Enjoy your Sunday.
Martha, Bailey & Mum xxx
We hope that Laska will get a family where he is truly loved! What a touching story about transporting him!
Aw hope he finds a great home. We are our Skye's 3rd owner and after 4 yrs she still flinches when you first touch her head :-( She has come a long way in 3 yrs but I doubt she will ever be "quite right"
What beautiful transports, but we agree that Laska seemed to be very special. Someone is going to get a very special guy.
Hi, Khyra...
My Mom's eyes are leaking...
Thank you for sharing Roxy, Little John, & Laska's transport with us...
My Mom agrees...There is something very special about Laska...He stole our hearts away...
I hope someday we will see a picture of him with that fluffy tail held high...
What a special Mom you have...
Abby & her Mom xxxooo
Oh Khyra, it's so nice of your mom to not only transport the doggies that need it but to show them so much tenderness. We hope for the best for Laska - that he can put his former life behind him and find a beautiful new life and love - which has already started.
See ya!
Joey and Zeke
Wrooo wrooo,
So many sad stories out thankful that you make a difference.
Zack had a sad background and still shows the scars, physical and emotional, even though we have had him 8 years.
Thanks again for all you do to help these pupper find their furever homes!
What a wonderful lady you are Khyra's mommy!!
Our Lilly will flinched like that too. We are pretty sure she had a hard life before she came to us.
Your mum does GREAT work with the transports. It's very kind of you to let her use your Xterra to do it Khyra.
Huffle Mawson
thank you for helping these doggies... you're very special yourself!
What a sweet kiss for the Doggy Nanny!
Another great deed done by the Mom - Laska should have stopped and stayed at your place - he would have fit in so well, but we understand why it can't be.
Happy Sunday, the OP Pack
Poor Lhaska..we hope he finds a truly happy furever home.
gussie d
Sniff...sniff! Soo touching..Me so sad now, dont think i will have the snack i'm about to devour..Your mommy and you and the best!! Pawsitive hugs for all of you!
Hi Khyra,
Thanks for letting your mom do the transports. She is helping so many doggies. We hope they all find terrific furever homes. Laska is 'specially deserving of one.
Wags & wiggles,
Even though it is evident that Laska has had a rough past the good news is he is on his way to something MUCH better! And its all because of wonderful people like you! Thank you sooo much for the work you do to save these dogs! You truly do make a difference. ~Twix
Khyra's Mom,
You do such awesome work! I hope that this group will find happy homes.
Laska is such a handsome boy, we are purring that he finds a loving home and that he forgets all his sad yesterdays and enjoys many happy days in the future. ~S,S,C & F
What a special post. And a special boy. Mom agrees with you about the eyes. That is what she looks at first too.
Have a great day
pee ess Mom has been VERY busy but she hopes to let Scooter update the next couple of days. This is the first time the puter has even been on for days...
Poor Laska, Mom totally understands as this is how she got both of us, it was the look in our eyes that said we needed a special home, one that understands doggies with issues (especially that Border Collie).
I am sure you want to help them all, so do we, but you are doing the best you can right now, so be pleased with all that you do. May God bless you and Laska.
-Kira The BeaWootiful
Who is the doggy nanny? We must have missed something.
Laska's story is very sad. We hope he gets a fantastic home!
OH they are all so lovely. We can see that you took a real shine to Laska. You are right the eyes tell it all.. They certainly are lucky pets that you take the time to get them to their forever homes. Safe and sound and away from the evil that they went through before their ride... Big HUGS to you Mom..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Laska sort of looks like you, Khyra. In a way. We sure hope he gets a good home like those other guys!
That picture of you giving your doggie nannie a smoochie is soooooo sweet!
hello khyra its dennis the vizsla dog hay that first pikcher is a common seen arownd heer altho yoozhually its tucker doing the stretching to the kownter and he isnt so much intrested in sharing as in steeling but other than that its almost the saym thing!!! ok bye
We love the kiss pic, Khyra!!!
We are keeping all of our paw crossed that Laska knows nothing but love and gentleness from now on.
Your Friends,
Tommy and The Girls
Awwwwwwwww..........sweet Khyra you have a very very very special mommy!!!!!
and once again you made mum leaky eyed!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks for sharing with us this sweet and sad story....
That pup must have had a bad time.......we agree that the eyes say it all.......
we hope he gets an extra special home with lots of love to share.....he deserve the best life is possible!!!!
We would love cuddle him a lot.......
paw crossed for him!!!!!
Please...let us know news when you'll have!!!!
And look soooooooooooo sweet with your nunny....hope you could embrace your mommy soon!!!!
We love you dear're a very very very beautiful people and dog!!!
Khyra - we so appreciate what you and your Mom do for these less fortunate dogs. And you are so cute kissing your Nana.
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java
Hi Khyra,
We had to come take another look at Roxie cause we didn't realize she was a Rattie til you commented on my blog. We hope Roxie and all the other doggies find good homes.
Okay, Mommy's eyes are leaky now over Laska. We hope he is happy and gets all the love he deserves in his new furever home. Khyra, give your mom a hug for us for all she does for these sweet babies.
Ciao bella Khyra!
Sweet gurrrlie, your mama has THE BIGGEST HEART EVER for helping so many doggies. If I ever get the chance to meet her, it will be super-smoochie city!!
My paws are crossed that Laska finds as wonderful a home as Roxy and Little John, with a mama as caring as yours. He sooooo deserves it, that beautiful boy.
Tanti baci!
Laska is a very pretty dog. You and your Mom do a lot to help the less fortunate animals.
Mama keeps saying that I (Hershey) am so lucky to have a good home.
We hope Laska finds his forever home. Have a good weekend.
Love -
Hershey and Kaci
How nice to see you giving your Doggy Nanny smooches! Thats a nice girl, Khyra.
Our thoughts and prayers go along with Laska with the hope she finds
a very happy home!
You know, when our mom saw Laska pic, she felt drawn to him too. He must have an extra special spirit. We have paws crossed he gets a fabulous home. We think woo are an extra special humom, too, to do all these doggie transports to help us pus in need get to better places. Four paws up fur woo, KhyraMom!
Woos & a-roos,
Star & Jack a-roo
Such adorable pups!! Little John is so cute and fluffy!
Laska is sooo beautiful! You could sure tell the difference in the videos that he was starting to feel more comfortable. I can only imagine how much he pulled at your heart, since just watching the videos and reading about him pulled at mine. I sure hope he finds the perfect family who can give him all the love and attention he surely deserves.
Mom really wanted to give him hugs and smooches.
Khyra, we think your mommy is so amazing for helping all those other doggies!!
We were so sad reading about Laska, we really hope he finds a great new home where he will be really loved and cared for. Your Mom does a great job, Khyra.
lots of woofs
Clive and gang
Bless your mom for helping out all of these doggies, Khyra! How wonderful that Little John and Roxy have homes! We hope Laska finds the most loving home out there! Our paws are crossed!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Dear Khyra and your mom
Thank you for sharring the heart warming -story of the tranport.
Bless your hearts for what you do.
There is no telling what ever happened to those sad eyes in the past. We will always hope and keep our paws crossed they find love and the bad memories are eraised.
Your heart has an incredible soul to do this. We are glad you saw no dead dear also. That is so heart breaking
Laska looks very very handsome! we hope he finds someone who can love him and treat him with all he deserves! We LOVE what you do my friend, your mom is amazing!
Khyra, tell yer Mom as a rescue/foster family ourselves, thank you very much for what you/she does. We need people like her!
Feather, Darla, Pappy & LizzaBella ^..^ (DawgMom too)
we hope that Laska finds a really special home.
Hi, Khyra!
Thanks for sharing all those videos! I liked them a lot!
I am sure Laska is going to find a lovely family who will take good care of him and will make him forget any bad thing he suffered in the past!
Glad to know Little John and Roxy have forever homes!
Have a good night
Kisses and hugs
I love the first pic! If I ever got up on the counter I would be busted! But shhh...I did manage to get up there and steal a piece of chicken jerky that mom left out for 5 minutes. :)
Your mom is so wonderful and so are you for letting her use your Xterra! I'm sure Laska will find a great home soon!
You have a wonderful mommy, Khyra!
Hope Laska finds a great furever home!
Thor xxx
What a great weekend and such a wonderful thing your Mommy did for all of the kids!
Thor and Marco Polo
Three cheers for Khyra's mom!!!
More transports that are going to bring pups closer to forever homes.
We wish you could have added Laska to your family. That story broke our hearts.
Hopefully Laska is going to a wonderful home that will love and spoil him forever.
Chasing my tale...
Addie, Lucie and Hailey
What a beautiful thing Laska is so adorable.
Teddy Bear
Laska is adorable and we sure hope he finds the very best furever home. All the dogs were special but we agree Laska had something. Your Mom did a great thing for these pups and all the other pups she has transported!
This post has Mommy really leaky eyed again. She understands everything you said and explains why rescue is so important. My brother Peanut was so tramitized when he came too put be became a love bug. Mommy says the eyes are the gateway to the soul. Thank you so much for everything you do.
Laksa god bless you & have a good life.
Mona's Mom.....Sarah
We are so glad you we're able to help these pups. Laska is a sweetheart. He is on his way to a happy life.
Penny was very skittish when she first came home. She would shake in the corner. It took about a month of love b4 she came out of it. She is so happy now.
Love Ruby & Penny
Laska is lovely. We all have our paws crossed here that he finds the furever home he deserves.
Pippa x
Hello there Kyra,
Your Mom's truly special! We hope the pups your mom has been so good to help in transporting will find themselves happy and loving homes that they can grow old with.
Much waggedly tails to your mum.
Licks and wags
tuffy and the Dog Woods Pack
What grrreat sitting. How can your grandma reesist?
Gus and Waldo
As always great pics of the beautiful Khyra
and a wonderful story about Laska - sometimes certain transports get the best of us - but at least we know they are going to a home.
woodrow sweetie mj
That first pic is so sweet!
We will be purring for Laska to be okay!
I wish the Laskho many wonderful things like what I have now... and gotta just say, Laskho remind me of the me.
I was transported on June 3, 2008 when Austin transport pickh me up and transfer me to the Houston leg transfer to the GRRH... and the rest is as they say, his story!
So this wonderful blog and tail bring up all kinda memories!
What I wish is for you to know how HUGE a difference you make in the life of a reskhue... when you do what you do!
On behalf of Laskho and all others who you have transported, and I know there are many, many, many... I thankh you!
And I send you much love from the Lukhe
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