I'm just resting here whilst Mom gets my post 'tue'gether!
I've been tagged by my khytty pal Millie

fur this tag
The rules are :
* Tag and link back to the person who tagged you.*
List 6 (un)important things that make you happy.
Well, here goes:
1) My mom khoming home each day to ME!
2) My mom going upstairs to change khlothes and shoes bekhause I know that means WALK TIME!
3) My blog makes me happy fur...
4) ...My blog furiends make me happy
5) Sitting out in my yard makes me happy
6) Lounging on the floor near my mom makes me happy
7) Getting snakhks from My Doggy Nanny and Fred make me FURRY HAPPY!
If anyone would like to do this tag, please do! It is always nice to see what makes other pals happy!
On the weekends, I like to play this game with my breakfast Milkbone...

It makes Mom laugh bekhause I only do this on the weekend. During the week, when I khome bakhk in (at 5:30am), I head straightaway to where she leaves it fur me and munch away! Go figure!

Have a grrrreat Tuesday all!
I'll be bakhk tomorrow fur a Walkin' Wednesday!
PeeEssWoo: Here is an assortment of owls fur woo who:
I'm sorry I khan't update any pikhs of the eagles - the still kham isn't operation but the live feed is still there and KHWITE inkhredible!..I have also updated the link on my sidebar to take woo to the nest kham...they are soooo big now!
I know I up late now on a counta I finally first to leave comment on how much I love your blog!
I love your things what make you happy...!!!
I love that you are my friend. And I wish you Happy Tuesday!
wif love from the Luke
That is so funny that you play hide and seek with your milk bone on the weekends. How fun! Do you sleep outside?
Teddy Bear
Khyra, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but we all know where you hide your bones now!
Well done - I hide my biscuits too! But only the ones the gardener in the park gives me - I hide them in the herbaceous borders - I am impressed you know the days of the week!
Thanks for dropping by the site - Paddy is doing well and is as happy as ever. D is still 'medicating'
Lots of licks
Sally and Paddy
Hi Khyra
What is the world coming to when your mom shows everyone where you hide your bone!
We liked all the things that make you happy - we liked all the same things.
We reckon we dogs dont need much to make us happy!
Have a great day.
Martha & Bailey xxx
PS Just noticed Life with Dogs thinking the same as us!!!
Watch that bone - best look for another hiding place. xxx
hey Khyra,
You lead such a happy life! You have a great list of the happiness in your life - thanks for sharing!
If your "hidden" bones suddenly disappear, I didn't do it...
p.s. those owls sure are cool!
Hi Khyra!
I dropped by to say that I love your blog.
I hide my treats too. It drive my mom crazy. Well she does not know that I do it because Im just saving it for the rainy day.
Btw, Can we be friends?
That's very cute, resting your chin in that pose..!! Now i know you're a very very happy husky, so many things make you happy! I am happy too that i am friends with wooo!!
Have a great Tuesday!!
Hi Khyra! Weekends are for and relaxation, so I quite understand why you play with the milk bone at the weekend but not the rest of the week!
The owlets are looking so cute!
Tommy (and the girls too!)
Nice playing hide and seek with your treats. ;)
~ Bae
Woofies are so funny, playing hide and seek with bones. Dont you wrry someone will steal it while you are not looking.
Lovely pictures again thanks for those. Mum says she has not forgotten your request and is trying to sort it out.
Hugs GJ xx
I know this is shocking, but hiding treats here is very ineffective. If you don't eat them quick, Natasha comes and demands her share.
Ciao bella Khyra!
I "bury" my chew bones in the la casa to keep them safe from the evil red sucky monster (a.k.a, the vacuum cleaner), but when la mia ragazza gives me a delicious biscotto ... sigh ... I lose all control and crunch it down PDQ! Mmmmmmmm!!!
Happy Tuesday to you, la mia dolce amica!
Tanti baci!
If you were at our house, you would find out that your milk bone would get hidden from you - in someone else's stomach that is. There is an advantage to being an only child.
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java
Miss Khyra,
I know you are also troubled by those squirrels, but the short legged corgis seemed in more desperate need of my large assistance. Maybe I can swing by your place on the return trip and do some squirrel hunting.
You are very silly hiding your milk bone. They must not be quite ready for eating, maybe not ripe when you get them.
Hi Khyra,
Thanks for sharing those interesting things about yourself. And I used to bury my treats until Banjo came along. Now I'm afraid he'll find them!
Wags & wiggles,
Had to look real hard for the milkbone on the couch. So well camouflaged!
We don't have any biscuit hiders here now, but Mom had one before who tried to cover her food in the bowl by slopping all her water on top of it - silly pup! So many wonderful things to make you happy - us too!!!
Thanks for your sweet words on our post today.
Woos, the OP Pack
If you need me to come and help you eat your milkybone this weekend, I can!
I take everyones bones and bury them in my blankets on top of the crates - woodrow cant get up there but mommy says i need to watch out cause as MJ gets bigger he will be jumping up here with me. Not if i can help it!!
great pics as always
woodrow sweetie mj
I've never hidden anything edible... I eat whatever is given to me asap. I'm sure that must be some kind of canine character flaw, perhaps due to some traumatic experience buried deep in my subconscious... more likely however, I just like to eat too much and knowing there is something hidden somewhere would DRIVE ME CRAZY until it was gone.
Our humans just take forever to take care of our blogs! We just can't understand why they are so slow!
Those are great things to be happy about!
Those baby owls are really starting to look more like their Mom!
Very impressed with what you do with your treats!
Wish I got some treats!!!
lots of woofs
Burying cookies wouldn't go over too well around here!
Pup, that Oswald sure gets around!
Play bows,
Hi Khyra
That's too funny that you hide your bones only on weekends.
Have a happy Tuesday.
Love Ruby & Penny
Khyra, you'll have to find a new place for your bones now because your mom gave away your "location".
Sam & June
The other night on the local news they showed a eagle swooping down to grab a fish from Lake Washington. I wonder if it was "your" eagle?
Diego Dog
I enjoyed reading the things that make you happy! And how funny that you try to bury your milk bone in furniture and on the steps. You are just too cute Khyra!
What a fund game....hidding yummy treats for later!
xo sugar
you are such a lucky pup khyra. Mom takes really good care of you.. Hiding snacks must be a sibe thing.. We devour ours immediately..
Tell Mom 2 pups are easy. She should try 3...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Ohh sweet Khyra....we love reading about you and the things that make you happy!!!!
and That is so funny that you play hide and seek with your milk bone on the weekends....we don't play at this game never because we're hungry ever and will be sooooo sad leave one biscuits for the day after!!!!!!!!!!!
we love your blog and you of course!!!!!!!!!!
thanks for sharing with us your wonderful life!!!!!!!!!!
Wish were with you and playing all togheter!!!
Sweet kisses for a very very cute girl!!!!!!!!!!!!
I hide chewies all over the house, but if someone gets too close to my hiding places I go and get the chewy and hide it in my belly so they can't get to it.
We would never in a million years save treats for later! It's now or never! Is a song beginning to play in your head, Khyra?!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Hi Khyra! I like your doggie biscuit hiding places and #7 on your list. Of course, if I hide anything anywhere, Zeke will find it and eat it - he's always hungry! We're looking forward to Walkin' Wednesday.
See ya!
Gee yer funny Khyra....that biscuit was hidden in plain sight....but I tell ya Gram says the cat we had years ago used ta do that but we could always see what he was hidin' and where....and ya only do it on the weekends ..strange...but perfectly sane.....
Cute owls but Gram is sure afraid of 'em......especially at night when they're out hootin'...
Dewey Dewster here....
Hi, Khyra...
Reading your Blog makes me happy...
I like to hide my Milk Bones, too...But, I don't wait for the weekends...
Abby xxxooo
Wow, those owl chickies are strange looking!! We've never seen one before. We laughed about your bone hiding! Alice doesn't hide her chewies or bones -- funny that you do! Baby Bean says enjoyed hearing what makes you happy. Looking forward to Walkin' Wednesday!
Love, LizzyBean and Baby Bean
Haha, you're very good at storing food for the rainy days.
I'm so sorry that I haven't been around much to leave you a few nice words for each post but I did read them all.
Love ya lot
Tanner sometimes does that thing where he will hide toys and treats. Not me, I eat them up right away. Its pretty neat you know which days are the weekend!!
I don't hide my treats, but I do hide my food! :)
Hi, Khyra!
Any special reason to do that only on weekends?? Funny!
I know you are a happy girl. Thanks for sharing your happy things!
Kisses and hugs
Somepup knows when the weekend is!
Huffle Mawson
It's so cute that you bury your bones, Khyra. I don't do that. I just suck them right in. Geez, I wish I buried bones because Mama was going, "awwwww" when we read this post. And she loves your swoooshytail too. I better think of something cute to do because I'm getting a little jealous! :)
Dear Khyra, I am impressed by your restraint. Any cookie I am given just gets nom nom nommed immediately. hehe
Your pal,
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