They are trying to get a search group together...perhaps even try to lure him with a female. Even though he is neutered, at this point, anything is welkhomed.
Fur those that asked, he's been listed on at least a dozen or more sites ( Mom's not khapable of khounting right now) fur lost pets.
I've tried to visit your blogs...and will khontinue to do so but might not get the chance to khomment. I know woo said it okay BUT Mom is a Virgo and they just don't like NOT getting things done.
Mom really had a diffikhult time of it when we went out fur the last time Monday night and by the time we got up to bed, she was really leaking. She kept thinking of Laska being outside not knowing where he was and what he should do. He should have been inside and on the bed with us.
To say we are touched to have seen all of the posts mentioning him (as well as JB's brofur Bear) just blew us away. We knew the khommunity was supportive...we knew we had helped paw our own good words when others needed help, but this was kind of our furst real exposure to what it means and how it just makes woo feel all warm, fuzzy, and leaky.
All this energy has to be finding its way to New help get him home safely.
Let's get them both home!
Both of them do not deserve isn't supposed to end this way...
We intended to post these pikhs fur Tuesday but just didn't have the spirit to do so. These were taken Saturday afternoon in a driving rain. Mom took these from the stoop of the bakhk porch. If she had ventured out much further, the flashie beast would have drowned!
It wasn't khwite US Open Tournament rain but khlose
Monday afternoon as she left work
Here is this week's Walkin' WednesdayOwlOh Up There!
I'll keep khrossing my paws...and sending Sibe Vibes to NJ!
(6:30 am addition: As woo see, Blogger decided to oddly align my text and pikhs - I'm sorry 'bout that!)
PeeEssWoo: Please keep one of our khlose furiends in your thoughts...she's not doing furry well and might need us to let her know it is time for her journey akhross The Rainbow Bridge and points North. Please alert the others there might be a new star in the Northern Sky and be ready to welkhome her. I know many of woo have already pawed your words of support. I appreciate that SOOO furry much!
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Walkin' Wednesday 2009
With some weeping thrown in...
Furst off, as I get this post together, no news on Laska(he's the furst one listed on available pets with LOST) sightings or leads as of now.
During the khourse of the day on Monday, Mom exchanged assorted emails with many many hooman from NJ furwarded it onto the newly formed North Jersey Siberian Husky Khlub.
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you're in our thoughts and prayers -
Wow! I am speechless. I'm trying to get caught up on my blog reading and this just knocked me for a loop.
Best wishes and good luck to all of you. We hope and pray that Laska is found safe and sound soon.
Good luck!!
Love and Koobuss Kisses,
Mom drove home today in pouring rain....with the sun shining. Very weird.
We are prayer for Laska to be found. We are also very worried. He looks a LOT like our brother Samuel. We hope he will be safe.
Mom has been crying since she got the message from Dakota's mom. The week has not started out good. Too much sadness.
Phbbb and KhL
I am praying everyday for Laska. Be strong, Laska will be ok.
Anne and Sasha
Hi, i know one person in NJ..she's in Neptune City, quite a bit away from West Milford according to the map...but she could no hoomans there...we will c..and i checked on and Laska is listed...will have to check more into cing if its on petfinder forums...thats the best place to put it on petfinder...i no u r worried sick and wish they could find him, i forgot he is heartworm positive (read back in ur posts) he has to keep on the schedule for u no if they made the shelters/rescues aware of that, could help in hunting him harder...i no, i am grasping at little things, but thats all i can worried about him..ok, i will let u go9, sure hope they find him soon..
rockys mama..
hey Khyra,
My heart is weeping for Laska. I will keep my paws crossed until he is found. I will also pray to St. Francis of Assisi, the Patron Saint of Animals.
I know how very scary and lonely it is to be out alone in a world you don't know. I am sure Laska feels all of our thoughts and prayers and positive energy and hopefully that will help guide him to safety.
My mum is a Virgo too and she knows exactly how your mum feels coz she's the same way too. You've done all that you can for Laska. Now, we can just wait and pray. Take care, ya.
I am pretty sur I can see Khyra in one of those khlouds:)
Luv C$
We are crossing paws and praying for Laska and Dakota.
Great walking Wednesday and great pics!
Oh Khyra, what a hard week. Our paws are crossed for both Laska and Dakota.
Clive and Fiona
Mum cant even write much for leaky eyes. Just so much bad news this week. In our thoughts , our hearts and with love..
GJ and Carol xx
Once again, mom's tears are slipping down her cheeks. We're praying so very hard for Laska!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Such a difficult week, but so nice to see close-ups of your fluffy tail in Walking Wednesday. It made us smile.
Oh Khyra,
Many sad things in DWB land right now. I did not even watch your movie after reading all that stuff cause I just couldn't enjoy myself.
I will wait until my eyes clear and then YouTube it.
Hi, Khyra...
It's sure been a tough week...So much sad news...
Me & my Mom are praying for some good news on Laska & Bear...
Our hearts go out to the OP Pack...
Abby & her Mom xxxooo
Such sad times. We hope Laska is found soon.
Our hearts go out to Dakota and her family.
Noah Willow Tess Lucy
We are still hoping for good things to happen with Laska - he has so much life left to live.
We are very grateful to you for your concern and love for Dakota - it is very difficult for us right now but we are so thankful for friends like you and all who have visited us to wish Dakota well.
Hugs, The OP Pack and Mom
I am purring quadruple time for Laska and for Princess Dakota.
Huffle Mawson
Oh Khyra
We are so sad - we really want Laska to be found and to be safe.
We cant bear to think of losing Dakota.
We will need to watch the video later as our hearts are not in it -
Martha, Bailey & mum xxx
Hey Khyra. We are so sad to hear Laska isn't home safe and well yet. It seems like he has the best people in the world looking for him, he must be around somewhere.
I wonder if someone has taken him in and given him a comfy sofa and some yummy food, not knowing all the heartache his disappearance is causing?
I hope where ever he is he is found very soon.
We have been over to say hi to Dakota, it's so very sad isn't it.
Love Scott x
We caught up with Dakota and family last night, and are very concerned. Not a great news week in the dog blog world, but you walk on Khyra...
Dear Khyra:
We bring them joy
We bring them sadness.
We walk beside them while we can.
No one but God can understand it
The love of dogs for imperfact man
OH poor Khyra and her Mom, what a difficult time this is, and we too are leaking for Dakota as well. Let us hope that Laska finds safety.
-Kira The BeaWootiful
Such sad news all around - Bear, Dakota and Laska. My mom and I are pawing for all three of these wonderful dawgs and are hoping for the best possible outcomes in each instance. Khyra, take care of your mom. She's so devoted to us dawgs that I can feel her heart breaking with all this sadness right now.
Mommy is lighting so many candles that she is going to burn the house down - all our paws are crossed for a good outcome to all these issues - mommy is thinking of taking me to NJ to try and use some of those fancy tracking skills I have learned to find Laska
we will keep you posted if we go
woodrow sweetie mj
We are purring for Laska! We hope that everything gets better.
Love, uSSSSS
yes, it is such a sad day here in blogland. We are so praying that Laska will be found and Dakota will start to feel better soon
I hope and pray Laska is found soon. Your mom is a wonderful woman for all of her support and tireless work in helping to bring him home. Somehow this has to have a happy ending.
P.S. My human pet is also a Virgo!
Khyra, give that mom o' yers a hug fer me. Okay?
I got a feelin' that Laska is doin' just fine.
Thinking of you and hoping Laska is found soon...
Hi Khyra! thanks for sharing the great pics even during this busy and worrying times your mom is going through. We will keep praying for Laska and Dakota. Mommy's tearing up am i..Stay positive!!
Tons of good vibes,
We prayed all night long for Laska and Bear and have been sending positive thoughts...This community of people is a "one of a kind" group and we will never leave your side. We are a family and will stick together through all the laughter and the tears....
Sometimes there are alot of tears and sometimes we cannot get to each others blogs like we would like too, but it doesn't take long to see when we are needed and we make the time. We are still very much praying.
Deetz and family
No news on Laska? We are purring so hard for him. Thanks for mentioning Bear again. Mom is so sad. The support from everyone in the blogosphere is truly amazing.
This is all very sad news. Have had paws crossed all night for Laska and also visited the OP Pack last night. I keep checking to see if there is any word - and keeping my paws tightly crossed - wish we could join the help crews but feel so far away. Our thoughts and prayers are with Laska and Dakota.
Hugs xo
We need some good news in so many areas......
We have been keeping our paws crossed since we heard this sad news. Hang in there. We hope there is good news soon.
Tinkerbell, Oscar and Tucker
We hope that Laska is found soon, safe and sound.
Hi Khyra,
We are still praying SUPER hard for
Laska's safe return and we want you to know you are in our thoughts. We do hope everything works out for the best and Laska comes home safe and sound. SOMEONE has to have seen her SOMEWHERE, its just a matter of tracking that down we hope...
Anypaws, we love you and are thinking about you and you're in out thoughts and prayers.
Wags, hugs, woofs, kisses, love,
Benson and Gibson
(and Jaime)
It's been such a rough week in the blogosphere, but it's times like these when you find out how powerful we all are. Hugs and purrs and slobbery kisses to you and your mom. We are definitely praying for Laska, Bear, Dakota, & their families.
We are so very sorry that Laska hasn't been found yet and are crossing all available paws for things to develop in the best possible direction SOON!
Your Friends,
Tommy and The Girls
Laska has been in my thoughts constantly. I'm a Virgo too (August 28) and so know just how you feel. I keep hoping for a positive update and will continue to send prayers that we'll get one soon. Sending hugs to you!
By the way, Sadie is Momma's girl too (I tell them all the same thing!)
We stopped by Dakota's yesterday and were saddened to read the update.
We are hoping Laska will be found SOON!
Keep an eye on your mom, Khyra. She needs some extra cuddle time.
Miss Khyra,
I finally got to watch your movie and I am confused by your comment about girls being smarter than boys. Perhaps I, with my large and deep thinking brain am an exception since I just assumed all boys were as smart as me.
Trash day is fun, huh? Sometimes many foodables, but you have to be quick before momma sees them.
khyra we have a new blog come on by!
We are back and we just heard about Laska. We are very worried for him. We hope he is found very very soon.
Sam & June
there are a lot of pups that need our paw power right now. we are sending our B-power out to Laska, Bear, Dakota and a mystery dog that was found at our dog park and no one has claimed her - a nice doberman.
Please don't worry about commenting we understand. We are hoping to see a happy Laska and Bear are home post soon. Purring, crossed paws and wishing with all our might for happy endings.
PS: we are purring for your sick friend too. ~S,S, C & F
Hi Khyra
We came back to watch your walk and it did bring a smile - we think you should have called it 'Me and My Shadow' - good to see your fluffy tail!!!
Hi Khyra
Thanks for the walk. It was fun to see you checking for contriband.
We are praying for good news.
Love Ruby & Penny
Sweet sweet sweet Khyra and mom....
we have paws crossed for Laska...
we're praying a lot!!!!!!
hope that Laska could come home soon safe and sound!!!!!!!!!!!
what a terrible moment for you and for all of us!!!!!
and don't worry don't leave a comments on aou blog....
Now is Laska return the only important thing!!!!!!!!!!!!!
take care of you....we're soooooooooooooo sorry not live near you to give help!!!!!!!!!
Good luck!!!
we love you a lot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
sweet kisses and licks!!!!
We hope Laska will be found. My mommy just found this site today where they send an automated phone call about your lost dog to your neighbors. Check it out:
Hugs, Kodak
I just found this link in the lost and found pets on craigslist that is a website called Spot a Stray
Wasn't sure if you have searched this site or not.
We are still purring for Laska and Bear. We will add Dakota to our purrs.
We like those photos of the coulds.....very nice.
You are so thoughtful and so caring. We are still praying for Laska. Thank you for keeping us updated.:)
Teddy Bear
We are so sorry to hear all the bad news.. Our hearts go out to all of them..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
I'm so sad that thewe is still no news of Laska despite so much effowt on youw pawt..We awe pwaying and sending all ouw pawsitive stubbown tewwiew vibes to twy to help. Thewe's just too much sadness again..Mommi is all leaky.
Youw pictoowes awe bootiful, Thank you
smoochie kisses
great photos... we are glad everyone has been so suportive.
xo sugar & martine
I hope Laska is home safe soon.
We continue to purr for the safe return of Laska...and for Dakota and her family who are missing her so very much....
We hope Laska will be found ... we understand your mom's leaky concerns.
Licks and wags
THe Dog WOods Pack
Hi Khyra,
We have been so sad to hear of those pups that are lost. We are thinking of you and praying for Laska's safe return.
:) Tibby
You put up such a beautiful tribute. God bless you Khyra and Khyra's mom for all you do. The love you have for our furry four legged kids is so clear and unwavering. If you read this, please email the human Painter...I'd like to get a card and send it to the OP pack.
Painter Pack Mom
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