I'm am SOOOOOOO furry excited about this one!
I just KNOW some of them will be khoming to ME!!!
I started working on my chasing Thursday afternoon...I was doing some laps and THEN Mom grabbed her flashie beastie!
This is a little dark but it gives woo an idea of my moves
I sound all out of breath but really I was just getting started!
Fred is working on the puzzle I gave The Doggy Nanny fur Mother's Day. The Doggy Nanny was doing 'stuff'
Mom khaught one of the 'kids' flapping Thursday am...and she also pulled off the latest update on them...
6/11/2009 :: Status of FledglingsThe yellow banded female was returned to us from wildlife rehabilitation and we released her on the roof around 2 PM. She took flight within a half hour and is doing okay. The red and green banded females have been observed taking short flights to lower building rooftops. The white banded male has not yet been located. The blue banded female is content for now to rest at the ledge; she'll fledge in her own time.

I just KNOW some of them will be khoming to ME!!!
I started working on my chasing Thursday afternoon...I was doing some laps and THEN Mom grabbed her flashie beastie!
This is a little dark but it gives woo an idea of my moves
I sound all out of breath but really I was just getting started!
Fred is working on the puzzle I gave The Doggy Nanny fur Mother's Day. The Doggy Nanny was doing 'stuff'
Mom khaught one of the 'kids' flapping Thursday am...and she also pulled off the latest update on them...

I'm glad evfurryone enjoyed our sunset pikhs on Thursday. After Mom took the furst series, she noticed THEM watching...that is when she went over and took 'their' pikhs. Shortly after she khame bakhk in the house, that is when she noticed the BONUS khool kholours taking hold and bakhk out she went!
Have a safe Friday!
See woo tomorrow!
Were you pretending to be doing zoomies with us!!!
Princess Eva & Brice the Speedy
That movie made me totally dizzy.
Huffle Mawson
That is a lot of good racing around that you are doing! You are really good at it. Monty dog sometimes gets in the mood to do that in the house! Usually when mom or human sister comes home!
Lookin' good, Khyra! Is there really a cat in that box?
- c
happy friday....khyra
You sure were furry excited Khyra! It didn't even seem that The Doggy Nanny and Fred noticed what was going on!
can you say dizzy?
hey Khyra,
You look like you are having fun running zoomies in your house! You sure are fast! I hope you got some good treats after running those zoomies!
My head is spinning..thanks for sharing it! Wonder if i could move that fast...Happy Friday Khyra!
Wow, we couldn't keep up with you as we watched that video! You were making us feel dizzy!
Have a great weekend
Clive and gang
You've exhausted us Khyra. Lucky it's the weekend lol.
Noah Willow Tess Lucy
Great moves, Khyra, you sound a lot like Phantom and TD when they do the zoomies.
It looks like you are teaching Mom well, go out, come in, go out, come in, and repeat.
Happy Friday, the OP Pack
Its lucky you got to rest after all that. You will have worn your mum out.
The birdies will soon be all gone. Mum was out on a call at 3.15 am his morning, when she was driving back at 5 AM there was an awful lot of birds just low flying or on the roads. Mum said they were all having an early morning warm up, she had to keep avoiding them.
See you tomorrow sweet one.
Hugs GJ x
I saw you doing your zoomies. Quite exciting.
Momma says she almost never even sees the birds anymore. They must be off on adventures.
You could come and do bound around at my finca. Better still your mom could take a video as Misery is too slow.
You could come to our garden and run round with us!!
We have great fun and you can go behind the trees too!
You were having great fun in that video.
We liked the picture at the beginning with your cuddly minime!!!
Martha & Bailey xxxx
wow zoomies in the house -t hat isnt allowed in our house -a s soon as we start running we get the sign to go outside with that business
woodrow sweetie mj
Charybdis is boxed up and all ready to come see you. We don't seem to have a box big enough for Fenris. ~S,S,C & F
Khyra's got the zoomies!
Go Speed Racer!
Whoa! Khyra, you sure are energetic! I feel a little bit tired just watching you.
Cats should be careful about international box day. They are likely to be boxed up.
You looked pretty tearing around your house, but you couldn't do it at mine, its way smaller!
Woos, woo've got a regular zoomie race track there! Our zoomies get cramped cause we have to loop around right in the same room. Zoomies are the bestest!
Is that your little twin?
Wow, you are fast! We like to do the zoomies in the house too!
Sam & June
Happy Friday! Zoomies are the best!
Please keep that box - we already have an extra cat. Need another? :)
Beautiful Khyra!
I enjoyed your video a lot. You are so fast!
Have a great weekend!
Thor xxx
Cute stuffie!! and cuter Khyra!!!
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java
Sorry we can't watch your video - stoooopid satellite.
Round and round. Glad you stopped for some fresh air.
Happy Friday.
Love Ruby & Penny
happy friday k & p!
i cannot wait to see what you guys do this weekend! :)
liked your little stuffed sibe... did mom make that with one of your starter kits?
I love the picture of you and your puppy!
Tail wags,
As always, a very cute picture of you. You just don't take a bad photo! Do you still have that little buddy to play with?
We will have to watch your video a bit later, but we bet it is going to be fun!
Khyra, are you ever tempted to run after your birdie friends? I know my doggies would be.
What a beautiful picture of you Khyra..
We know you are ready for Friday..
Those baby's aren't baby's anymore. All grown up and flying the coop..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Ciao bella Khyra!
Oooooh! Fun zoomies, bellissima amica! La mia ragazza crashed to the floor from dizziness after watching your viddie (ah, she's such a hooooooman!), but I, Lucia, LOVED it!!!
That little stuffie looks like your 'mini me'!!! Eccellente!!
Tanti baci!
HaRooo Khyra,
Woo is like da energizer bunny! Woo kept going and going and going.
Happy Friday,
Hi Khyra,
I was getting dizzy too! You can sure move girlie.
ps. happy friday
Really love your race track.It is a cool circle!
I love the top photo of you Khyra where you have a "Mini Me"....
I hope one of those cats gets shipped to my house. I could use a good snack!
Kisses, Sky boy
Khyra, I can see why you like those Phyllies. Their fans are a lot like Sibes with all that yelling WOOOOOOOOO!
Hi, Khyra!
I do that around the dinning table!
Have a good night
Kisses and hugs
Hi Khyra!
You're like the Mazda 3 - zoom! zoom!
Pug love from,
Pearl & Daisy
We would have so much fun doing zoomies! Wanna come over?
Khyra, you are so fast! I love your very fluffy tail. I can't believe your stuffy is still in tact.
Teddy Bear
I do that too, then I knock something over and I have to stop. you did good, you didn't knock anything over!
your pal, Morgan
We are still khatching up but we are excited because we don't have to wait to see what is in the box!!!
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