Time fur some Tuesday Telling...

Well, I was an owner surrender to the lokhal SPCA. Mom stopped by on August 19, 2006 to see another dog she'd seen on their website. That one was gone BUT I was there!
The behind bars shot is only the furst pikh of the 1, 234, 456, 789 she's taken to this point in time!
I had been turned in bekhause I kept running off and the other hoomans wouldn't khommit to fencing and/or khonfining me!
Their loss = MY GAIN!
PLUS, I got rid of the name WHITNEY!
So, we have no idea of my heritage or even my exakht age. With Mom's experience to my special breed, she knew I was more than one but less than two. She thought about me fur the week and then khame bakhk on August 26, 2006 to see if I liked her enough to go home with her.
I guess I did fur here I am!

Here is the furst night Mom touched Butterskhotch...

Since the PFs are so mobile now, it is a challenge to khapture them in a shot but here is one of their playpen Mom snagged Monday afternoon...

As they mature even more, they will be brave enough to try sitting on the 'stikhk' like their pawrents do!
Fur those 'whoooo' aren't skhared by the owls, here are some pikhs from Monday AND the linkie to their khamera...
The kholours are just so khool!
Fur those 'whoooo' aren't skhared by the owls, here are some pikhs from Monday AND the linkie to their khamera...
Woo khan watch me at T H I S L I N K I E

We're furry lucky that you and your mom found each other. Somepup has to keep your mom in line.
Momma said they were freaky not scary!
Bricey Boy aka The boy who had breakfast, lunch and dinner today.
You are one lukhky pup to have a mom so nice!
Too bad she won't let that khat in for you to play with.
I always wondered why those baby birds are so ugly when they are born, but turn out sooo beautiful.
I am so glad you and your Mom crossed paths - you both are very lucky to have each other.
We love the shots of the birds - they are cute yet scary!
Sally and Paddy
It was FATE that brought woo together! How sweet. We're glad woo lost your name, woo are so not a "Whitney". love that 2nd pic of woo, such a cutie pie! Those baby owls aren't nearly as cute as woo, but I'm sure their mom thinks they are, cause that's how moms are.
What a gorgeous picture of you, Khyra - you look like you're smiling so happily to have found your new home!!! :-)
Thanks so much for telling about how you found your human - I always wondered about that! It's so wonderful that you found each other.
Honey the Great Dane
How lovely to hear about your early days Khyra - like us it sounds like you were with the wrong family - thank goodness you are now in the right forever home!
How anyone could call you Whitney we dont know!!
You are looking beautiful in your pictures. Butterscotch is adorable!
The birds are cute but we are sure Butterscotch must have an eye on them!
Martha & Bailey xxx
We loved hearing how you found your Mom! Thank you for sharing. My Mom is sharing my parent's background on the new My Corgi blog for corgi owners to share on since we don't tend to let them have time on our blogs. I guess they got together and decided to make one between several of them. She wrote about my Daddy and plans to write about my Mama next.
We've seen some of those owl babies before up close. Mom's brother-in-law saved some that get their nest messed up on an oil rig and she had them for several days before she could get them into a program at the college in Bakersfield, where we've taken injured raptors that we've found. They are ugly and hiss like CATS! OC
We love that picture of you smiling!! We think Khyra is a much better name for you than Whitney too!!
Butterscotch has purrty laser eyes!!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
hey Khyra,
Destiny works! What a great story of your first meet with your mom! You not only got an amazing new life but a great new name! Cheers to both of you for a wonderful happy ending!
p.s. thanks for the info on "kharl khardinal"!! I knew you would know! You are not only pretty but super smart as well!
We are so glad that you and your Mom found one another and are living happily ever after! It was clearly meant to be!
Your Friends,
Tommy and The Girls
PS: We LOVE owls!!!!!!!
You certainly don't look like a Whitney to us, Khyra! We are so glad that you and your mom are best buddies now and forever! It was truly meant to be!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
That owl looks like a Vegas showgirl with all those sparkly feathers.
How nice to hear about how you found your mom. I am glad she figured out what your real name is.
It was lovely to read how you met your Mom. We're thrilled you had a name change - Whitney just wouldn't suit you at all!
The bird photos are great - the little man really loves the owls as well by the way. He saw a great bird cage at the flower show on Sunday as tried to persuade his Mom to get it but she was having none of it!! He wants a parrot but imagine what Tinkerbell would do to a parrot!
lots of woofs
I love that smiley pic of you.
I'm so glad you and your mom are with each other now. :)
~ Bae
By if you Where Whitney, Whe Whould have a totally different language, whouldn't whe? Whow.
You are very lucky your Mom found you!! And we know you appreciate her.
That baby owl does have quite the snooter!! Made Mom giggle.
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java
I am loving the update photos on the baby owls!
And your Mom is one lucky lady to have made that second trip to the shelter. Otherwise she wouldn't have the beautiful MFT and we all would never have known each other.
BM is just so pretty Look at those eyes!!!
Woos, the OP Pack
Awwwww. the first photo of Khyra :)
I'm still trying to get Mummy to scan my baby pics so I can do this one.
Big licks to you
We are glad that you found your mom, and that you are generous enough to share her and the Exhterra with the rest of us
gussie d
Your Mom is very lucky to have found you and now she has a nice place to live with you and you occasionally pose fur her. Now all you need is Butterscotch to come in and play with woo!
-Kira The BeaWootiful
Definately their loss. Your Mom was very lucky to find you!
I love the owleys!
I can't even begin to think of you as a Whitney. I'm so glad your human pet changed your name. Khyra fits you much better!
We are soooo glad you found such a wonderful furrever home!!
Hi, Khyra...
Probably the best thing that ever happened to you & your Mom was your first owner's giving you up...
You & your Mom were meant to be together...You two are soooo lucky to have eachother...
My Mom finally sent your prize today...She needs to get her priorities straight...
Abby xxxooo
We were wondering if your mom knew what a good writer you were when she let you adopt her.
Misty the alpha Poodle
hi k!
your mom was meant to find you and you her.
what a great story!
m & e
Fate intervened and now you're a celebrity among dog bloggers... seems like everyone knows Khyra and her Mom! Tell me, when you go for your walks or out shopping, do other dogs ask for your paw print? Does the puparazzi follow you around taking pictures? Do you get preferential treatment at Pet Smart or wherever you shop for provisions? You should write about what it's like to be a celebrity pooch... your fans want to know!
Khyra, the person who turned you in was a big do-do! But I'm glad it happened because you have such an awesome home now.
It sure was their loss and your mums gain, look how happy you both are now. It would not be the same without a daily Khyra fix.
Thabk you for the birdie pics. See you tomorrow.
Hugs GJ xx
Khyra, we are so glad that you mama found you. And Khyra is much nicer than Whitney.
Sam & June
Those owls are so very very pretty!
I love your furever home story too.
Loves from pugs,
Rosie Marie
Hi Khyra!
Thanks for sharing your story! You are definitely a Khyra and NOT a Whitney!
:) Tibby
Your story is a bit like ours. We chose our human when they visited a shelter too.
BTW: We not only start out cute. We stay that way!
Oh, you look SO happy in that second picture!!!
Stormy and Zim were both about 1 1/2 when they joined our family, too!
Zim thinks you must like Butterscotch a lot to share your blog with him. Hrrrrrmph!!!
We know how that goes, not knowing anything about our parents! Meowm got both of us full grown! We are glad you got a great home!
Now about Butterscotch.......is this kitty a new addition to your household?
What a great post to land on today - family history, cats, even owls! Whooo knew?
You cracked me up with all things considered! :)
Oh khyra we are really glad that the other pup was gone when Mom came by. She is so lucky that you decided to adopt her..
That Butterscotch is one nervy kitty..
Love the feathery kids.. Owls are good birds. They are not scary they eat lots of bugs..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Hi Khyra
you are so cute on the pics...you're lucky to have a mom like that...and Butterscotch is adorable too!...thank you for sharing this
we love happy adoption stories!! thanks for sharing!
xo sugar & martine
What a beautiful story! I am so glad that you and your Mommy found each other.:) The owls look so cute!
Teddy Bear
Khyra, I enjoyed the story of how you and your mom found each other! Were you a birthday present to your mom?
It's nice that BM catches all the moths and bugs for you!
It was destiny that she found you that day.
Huffle Mawson
I love your story Khyra! Mine is sort of similar, but it doesn't seem to matter who our folks were, but who our "folks" are now ya-roooo!!! Also love the PFs - how BIG they've gotten! And the owls are incredible - wow, what a beautiful array of feathers! I'm so fond of the eagles - we saw so many in AK! (But no babies...)
Hugs and Love xo
Hi, Khyra!
You and your mom are very lucky finding each to other!
Like you say things happen for a reason and it was written that you were going to be with your mom!
Thanks for the owls pictures!
Kisses and hugs
So glad your Mom found you and changed your name. ;) You are so loved now huh!! And those owls are very cool!
Hi Khyra! thank you for sharing that beautiful story. It seems you and your mommy were meant to find each other. The birds look very cute!!
Hello Khywa
You suwe lucked out!
You got the best Mom and a soopew special name and hewitage and family to go along wif it.
I love all youw bootiful pictoowes..you live in a wildewness wondewland
smoochie kisses
Khyra, honey....what kind of a numb nut would dump YOU???? Obviously, somebody too stupid to appreciate your beauty and intelligence! Sheesh! Humans never fail to amaze me I tell ya what.
What a wonderful story you sharred Kyhra. It is just like magic sometimes how love connects animals and humans together.
You all have such a wonderful life together and your parents have the biggest heart there is.
Thanks for sharing your early days with us! We sure are glad that you decided to go home with your Mom and join us all here in Blog land! That Butterscotch sure is one brave kitty getting that khlose to your house!
That's a great story, Khyra! You & yur mommy were meant to be together!
-da boyz, Cosmos & Juneau-
I enjoyed reading how you came to get your family! You have a really nice mom who loves you a lot!
I'm so happy for you and your mom! :) You're so lucky to have each other!
Umm...what is that C-A-T doing hanging out at your window? I don't know about that...
Thanks for the updates on everyone!
Both you and your mom are the lucky ones.
Hi, Khyra -
Mama, Kaci and I think it's great that you found a pawtastic furever home. We like your name now much better than Whitney. Whitney?!? What were those people thinking?
We like the pictures of the owls too.
Love -
Hershey and Kaci
Happy you were rescued - we are rescues too and are so happy
And again thanx to your mommy and you for sharing your xterra.
Woodrow Sweetie MJ
You and the Butterscotch Morsel are both adorable!
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