As Mom khame home Tuesday afternoon, it was until we khould know fur sure what the weather was going to do, I went out...

WELL, when we went fur our walk Monday night, look at what Mom and I saw:
Khall 1-800-GORABBIT???
He was waiting to show the house!
When Mom went to khlose the side door at work Tuesday afternoon, she saw this fella sauntering akhross the drive!
SO, it IS Wednesday, khorrekht?


SO, it IS Wednesday, khorrekht?
I guess that means woo want to KHLIKHK H E R E !
We did film it Sunday night due to the weather forekhast fur Monday and Tuesday afternoon/evenings!
Little did Mom realize when she snagged this pikh what was about to happen - chekhk the timestamp on the pikh and then chekht the post she pulled from The Falkhon Wire...pretty freaky!
Little did Mom realize when she snagged this pikh what was about to happen - chekhk the timestamp on the pikh and then chekht the post she pulled from The Falkhon Wire...pretty freaky!
6/9/2009 :: First Fledge!The yellow banded female fledged at 6:45 this morning. She was rescued from a nearby street and sent to a wildlife rescue/rehabilitation center. Preliminary information indicated she may have an injured leg. We'll get an update and report on her condition this afternoon
and here is her update
6/9/2009 :: Update on Yellow BandThe yellow banded female is reportedly in good physical condition. After a final examination by a vet, she could be released this evening or tomorrow.
Nice stretching picture!
Also, glad the birdie is ok! :)
w00fs, me glad the birdie iz ok too..and u keep pawsome watch on stuff..
b safe,
Your mom obviously needs to spend more time on the internet. I know that she's disappointed about missing that.
Princess Eva
You are one gorgeous canine Khyra. The pictures are beautiful
You are so beautiful, Khyra, and those were really good pics! Everything is so green around your area. When I see grass like that, I roll and roll and roll! OC
That's a cute little rabbit. Like your stretch photos Khyra!
hey Khyra,
BUNNY!!!!!!! I am SO there!!
I have been dealing with a lot of storms lately too. All Tuesday morning I heard loud thunder boomers. I hope you don't get too wet when the rain falls your way.
Great pics, as usual!
Love the workout pictures. I agree that is weird how the times are the same. That bird had a lucky escape.
The nerve of Oswald and right under your nose. He is getting very brave.
Hugs GJ x
Looking great as always! And glad to hear the birdie is okay.
Soo happy to know the birdie's okay. Nice stretch on the grass, bet it feels good huh? Me gonna have a long stretch after this! See ya!
Great yard pics - you are queen of all you observe!!
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java
Woo, your mom is such a tease pretending to end the video and then filming some more. How do you put up with it?
I thought I was having trouble finding a bird yesterday.
I will have to watch your walkie movie later because momma says she is too busy or something right now. Sheesh!
I didn't know Oswald was a big real estate guy. Sort of a PA Donald Trump. Wonder if he has a comb over?
Hi, Khyra...
Great walking video...I'm sooo glad you make sure it is safe before you & your Mom cross the road...
Abby xxxooo
Oh, dear MFT, you are looking especially fluffy and beautiful in this week's video. Your pantaloons are so white and full:-)
Woos, the OP Pack
You stretch furry well Khyra :)
Have you considered teaching yoga?
Big licks to you
Are you in the market for a new house!!??! What does your mom have to say about that? How many bones do they want for it!??
Lovely photos of you Khyra!
and good to hear that the bird was okay!
lots of woofs
That is easily the most hairy real estate agent I have ever seen!
Hi Khyra
We watched your video and were alarmed to note that you mom reckons not only is your tail a barometer but if she touches it that makes you go faster!!!
Really we feel she is taking some liberties with your tail!
We are glad that you know you are beautiful cos you are.
Martha & Bailey xxx
gladd Yellow Bird is OK.. Do they return her to her nest, or does she get released elsewhere?
gussie d
Wooo! I am so glad the falcon is ok, I am sure those vets know what they are doing, because I am getting better too!
Watch out for those bunnies, I will watch out for them khats!
-Kira The BeaWootiful
You have a beautiful yard, Khyra. I wish I had that much room to roam and run free. With all the exercise you do back there, you should have your own exercise video!
That's so good that woo stretch before walking - keeps those muscles from cramping. What is it with the rabbits? As you read on our blog, we had rabbit problems too - maybe our mama of 6 went to look at the bigger digs Oswald was showing?
Woos & a-roos,
Star & Jack a-roo
Tell Oswald he missed the real estate boom by about a year ...
very cool pics - and hope the little falcon is okay
woodrow sweetie mj
we hopes that Oswald can sell the house quickly!
gee, she missed the fledge by 6 seconds? wow
hi k!
great post!
we have been getting storms in the afternoons too.
Great walking pix! Amazing about your picture "catch" right before PF took off - mymy - what timing. Hope she(?)is okay by now. Come to think of it, amazing timing re: catching shots of sign, rabbit himself and...the deer! I would have pulled mom off her feet to catch that - love chasing deer if I can just get a chance, but barking is my next best. You are a very good girl, Khyra!
Hugs xo
You are so beewootiful!
OH MY GOSH!!! This is the first time we've watched walkin' wednesday and we LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!
thank you for sharing!!
xo sugar & martine
"Storm" watch? Really? Can you see her now?
WHAT THE... I can't believe that Oswald!!! He's an aMAZingly ubiquitous guy!
Play bows,
We're wondering if you've ever tasted rabbit stew. Yum.
Wow - rabbits selling real estate. I've seen it all!
We have had lots of rumbles here too! Meowm loves it! We love the superdog picture too!
We're glad you got your walk in. It is raining like crazy here!
Gus and Waldo
Very nice photo spread of you again, Khyra!
And the rabbit is funny. Does he really think he can show that house? wanted to ask you how you are always the first one to post a comment on everyone's blog posts. Mom only wishes she could help me with comments even half as much as you. My mom works way too much to help me as much as I want. Sorry I can't visit more.
Happy Hump Day to you!
You should have been here today, Khyra. Rain is really not an adequate word to describe the deluge that came down from the skies!!! You would have loved it!
Your Friends,
Tommy and The Girls
I do love Wednesdays!
Your pal,
You are such a good storm watcher. Do you get paid for that?
See mom would be easy after 5..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
I like the stretching picture too! And great news about that Yellow Banded birdie!
Honey the Great Dane
Khyra, honey.....I sure do wish I could go on a walk with you, then relax with some AGJ and PRB.
Beautiful photos of you as usual Khyra! I wonder if Oswald is going to sell the house to any of his kin so that they fill your neighborhood. Glad the falcon is okay.
Wow, Khyra. You've been busy. So has Oswald. Maybe the two of you could go storm chasing together--once he sells the house, of course.
Hi, Khyra!
Rabbit, deer, dog, birds!
I enjoyed your walkie!
Glad to know the birdie is ok!
Have a good night
Kisses and hugs
Hi Khyra,
Love the pictures!! You gots a rabbit and a deer in your neighborhood. Wow!!
Mommy loves your Walking Wednesdays, there is something comforting about your Mom's voice and right at the end of the video when you looked right into the camera you looked more beautuful than ever.
Mommy wants to know if you Mommy has a favorite pic of you sleeping that she can e-mail us for a post idea she has?
Khyra I bet you are better at predicting the weather than those dorks on TV. You sure are a beauty. ~Twix
You are such a beautiful girl, Khyra! And o how I love your Walkhin Wednesday videos!
My the Mom want to askh you... what khind of khamera do you use to shoot the videos? She thinkhin of buyin one and has no experience wif the them... please to advise her wif your tekhnical knowledge?
Thankh you for sharin your day wif the us!
Wif love from the Luke
Pee. Ess. We very very glad fledglin is okh!!!
Khyra, you should do a workout video... My momster would be your first customer, cause she needs some instruction on how to stretch! I'm glad the birdie was fine!
Whoa, Girl! That's a SERIOUS Carabiner on your collar! You must be one strong pup, to have to have such a serious carabiner!!!
(I don't know how to do the whole cyber party thing...and I haven't got any invitations made up...but thank you for thinking of me!!!)
I love the picture of you stretching. Way to capture the moment, Mom!
Teddy Bear
Yeu have a fluffy tail! I do teu... but yours is much cuter because it's at the end of yeu!
Hi, Khyra -
We had thunderstorms this past Tuesday too. Mama found some water on the basement floor and was not happy at all.
We like the walks you and your Mom take together. Next time can Kaci and I go with you? We love meeting new pals.
Love -
Hershey and Kaci
I'm glad the bird is ok!
Nice fluffy tail and nice walk. :)
I love the stretching pic! Mom is too slow with the flashy beast to get me stretching!
omdog thank goodness someone rescued the little bugger. sorry it was so hot and humid on your walk. I know how you HATE the heat. Its nice and toasty out here for sure!!
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