BUT he was sooooo furry 'happy' about being khone-free he went and got himself re-khoned by Monday afternoon -


You have already met Maggie's pups - Trisha, Jimmy/Seamus/, and Sweet Pea/Terry when I first shared Trisha and Jimmy's story as part of the transport
Sadly, Maggie passed away following complications with her spay - more about that after I share the incredible tribute Maggie's foster mom Lisa wrote for Maggie
Our Sweet Precious Maggie
One question every dog owner and every dog lover has to face one day is “How do you say the ultimate good-bye to the ultimate dog?” If anyone has the answer to this question please let me know because today I am trying to figure out how to say good-bye? A couple of weeks ago I went to Georgia to pick up a stray dog that had been living under an abandoned building with her 4 precious pups. I had no idea what type of dog this was going to be, was she going to be friendly, was she going to be okay with other dogs, was she going to be feral, that was just a few of the questions going through my mind as I started my state to state drive, the only thing I knew for sure was they called her Maggie. I had no idea that I was about to be BLESSED with the sweetest most incredible dog I could ever dream of sharing my life with. The first night was a rather stressful night for me as she was pulling and chewing on her outdoor dog run with great intensity. I went out to reassure her around 9 o’clock that night that everything would be okay, I promised her, if she would just hang with me for a few weeks that she would end up with a great home of her own, a family to love her and a life where she would never again have to worry where or if she would receive her next meal. I sat with her for a long while and it was like she truly understood what I was trying to tell her, she practically climbed right up in my lap and simply couldn’t get close enough; it was as if she tried to mold her body right into my chest. I can’t even begin to tell you the relief and joy I felt the next morning when I went out to check on her and she had decided to stay the night, she never pulled on her dog run again and she never acted like she wanted to be anywhere else except right next to me. We would take walks in the woods behind my house and I wouldn’t even have to hold her leash, she stayed right beside me, if I stopped to sit for a minute, she would just lie right at my feet and look at me with eyes of pure love. Everyone that met Maggie immediately fell in love with her, she just had this way about her, even though life had not always been good to her, she had this truly incredible trusting nature about her and she simply loved to be loved!! Maggie had this thing she would always do if you got anywhere around her, she would sit down, drop her head ever so slightly and put her paw out for you to shake it, this was done several times a night, she never got tired of shaking paws and giving hugs. I never got to fulfill the promise I made to Maggie that 1st night because today she is sharing those special paw shakes and Maggie hugs with those in heaven and we are left asking WHY? We lost her to a freak reaction to anesthesia during a simple medical procedure; I guess somebody had much better plans for her. Maggie was a very special girl that had a unique goodness about her that will never be forgotten. She will be greatly missed and loved forever, I feel honored to have gotten to shake her paw and share my life with her. Good-bye my precious girl and thanks for being the ULTIMATE DOG!!!
I would caution you do some research on ACEPROMAZINE before permitting anyone to prescribe and/or use it on your furry ones -
Sweet Maggie, we are the ones that God blessed by allowing each and every one of us who met you to share in your love, your grace, your peace and the dignity that you chose to have in your life. We are better for knowing you and Heaven is a happier, waggier, more lovely place because of your presence. There were greater things planned for you Maggie. We should all be so lucky.
Rest in love and peace my sweet girl. I dream of our next meeting.
P.S. Here is a Bear-Bear link I wanted to share
Timing IS everything. We are so sorry to hear about Maggie, but glad that the pups were saved. We'll light a candle for Maggie - she sounds like she was a very special girl!
-Fiona and Family
How very sad. But good to get the information.
Misty the alpha Poodle
Oh so sad about that lovely Maggie. She never deserved the life she led before she was rescued, and I am sure she is a guardian angel to all of her rescue angels. RIP Maggie xoxo
PS thanks for the warning!!! Very important post.
Oh how sad about Maggie. The story about her broke our hearts. We had a bad week last week with our kitty furiends crossing the bridge and now Mommy is all leaky once again about Maggie. But, we do understand timing is everything and she saved her babies. Plus she educated us about that stuff too. She'll be watching over them from across the Bridge.
You and Merdie made us smile Khyra! We also hope Phantom heals up again so he can be de-khoned once and for all!
Oh my goodness Khyra. That is so very sad about Maggie! We are thankful though, thankful that she had that short time with someone who loved her. And we are glad the pups are okay. We hope that....we know that Maggie has found some great new friends over the bridge...and she will see her rescuer again..and they will be together furever. Please pass along our condolences. We will be purring for all those who loved her.
Now we wonder about taht anesthesia...and if is bad for cats. Thanks for alerting us to this possible danger.
Poor Maggie. She never got her forever home here. But she sure had folks who cared about her.
If this anesthesia is so dangerous, why are they using it?
Thanks a lot for spreading the word, Khyra MOm.
Ginger hasn't been neutered yet.she has a little cardiac problem due to which we are so scared to take her for surgery.She is otherwise very healthy and has absolutely no problem with vigorous activity etc. But her heart beats are very very irregular indicative of a cardiac problem that may be problematic during anaesthesia.
we were managing well till now, she has learned to go about her daily activities with her sanitary pads on. but now that Buddy is here it gets very difficult. we have been thinking of taking her for neutering but is still very scared.maybe being doctors we are terrified of the possibilities we can think of.
Please let me know one thing, was Khyra's surgery done using an injectable sedative or was a breathing tube used to secure her airway during anaesthesia?
i have been meaning to ask about this in a post for sometime now and you happened to write about this.
wags from Gin n Bud n love from Mummy
I sorry about Phantom. Hope he is all better soon. :)
I very sorry about Maggie goin to Heaven so soon. May she rest in peace.
So sad about beautiful Maggie; we are so sorry for her sudden loss...At least her babies were saved; she is their guardian angel now...kisses...Calle, Halle, Sukki
Poor sweet Maggie.
We are so very sad to hear about Maggie. She is an Angel now and watching over her beautiful Pups from the Bridge.
Teddy Bear
We are so very sorry to read about Maggie.
It is indeed quite rare for this to happen but we have a friend this happened to.
We are just so sorry when she was on the brink of a new life.
No wonder everyone is stunned.
Martha and Bailey xxx
Tis so sad to hear about maggie, she's a very special gal indeed and which mom wouldn't do that for her pups. Thanks khyra for sharing so many touching stories with us. Every one of us has a story to tell, if only the humans would listen!
We are so very sorry to hear about Maggie! Greyhounds are really sensitive to a lot of medicines, too, so we understand. May Maggie rest in peace!
Oh my! What a heartbreaking story! Poor little Maggie... I had no idea that such a seemingly simple thing could bring such tragic results. Thanks for sharing this information. I'm sure it will save lives.
Poor Maggie, very sad. Too bad such a promising life had to be cut short.
Very well-written editorial about the Bear Bear case, lots of merit to many of the author's points.
And Phantom thanks you for the sign, he isn't crazy about fireworks but the cone might even be more evil.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
We are very sorry to hear about Maggie crossing the bridge. Muzzer was crying when she read the story. She says Muzzer love is wonderful, even if we don't know how it works.
Woooos Fur Maggie, I hope she is running happily free now, never to be frightened scared or alone. Mom had never heard of that medicine so thanks fur letting us know.
~husky kisses~
-Kira The BeaWootiful
LES first thing in the morning? Yup, mom is leaking on the keyboard. Godspeed, dear Maggie, thanks you for sharing your love (and your warning) with all of us thru-out cyberspace.
jack a-roo & miss moo
PS - lovely pics of woo & merdie today!
Oh my dawg, i had no idea about Acepromazine. it's the "narc" my vet gave me for Loki. i gave a small amount to them to try before we left. i never ended up using it, but tested it to see how they'd react. loki hated it. juno didn't seem bothered by it. i didn't know some breeds were sensitive to it. sigh. now i do. thanks to Maggie and this post. of course i have a special place for sibes and dogs named "maggie!"
Oh my leaky eyes once again. Poor sweet Maggie going too soon. BUt at least she did get to share some love and her pups are safe.It is though good that you passed on the info that perhaps could save others.. Hugs GJ x
What a story... a dog like Maggie would go nowhere EXCEPT over the Rainbow Bridge... and she'll end up in the prime real estate over there too. Bless you, Maggie!
That's so heartbreaking and just beyond words. Timing is everything. I'm so happy that the puppies were saved. My heart goes out to Maggie's family.
Both of our dogs have taken ace with no problems but I'll be very alert about it now.
Another sad story. Poor Maggie.
many thanks for telling the story of your dear Maggie. Please accept our sincere condolences on your loss.
And thanks so much for the information.
Your buddy,
Oh Maggie! What a sweet tribute to her, and a great warning as well. We could see her smiling in the video, and just know she is now smiling down on all of you for rescuing her puppies.
Always need out Khyra and Merdie pix :)
Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose
So sad about Maggie!
I'm sure sorry about that Maggie-Sibe, Khyra-Face. She was a lovely girl and I'm glad she had at least a little experience with love before she went to the Bridge.
Thanks for telling us about Maggie and Phantom. Maggie sacrificed her life to educate us. I wish her health and happiness in heaven.
Mom and I still think the charges against the cop who killed Bear-Bear should have been harsher, but as long as animal cruelty laws become stronger, I think Bear-Bear would be proud of us.
We are so sorry Maggie never got her forever home. We will make sure our vet doesn't use the bad Acepromazine on Fenris. Since we don't know for sure what breed he is better to be safe.
We are so sorry to hear about Maggie. She was a gorgeous girl and we are happy that her pups are still here. She will ALWAYS watch over them.
We were saddened to read about Maggie but what a legacy she left behind. Our hope is that all of her pups will thrive and be loved always.
Tommy (and the rest of the Poupounette Gang)
I can't see the screen as I type this!! I get so teary when it comes to animals dying!! Why do the goods have to go early!!! I lost Burce early from cancer!
He was only 6 years old.
Thanks for this post Mom.
XXOO, Bambi & Fern
Oh so sad news. We are so sorry to read about Maggie.
Sad woooh
What a special girl she was! I'm so sorry her time was too short but I am very much happy she knew such luv for at least a little while. Run free, sweet Maggie!
Gentle wiggles & wags,
Mom and me is so sorry 'bouts dat beeootiful Maggie. Puppy prayers for all who knew and loved hers.
My mom is well awares of that acepromazine and my V-E-T has not and will not use it on me. Tank you for getting the word out about it. :)
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae
aaahh what a story about that poor Maggie girl...
Benny & Lily
Oh what a heartbreaking story bouts Maggie...My mum very teary eyed reading dis. But, it's kinda sweet knowing hers gave her own life fur her pups.
We ain't one of them breeds you mentioned but mum is gonna talks to da vet bout dis cuz brudder Albert will be going "under" soon.
We are in tears about poor Maggie. We are so happy that she knew love!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
I'm very sad about Maggie but at least her puppies are safe now.
OMD. That is soooo sad about Maggie. My eyes are leaking and you know that boys don't cry!
Well thank Dog that the end of her life was spent with a loving human. RIP sweet Maggie.
Oh what a sad/wonderful story. Maggie will be truly missed and be greatly loved over that rainbow bridge.. Timing is everything.. RIP Maggie..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
So sorry to hear about sweet Maggie. But hopefully with you passing along this information it will help save another pup down the road.
Thank you for the warning about acepromzazine. I hadn't heard to it before. RIP sweet Maggie :(
Maggie deserved a better life but at least at the end she had love and dignity. She was a very special girl who touched many lives as she found her way...and saved more than a few with her sacrifice. Run free and safe and happy on the other side of the Bridge Maggie...you so earned the privilege! Thanks for sharing this.
That is so sad :( We're glad the babies are safe, and so sorry about momma Maggie...
So sorry about Maggie...thanks for posting this and hopefully some other dog will be saved by knowing this info.
That is so sad about Maggie! We never use Ace since Abby has seizures and it is a no-no for epilepsy! Thank goodness her babies were saved though. The ultimate sacrifice for her babies.
Godspeed Maggie.
Oh, Maggie, we are so incredibly sorry, but what a beautiful tribute that was written.
Hope your mum wasn't driving when she took the pic of the signboard:-) Thanks for sharing the story abt Maggie. If one life is saved by your warning, Maggie's death would not have been in vain.
im so sorry to hear about Maggie, she seems really sweet. its just hard to understand sometimes why things happen the way they do.
this is my first time here, ill be back, jazevox
we are so very sorry to hear about Maggie. That is just so sad. She was a beauty in this life and at the Rainbow Bridge, we know she is running free. Lots of love, Debbie and Holly
We are so very sorry to hear about Maggie, but what a beautiful tribute. It reminds me of Kiva's mom, Zoe -- a shepherd/chow mix culled from pack of wild dogs wandering around JFK airport in NY. A lost dog who was found and greatly loved and went on to be a 9/11 therapy dog who touched the lives of many, many people.
Hi Khyra!
So sad to hear about Maggie's story. Well, that's life for you..each of us tells a different story.
Thanks for sharing Maggie's amazing story. Sure she was a wonderful girl.
Take care
Kisses and hugs
we have many tears for Maggie and
no words
Thanks for this -- I didn't know about Acepromazine or the potential reactions to it, but I will remember it now.
Im so sad to read about Maggie :(
Don't forget, we moved to http://dogisgodinreverse.com
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