
We really appreciated the khool KholWOOrado air she had inkhluded in the envelope too!
She has inkhluded a video we've been planning to share SO why not watch it there - you might have seen it around already - but if woo haven't, please watch - and if woo have seen it, I'm betting woo might not mind seeing what love and khare khan do!
It shows she WAS paying attention during Paw Khrossing Khlass at Khamp Khyra!!!
Mom has a special run today - she's got the Martinsburg WV to Harrisburg PA leg fur Rotts 'n Pups with what should be a GREAT transport - six passengers which inkhlude three Chuggies, one Husky/GoldenRetriever, one Husky/YellowLab, and one Husky PUPPY!
Mom's been receiving pikhs of Tigua The HP since The Nice Mary Lady reskhued him from the Charlotte/Mecklenburg NC Shelter - he has charmed his way into TNML's heart to the point it was tough fur her - and her sister The Nice Marie Lady - to pass him along on Saturday - she's been sooooo amazed by how good a boy he's been - SNIKHKERING - he's going to some AMAZING people - Mom and I got to meet them at Rocky's pawty - they often foster fur RNP - the weeks leading up today have been furry furry long - they khan't wait to get him in their arms later today!!!
She told me she has a special transport dedikhation in mind - I wonder what she's got planned!
It will also mark the maiden journey up I83 to 581 and down I81 fur Mayzie's magnets - some of the recent weekends were too rainy fur Mom to want to break them in THAT way - she's like that - one of the kinds that keeps her stuff nice -
Have a great Sunday evFURRYone!
Khyra and Khousin Merdie By Proxy
You is soooo cute Merdie! You look like my sister!
What cute loot! I hope it serves you well tomorrow on your trip!
Merdie, you're just as cute as can be!
Love the Merdie pictures=she is too adorable!...Wishing your Mom a safe, happy transport today...Kisses, beautiful Khyra, stay cool, sweetie...Calle, Halle, Sukki
Such great pictures! And what a great surprise.:)
Teddy Bear
Hello we saw your bloggie on some friends and thought it time we dropped by!
Going to have a good read - you ahve some lovely piccies.Hopefully we'll pop in again soon.
Big Nose Pokes
The Thuglets
Hi Khyra,
Those car magnets are pawsome - generous Miss Mayzie put the 'peace, love, rescue' one in the auction as an item and it is VERY popular. And wow - the bidding war over your transport run is SO exciting!! Now that you're adding genuine Khyra flouff it's probably going to go off the scale!! Thank you so much for offering such an amazing item to the auction - this morning the bids and donations total reached $882.00, we're delighted! When we first thought of the acution we thought we'd get about $250/300 if enough pups donated items so what we're seeing now thrills us to bits!! Loving the Merdie pics - she's soooo cute!
Schnauzer snuggles - JD and Max.
Your both looking cute.
Happy Weekend.
Nice woooh
Great pics and we wish your Mom an excellent transport, Khyra!
We have been doing our best to ramp up the bidding on you-know-what! We won't be able to see it through to the end as we are heading off for Tommy's reunion but we hope it goes up, up and up!
I don't know where to start, there's so much I want to say about this post, because there's to comment on! But I'll spare you and just say that Martinsburg WV is my neck of the woods! We have some great rescue friends there that we just adore who have been involved in rescue since the 70's--They are 2 of the kindest people you'd ever want to meet. But I know you'll have a good trip, that corridor is an easy one to drive, but there is a lot of traffic unfortunately and last time I took it, there was constuction too--Good luck today--But I don't think you'll need it from me, you've already got good carma with the new magnets! :-) I'll look forward to the next post!
Meride is very cute - I can say that cos she is on the other side of the world!!
Great gifts from Mayzie - they will look very smart on the Xterra!
Nice to see Merdie, we bet she is missing you too Khyra.
Good luck with the transport today.
Have a good Sunday
Martha and Bailey xxx
woooooow those are so cute photos :D
El'bow & Hauwii
Woo - A SHP. Wonder whose picture might get taken the most (grins)?
Hope you all have a good Sunday too and safe travels!
Merdie is incredibly cute, crossed paws and all.
Have a safe transport today, and don't let anyone steal your magnets (our car magnets got swiped when parked in the city...). Yours announce what a good person you are so I hope that everyone leaves them alone!
'lo Merdie! Wow, that sounds like a great transport and those are lucky dogs to be getting their transport on w/yr ma.
Sheps w/Pep and Otis and the little dude (this is getting too tiring.)
Great pictures of Merdie!
We love the Merdie photos!
The best of luck to your Mom today - hope the trip goes well.
take care
Clive and Murray
Lookin' good ! As always.
Merdie must have aced her class in cute and Kamp Khyra.
Have a great weekend Khyra.
Love the cute snoozers an d pics. Talked about a kitty in distress on my blog
Thanks for sharing all the great news. Those are really neat magnets you got for the Xterra. We are hoping these latest transport doggies find their furever homes!
Hi Merdie - you look like a puppy today.
Great pressies from Mayzie - nice to have such good furiends.
Happy transporting.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Safe travels on your transport!
We had not heard about Dolly so we went and watched the video...just hard to believe what happened to that sweet dog and how she was able to overcome everthing...just a wonderful video clip.
Paw khrossing khlasses at Khamp Khyra. That is really khute.
Misty the alpha Poodle
Those magnets are pawesome! They are perfect for the Xterra!
Merdie, we're glad you were paying attention in Khyra's Khlass! You are cute!
Khyra, someone is going to be very lucky to get some of your pretty floof!
We hope the transport goes well today too!
Love the pix! And anything containing Khyra Floof.... ;)
Aww...Merdie is so stinkin cute.
Love the new magnets to. We thought of you today. My mom had to do a transport of her own. She will write about it in a few days. :)
Those stickers that Mayzie sent are so cool!
That peeking over the stair picture is just too cute for words.
Awww it would be hard saying goodbye to the little pup. We hope he finds a good home.
Noah x
That do be some kewl swag you gotted fur your X-Terra.
LOve the post today. So much lovely stuff. Loved your surprise and also how cute does Merdie look. Safe journey on your transports.. Hugs GJ xx
Love all of the pictures!! Have safe travels today and we look forward to seeing the pictures! Lots of love, Holly and mom
I am very glad ur Mom has driven for all these rescues. It is so good to see all the critters get noo homes! :)
I especially like the peace love and rescue sticker!!
Oh what cool presents you got.. That Merdie sure knows how to melt your heart..
Can't wait to see those pups tomorrow. Mom's favorite day is Monday checking out the transports... Thanks Phylis for making her Monday's a special day..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
That auction is such a cool idea! And what an honor that one of your runs is an auction item, that's amazing.
I wonder if I could make a nice pillow out of some Khyra floof?
Merdie is looking younger and younger! Does she have a secret that she is willing to share, Khyra?
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Cute pictures of Merdie!
Great pics! Safe travels!
What a great post! Merdie, you and Paris are getting fuzzy again!
Raising Addie raised the bid to outta our ballpark, darn it.
But...we did donate directly to Paypal....
But I really wanted to blast the radio with you Khyra...
Our stoopid sissy has this wedding next month...interferin' with my spending....
Regretful kisses,
Lacie Girlie
I suppose I could make a recording of my shrieking to take on the transport?
Happy Sunday, Khyra!
Goofy Merdie! I love her!
I watched the video on Mayzie's blog. We cried but we are happy to know she is in good hands now.
I am sure your mom had a pawesome transport today!
Take care
Kisses and hugs
Come back Merdie, we miss you!
Merdie is looking adorable as always! Looking forward to her next visit to Khamp Khyra.
Merdie, Merdie...you're just the cutest! Next to Khyra, of course! ;-)
I'm EVER so glad you liked your pressies and that maybe they got to go along on your mom's transport today. When we saw them, we thought about the two of you right away and just knew you (and the Xterra) had to have them!
Wiggles & Wags,
aw, I'm sure that the trip will go great. I scrolled down and there are so many great photos of you!
I wish my mommy would post more great photos of me. She blames my black furs and lack of great lighting.
I blame her.
Hey, guess what Joel learned to say. Woof woof! Yup, mommy says "What does a dog say?" and he says "Woof woof!" We think it will be neat to see Joel and my woofie cousin Mason together on the beach
What neato stickers! Your mama is such a wonderful person to be the bus for xporting pooches. Give her a big slobbery kiss from us!!
Love the photos.
XOXO-BRD & Hootie
Hi Khyra and Merdie!
Cute pictures!
Great transport pics and stories as always!!
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