Once again the wikhked hots have returned - we aren't khwite as khlose to spontaneous khombustion as our pals in the Midwest but there is a wall of weather that slaps Mom in the face when she opens the door to let us out - well, let one of us out and sekhure the other one of us with the kharabiner and string
Our Monday walk was just before 830pm and it was still mid 80's and HUMID - we do appreciate Mom watching out fur us by keeping her eyes on the weather websites
We do have a Walkin' Wednesday video fur this week - Mom khaptured it late last month - as you'll hear her babble in it, we wanted to make sure we had another one with Merdie so we rekhorded this one when we khould
Here are a few sekhtions of an update the nice Amy Lady shared earlier this week about another visit with Rudy:
I visited with Rudy and his family today. He looks great--his ribs aren't showing any more, and he is already back up to 25 lbs! (They) are wonderful--just a nice, young, really cute, sweet family. I had met (his mom), but its the first time meeting (his dad and sister), who you can tell really love Rudy so much (and he adores them). I think this experience has been life changing for them--they admit that he is a hero and an inspiration! Rudy sure has taught me a lot!
Here's the whole story...a man and his 17 year old daughter were driving on Hamburg Turnpike near to Oldham Road (she LOVES animals), and she said she thought she saw a puppy, so they turned around, and she saw Rudy.
She crouched down and called to him softly making a cooing / clicking noise. She crept to him as he crept to her. After a long time, they connected. They stopped to visit the man's father in Preakness Health Center, which was right there (where one of the searchers had mentioned that they feed cats--so maybe that is where he was eating? but he didn't eat much he was starved). He said that this was someone's dog (a bulldog) and they needed to find the owner.
So, they took Rudy home, fed him and got online. They searched for missing bulldog in Wayne NJ and found a TON of listings (Thanks to the group and Rudy's parents).
They called the family, and the babysitter answered and told them to take Rudy to the vet, but they wanted to talk to (his parents). So, they reached (them), who had just gotten to Vegas, and they were at the pool / bar, so not only were ALL of their friends (some sort of reunion) crying along with them (Rudy's dad told me about how emotional he was--I think the experience finally hit him at that moment), but everyone called 411 to find a vet that was open! They finally found one in Fairfield, and Rudy went, had IV treatment, every test in the world, etc.--he did great and is negative for everything!
Okay, I think I remembered it all!
Just like all of US khontinuing to do all we khan fur Bear-Bear???
Mom saw this story on our 6pm news - it made her think of some of my furiends - it also made her sad and happy in one breath - thank dog someone saw these puppies - just like the special girl spotted Rudy
Khyra and Khousin Merdie
PeeEssWoo: Some Bear-Bear links fur today
Hi Khyra!
Oh bless those helpful hoomans!!
Hope the pups get good, loving, permanent homes!
Thanks for keeping us updated on Bear Bear's story!
Happy Wednesday!
More like tropical everywhere these days. I'm waiting for a palm tree to spring up in the back yard...
awww, i'm sorry the sizzlin' heat came back, miss khyra. :(
thanks bunches for the bear-bear updates.
the booker man
You guys always make us smile, even when you've got the hots!...So glad Rudy is home and getting better everyday!...Great of you to keep everyone posted on the Bear-Bear story...Stay cool, beautiful friends...kisses sweet Merdie and Khyra...Calle, Halle, Sukki
We wish we could send you some of the mild weather we have been having here! We count our blessings!
Thank you for the Bear Bear updates!
Monty says hi to both you... Khyra and Merdie!
Oh my! Lots to catch up on. Wow on the puppy find :) and the Bear Bear update, so cruel a situation.
Always good to see you and Merdie, looks like you two are staying cool in style!
Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose
I'm so sorry that you've been having wicked weather. I'm not much of a tropical weather pup either. We loved hearing about Rudy's rescue story. Thank you so much for sharing it with us.
Teddy Bear
Good Morning!!! It's hot here too and we're told this is the last day for "real heat!" I hope so, and so do our pups!
THANKS for sharing the story of Rudy, it's a great way to start my day and of course the pictures are too!
Thanks for keeping us updated on Bear Bear's story as well as Rudy's! We are happy to hear that Rudy is doing well :)
It is hot here too! When we got up this morning at 6am it was already 76 degrees!! :( We have been restricted to going outside for potty breaks only. Thank goodness for air conditioning :)
Pugs & Kisses,
Yoda & Brutus
"the wall of weather that slaps mom in the face" - that describes it perfectly! It's even too hot outside for the ants who have found their way into our kitchen! Yuck!
Khyra, you hussy! There's not even a flower! I think I heard an earthquake coming from the Master Chew Sits area!
Thanks for the Bear Bear updates! Loved hearing Rudy's rescue story!
Maybe one day we will get some cooler weather...but I doubt it. Napping is your best option ladies!
We're sorry that it's so hot over there. We're willing to share our cool cloudy weather with you if it helps.
Khyra, Thanks for telling me about Dexter's contest. I have entered and hopefully will be doing another post on the blog sometime this week! ~ Shen x
Mom just readed an artikull wot sayed we has had the thurd mostest days hawter than 90 degrees since 1958 and we could be in sekond place by the end of the week! I think I want to go to the mountains in Noo York this weekend again where it do be much kewler!
Khyra, Khute picktures as usual!!!
Kheep Khool!!!
Your pictures reminds us...
"We're having a heat wave,
A tropical heat wave,
The temperature's rising,
It isn't surprising,
She certainly can can-can.
She started a heat wave
By letting her seat (floofy tail) wave
In such a way that
The customers say that
She certainly can can-can.
Gee, her anatomy
Makes the mercury
Jump to ninety-three.
We're having a heat wave,
A tropical heat wave,
The way that she moves
That thermometer proves
That she certainly can can-can."
An ear-bug fur a certain floofy-tailed girl's mom!
jack a-roo & mis moo
(And a big Thanks to Irving Berlin)
Hi Khyra, move good humans - always nice to know.
We reckon you and Merdie are far too hot so we would like to offer to swap.
If you want to travel to Scotland we can promise you lots of rain and cool temperatures.
martha and bailey xxx
Hot Hot and more hot
Best not to be walkin' in the hot, hot weather! You have the right idea -- just chill....
Rudy and family must be very grateful for that Dad and daughter - good to see he is doing so well.
Pups all over the country are crashed with the heat. Same story everywhere.
We can only dream of winter.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
We haz the whicked hots too!! We likes how you two cool off, though ;)
Woofs and Kisses!
The Fiesty Three
Your pink belly looks very much like Trixie's pink belly.
Speakin of hot! Whsshhhhew...
I need a cool shower after this post! Just sayin.
Wif love from the Luke
Wooray for Khyra floof and Hooray for Rudy.
Khyra and Merdie, Mom knows best in times of hot weather so accept your walking restrictions, but those are very nice shadow pals.
Stay cool
Remy and Flash
Justice for Bear Bear
O hai, Khyra. :) I glad Rudy is safe. I hope all critters can come home safe. :)
I can't believes PA has turned iinto da tropics...please tell me ain't likes dat EVERY summer!
Dat is an amazing story how Rudy was found...bless their hearts.
I'm off to visit your links bout Bear Bear.
Thank you Thank you Thank you!!!
That was so kind of you to visit me on my birthday!
hugs and licks, Bruschi
Hi Khyra, Hi Merdie! We have the nasty humid hots here too - yuck!
We love your pictures though - inside or out you are both beautiful!
And that was great to read about Rudy - we are so glad he is all safe and sound now!
And it is so great that you keep the updates on Bear-Bear coming. We don't read all of them (mom starts to cry just thinking about him) but we think it is great you are keeping this important issue front and center!
Cute pics of you and Merdie! :)
So happy for Rudy's family!
It's been hot here too. I spend most of the day in the house with the a/c!
Yeah, these H~~O~~T~~S really stink! We agree...just be lazy!
I'll bet you were dreaming about SNOW!
Love the pictures of Khyra and Merdie! It was nice to hear that the puppies were found and really nice to know the story behind Rudy's rescue! It's hot and humid here too....takes your breathe away if you go outside. Lots of love, Debbie and Holly
Heatwarming to read about Rudy.. You two keep cool, I am glad you hacve your lovely mum looking out for you.. Hugs GJ x
Looks like you guys are smart and staying inside in the cool air. It is HOT HOT HOT!
You always have so much news.
A happy update on Rudy.
I agree that we have had a lot of tropical weather lately and I cannot wait for it to cool down! Here in NH it has been in the 80's and it's a tough thing to handle when we are paid to be outdoors walking the dogs!
Love your pictures!
We think there is a lot of snoozing going on over there due to the heat.
Benny & Lily
Oh what a wonderful post.. We are also glad that there are still some wonderful humans out there...
Great walk you 2...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
We enjoyed the walk with you and Merdie and seeing your tails and the high biscuits!
Thanks for letting us know about how Rudy was found too! We're so happy for him and his family!
I'm sorry you have such horrid weather Khyra, hope you can stay cool by fanning yourself with your floofy!
Wiry love Eric xx
Oh, I just LUVS the "rest of the story" on Rudy! Gosh, what a lucky dog he is!
And I'm sorry abouts the wickhed hots. I thinks you should move to Collie-rado. It gets kinda hot but it's usually not wickhed! (Did I spell that right?)
wiggles & Wags,
We loved that super smile at the end of your walkin' video, Khyra!
We are so happy for Rudy! He is one fortunate pup to be back home with his family!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
We do the sprawl when it is hot too...but thankfully our a/c helps.
That is a very cool story about Rudy. We are so very happy he was found. We couldn't bear the thought of that little dude out there all alone.
We will check the Bear-Bear links tonite!
You look hot.
Hi! That was a great story! I wish they all had happy endings like that one!
That is so wonderful about Rudy!!
We're still melting here so I'm staying inside. As if that were questionable.
Thanks for the Rudy update; the full story of the wonderful people who found and returned him home adds some balance to the horror of Brear Bear's story.
Hi, Khyra and Merdie!
I have been having lots of naps under the table because it is very hot here too!
I am happy for Ruby!
Thanks for the updates on Bear Bear situation!
Kisses and hugs
Hello Khyra!!
Yous looks cutes in yous pho-toes!! It's been hawt heres wits really bad skeetos!
Thanks for the Bear Bear updates and That Ruby story.
Big Pug Hugs to Woos!!
IzZY, Josie and Anakin Man
Yeah! When did they move Pennsylvania south of the Mason-Dixon line? Do you know?
I may not be ready for snow, but I'm sure ready for fall. Temps in the 60s or 50s and fresh smelling air with a scent of fireplaces burning sound wonderful to me. It will be so nice to go for a walk and not return feeling like a drenched rat.
Love and Lots of Koobuss Kisses,
Hi Khyra -- thanks for visiting me. You're right about the $$; as a shelter kitten, I sure am a very expensive kitty. But I'm told that I'm priceless.
Nice puppy story.
Oh, and I KNOW that you would not maul me, would you?
We are so happy to see your words on the Rudy story. That makes us soo happy. Thank you for always sharing.
We have been following the Bear Bear story as much as we can.
We thank you for giving us the links to read.
Rudy's story is just another miracle in the life of a dog. ;) He's so lucky to be home again!!
It is soooo hot here too. I just want to sleep but that stinky boy keeps chasing me. I do sleep right under the end table where the air conditioning vet blows. It is nice there.
I am very happy to hear Rudy's story. That is a happy ending for sure!
This east coast heat wave is killing me L(
Don't forget, we moved to http://dogisgodinreverse.com
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