AND, whilst on the subjekht of babbling, please don't furget to chekhk out SHELBY'S AUCTION going on with the pawesome work being done by the two khuties JD and Max - or is that Max and JD?
Given the latest challenge thrown at Shelby (THINK PUPPIES), this fundraiser is even MORE khritikhal!
Now, time fur Mom - get your beverages ready so woo can be khomfurtable whilst she entertains woo!
Thanks Khyra and Merdie
Sunday AM was drizzly and overcast
I didn't get a picture at the usual light at Tom's near The SPCA because that light was also green so I snagged this one on the move
First off, meet Angel - the nice folks who hosted Caroline/Coraline and Bailey are fostering him for Delaware Valley Siberian Husky Rescue - what a sweetie
He's a bigger boy FOR NOW - 90+ pounds but on a health improvement plan - in seeing him, I suspect there might be some Mal in there too - he reminded me of the beautiful Sadie in Oregon - BUT Angel 'likes' cats in the same way Khyra 'likes' them - in fact, I think he thinks they are part of the food pyramid - LeeAnn mentioned he called them breakfast, mid-morning snack, lunch, etc!
The marking on his forehead was so cool - like a heart/arrowhead
They said he is SUCH a good boy - they can't imagine no one claimed him but NO ONE CLAIMED him - grrrrrrrrrrr
If you are interested in seeing more about Angel, here is the link to HIS PAGE - having met him, I can say firsthand what a nice boy he is! The Photobucket for this transport includes a video of him too!
I decided to make a separate album for him - as well as include him in the PB for Sunday's transport - SO, here is the link for his - which has one video
Meet Caroline/Coraline - our runsheets referred to her as Caroline but LeeAnn noticed her paperwork had her listed as Coraline - so you will see/hear me use both names!
Our traditional shot of Harrisburg as we headed to the meeting spot - Sunday was in Allentown
She was a very energetic and sweet girl although she was a bit rattled by loud noises and large trucks - I did my best to calm her - and help work past it when I saw the potential ahead -
Nice fringy legs
She loved to use the transport bag, Xterra console, or my arm as a pillow
This is Bailey - he rode along and met his furever family on the leg after mine - they drove to NJ from Long Island NY and were THRILLED with him - he was a very nice puppy - I didn't even know he was there!
Checking out the lot between the Holiday Inn Express and Mini Golf in Foglesville - just of I78
She was SOOOOO a Brittany - her paws no sooner hit the pavement and she was looking and on full alert for something to SET!
Synchronised Waiting
Snoozing to conserve energy for her big day which ended in NH Sunday evening
Thanks to NBRAN
New England Brittany Rescue
and Brother Wolf Animal Rescuethese two were able to hitch rides from NC to better lives!
Here is the Photobucket Album with SIX videos for Sunday's transport - and here is the Slideshow link - with lots of pics so you can see how awesome all three of these lucky canines are!
AND, ON THE TOPIC OF LUCKY CANINES, here is a link to a newsblurb about BRANDY's rescue and another link about The Bowling Green KY group that had a good bit to do with Brandy's rescue - we have less than six degrees of separation!
Monday morning finds the Xterra with more miles on it BUT lots of smiles on the faces of folks in WV, PA, NJ, NY, and NH - and that is all part of why we do what we do!
Khyra will be back tomorrow to tell about lots of stuff - including a picture for a special pal - I was finally able to snag it on Sunday whilst on the way to Allentown!
Hugz&Khysses From Khyra's Khorner
P.S. The latest session of Khamp Khyra wrapped up Sunday night when Merdie's dad came for her - HURRY BACK MERDIE!!!
No, no, no. Cats are not snacks!
Lots of good photos again. You get such good-looking passengers.
Nice pack of passengers! Always amazed that these wonderful pups were/are without furever homes. Thanks for helping them get one step closer!
Aire hugs,
Wyatt and Stanzie
Damn. Angel is the kind of dog that really tempts me. And that heart mark!!
I've learned that Merdie is like a boomerang. She'll be back!
Happy Monday!
Cat snack.... snack cat... hmmm....
You and Merdie are very good passengers!
Angel, Caroline and Bailey are adorable!
Good luck to them!
Thanks Khyra's mom for doing what you do for them!
Kisses and hugs
no no no
not kitty snacks you silly doggies.
Now be nice. Go eat FRITOS.
All those blessed doggies are so precious. They all just need love,,, why oh why don't people understand,, why do these end of in bad places,,,,
but now i must stop theses words and be thankfuls for your mom Khyra and the peoples who help save.
Glad your mom put more pictures of you and Merdie up since she missed one on Sunday! We hope Merdie can come back to Khamp Khyra soon!
The transports were all adorable but we especially liked Angel, well, except for the fact that he thinks cats are snacks. That wouldn't work for us. He looked like a sweetie pie and we love the heart on his forehead! We hope he gets a furever home soon!
Your passengers are all soo wonderful!
Wishing them all to get loving fur-ever homes!
Tons of luck for them!!
Gorgeous babies! Thanks for your good works!
We must disagree with the cats as snacks idea :)...Great photos=love the Khyra/Merdie pictures and the transport babies were all beautiful as well...Bless you, Phyll, for all you do for animals in need=it's so awesome how you help create families with your transport...Happy week, gorgeous friends...kisses...Calle, Halle, Sukki
Hurry back, Merdie!!! What a group of cutie pies.:) We're so glad your Mom had safe travels.:)
Teddy Bear
Awww, it's so sad when froggie doggie goes home... we think she should live with you all the time!!
Oh how I love those puppy pictures. Thank you for doing all that work for our buddies.
nice woooh
I wish I could ride in the xTerra with you girls. Sigh.....
Another great bunch of lucky woofies!
What a great bunch of dogs. We hope they'll all be happy and in loving homes soon.
Noah Willow Tess Lucy
Buh bye, Merdie! make sure your pawrents send us plenty of pictures!
Angel is so handsome, Cora/Caroline so pretty and Baily is adorable! Thank DOG, and YOU the other transporters and the rescues involved for helping them on their way to happily ever after!
What a great way to spend your day with so many awesome pals!
Very cute transport puppies! They are so lucky to have your mom and her Xterra! Our neighbor has a foster Catahoula mix boy - he is adorable and so smart! We're having fun with him!
Hurry back Merdie - we'll miss you!
That Angel dude is magnificent. Almost makes me wish I had some floof of my own.
You always have the best-looking passengers! I'm glad you had safe travels this weekend!
Woooos Khyra! I think Angel is quite the beaWooty, can I have him, please? ( did someone say cat???) I am always amazed that there is not a line of people wanting a dog like that! Cute brittany and the little guy too!
I hope they all find very happy furever homes!
~husky kisses~
-Kira The BeaWootiful and her Mom
Oh my cat not snacks, I was all a shiver when I read that bit.. I know you dont mean it Khyra realy. LOved the pictures. My what a big boy and that beautiful marking.I loved them all. Well done to your mum once again for what she does.. Hurry back Merdie.. Hugs GJ xx
My vet told me that she figured out how to draw blood or give R injections - just put a cat in crate in front of him and he's so enthralled that he doesn't notice what she's doing! I hate to think what might happen if the cat were loose!
Your riding partners are always so well-behaved (at least it looks that way). Caroline looks like a very sweet girl. Wowsers - way to go helping those dogs!
Thank you from the bottom of my heart!
Please don't eat catSSSSS! MOL
We loved seeing all the pictures of the woofies!
What a beautiful and nice passengers!
Thanks for the wonderful work!
Great pictures!
If some woman with button eyes shows up and tries to take Coraline, do NOT let her.
There are so many good looking and pretty dogs there!
Your car is like the LA of dogs.
soo that's why woo never picked me up to take me to a new family:) the xterra was full to capacity! next week, ok?
Angel hubba hubba! he's monstah size!
What beautiful pictures! Great passangers and with Khyra and Merdie too...wonderful! When is Merdie coming back to Khamp Khyra...soon we hope! Lots of love, Debbie and Holly
It's so good to see you guys! I've missed you! Mom says that Angel guy's forehead marking is a good smoochy spot. :) And Coraline/Caroline has awesome fringes.
Happy Monday!
Your pal,
Nice passengers! We went fur a ride too with mom on Saturday.
See woo next time Merdie!
Sam & June
Do you think kitty cats taste like chicken?
Oh no we are only joking - we love cats!
Great pics of your most handsome passengers - what we can't understand is how come all these doggies are looking for new homes - they are gorgeous!
Martha and Bailey xxx
Such a nice batch of transport pups AND Angel - what a beauty! We are sorry to hear the Merdie is gone. Hope she can return soon. We look forward to seeing who the special pal is this time.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Layla thinks cats, including ours, are snacks. I tell her that I'm just fattening her up and if she eats her now, she'll ruin the whole feast. So far it's worked!
I never noticed before how you keep your temperature in the Xterra to Celsius - very cool!
Angel does look a little Malamute-y. More in the body than the face, but sometimes it's so hard to tell. A white spot on their forehead is usually called a "star", but I agree, it looks much more like an arrowhead or a heart. VERY handsome boy!
Such adorable passengers your mum had there Khyra, we wish them all lots of luck.
Nice to see pix of you and Merdie too :)
Have a great week.
Such lovely faces to bright up our Monday.
Misty the alpha Poodle
You both are such beauties! And Angel is GORGEOUS! Big too. The other two are adorable and we wish them all the luck in their new homes!!!
Cats are for snackin'? How come we didn't know this?
We hope all the doggies find their furever homes soon. Thanks to all the rescues that helped along the way.
We are not snacks! But Angel sure is handsome!!!! We would let him lick us...but no nibbling!
What a great set of passengers for the weekend!!!!!!
Meride and Khyra.....we always love seeing the two of you!!!!
I thinks Khyra would loooooves to haves a brudder named Angel...hehehe! He is a BIG boy...daaaaang! Mybes it just all da hair.
Khyra you and Merdie are so cute!
Your mom has some of the cutest passengers as well. They all seem so well behaved.
Oh what another lovely bunch of transport pups.. That Angel is quite a big boy? We are sure glad they have you to get them to their forever homes.. Kid we ever tell you how proud we are of you? Well once again we are so proud of you and thanks so much Khyra for letting Mom borrow the Xtera...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Hi Khyra,
We have missed you and wanted to say hi! Hi!!!
Luv ya,
Riley and Star.
Hugs to ur Mom for doin the transports. {{{Khyra and Mom}}}
Couldn't face Mondays without you! Thanks as usual for sharing your beautiful passengers. Hurry back Merdie.
Khyra, well done to your Mom again on the fantastic work that she does - we hope all those dogs get great forever homes!
take care
Clive and Murray
Three more lucky pups saved by Khyra and Kho!
Wow! That post was chokh full o the khuteness! I am speechless except to say...
Wow! Good job wif the transport of those precious pooches!
wif love from the Luke
Aw. What cool Khompany your Mom had Khyra. And what a perfect job she did.
I met your Khousin at the park the other day!Loki. He was nearly as beautimoose as you. We had a little run around together too. Woohooo!!! Wicked...
Wiry love Eric xxx
Believe it or not, I managed to get a bit caught up in here, and you have to admit Khyra and mommy, that your posts are long and rather involved.
Three cheers for the transport beaWOOties and lots more for the driver :)
Too bad Khamp Khyra is closed right now, but we know Merdie will be back.
Mom loves all of the rescues but especially loved Caroine/Coraline.
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Another successful and rewarding weekend for sure! Tank youz again for doing all that youz do to helps the pups!
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae
Aw, beauties, all of them! Including the two resident passengers. :)
What beatiful dogs!
All of these woofies look so happy!
Pee Ess...don't feel sorry for Grete...she was in the mix with us. Who do you really think moved that rug? Little pint sized me? I had some woofie help!
oh my, Angle sure is a big boy!
Don't forget, we moved to http://dogisgodinreverse.com
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