Bear-Bear Khoverage At The Bottom With A VERY Special Blog Post From Meeshka's Human - Please Be Sure To Read It
Mom and I are 'purry' excited that today's transports each have a khat-tie of sorts -
Her furst transport was khovered by a purry nice anonyMOUS(e) benefakhtor from the feline side of life
AND the sekhond one was in honour of Sadie and her sisFURS pawrents' 22nd GotchaVersary of each other - along with the 22nd birthdays of two special khats from their past - Panther and Reebok
We hope the day is furry AND purry special!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Khan woo believe it she tortured us like that???
Khan woo believe it she tortured us like that???
Happy Sunday AND W'C'D to all!
Khyra and Khousin Merdie
Happy world cat day! I've got to think up a present for my kitties. :) I think their ideal gift is for the dog to go away. ;)
You look very saucy under that tree, Khyra! You'll give poor Mango a heart attack!
We just read Meeshka's post and added the link to our post. And then we read your post and ... Uh, we knew we forgot something. World Cat Day. So we had to run back to our blog to add the graphic and repost again. We're exhausted, so we're going to bed so we'll have enough energy to mess up again tomorrow.
We hope your mom has safe trips today.
We have feeding frenzy often! It can be scary when Monty is barking cause he is outside and a human is fixing his dinner in the kitchen.
I watched my hooman friend eat her dinner on Caturday. It was fun too. :)
Happy World Cat Day!
You two had a pawesome time outside, right?
Happy Sunday!
Kisses and hugs
Happy world cat day my friends!!!
I love the way she snorts when she barks at you!
Grat pictures of you and Merdie. We loved the videos. Mom's are so funny, aren't they?:)
Teddy Bear
Khyra, you and Merdie just slay me when you spread yourselves out like a couple of chickens. hehehe
Happy World Cat day to Brofur and Butterscotch xxx
We think it's dreadful what happened to Bear Bear and we hope justice is served!
Happy WCD! Love the outdoor photos - Khyra yawning at her tree and being a little whikhed (on a Sunday? - LOL!) and froggie Merdie! Hope you all enjoy your day!
Happy World Khat Day to you too!!
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Ruairi
Merdie, you make us laugh every time we see those frog legs, it looks so very uncomfortable to us, but guess not. And TD and Ciara clean their bowls in under 20 seconds. Phantom is a whole different tale - he usually eats none.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Merdie, we just love your froggie imitation!! Do you bark like a froggie too?
We are purring for justice for Bear-Bear...we can't think of anything else this week.
We can't read the Bear story as we will be too upset but we are purring for justice and sending love.
Happy World Cat Day!
I just love Merdie's frog legs so cute.
Happy Cat Day!
I really hope the guy who shot Bear Bear has to pay.
Hi Khyra
We did not know it was KAT DAY, and we have 4! Now I guess we need to do something special for them., hummmmmmmmmm
I am also frenzied when it comes to food. I inhale food so fast, its gone in one big lick.!
Happy KAT DAY to Brofur and Butterskotch
Happy World Cat Day!
Great pictures of you and Merdie! Great videos!
Thanks for reposting Meeshka's article. It was excellent.
We had someone pull a gun on our Golden at a park in NC years ago. My son was probably 9 or so and we were both sickened by what we saw although we all got away safely. I can still feel sick when I think of it.
Merdie sure does have that sprawl down pat, doesn't she? :)
Happy world cat day. The videos made me smile. I loved the way you ate yours then did your mum a huge favour and licked Merdies bowl clean of any residue scraps.. Merdie's legs always make us giggle.. Hugs GJ xx
Happy Khat Day and hope you are all enjoying a wonderful weekend!
Khyra and Merdie, we're going to miss you when #1 is away!
Happy World Cat Day to BroFur and Butterskhotch...Love the Khyra and Merdie photos=we never get enough of them, they are just precious in every shot!...kisses...Calle, Halle, Sukki
Happy World Cat Day, and thank you for telling us about it!! Our Simba will be excited to learn of this special day.
Thanks for helping us stay up to date with the Bear-Bear situation.
We has to say you and Merdie are looking good.
PS: From Fenris (I chased Artemisia up a tree yesterday twice. The humans are cross with me about it. Especially since Artemisia fell out of the tree the first time. She is OK)
Happy World Cat Day!!! We love the pictures and the videos are so cute!! Lots of love, Debbie and Holly
Happy World Khat Day Khyra and Merdie!
We hope your mom has great transports today and we can't wait to see the photos! Hugs and khisses to all of you!
We love green beans too!
You sure do the froggie doggie so well, Merdie!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Meeshka's human woman's interview was excellent. Happy world cat day!
Happy Cat Day to your purrfect furiends.
Nope I can't believe you and Merdie were tortured like that. The hooomans just don't understand how much we look forward to our kibbles.
Happy world khat day! Is there a world dog day or do khats get all the fun? I think I've figured out why Merdie lays like keeps her tummy cool ;o)
Great vids!
Safe trip.
Ahhh, the Merdie frog sprawl - so funny. Watched the FF videos and laughed. It is just like our house in Idaho with Cosmo and Devo doing their chow-chow dance. Lady is very reserved and polite. She appreciates very much that we share (what she perceives as) our food with her. When she reminds me that is her dinner time, she gives me the LOOK and occasionally a nudge. She is not vocal at all about anything.
I can't believe your mom posted those videos on YouTube. The animal cops will be at your door any minute.
Merdie's straddle sit is something else! What is going on with her tail? It looks like there is an extra "floof" in it!
Happy World Cat Day
Don't forget, we moved to
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