Mom had written TNDG (The Nice Dan Guy) Sunday PM when she starting twitching - he wrote bakhk Monday AM with something to try - but that didn't do it - so she took it to TNJL (The Nice Jamie Lady) - wife to TNDG - so it will be at their house fur him to look at - paws khrossed

As promised, from I81 just short of the Mechanicsburg exit -

(Of khourse, that khould be pawed vikhtorious in Khwebekh!)

Thanks fur all the words of enkhouragement and support fur the AWOL laptop - we'll keep evFURRYone posted!
Here is a link to some pikhs from The Justice for Bear-Bear Rally!
and another link to WBAL-TVs khoverage
Khyra and Khousin Merdie By Proxy
Wow! Those cars are neat. I liked the Bear Bear rally pikshers too. :)
(wags tail)
Lookie i'm the furst one! Tada! i win a prize right??? happy hearts cookies yep?
oh khyra woo're entertainment is as entertaining as mine- guess woo could at least keep woo's eyes open:)
unbelievable support fur bear bear- how great is that!
oh no.. i was the furst. now i'm the second. wait. that's not fair.
We'd like that cute girl in our rearview mirror!!
Hmmmmmmmm....somebody's been doin' a little cruisin' too we see...wink wink!!!
Hugz, Beckaroo and the G-man
How are woo's alls!!
Fury cute pho-toes of Merdie in 'da mirror and cools automobiles!!
Khyra woo is cutes as always and thought woo wits yous wishes to yous furriends!!
Josie me try to talks like woos
sorrys... 'da Josie be tired..
I need more coffee
meant to say
That is definitely one cute girl in the back.:) We love all the support for Bear Bear.:)
Teddy Bear
Khyra, you can only try to keep your mom entertained!
We find humans without their computers become quite twitchy!
It is great the support for Bear Bear.
Have a nice Tuesday - is it today Merdie comes back.
Martha and Bailey xxx
Hope the laptop recovers soon.
Hi Khyra, we love whoo. Fanks for the update.
Paws still crossed for your laptop! We'll miss Merdie, too!
I'm thinkin you could get your mom to sort out her sock drawer while she waits for her YapStop to get back home.
Still purraying for your 'puter to get better! AND, 100,000!!! Our mom does that too,well, watches the odometer, but she always forgets the camera! Oh Yeah...we has an award for you today!
Beautiful pictures, as usual!!!
It do be nice that you has someone wot can look at you laptop. Udderwise you be needing those Geek Skwad peeples and I think they is kinda kreepy in those cars wot they drive. Hoping fur a full recovery fur your pooter.
It's never good when any kind of 'puter thing gets sick. We hope your laptop comes home soon.
Thank you for all of your prayers and woofs and wags for Sniffie! Mom said they really helped!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Is that Ricky Bobby's trailer?
You make us laugh Khyra!
Love the cute girl in the mirror!
Khyra you're going to have to workh REALLY hard to distrakht your mom from the fact that the computer is out of khommission. If you are successful you have to give Stumpy some instrukhtions. We never have much lukh finding internet akhcess when we're home.
keeping all fingers and paws khrossed the the laptop returns home soon and in good workhing order!
paws crossed for your laptop.
nice woooh
Sending pawsitive thoughts for your laptop! Odo pic, very cool!
Love that Merdie's pic!
Khyra, you sure can entertain!
Glad to see all those supporters fur Bear-Bear.
Sam & June
So Merdie did go home this weekend to rest up for more Camp Khyra.
We couldn't watch the 5 pm newscast video, just the youtube one, but it looks like supporters are all over the place.
You must be in someone else's house, because I don't see any white fuzz on the rug. Jack can leave fuzz on an ice cube that is still in the freezer! :)
Bye-bye, Merdie! I hopes you get to come back to Khamp Khyra soon!
I was so very much happy to reads about the people who came out for Bear-Bear. Sometimes mom gets down about all the bad in the world. And then she sees something like that and it makes her feel better that so many people care abouts one little dog.
Wiggles & Wags,
Hope the laptop is fixed soon. Tell Merdie to get plenty of rest so you can bring her along to the party Thursday. ~Fenris
We are sure you are doing a good job of keeping Mom entertained and we hope Merdie comes back soon.
Rumblebum will love that truck.
Here's hoping the laptop is an easy fix.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Great photos, love the Cute girl in the rear view mirror!!...Good luck with the laptop problem...Happy day, beautiful friends...xoxo...Calle, Halle, Sukki
Hi Khyra! We know you are doing your best to distract your mom while the computer is gone - we know it has to be hard to not have one! We hope it is fixed soon!
You two are so cute!!!!!!!!
I guess, in our own special way, we're both Tuesday Telling, Khyra! Aren't I brilliant to figure it out after all this time?
Merdie's hair is growing fast!
We are crossing our dewclaws over here that mom gets her laptop back soon!
If you cant cheer up your mom Khyra, nothing can. You cheered us up.
Justice for Bear Bear
Remy and Flash
Hope your laptop feels better real soon!
You sure know how to make Mom and us smile. When is that laptop coming back? For that matter we can't wait for Merdie to return...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
I think Merdie should come visit me!
We love all of the pictures! Khyra yawning made me laugh! The picture of Merdie is just so sweet and cute! We are really hoping for Justice for Bear Bear. Mom knows how these cases can be sweep under the rug quickly without lots of support. Lots of love, Debbie and Holly
Khyra, we know you are your mom's most favorite entertainment in the whole world! Hope her laptop is getting better!
Merdie is the cutest girl in the mirror for sure!
That's a lot of miles on your Xterra! That's a pretty cool racing hauler too - we didn't know Rumbles had a racing team!
Another successful transport... more second chances and happy forever homes! Sorry to hear the laptop is NOT Tip top but glad that Merdie will be back soon. Your mom and mine sound like they have the same ALBUM collection!
Good luck with the laptop. Seems like almost everyone is having some sort of computer problem or another!
Nice job entertaining Mom Khyra - we must keep them laughing. It appears you have a lot of miles on that car, being so busy helping fur babies and all :)
I loved your picture in the rear view mirror! I'm going over to read about Bear-Bear. I am very glad people are still caring for him.
I think you are doing a good job of entertaining your mom!
Thanks for the Bear-Bear updates. I sure wish they would quit dragging their feet and charge that jerk!
I know you are the one who make your mom feel happier!
I hope the laptop comes back soon!
Take care
Kisses and hugs
Wow 100,000!!that is a lot of miles for a lot of lucky dogs!!
Merdie is too cute. :) She's got the classic Golden face, that's for sure!
Is the puter still at the hospital?
I see lots of cuteness in these photos.
I need me one of those rear view mirrors!!!
wif love from the Luke
ALSO... WOO are very khute wif the yawns, Miss Khyra!
wif love from the Luke
Holy Moly 100k miles! My Jeep is getting up there
Don't forget, we moved to http://dogisgodinreverse.com
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