I don't think I can adequately convey with just words as to how Brandy happened - even the condensed version would take too long to tell - and even then it would be lacking - I mean, the FB exchange between five of us about Brandy exceeded 100+ comments!
I can say this GoldenHusky - originally from Kentucky - named Dava plays into it - actually, I got to see her pic after her mom Becky and I friended each other during the Brandy exchange
I shared a link to June and Samantha's Blog since June and Dava look so much alike - Becky agreed!
Let me try to retrace the events a bit - I happened to see a post on FB Thursday afternoon from Tom - you've seen Tom on some Monday posts since he's done overnights in the MD/WV area for some of my passengers heading to The Last Resort Rescue
Becky shared a link with Tom - for Brandy - she caught my eye because she was living in Khyra's B&B - aka THE YORK COUNTY SPCA
The exchange included Sam - Laska's mom - and Janice- another person you've seen on my transport posts for I've met her several times in Hamburg at the railtrail park near Cabelas - the discussion ensued about getting her to The Last Resort for placement and/or fostering - next thing you know, it was a done deal - of course, I'm missing about 50 steps in between but trust me: IT WAS MAGIC!
Since she was three minutes from me - five if I had to wait longer at the stop signs for traffic - I offered to get her - and meet someone half way between 'here' and the Bethlehem area - which is the Hamburg area -
So with lots of OMD - BLAH BLAH - fantastic - ETC, it was decided I would go bail her out Saturday am - Becky and her family already have five rescues of their own SOOOO that is why they aren't in a position to add Brandy BUT they've fallen in love with her - and hoped that by involving one other person - TOM - she could be saved -
Becky and her family are going to meet me there - OR by the time you read this - have met me there - so they can kiss her and hug her and wish her a good life - a life THEY HELPED HAPPEN -
SOOOOO, if ever you doubt the power ONE person can make with ONE dog, please remember Stanley - and think of Brandy
And for all of you that already know my mantra of things happening for reasons - and coincidentally enough (Becky included the words all for a reason on one of her comments to Tom), all of this exchange happened on the fourth anniversary of the day I went to THAT same SPCA and saw WHITNEY - and Brandy's transport will be on INTERNATIONAL HOMELESS ANIMAL DAY - which is also appropriate because Brandy was surrendered to the SPCA because her owners lost their home
I've got one other thing to share today - it was already planned for today since it ties in with this being a Saturday - and a day when many weddings occur - here in our own 'Blog World' I know of two taking place - Ruby Penny and Frankie's and one of the KHAT bloggers - who also happens to do some DOG transports - Erin actually drove Maya, Merlin, and Oliver two weeks ago on one of their Virginia legs
I know all of you recall the sad story of Trisha and Jimmy - well, here is a story from The Atlanta Journal-Constitution about them
Once again, thanks for your support and understanding - I'll be gone from the WWW for a while today -PLUS, the Xterra was already booked for a Sunday morning drive from Etters to Allentown for The New England Brittany Rescue - and a passenger coming along from Brother Wolf Animal Rescue in Asheville NC - so we'll be gone a good bit on Sunday
Hugz&Khysses From Khyra's Khorner
We've sure met a lot of people who can and do make a difference!
You two girls look very comfortable!
It is amazing to see a doggie get saved for sure but to be the one to bail her out must be very exhilerating! You make so many miracles happen that it sounds like all in a day's work for you but it is amazing how these connections just happen!
I know Brandy will be snatched up in no time! She is a beauty. Good thing you have an x-terra and not a prius though... I don't think she would fit!
p.s. first pic of Merdie looks like Mandy face! Good to see you pups are chillin out where it is cool these days!
We did enjoy the photos of you and Merdie Khyra! You two look like you were chillin' at Khamp Khyra!
Brandy is so cute and what a story about her occurring on Whitney's 4th anniversary and everything! It truly was fate! Thanks for making such a difference in her life!
Love the sleepy Khyra and Merdie photos; they are both such beautiful, happy babies...You make a difference every week, Phyll and we are so honored to be your friends...Brandy is a sweetheart and we hope she finds a loving home soon...Yay for Jimmy and his new family!...Have a happy, safe weekend...xoxo...J, Calle, Halle, Sukki
Great photos. I especially love the one of you with the green pillow. Such a pawesome story about Brandy. We're so glad that she was saved.:) Safe travels to your Mom.:)
Teddy Bear
Hello Friends! I have been taking a bloggie break, and still am to some extent. Great post Phyl, and thanks for getting the word out about these wonderful animals who need homes. And hello to a very relaxed Khyra and Merdie!!! Stay cool! xoxo
What a wonderful inspirational post. Thank you so much for sharing these stories. Smoochies.
What a great post!!! I loved the pictures and it once again reconfirms that things happen for a reason, and you and I are just where we're supposed to be! Thanks for giving my day a good start as we get ready for yet another new addition...
Brandy is a wonderful, full sized doggie. I hope that she finds a nice home. It is not easy for any orphan dog, but even harder for big ones.
Love the Khyra and Merdie pics!
hey K & M- i'd fit right in @ Khamp Khyra! what kinduv doggie is Brandy? furry pretty-- i tell ya, woo's stories always great reminders!
wagging weekend,
Ladies - have we told you lately that we love you, and all the good things you do?
What beautiful pictures. we love the one at the end of the happy family with their happy dog!
Such happy stories today! Great pictures too. :)
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae
Looks like a sleepy dog day there in those beautiful pics. Good luck to all the pups in the transports. The story of Jim and Trish makes us all very sad for so many reasons. It sure makes one wonder why these things happen.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
It's always inspiring to read about the good things you and your mom do!
Thanks for sharing yet another beautiful Saturday!!
We think this should be called Snoozing Saturday!!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
We love the pictures of Khyra and Merdie snoozing! We sure know how one person can make a big difference if they are willing to take a go at it!!
The story of the newlyweds made us teary again. So sad!
Hope your mom has a fun and safe trip today -- and tomorrow.
Khyra and Khyra's Mom-
Have a safe journey this weekend.
You 2 are super heros!
Wyatt and Stanzie
Jimmy and Trishia's story is heartbreaking. So thankful that they shared so much love with each other while they had the chance.
Jimmy and Trisha's story left me sobbing but the wonderful news about Brandy's new home helped. Thanks for sharing!
I love the sleepy pix of Khyra and Cousin Merdie. Its furry hot here again, so that is what my day is gonna be too.
Thanks for the pic of Seamus and his four brothers. That made my day!
Until they all have homes,
Love the Khyra pillow! We want to know about Brandy too!!! Miss you lots! Hugs Joey and Kealani
O hai! :) I glad about ur reskyoo stories. It is good that ur Mom and her friends are helpin the critters. :)
Khyra & Merdie, we are going to do a lot of laying around too. It is HOT today.
Brandy is pawsome. She reminds us a lot of our Fenris. We just know you are going to have a ball with her while she is with you.
Thanks for sharing all your news. We enjoyed reading about all the doggies and wish them well!
We have had the same thing happen here, too. The steps to saving just one dog can fill a book! Hey, next week my mom is transporting an AKBASH! We are very, very happy for Brandy and proud to know you!
love & wags,
Great pics of you two!
Brandy looks like a wonderful dog.
So many kitties and doggies need homes.
Khyra! YOU and your mom make such a HUGE difference! Thanks for all that you do. And THANKS for drawing to our attention all the reasons to celebrate today!
Now. We're off to try and make a difference now. We have a big job. To move beyond listlessness and to bring a smile to Moma's face. There are LOTS of reasons to smile, and you've just reminded us of a few more.
Happy weekend. It's gonna be a busy GREAT one!
Jake and Fergi xxoo
I just don't know how you do it! You are such an amazing person! You must have been a Labrador in a previous life! :)
Oooo Brandy is adorable! I have a childhood fondness of Saints. :)
We can't tell you how much we appreciate you allowing your Mom to help the shelter animals find a home.
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Ruairi
Great photos of you and Merdie!
We hope everything works out well for Brandy!
take care
Clive and Murray
What a story on Brandy! Great Saturday relaxing photos. Nice post :)
Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose
What a story on International Homeless Animals Day...I believe too that things happen for a reason. Brandy's will have a wonderful life bacause people cared. Bless you for this transport.
Allison....Puddles mum
Gee Khyra and Mom + Merdie....
It's great ta see how the group of ya can make a difference.....the Power of the PAW and the intervention of the humans can turn the tide for many dogs and give them a second chance in life. Great job!
Dewey Dewster here.......
Looks like you and sweet Merdie had a very relaxing Saturday. :)
My mum might be a little bit in love with Brandy already.
Keeping paws crossed that Brandy gets a most wonderful forever home! The week end is only half past and already you all have done so much to change the world! As always, we are SO grateful that you are fighting the good war!
Mieow, Khyra and Merdi! Good to see you two again. Yay to your mom. She does such good work with the furries.
Hi Brandy!
Don't forget, we moved to http://dogisgodinreverse.com
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