Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Whitney's Whikhked Whednesday

The Khrakhkberry Edition
Whikhked Outside
Whikhked Inside
Don't furget to buy your Animal ResKHue Adopt a Shelter Pet postage stamps
Woo khall that whikhked?
Ready to give her pointers and we got busted
Nope Mom - just resting and stuff
As fur what I was pondering on Tuesday, it was where to enjoy my salad - I had khwite the tasty mid-afternoon snakhk - I think my smile shows it!

Whilst on the subjekht of snakhks and smiles, please head ovFUR - or should I say down - to visit D'Artagnan Rumblepurr - and help him with his khwest to be NZ's NEXT TOP MODEL - he's promised me a khytty of my own if he wins - SOOOOO, please go visit him and see how woo khan vote fur him - no green papers are involved - unless woo want to add to the votes - all woo need is an e-mail address - we've voted from all we have - please help me get my own khytty khat - I think he's probably planning to ship me his broFur Inigo Flufflebum - oh goody!

I have a button on the sidebar - please chekhk out the khontest - it is SO fur a good khause - after all, my khanine pals in NZ need khats too - go ask Mr Koda - and whilst there, chekhk out his admission of being in love with a certain pretty AND his awesome Siber Pals !

BTW, our Internets went to sleep Monday evening and hadn't khome bakhk to life by the time we went to bed - we tried to wait fur 'em - SOOOOO, we got way way way behind on Blog visits - we'll do our best BUT if we don't khomment, please know we WERE there - just look fur the phloof!



Whitney and 'Talluah Grasshopper'

PeeEssWoo: Mom says THANK SO VERY VERY MUCH FOR THE COMMENTS ON TUESDAY'S LATE EVENING POST - in 1-1/2 hours 27 comments were left - it was incredible - she wrote the 'authorities' and included the link to the blog so 'they' could see what the 'common people' felt about it -


Life With Dogs said...

I'm glad you found those stamps. I was blushing for you! ;)

BeadedTail said...

Whoa! What Whikhedness this Whednesday! We can hear the boys going bonkers all over the world!

We voted as much as we could for Rumbles! We may have to discuss who Inigo gets shipped to though cause we'd like to have him too!

We haven't been able to stop thinking about Bear-Bear and Mommy is still leaky. It's just so horrible beyond words.

Moose said...

Wow... That is khwite a 'spread' BOL sorry I could not resist!

Jack & Moo said...

Pretty wicked, Whitney! The stamps are khool - mom just ran out, so we'll make her buy those!
We edited our post today too, to add a note about Bear Bear & a link back here to your post with links to the authorities. Mom said the whole story makes her want to lose her lunch. It's horrible, absolutely inexcusably horrible.

jack a-roo & miss moo

JacksDad said...

That's a great ad for postage stamps :)

Jacqueline said...

I'm loving all the awesome whikhed belly shots!!...Khyra is so precious and the stamp shot made me LOL!!...I voted 9 times for Rumbles and really hope he wins...I just commented about sweet Bear-Bear's murder and I am just so outraged animals are regarded so lightly according to the law; they (and everyone who loves them) deserve rights.

Heather and Kelly said...

You should send that stamp picture to whoever designed the stamps. ;)
We bought some of those, they're really cool!

Teddy Bear said...

I see that you're trying to cool off your tummy. I like to do that too.:)

Teddy Bear

JD and Max said...

Oh Khyra, that is such a saucy way to promote those stamps - excuse us whilst we just go out now and howl at the moon - wooooooo!!!!!

Schnauzer snuggles - JD and Max.

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Oh my... that is quite a job of promoting those postage stamps!

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

My puppy pal, you know me far too well!! I was just pricing out the postage for Inigo... I don't think I have enough kibble hehehe...

Thanks again :)

Duke said...

Thanks for reminding mom that she needs more stamps, Whitney!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Whikhked, truly whikhked!

How Sam Sees It said...

You and Monty have some things in common, Khyra! He likes to lay that way too!

We can't get Bear-bear out of our minds. It almost makes you afraid to take you dogs out, you never know what will happen!


Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said...

We've already got our stamps and used most of them - what a good cause.

Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Ruairi

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Great poses, Khyra and there will be other times to teach Miss Merdie. And besides she may just learn by watching - imitation is the best form of flattery.

Our hearts go out to Bear Bear and his family - the worst kind of cruelty!

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Dexter said...

The post office would sell a ton of stamps if they had that photo for sure. Oh it is wicked pissa hat and looking at those pictures, well, the Mango is feeling faint.


The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

Ummm.....Wowsie....what whikhked pictures indeed. Mommy said thanks for reminding her to buy stamps! MOL

Chris and Ricky said...

Whitney is so very whikhked!

houndstooth said...

Oh, I like salad!


the magic sleigh said...

Woos Whihked Whitney! I see woo are putting the heat on this day, me too, sort of. Mom is personally writing to each of those emails, it upset her so last night that she started working on letters to everyone. Thank you for finding and posting those emails.

*husky kisses*
~ Kira the BeaWootiful~

Gus said...

We like those stamps. Me and Teka sniffed the first batch and approved muchly, so we have been getting them for about a month. Might want to mention that the best way to get them is by mail, because most PO sites sell out as soon as they get more in! I like that.


Cyndi and Stumpy said...

I always think there's a new dog in the house when I read Whitney in the subject line.

Wikhked Whitney must be your alter ego!

Mack said...

That was unbeliavably sad about Bear! What is this world coming to??

Mango the Maltese kiddo said...

You must be very happy, relaxed and content during the belly photo shoot!

Unknown said...

Hi Khyra,

I'm having Mom type this for me because (a.) I don't know how to type or spell and (b.) because she wouldn't let me look at the photo of your girly bits!

Your blushing pal,


animal lover, quilt lover said...

Hi Khyra and Merdie,
Is Merdie still on her green bean diet?? Those pictures look like she has picked up a pound or two. Of course it could be just the way she laying!!! I know girls don't like to talk about pounds, I am just saying.........
XXOO, Bambi & Fern

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Whikhed indeed!!!!!

Mochi and Bali said...

Wow, I gotta tell mom to buy some of those stamps!

Great pictures, Khyra! :)

We're upset about Bear-Bear. :(


Sychoberians said...

Pretty wicked and wicked pretty.

We are very unhappy about poor Bear-Bear, hopefully justice will be served and time in prison will be served by that horrible human.

Remy and Flash

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

I didn't know about the stamps and will have to get some, but does that mean I'll have to use them and actually write a letter?

Sally said...

Nice idea - that stamps.

Nice woooh

Rambo said...

That was very naughty girls. However.....I enjoyed it!!
I will inform the G about the stamps.

Teddy Westlife said...

You are such a hussy.

mayziegal said...

Hehe! I likes how your private Sibe pawts were all covered up with those stamps. I'm just glad she didn't try to mail you somewheres.

Wiggles & Wags,

White Dog Blog said...

Won't those stamps be somewhat painful when you pull them off? Thank mom for leading the charge on the horrible news story about the dog shooting at the dog park!

Lorenza said...

Very Whikhked Whednesday, Khyra!
Kisses and hugs

♥I am Holly♥ said...

Love the stamp pose!!! Reminded mom to buy some more because she is almost out! Lots of love, Holly and mom

Rudy said...

Yeah you could model for the Post Office with those stamps in strategic places!

Hey Mom used to live in MD not too far from where Bear-Bear used to live. very sad...


KB said...

I'm with Life with Dogs! Perhaps K has seen these whikhked posts and that's why she refuses to let me photograph her when she wriggles on her back :)

The Luke said...


wif drool from the Luke

ocmist said...

My goodness, Khyra! I had to edit your post from Gimli and Pippin cause they are a bit young for that much … Whickedness…

Kari in Alaska said...

that is super wicked!

Don't forget, we moved to