We were furry touched to see the special purr out/meow out to us on the post - I think Mom's pale skin akhtually showed a hint of kholour as she blushed
Thanks furry much! ! !

Time for Mom to hijakhk the post again - she wants to share a message she received - take the leash Mom:
Thanks Khyra! One of the SiberNetters suggested we contact our local dog parks and suggest they add "NO GUNS" to their rules and regulations -
I pulled up the link for ours - Canine Meadows which is part of the York County Parks' System - and reviewed their R&R
Greetings -
I'm writing to suggest the rules for Canine Meadows being amended to reflect a no-gun policy following the needless murder of Bear-Bear at a private park in Severn, Anne Arundel County, Maryland on August 2, 2010
I'm currently owned by my 7th Siberian so this atrocity is quite close to my heart - especially since Bear-Bear was a rescue from Tails of The Tundra Siberian Husky Rescue - a group that two of my past Sibes had come from -
Bear-Bear's story is quite sad and disheartening - he had been surrendered from a life that was not what he deserved - found love - and then was murdered with a Glock 9mm Hydroshock bullet -
My dog and I are very active bloggers and have posted daily about Bear-Bear since we learned of the devastating news on August 3 - it has become a worldwide campaign for justice - one that I have termed Bear-Bear's Legacy -
It would only seem to be common sense that the supposed higher intelligent species not bring a gun to a dogpark but too sadly anymore, our collective intelligence is slipping -
Here is a link to a blogsite started for Bear-Bear http://justiceforbearbear.wordpress.com/
It was created to pull together all the news stories and such about Bear-Bear and his cause -
The local police had closed the investigation - but thanks to public actions - and the media in the Baltimore community, it was reopened and has now been turned over to the Maryland AG
With Wet and Fuzzy Regards,
Khyra and Phyllis Wise
I was thrilled to see a response in my in-box at 12:50pm - here it is
Khyra and Phyllis Wise,
Thank you for the suggestion of No Guns in Canine Meadows.
I was very surprised and disappointed that a shooting incident happened in a Dog Park. Evidently no-where is safe anymore...
I have owned Huskies in the past, so this tragedy even hits me a little closer to home.
We will consider the request and discuss it at the next staff meeting.
Michael Fobes
Manager of Natural Resources
York County Department of Parks & Recreation
(717) 840-7228 - Office
(717) 324-5624 - Cell
SOOO, if you have a local dog park, perhaps you should offer the same suggestion!
Sorry for the slightly long post, but I did want to share the reply AND Khyra wanted to thank GJ and his mum for their kindness!
BTW, here is another Bear-Bear article we saw on Khyra's pal Indy's blog
Hugz&Khysses From Khyra's Khorner
Wow, what a great thing you did (about the no gun policy!). You should be very proud!
Re: Cell phone tower. Yes, you got it. But, if it ever rains enough in that area for it to start floating, we won't have to worry about using our cell phones ever again! :)
NOTHING is more effective than grassroots action! We may not have prevented Bear Bear's death but because of everyone's involvement and refusal to let it fade away we, I am certain, have prevented another murder! Keep rallying at every level for justice and change! If you are transporting this weekend be safe and deliver your charges joyfully to the next step of their resurrected lives! Thanks for all you do.
As always you're doiing such a gr8 job.
Happy Weekend
nice woooh
Look at all those birds! We're so glad that something is being done about what happened to Bear Bear. We will keep our paws crossed for a no gun policy.
Teddy Bear
We think the no gun rule is excellent. We take it for granted here in the UK that there is a no-gun rule (other than police and licenced people in certain places). It's horrendous to think that dear little Bear lost his life in such a cruel and pointless way. Thanks for sharing the letter and the reply ~ justice must be done.
Those figurines are too khute!
Well done with the letter Mom! Very encouraging reply too. Way to go...!
Great presents Khyra, Ginger Jasper was very thoughtful. We loved your little 'Ben' - where on earth did he get to?
We also love the little you! Very nice - of course not quite as cute and you.
We hope the Doggy Nanny enjoyed her tea - if we known we would have baked her a cake!!!
Have a good weekend.
Martha and Bailey xxx
What a great pressie - and cardinal pix - and we sure hope the dog park becomes a no-gun zone.
It looks like this was a post about gifts--Gifts you've received and gifts that you've given the other dogs to try and ensure their safety at dog parks.
Ahhh you are so welcome.. ittle gifts for all that you do.. I lved the birdie pictures.. Realy colourful. I smiled at the teeth marks on the box.. Hey progress indeed on the gun problem. As Milo and Alfie said we dont have that problem so much here,thank goodness although it is creeping into society more and more. Have a good weekend my friends Hugs GJ xx
Khyra, this post had a little bit of everything! Congrats on your 500th post!
That's a great idea, having dog parks be a no-gun zone! Maybe they could make it a no-idiot zone too!
Penny & Patches
We are most impressed at the response you generated with your message about Bear-Bear..too often one is left to wonder if e-mails are even read by public officials. Great work.
Wow a public official who read, responded, and made it personal. Awesome.
Excellent idea and action about the no gun policy at dog parks!
GJ is one gorgeous kitty, huh? For a kitty,I mean! If ever a kitty had floof, GJ's the one!
Miss Khyra! We are so far behind that we read all your blogs, but only are commenting once. Ish!
Thanks for posting the link to Bear Bear's site. I sure hope that the bad man gets his day in court. It is just so creepy.
I love that Merdie spends so much time visiting you. You two are great pals, right? And the DOH is limited in her ability to entertain no doubt. Nothing like another doggie to share secrets with.
Such sweet and tasty baby bird pictures!
Great job on the letter, khyra and mom! Tis one small step for bear-bear, a giant leap for us dogs!! And mommy wan to say she has the exact same tin of tea! Happy weekend!
Aren't those just great pressies from across the big pond! GJ and his Mum are such very good friends.
Good job on the work for Bear Bear and the no guns allowed. Hope things are successful.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
What great gifts from GJ and his family, Khyra!
#1 says a big thank you for the cardinal pics. She loves cardinals (from her time in Chicago) but we don't have any in Europe, so she really misses looking at them.
And we really hope they take you up on the no guns in dog parks suggestion!
Great suggestion fur dogparks, MFT. Furry khool that he responded, too! And thanks fur sharing all the pics of the baby cardinal - we trust woo were safely inside,(just sayin, cause we know how we are!) Khool gifties, too! Have a good saturday!
jack a-roo & miss moo
Wish there was an easy way to copy your letter to all dog parks in the country. You did an excellent job on it. Thanks for keeping us updated on news too. I'm really afraid the authorities will decide to close the case again without filing charges against the idiot shooter... do you know if anyone has a plan of action if that happens?
P.S. A no-gun policy would need to include policemen... wonder if that's even possible.
Hey Khyra, give your mom a big sloppy kiss from us...she is the best!!!!
Our mom is going crazy over the baby Cardinals!
We were impressed that your mom knew the answer to Jack's contest.
She's smart too, huh? teeheehee
Licks and sniffs to you and Merdie,
Zack, Sassy and Buddy
The Mom will not ever take us to dog parks on a counta too many reasons to mention, but includin irresponsible humans.
Fank you so much for all you are doin to seek justice for the Bear-Bear. The only hope we have is to continue to be a respectfully squeaky wheel!
I also liked your gifties and visitors... and am all ways personally moved when the Butterskhotch makes an appearance. Just sayin.
wif love from the Luke
Yay for Phyll and the email to the park official. As far as policemen are concerned, NO OFF DUTY Policemen need to be carrying guns when they are using the park. None!
Cheers and hugs,
Jo and Stella
Whooshchsh...sounds like we need to make some phone calls around here to the Allegheny County dog parks...it just seems ridiulous that one could take a gun in there in the first place...
As always, you ROCKKKKKK, Khyra...
Kisses dear girlie....
Lacie Khakes
Kudos to your mom for writing to them about the no guns policy. We have a favorite dog park, but I'm not sure who's in charge of the rules. We'll have to sniff around a little.
I love your stash of presents! Too cool!
The birds look very delicious.
Great idea about the no guns in dog parks. You can't stop stupidity, but you can disarm it for a while.
Misty the alpha Poodle
Oh, you are one lucky doggie to have adult AND baby cardinals at your place regularly. We only see them once a year.
Very nice package and great bird pictures! They must be smart to stay away from the kitty!
What a pawesome thing you did by writing to the dog park people! You are truly angels here on earth!
Those were furry nice gifts from Ginger Jasper and his mum! We liked seeing the birdies and Butterscotch too!
Loot! And good work keeping the story of Bear-Bear going!
awsome :D
look at those birds :D
so cute
El'bow & Hauwii
What a cute tea tin! And cute birdy pictures, too! That's wonderful that you're being so active in seeing gun changes - good for you!
What a wonderful package you got Khyra..
Grandma Irma loves cardinals we will have to point her to your blog today...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
great pictures as always... we think the birdie is posing.
Benny & Lily
hope all good comes from Bear Bears story
Thank you for the links to info on Bear Bear. It is wonderful that you have contacted your local dog park about the gun policy. I think that Federal police officer is hiding behind his badge. He is a sick and dangerous person in my opinion. If he would shoot an innocent dog what is next? A child? Yuk. He needs to go to jail I think.
Emma Rose
Great message to your local dog park. We don't have one here but we back you 100%.
You get the coolest mail Khyra. That was so nice of GJ to send that to you.
GJ is such a love!
I like your birdie photos too...they come sooooo close to your door :)
Oh my dogness... I didn't hear about Bear Bear. :(
Sad wags,
What lovely gifts from Mister Jasper!!
My friend, it is such an amazing thing you're doing for poor Bear Bear.
I love love love your mini-me - I mean, mini-you.
And good on you for standing up about the no-gun policy - we are totally with you. How barbaric that in this day and age Bear Bear was executed like that.
Hi Khyra
I loved all the birdie pictures.
And I love that your mom wrote to an official regarding parks and guns, and the Bear Bear issue.
Your mom stands up for what is right and true,,,, and that is integrity- to do the right thing,
Paws up for the no gun policy!
I loved your khaturday post birdie edition!
Kisses and hugs
What an excellent letter you wrote! A no gun law is a great idea.
What wonderful pressies!! That is great about the no gun policy and the response you received! Lots of love, Debbie and Holly
That tin of tea is adorable
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