The next series of pikhs were added to the post we had in place - please bigify them fur the full WOW fakhtor!

Just the other week we were khommenting about timing being evFURRYthing

WELL, we went fur our walk - and on the next street we spotted this serious sparrow with lunch - if woo bigify woo khan see the nom nom

Sorry fur the blurry pikh - The SS flew to the other tree prior to Mom being able to switch to Sport Mode

We watched fur ten or fifteen minutes

Mom kept babbling about how khool it was

She khouldn't stop taking in all the beaWOOty


Just pawesome!!!
We got two videos from there - which was akhtually two houses from FROG ISLAND!!!
But then we enkhountered our pal on the next street

And she got
a short video from here too
We were smiling bekhause this all fit with the title we had already staged with 'Tuesday Tree Time' fur me
I wonder if The Serious Sparrow had been watching me










Have a nice Tuesday!
I hope woo have a favourite tree to ponder under too!
PeeEssWoo: We'll have the birthday/gotcha stuffs together fur T-T-T Thursday!
Woof! Woof! Yes I do have a favorite tree ... tree by my Zen garden. It's an apple tree but there's hardly any apples this year. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
it's so Wild ovah therah in Khyra Khountry!! woo might want to keep your eyes open!!
just sayin.
Whoa! That birdie is khool! We can see why your mom babbled because it is very beawootiful! And so are you Khyra! Hope you enjoy your Tuesday Tree Time!
Great bird photos!...Khyra, you always look so beautiful lounging under your tree; enjoy the day, sweet girl...kisses...Calle, Halle, Sukki
Look at all those birdies. They are so fun to watch! I like to lay under our covered deck area.:)
Teddy Bear
We liked seeing the beautiful bird pics. We can see why your mom went 'wow'!
You look as though you are enjoying the sunshine in your garden Khyra.
It is very pretty there.
Martha and Bailey xx
We hope it's cooling down for you puppy!!
That bird is great, it looks like a "rapaz" (we don't know the word in English: like a bir which hunts other animals...); would it be lost?
WOW! Wot khool pics today! We have a favourite tree to scratch on!
What gorgeous pics!! The PM loves seeing big birds like that too. When they were in Cape Breton, a large juvenile Great Horned Owl flew up on the deck and the PM snuck out to see him, she got about three feet from him and he looked at her with those big glowing eyes and flapped his wing and flew off!
That is one of those birds that pray, huh? We have them here too. I am hoping they will target those pesky rabbits in my yard who are now annoying teenagers.
Beautiful big hawk!
Nobody looks better sitting under a tree than you Khyra! And lately it's been so hot that there is nothing else to do out there! :)
Tuesday Tree Time wuz Terrific!!
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae
Hi Khyra!
Looks like you really enjoyed lounging in the sun! Lucie crosses her paws like you do. It is soooo sweet!
Watch out for the big bird. He would probably pick up Hailey and fly off with her.
Lots of Luv & Kisses
Addie, Lucie and Hailey
A fevver in your tree??? How cool!!!!! Whoops ... we mean how KHOOL!!!!!
Hi Khyra!!!
That is one Seriously Big Sparrow! Wowzers!
Thanks for the heads up about my crazy blog thingy. Some people can see the whole thingy today. I can too. BUTT... a new thingy is going on.. it is eating comments again. Yours was one that it ate. Sorry!! What the heck is up with this??? Squirrels would be my guess.
Fabulous bird photos and we love those of you under your tree too!
take care
Clive and Murray
Great tree time photos - both under and in the tree. Cool catch for Mom.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Hey there Khyra and Phyll...
I'm just catching up on your blog and notice how Merdie's hair is growing. She must feel awefully soft at the moment...wish I was there to stroke her.
As for that amazing bird!!! What a WONDEFUL experience! You are so lucky to have feathered friends like that in your back garden.
Another amazing pup-run again on Saturday too! - you are an incredible person!
Sending lotsaluv
Hello hello!
Those are some terrific tree time pics! Of course not to mention the birdies! Thanks for sharing them with us!
Keeping those pawsome paws crossed we see!! Good for woo!!
Enjoy your day!
You look so peaceful under your tree, pondering life!!
I think this must be the season for weird birds. We have a really weird one in our yard too.
What an awesome bird! Very cool :)
I like to lay under the Laurel by the fence. I can watch over the neighbors chickens from that spot!
Emma Rose
Did you try talking to the bird?
WOW!!! What a neat furiend to have!!
A great walk, and looks like a great rest afterward!!
Woofs and Kisses!
The Fiesty Three
We thought trees were just for peeing
Misty the alpha Poodle
You cant go wrong with Khyra and her tree on Tuesday. That makes our day.
Remy and Flash
That had the utmost WOW FEATURE of all the bloggys we have seen today! That birdie looked so handsome and smart.
Of course dat birdie was watching you! I mean, he prolly be wondering if you was gonna eats him...or try to. He hads to keep a careful watch on you. I personally likes to chase da birdies, never caught one though. Sometimes these short legs ain't what they cracked up to be.
We see lots of birds on our walks too, but they always fly away too fast before we can get pictures!
Khyra, that is a beautiful birdy!! We bet he has been watching you!! We love your tree and wish we had one like yours. We only have a great big pine tree in the corner of the backyard but no great trees like you have! Lots of love, Debbie and Holly
Very cool pictures of the hawk. I love seeing them fly!
That is a beautiful bird.. You sure get to see lots of cool animals on your walk...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
You would like it here at my house today Khyra - it's pouring with rain.
We likes 'da Tuesday tree times!!
Befores we's moved to Elgin and befores Josie.. Me's and Izzy lived by lots of willow trees.. dem are me favorites..
Anakin Man
we's tinks it be neats to have little hooman woo too.. hu hu's.. Mommy's hooman agains and doesn't member much..snorts
Khyra, you look simply stunning in those photos!
I will be giving you a prestigious award tomorrow at noon CST. Please stop by to receive it! :)
miss khyra,
how cool that you and your mama got to watch that pretty sparrow! i couldn't tell what the birdie had snagged for foodables, though.
i think you have the bestest tree i have evarrr seen! i wish i had a hooge one like that in my backyard, but at least i have my crab apple tree! (that's the one mama kicked my big green ball into. sigh.)
the booker man
These photos are PAWSOME!
PeeS: yep, Dog Utopia is PAWsylvania. Hehe... we're taking the camper up to visit some friends - two and four legged. I don't think we pass you this time though.
Thank goodness none of those predators are big enough to fly off with you! Very cool tree time, thanks for sharing!
Dat bird is very handsome! :) I wish I could play in trees like dat! :)
Hi Khyra,
That bird you saw on your walk sure was pretty. You look like you are enjoying your favorite tree. We especially like the pose with your paws crossed.
We have a tree or two or three! Woooo, khool bird! but keep an eye on anything smaller than a breadbox that woo don't want carried off!
jack a-roo & miss moo
Yeah, I would say that's a pretty serious 'sparrow' there! That is SO COOL!!! (Mom and Dad saw a bald eagle sitting on a fence post the other day when they were taking their new toy out for a drive - no dog seats.... *sigh* - but they were zooming by, and Mom didn't have her camera anyway..) As always, fantastic pictures!
BTW, the jury is still out on whether the hippobottomus is a keeper or not - Mom says that we're stuck with her, but I distinctly remember the lady we got her from saying that we could bring her back at ANY time... ;-)
*kissey face*
-Fiona and Abby the Mutant Alien Pod Puppy
We see those birdies huntin' around here a lot. They are very pretty, just like you Khyra!
Oh Khyra
That Serious Sparrow looks beautiful.
What a wonder of wonders that your mom snagged that photo.
That is awsome.
YUP perfect timing.
I would be a little afraid if that birdie was in my back yard.
O wow I was lovin the bird pitchers but then I was really lovin the sunnin beauty!
Why does the sun shine all ways make me yawn, too?
wif love from the Luke
Wow that is so cool to get the birdie pics! And you are looking lovely under your tree, as always!
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