Flowers fur woo



Khoming bakhk from getting Mom's new laptop Wednesday afternoon

I'm smiling bekhause I khan see she is too!

Now pikhs from MY Gotcha Day




From my afternoon walk

I fooled her! I was looking at her smiling and turned my head as the flashie beastie winked at me!


The breeze today was SOOOOO pawesome and snooooooterrifikh!


Bakhk to my tree


Watching my 'flat dog' neighbour

Watching one of THOSE other khritters

Being watched from inside

This was from Sunday -

As was THIS one

My GOTCHA Day afternoon sky
Here is
this week's Photobukhket Slideshow - some pikhs woo might have seen from the weekend - and some were from earlier this week - we had mostly khloudy and overkhast days so there aren't too many special ones this week
Mom and I want to thank evFURRYone fur all the greetings and kind words we've received 'here', on FB, and via e-mail!
Mom says we'll share more about our special days on the weekend posts - we needed to get this 'staged' so we khould get on with our big day - and not spend all day 'here' -
It means so much - again, more than mere words khan khapture!
I was pawtikhularly touched by the inkhlusion of my Gotcha Day on a furry special blog
My pals at JFF left a khomment about me officially being an honourary khat now!
Khyra and Phyll
PeeEssWoo: Mom and I gave each other a present Thursday evening - we hit THE button on the GR so we khould start fresh fur FrEYEday - please furgive us - but it enabled us to have a special 8/26!
Lovely pictures - Super Happy Gotcha Day - we are happy for you and your human! We really loved the photo of your fluuuuuufffffyyyy tail - lots of licks
Sally and Paddy
We are so happy that you two share such a wonderful day together! You both deserve the love and devotion you give each other!
Have a wonderful weekend!
Holly and Khady
Happy Gotcha Day, what a beautiful tradition to celebrate! Here's to many many more Gotcha Days to come! :)
Hello! :) Thank u for all of the news. I am glad ur Mom has a noo compooter. My hoomans are doin okay too. :) Hugs. {{{Khyra}}}
You is so pretty!
K-9 Katastrophe Klan
Hi, nice to see you again (after our "break"). We hope your summer is not being too hot for you. Kisses.
Wot a fabulous day whoo had together. We love ALL the pics.
Happy Gotcha Day and its FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Happy Weekend!
Sounds like a great Gotcha Day present for both of you.:)
Teddy Bear
P.S. You've been awarded on our blog.:)
Fantastic photos my puppy pal!!
It's great you're getting a bit of a breeze, Khyra!
I hope your Mom's laptop gives her great joy!
I saw that Puddles had quite the present for you this morning, too! I'm glad you two had a great day together. Enjoy that new laptop!
What a nice way to spends your gotcha day! :) YOu and your mom makes a grreat team!
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae
Woof! Woof! Glad you had a happy super wonderful Gothcha Day. What a lovely sky you had ... just beautiful. More Gotcha Day to come. Lots of Golden Gotcha Wishes. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
Happy Gotchya Day!! What would DWB be without our Khyra and her fantastoc Mom. You gots the most fluffy tail around and Mommy loves to borrow your flower pictures.
nice sky
we have grey grey grey sky :(
El'bow & Hauwii
Lovely post. We hope you had a wonderful day, and look forward to seeing more of the celebration.
gussie n teka
Such a pretty photoshoot!Beautiful flowers, beautiful you, MFT. We are so very happy you and the Mom had such a good day together.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Happy (belated) Gotcha Day pretty Khyra!! And may you have trillions more!
TGIF Sugars,
Happy Gotcha Day Kyra, and Happy Birthday Kyra's Mom.
May you both have many many more.
Sheila & Bob,
Mom & Dad to Hamish & Rescue Sophie
I think that the flowers are for *woo*, Khyra! I'm still happy about Gotcha Day (and what a funny and great name for it).
You're a lucky girl and your mom is a lucky human. A good pair, I'd say!
Loved your Gotcha Day pics - the house in those pics at the top is just gorgeous!
As a complete aside to you Khyra who is more stunning than the house.
Sometimes our human gets carried away.
Glad you and your mom had a good day and hit the GR button.
Trust us it is impossible to read all the blogs every day and nobody minds a bit if you don't comment on every post!
Happy new Laptop!
Martha and Bailey xxx
Great post! That was a very nice Gotcha Day! The pics are beautiful!
YAY for your mom's laptop! And we hope you had a great Gotcha Day!
Beautiful gotcha day photos :)
Don't forget, we moved to http://dogisgodinreverse.com/
great gotcha day pikshurs!!!!!
What a great Gotcha Day and a new laptop! WooHoo! Have a great weekend!
Happy Gotcha Day to one of the luckiest dogs I know!
U are the Kutest Kat we know. Happy Gotcha Day.
Woos to a girl and her tree. Very great Khyra pictures.
Remy and Flash
Your Gotcha day looked pretty perfect for both of you! We're glad you spent the time away from the GR and with each other! We wish you both many more special Gotcha days to come!
Concatulations on being an honorary khat too Khyra!
I want that house!!!
May I have it please? :)
honorary Khat. ooooh gag.
Misty the alpha Poodle
Love your photos as always=hi to Merdie!!...So glad you and your Mom had a happy day together, beautiful Khyra...xoxooxoo...Calle, Halle, Sukki
Beautiful pictures Khyra...so befitting a Gotcha Day for a Beautiful Girl like you...we love you and are glad u are our friend.
Congrats to Mummy on getting her new pc. Hope she is enjoying it..
Ginger n Buddy
Furst I gotts say...ICAN"T BELIEVES you actually picked ups da significance in da "Whitney" post!!!!!
And, I so happy you hads a wonderful Gotcha Day yesterday and I looooves them piktures too. You lives in a nice place.
I picked dat kitteh so da hairs wouldn't get stucks in yours teeffies...hehehe!
Well, now that you are officially an honorary cat, you have to behave around them. hehehe
Glad you enjoyed your day.
We are so happy to hear that you and your mom spent an awesome gotcha day together, Khyra!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
You is on ours Offishul Cat Blogosphere Calendar now, hee hee.
Of course, now that you's an honorary cat, that's even more specshul.
Love & Purrs,
Happy Gothcha day! We bid on your transport over at Shelbys Auction!!!
That looks like a Most Pawfect Gotcha Day, Khyra! I'm very much glad it was special!
Wiggles & Wags,
Looks like you had a wonderful Gotcha Day.. We know Mom is all smiles about that new computer... Hope she got busy and made you a cheese cake. hehe
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Happy Gotcha Day, Khyra! So glad we managed to check in today.
Our internet access is sketchy, at best. We'll catch up when we can!
It looks like Gotcha/Birthday Day was pretty special wonderful...as it should be...as you both deserve! Transport this weekend? Tree time? Whatever is in store, have a great time!
Happy Gotcha Day Khrya! Have fun on your gotcha day!
Don't go chewing your momma's new laptop cables! I did that once, and not only did I get a shock, but Momma was not exactly smiling either.
Looks like you had a great day. Did your mum get a macbook for her new laptop? :)
Who better to share the day with than the one you love the best.
You and your mom deserved to have that awsome day together!
And we are so happy for the new lap top and that it works!!
Enjoy the cool breeze Khyra,
we have a wonderful cool breeze too. It tickles my nose while I am snuggly under blankies
nitey nite
Happy belated Gotcha day. Sure looks like it was a beautiful day! :)
Happy Gotcha Day a little late!! Beautiful pictures!!! Lots of love, Holly and mom
Happy Gotcha Day! Beautiful pictures!
I just looked at your clouds again and they are beautiful
We love all the pictures specially Merdie in the yoga pose. Cool car magnets..
Benny & Lily
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