Here is the message she sent Monday am about his rekhovery:
...A man and his daughter I believe--they saw a flash of white and she went to look, saw him and had to coax him to her. The perfect person to find him, as she approached him just the right way. He's a Marine, and The Marines are bulldogs! They thought that was funny.
They brought him home and searched online to find where he was lost from and found Tammy. He needed medical attention. He's on IV fluids and being treated with antibiotics for all the tick bites. He's emaciated (15 lbs from 25 and he's a growing baby) and dehydrated, but they think he will be okay....His mom is in shock but so excited (and bawling).
I can't believe that he survived on his own. He's taught me something about resilience, that is for sure! What an amazing little baby boy! I will keep everyone posted as I hear more. I don't want to keep bugging his mom! They are away for an event for her husband, and all she wants is to come home. The family gets the reward, and they are going to recognize them for saving Rudy! They are his heroes!



Whilst I was outside SIGHING and stuff, this was going on INSIDE - TAKE A LOOK AT THIS KHRAZY VIDEO
Merdie was resting up from her Toy Time - Mom was charging the flashie beastie batterie so she used the khrakhkberry
Mom has been meaning to share this link she got last week - along with part of a note she got from Debbie in GA who told us about Trisha -Mom had shared the blog post from that day so she khould see all the words of support - here is Debbie's reply:
I always knew that rescue people were some of the best folks on earth and what everybody did this weekend in-honor of Trisha just re-confirms what I already thought.
Thank you so much for remembering them and wishing the best for people that you don't even know. Her family and my friends were so touched. There has been much love and prayer lifted for them.
We raised over $5000 from the race for research and all wore Trisha's favorite color, pink.
We'll see woo here tomorrow fur 'WWW'
Khyra and Khousin Merdie
All good news! :)
By the way, NEBCR rocks - I can tell you from personal experience.
We're so glad that Rudy is found and getting the care he needs! We're also glad that Copper has a furever family too!
Khyra, you did look deep in thought while pondering life on the patio. Meanwhile, Merdie was being really cute with that squirrel toy inside!
Love updates of happy endings. Khyra glad you think so much, cause well my peeps say I never think....BOL!!! I now tell them Khyra is thinkin' for the both of us.
PS - Merdie is looking great with that haircut, I like this midlength the best.
There are NO words to express the happiness at knowing Rudy has been found and is in loving and good hands once more.
Khyra, you always look so PURRty no matter what pose you are in or what mood you are in or what day it is or what time it is or what year it happens to be☺
So much pawesome news!!! We're so glad Rudy was found and that Copper has a furever home. Yayyyy!
Teddy Bear
I am glad that Rudy gets the care he needs
Have a nice day
Whew..now that made me very happy here tonight!
Khyra you are very khind.........enjoy your meditating time.......
Hugz, Nancy and the critter crew
Oh my goodness! Oh my goodness! I am going to spin in a circle and bark! Yay!!
I has a glad!! :)
Welcome home, Rudy. Hugs! {{{Rudy}}}
Also, the race is really awesome. :)
Rudy is very lucky and we hope he recovers quickly...Cooper is a sweetheart=he looks happy, like he's smiling!...Merdie is precious and we loved her video-she is a real doll!...Khyra, the beauty on the patio...Happy day friends...kitty kisses...Calle, Halle, Sukki
Paws crossed for Rudy.
I love the picture with the smiling friends.
Nice woooh
Little Rudy was the pup I was thinking of! I am so happy he was found, and will recover. Don't want him to be just another statistic! Yea, Roody!
The rest of you beautiful pups are looking just swell, happy and healthy!
Kisses to all,
OMG, we didn't think we'd ever hear about Rudy again! We are so very happy for him and his family! Get well soon, Rudy!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
We sure like Copper, such a happy puppy face! Who could resist?
We can't express how very happy we are that dear little Rudy was found. we are so glad he is gonna be OK. Fanks for the update.
And the other pics and noos are awesome too.
Hey! What great news that he found his family again. That must have been so scary for everybody.
As for Miss Merdie...
Do I detect a bit of cracker dog there? Must be the heat. Here is comes again...
I love the smiling faces! It is all good news!
P.S. - I'll be looking for those floofs!
merdie is one sillie doggie! woo looked like woo're having a goodtime even w/o the squirrel! the furdo still makes me chuckle...a little:)
Hey Khyra, what did woo figure out about life?
Yeah 4 Rudy! Thank dognez.
What a wonderful happy ending for Houdini...errr we mean Rudy!!
My guess on the bird ID - female or juvenile eastern bluebird?
It's so nice to see happy faces and hear good endings to stories. We just don't get enough of that!
So happy to hear all the good news! Rudy was rescued! Copper found a furever home!
Pugs & Kisses,
Yoda & Brutus
What great news all around! My tail is sure wagging!
Wooos! We are so happy about Rudy, getting the attention and care that he needs. Lovely Cooper pictures, I am sure he is so happy to be in a furever home now.
Contemplating life Khyra, I do that too, I hope today is a special one fur woo and your tired Mom.
*husky kisses*
~ Kira the BeaWootiful~
I didn't want to even think it, but I thought we had seen the last of Rudy. Bulldogs are "big ticket items" and had the wrong person found him.....well, suffice to say YIPEEEEEEE!!!! thanks to his rescuers for making sure he got helpo and home!
And how about that Copper? I can't say I am surprised someone fell in love with her so quickly! But I am soooo glad she did!
It really is a miracle Rudy came home safely! Thank goodness for good Samaritans.
Now that's what we like to see, a post full of good news!!! HAROOOOO!!!
Woofs and Kisses!
The Fiesty Three
We're so furry happy fur Rudy! Yup, those Marines are tough dogs alright! (Dad was one of em too)
Are woo pondering what pose to use tomorrow???
jack a-roo & miss moo
That is such wonderful news about Rudy being found! Happy news!! The other pictures are great!! Lots of love, Debbie and Holly
Great post!!
Happy tails!
So many nice happy pictures! Keep em' coming!
WOO HOO!!!!!!! We are so very glad little Rudy has been found and will be okay! We were very concerned about that youngster being out there all alone. The fact that a Mairne found him is just purrfect!
As always, you and Merdie look beeutiful!!
YAY for Rudy, YAY for Copper, and wonderful about all that money raised for brain tumor research. Our very best to Trisha and her family.
Merdie was having fun, while you, MFT, looked very serious out there.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
LOVE the flying ears! And reading all about Rudy! And all the pics of you and Merdie! A great post!
Happy happy tails! Such good news fur a wonderful day!
Sam & June
Well I was wondering about Rudy and now I know! Thanks!
I really like Copper I am happy he found a forever home.
We love all of the happy faces on the blog today.
Misty the alpha Poodle
SO glad Rudy is safe! We loved all the pictures, too. Especially woo pondering, Khyra. And OMD, that video of Merdie was soooo cute! My favorite part was the squeaking, and moms was when she wagged her tail so hard that it "thumped" on the floor!
Cloud and his mom
I'm so pleased Rudy got rescued, and is going to be OK.
I enjoyed seeing your photos and video. Hope you all have a great day.
With all the wonderful notes you get it is well worth all your efforts to get all the pups you have transported to their forever homes...
We are so proud of you...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
It is always nice to hear some of the nicer sides of rescue.
Rudy seems to have the survival skills of a Marine...so glad he was found! I love all of the happily ever afters...
Hooray for Rudy!
Rudy makes me heart melt!
Don't forget, we've moved to http://dogisgodinreverse.com
Those smiles are contagious. I just love the Khyra Khloseups, she is heartstoppingly beautiful. As is her bestie, sweet Merdie girl. :)
were soooo thankful for the good news of Rudy being found
Poor little Rudy -- so glad he's safe now!
Loved your pics, as usual, Khyra, and we were so happy to hear the news about Copper AND about little Rudy. We hope that he will be fully recovered VERY quickly! That was sure a nice picture of a BUNCH of doggie smiles! The CCC
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