Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Tuesday Telling With Sadness And Rage

Khyra's Mom Here

Earlier today I noticed some comments on our pal Leika's Mom's FB page about the sudden loss of a friend's Sibe - I didn't have the chance at the time to look further - but later when I did, I went numb

I've shared it on my FB page so some of you have seen it already BUT please share it - it is just freaking wrong - beyond wrong - I can't use the words I would use if you were here with us


I'll let you decide if something smells here

Bear-Bear was a rescue from Tails of the Tundra Siberian Husky Rescue group - two of my Sibes came from there - and the group Khyra and I hike for each Fall

They do have a place on their site to help with the costs incurred whilst trying to save Bear-Bear
We have a candle lit for Bear-Bear

Please spread the word - the so called 'officer' can't go without being responsible for his actions PERIOD


John Leopold, County Executive


Anne Arundel County Police


Senator Barbara Mikulski


Congressman John Sarbanes


Thanks for reading and thinking of Bear-Bear and his family


Lacy said...

i know officers have a hard job and they get stressed out...but this is beyond belief..and what makes it even worse is that police department dont give a dam...when that officer "goes off" again, could b more dogs, or a kid or the pawents...they need to b really trying to get that person out of that field of work...grrr just pisses me off so much..

b safe,
`rocky n mama~

Yas said...

Hi Khyra,
Me and mommy sure dont have the words to say..we're very stunned and shock and very sad..
Thank you for sharing this with all of us!

Maxx and mommy

The Luke said...

Pathetic. Tragic injustice. Horrifically unfair.

What a a handsome boy. And what a tremendous loss. Our hearts go out to his loved ones.

And yet one more another reason my the Mom will never take me to a dog park.

Wif much sorrow from the Luke

Dexter said...

I wasn't there, so cannot comment on what really happened. However, in my town there is a thorough investigation whenever an officer discharges a firearm and it is more vigorous if he or she is off duty. What the heck? Well, in my town, you can't even discharge a fire arm legally within the town limits unless it is self defense. This sounds really fishy to me too. I feel awful for the family.

I will think good thoughts of Bear Bear playing over the Rainbow Bridge. That is the best I can do.

Mango Momma

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

I am just getting home and catching up on some blogs and have read about the loss of precious Callie, and this--This is truly appalling and I hope that there is an investigation and there is justice for Bear-Bear!!!!!

Sweet Purrfections said...

Wow! This is so hard to believe and uncalled for.

When my mom was a little girl, she had a collie that had either distemper or heart worms as a young dog (she can't remember because she was very young). The dog was "going crazy" and her dad called the police and next thing you know, they shot him. My mom recently asked her dad (50 years later) why the police shot her first dog and he said he didn't know. He called for help and the next thing he knew, they shot him in front of kids and everything.

I guess nothing changes.

ThePainterPack said...

It is simply not right. You should not be able to kill an animal and not be punished. This wasn't an attack dog! It was a loving husky. I am so mad. Hurt. Sad.


Chris and Ricky said...

Sadness and rage don't even begin to describe how horrific that story about Bear-Bear is! There is absolutely NO excuse for what that officer did. I don't care how stressed out he might have been. No excuse at all.

Our hearts go out to Bear-Bear's family.

the magic sleigh said...

Shocked. This just makes me sick. Don't know what to say.
Kira's Mom

The Florida Furkids said...

We are angry and sad after reading this. Our Mom has leaky eyes. Purrs and Prayers to Bear-Bear's family.

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

missbreezysbox said...

Sad. Fishy, matter of fact, it smells like sh.. Sorry, but it's true. Firing his weapon. That should only be done if he felt his family was in danger. The dogs were doing what's natural.
Have a great week.

Inky and Molly said...

We can only hope that Karma will egt him one day...

dw said...

I looked at the story but couldn't read it all the way. I know I would just be very angry at the whole situation (and you don't want to know what I'm thinking should be done to that officer). Poor Bear Bear. *hugs*

Stacy Walker said...

Wow, this is very sad. I posted the story on facebook so others learning about.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Just horrific. WHY?

Cyndi and Stumpy said...

That's just soooooooooo wrong! The officer involved needs some severe disciplinary action and some anger management classes, just for starters.

I'll be writing letters to everyone and anyone.

Anonymous said...

This is why we don't get to go to the dog park anymore... our huMom fears for our safety...too many stoopid humans around.

We are so sorry for what happened to Bear Bear.

Kayla and Maebe

brooke said...

That's so sad! It's amazing the type of people out there... From the article it doesn't sound like it was in self defense, but just impatience and annoyance. How can it not be investigated?! Oi...
Our thoughts are with Bear Bears family.

Lorenza said...

I can't believe it!
I am so sorry for Bear-Bear and his family.
I hope something can be done!
Take care
Kisses and hus

Brutus, Ellie, Pippa and Otto said...

What is wrong with people??? What happens when it is person next time - will the authorities look back at this incident and realize they should have done something? Very tragic :(

We are very sad for Bear-Bear and his family. We will keep them in our thoughts and prayers.

Pugs & Kisses,

Yoda & Brutus

BeadedTail said...

We don't know what to say. Mommy can't even see to type for us because she's too leaky. We are just so sorry for Bear-Bear's family and we're deeply saddened this happened for no apparent reason.

Jan said...

Our human is a volunteer with the police department and now she is banging her head against the wall. That officer should never be allowed around a dog, a gun or a human again.

We will help flood the addresses with our opinions.

Misty the alpha Poodle

Lucy-Fur, as typed by Dr. Liz said...

That is just AWFUL! Even in Utah (where we have pretty loose gun laws) they investigate EVERY use of registered firearms (and they try on the illegal ones....). *sigh* We are all very sorry to hear of this, and will light a candle for Bear-Bear.

*sad kissey face*
-Fiona and Family

How Sam Sees It said...

Something seems really wrong about the whole story. I can't believe he just shot their dog - I'd be horrified if the same happened to my boys.


Heather and Kelly said...

That's awful. That's inexcusable. Things like that are really out of line, and now I fear for the officer's own dog. If he can kill someone else's dog that easily, whose to say he wouldn't turn the gun on his own dog, too?

Deborah said...

This is so horrible. What is going on out there is not good.Bear-Bear looked like a nice dog and this is just heart wrenching.
I am sorry and angry. I hope the officer gets some help to control his anger. I'm sure there could have been a better way of handling this situation.

Jack & Moo said...

We just read that off FB a few minutes ago. So outrageous, a stunning display of human stupidity. What in the "he-double hockey-sticks" was that guy thinking, taking a GUN to a friggin dogpark????? IF you ask me, he was just looking for a chance to kill something. Our sadest woos of sympathy go out to Bear-Bear's family.

jack a-roo & miss moo & mom

Anonymous said...

I've fired off my comments to all the people you listed. I have a feeling this is going to be a PR nightmare for the local police dept. - we can only hope.

houndstooth said...

Wow! I'm just stunned. It's always hard to make a call on something when you weren't there to see it, but it certainly sounds like very poor judgement was used by the officer in this situation. I hope that an investigation does happen and that there will be some justice or explanation.

KT and Easton said...

Oh man is this tragic. It really strikes home with me. An incredibly ignorant pit bull-boxer mix owner at a dog park in Arizona thought his leashed, aggressive dog should be "taught" by Lady because she was not intimidated by him. Needless to say, I told him to F-off and take his dog out of the park. It is pure ignorance and arrogance on the part of this poor excuse for a human being; shooting a defenseless dog IN a dog park. I'm just flabbergasted.

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Were fummming tooo
Where is justice? Is there no justice for dogs? The office sounds pistol happy, and I guess it made him feel so tuff to shoot and kill Bear Bear.
This is wrong,,,,, and it will not be investigated,,,, why??? because Bear was a dog? Who is protecting the officer?- "some fishy smelling someone" and prob also pistol happy.
Dog are never protected. The bad people get away with torturing and murdering dogs in cold blood.
This is soooo wrong.
Our heart is so sad,,,,,,
are all cops heartless and cruel like this?

Cory said...

Our eyes are leaking...so very sad. The anger will come but right now we are crying for Bear-Bear.

xoxo Cory and Grete and family

Dewey Dewster said...

Gee Khyra...

Now that was a story that brings tears ta yer eyes......Gram always get mad at what she calls unnecessary police violence....they never seem ta get reprimanded....no matter what they do.....we know they put their lives on the line everyday....but that doesn't give 'em the license ta take lives fer whatever.....

Dewey Dewster here....

Khady Lynn said...

I can't even begin to know what to say about this. I am sad, disgusted, angry, and in shock. This should never have happened! And this asshole definitely needs to pay! I will certainly be sending my comments to those people you listed.


JacksDad said...

This is just so shocking and sad.

Jans Funny Farm said...

Oh, how horrible! There are more and more reports of dogs being killed for no reason and the officer walks away without even a reprimand.

Jacqueline said...

This is outrageous and unlawful...This officer was out of line and should be prosecuted for killing someone's baby...Yes, you heard me right=how many people in this country consider their animals family while the law acts like they are worthless??...The Police Department that doesn't take this man's job and arrest him are worthless...We need to vote for people who believe in animal rights.

Teddy Bear said...

Ugh, what a sad, sad story. Bear Bear was a beauty. We will light a candle in remembrance.

Teddy Bear

Anonymous said...

oh my gawd. the f'in rage i have right now in my head. how can this guy carry a gun at all let alone to a DOG park? and if his GSD was a "service dog" (and maybe it wasn't), but say it was and that's maybe why he cracked, hello, he has no business taking his "investment" to a DOG PARK! i'm not even sure if his dog is a service dog, i'm just trying to understand why anyone would shoot a dog in a what appears to be a dog fight unless he felt his dog was a huge investment to him. i donno. at the very least, we need to know WHY he shot the dog from his view point...cuz you know what? no matter what the idiot says, simple logic will deduce his reasoning is completely irrational. that there could have been at least 10 different things he could have done to prevented the situation and none of them involve shooting a dog. i'm so mad, I don't know what to do.

i "get" protecting your dog. really i do. but there are a million different things that could have been done to prevent that or handled in another way.

i just hope there is a thorough investigation. f'in jerk. there isn't enough dog bites on the planet for his punishment.

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

We just read this and are absolutely horrified. As Europeans, living in an environment where people are simply not allowed to have guns, we are constantly appalled at the prevalence of guns and their acceptance in the United States, and the ease with which so many people use them. There is no justification for anyone to be carrying a gun whilst going about their everyday life. That police officer is a public danger and should be jailed, and he should be banned from owning dogs, or any other animals, for life.

Duke said...

This was a horrible and needless tragedy and it makes us ill!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Uji, Angel Izzy, Ziggy, Angel Bean, Angel Hiro and Momma Tea said...

This is just so wrong on so many levels and I have posted on my own FB page. My heart gores out to bear-bears family.
Run Free Bear-Bear

Mollys Momma

3 doxies said...

I have so much to say about this that I don't even know where to start. Because he is a cop he thought he could get by with it and more than likely will. I am taking it he was off duty also. Cops like him make police dept look stupid and its no wonder they are looked down upon.....oh my gosh...I am soooooo MAD, I can't even type!

The Daily Echo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
The Daily Echo said...

No words. We have sent our emails. All that's left is a glimmer of hope that someone will possibly do the right thing and impose consequences.

KB said...

I could barely read the story so many memories came flooding back.

That's beyond words - awful, heinous, terrible. Something must be done about that guy. He wasn't even on duty. He just lost his mind.

Thanks for bringing it to our attention. I think my dad might be old friends with the senator you listed. I'll ask him if he is, and if he can bring things to his attn. It's a long shot.

The Heartbeats said...

A- Why did he have a gun with him in a DOG PARK?
B- He could've shot his dog accidentally.
C- He could've shot a person, a child!!
D- Bear-Bear's Momma better step up and raise holy Cain.


I DARE someone to ever do such a thing in my presence. They will see something called "southern charm" come out with a raging vengence. I have actually been in a cruddy situation at a dog park before and it wasn't pretty.

TimberLove said...

this is so sad....

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

We are horrified by this. We can't even put into coherent words how we feel about this!!!!!

Donna said...

I am really sorry. Rest in peace, doggie.

Remington said...

UNACCEPTABLE! They should be suspended but know that nothing will happen! I get so upset with people sometimes! They need to turn their brain on in the morning!

Mango the Maltese kiddo said...

We're shocked and horrified,oh poor Bear Bear, you'll be missed.
Our thought are with Bear-Bear and family, (((hugs))).

♥I am Holly♥ said...

OMG. That is absolutely horrible and totally uncalled for. I am mad and will take it further. Rage is an understatement here. Thanks for sharing. We will spread the word of Bear Bear and light a candle for him. You would think it was this stupid town where they arrest puppies. Grrrrrrr. Lots of love, Debbie and holly

Biloxi and Siber-sibs said...

Maw is so upset and angry ofur dis stupid hooman! Maw's heart hurts fur BearBear's hooman family. No words kin describe it.

I guessin' dis is why we don't go to doggy parks. Maw is pawtecting us. Now we understand.


Tiffany said...

This is so disgusting. I'm angry and upset. That POS "policeman" needs to be locked up with the damn key thrown away.

mayziegal said...

Oh, Khyra and Phyll. What a horrible, horrible story. How can someone just get away with something that awful? I don't understand it at all. It was just terrible enough that beautiful Bear-Bear lost his life but what if he had accidentally shot someone standing nearby. He should be investigated just for discharging his weapon in a public place, if nothing else.

It's things like this that make me lose more and more faith in the "system."

My prayers go out to Bear-Bear's family. I can't imagine the pain they must be suffering right now.

Amber (and Mayzie)

Ruby's Raiser said...

Sickening. There aren't even words.

Britny said...

Just to let you guys know this story is making waves in the British Sibe Community too. Although we do not live in USA a lot of us have also aired our concerns to the local police complaints etc.

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

This is too awful. Then police wonder why they don't get respect anymoe...I think they just aswered their question. Such a beautiful dog but I'm sure he's playing with all our friends at the bridge.

Mona's Mommy

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

This makes me ill...what was he thinking. Plus he had his dog leashed? In an off leash park...wonder why...and I've seen too many fights in dog parks when one dog is on a leash....

And to pull out a gun...you're right...my words being thought are not appropriate for a family blog.


The Oceanside Animals said...

It doesn't seem like that man should have a gun.

the booker man said...

i'm having trouble even comprehending this. what a HORRIBLE tragedy for bear-bear and his family. i am beyond upset that there is no investigation taking place.

the booker man and asa's mama

the booker man said...

i see there's an investigation going now...thank goodness!

ocmist said...

You are right! Sadness and Rage covers it very well! In a little town about a half hour from us (where Grammy's niece lives) a police officer shot THREE dogs (all pits) over a period of several weeks, but he has since been fired, and they have changed their whole way of handling loose dogs now. I think there is also a court case on cruelty going on...

Peppy Sheppys said...

Oh, this is so sad. OBST is very noisy when he plays too and sometimes his intentions are misinterpreted. Terrifying. We hope this is investigated thoroughly. :(

Sheps w/Pep and Otis

Juno said...

We're so upset by this news. This is terrible!! So sad...

Momo & Pinot

Kari in Alaska said...

what an unacceptable tragedy

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