I'm thanking Fate fur allowing me to share this post from LAST AUGUST 19th - today marks the fourth anniversary since Mom furst spotted 'Whitney'
I'm thinking that woo should visit Bocci and Tank's Blogs fur things woo khan do fur THIS SATURDAY'S special 'day' - I had Mom pikhkup two 14# boxes of biskhuits fur 'my' B&B - one fur large khanines and one fur smaller breeds -
As soon as I saw this post on Tuesday, I KNEW I'd be sharing it here today - please take a few minutes to watch the video about Dolly - she's furry special in many many ways - and whilst you are there on Walkin' The Bark Rescue's Blog, please be sure to chekhk out the pawesome work they do and have done - especially with a special pup named POPEYE! ! !
The BIG BIG news of the day was the announcement late Wednesday morning that CHARGES WERE GOING TO BE FILED IN BEAR-BEAR'S MURDER!!!!!!!
Here are assorted links to the khoverage
TWO - The Baltimore Sun Weblog
THREE - from The Eye on Annapolis site
FOUR - The Baltimore Sun artikhle
We were also furry sad to see our feline khounterparts had khwite a rough few days with losses amongst their pride - I've inkhluded a link to JFF'S post about them
And one fur Fat Eric from Milo and Alfie
Again, thanks fur the patience with our visits/non-visits - we are so hopeful things will be 'normal' again soon -
Khyra and Khousin Merdie
We were so glad when we read the news about the shooter of Bear Bear. Never seemed right to anyone that he could get away without any investigation.
Dog Power!!
Misty the alpha Poodle
We read about Bear-Bear and intended to post a link. But then we read about Luxor's death and ... forgot. We're glad Bear-Bear's death is being taken seriously.
Happy Gotcha Day!!!!!
Great news! We would have liked to see a more serious charge but at least it was something.
Your fav BT's,
Bricey and the Princess
Hi Khyra! You sure sleep pretty!
Happy Gotcha Day! We're thankful that your mom got you too!
Woof! Woof! Happy day n Lots of be Thankful on Thursday. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
We're so glad your mom saw Whitney four years ago today! We're also glad that Merdie is back at Khamp Khyra!
We are so sad with the news of our furiend Luxie but seeing the news on Bear-Bear help make our day better. We're very glad that justice is being done. We're just sorry this all happened at all and our mommy still gets leaky thinking about it.
Hopefully Bear Bear will get the justice he deserves.
Yesterday was such a sad day for many cats and doggies.
Great photos, Khyra! You must be having a great time with Merdie. We're so glad to hear that something is being done on Bear Bear's behalf!!! We've got our paws crossed that justice will be served.
Teddy Bear
Thank you for mentioning Fat Eric ~ it's been a hard week of loss at the CB.
We are so pleased Bear is to get justice. YAY!
Happy FOURTH Gotcha Day! Though our hu-dad can never remember Gotcha Days on the actual day (his mind is going so bad), we still love those days!
Hello Khyra! I just saw on the news about Bear-Bear and came to your blog to see if you knew because I was going to share the news with you--But I see that you already know! I should just have come here first instead of watching the news,your Mom always knows everything! :-)))
PS: I just saw on your post and read last years that it's your most special day that changed your and your Mom's life!! HAPPY GOTCHA DAY!!! What a difference you have made for her, and all of us who have come to love you through your blog! :-)))
UHU UHU We know about bear-bear =D
sanne is so happy
because she really was emotional about it.
thats our sanne she love dog to much.
she cant see movie with dog who died! she always says i am a mess when a dog dies in a movie!
poor thing so she know happy fur the owners of bear bear :)
El'bow & Hauwii
I love your toe floof!
It will be interesting to see how things play out in the trial!
We think BearBear's murderer should be hung by his toenails!!(That's what our great-granny used to say)!!
And we are so thankful Whitney became Miss Khyra!
Happy Gotcha Day! Tanks youz for the update on Bear-Bears case, mom and me is happy that charges have been filed against the mans that shots him.
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie MAe
PeeS Hi to Merdie!
So glad to hear that the shooter is having charges filed against him!! We hope that this does leave to stiffer animal cruelty laws.
Happy Gotcha Day!!
Pugs & Kisses,
Yoda & Brutus
Happy Gotcha Day!!! Great pictures!
Happy Found You Day to you and Mom. And what a great find.
The news on Bear Bear was good even though it wasn't as much as it should have been. Kudos to all, including you and the Mom, for all your enormous efforts to help.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Is it your Gotcha Day!!!
Thanks for all the updates on Bear-Bear. We are glad charges were filed against his murderer, and hope and purr that the laws will be changed in the future.
happy thursday k & p!
we love all of the pictures with cousin m!
m & e
That is good news about Bear-Bear! Thanks for sharing!
Happy Gotcha Day!
Love the pictures of you and Merdie!
Beautiful girls!
Oh my, Khyra... what big paws you have! They're bigger than my head!
Merdie, always with the frog legs..
Glad she stopped by for a visit. You were looking a little bit sleepy while you waited for her!
Thank goodness for the charges being filed against Bear's killer.
We are happy to see that the heat is being turned up on Bear Bear's killer. No way he should disappear into the dark corner of the NRA and law enforcement protective cocoon and not answer for the incredibly dumb thing he did.
we are very glad Khyra to hear that the case is getting looked at again. Bear Bear deserves Justice.
Loved your pictures as usual.
and we shall try and do something on Homeless animals day.
we appreciate your letting us know about our less fortunate furiends.
gin n bud
Wow! Thanks so much for putting this on your fabulous blog! And for mentioning Tank's blog and mine (Bocci)!
We're headed right now to become a "Follower" of your blog and to add you to our blogroll.
When you have a minute, we'd both love to have you as as followers of our blogs and to be on your blogroll.
Both Tank and I love to support these events and will continue to do so!
Thanks so much for helping!
Your buddy,
Happy Gotcha Day!
Yes yes yes, very happy to hear that charges will be brought. Now we know that Bear-Bear will get some justice!
Sam & June
Thanks for coming to my party. I hope you and Merdie had a good time.
Looks like you do your best thiking while you are resting!! Works good that way huh??
That is a lot of news. I am sorry about the departed critters. :(
I am glad there will be charges in the Bear Bear case. He was a good dog.
It is good to see Merdie visit u again! I wish she lived next door, so Camp Khyra could be every day. :)
Hi Khyra and Merdie! We love all your pictures! And happy Gotcha day Khyra - we think it is great that your mom found you four years ago today - she has a great eye!
And that is great news about the charges in Bear-Bears case - we hope the punishment is a strong one.
Great to see woooos! Thanks for keeping us updates! Lots of updates to check out.
Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose
You are Merdie are so cute. I just love Merdie's hair cut too, I know I already told you that but each time I see my cute Merdie I say aww...
I hope they get justice for Bear Bear.
Miss Khyra.....Happy 4th Gotchaversary!!!!!!!! We are very glad you got Gotcha'd!
We were very pleased to see that chrages are being made for Bear-Bears death. Hopefully this will cause a wider spread message and all humans in the same type of position will learn that deadly force is not necessary!
You and Merdie look like you are having a grand time together.
We are going to see what Meowm can do about donating something this Saturday.
We will be watching Dolly's video when Mewom gets home...we can't wait to see this special woofie.
Thanks for your kind comments and posts about the wonderful kitties we lost yesterday. We know you woofies understand how it feels.
Hip Hip Hooray - get the &*($#$#$ who got Bear Bear.
Ben and the fellas
Travel safe on the rescue rides
Dear Khyra-
You have a very nice Mom, and our servant truly appreciates her kindness and generous spirit.
So do we, of course.
wags from the whippets
Woo Woo Happy Gotcha Day and then you give us the gift of pictures of your paws. You have awesome feety feet !!!!!!
Now, if they could add a few charges so there will be total justice for Bear-Bear that would be better, but at least something has started.
Remy and Flash
Happy Gotcha Day! You have cute toes....
Happy Gotcha Day!!!!!
nice woooh
I am in all kinds of Heaven today! And very FANKFUL fur it!
wif love from the Luke
What good news for Bear-bear's family..
This was definitely a thankful Thursday all around....
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Awww...happy 4th anniversary of the day you snagged your mom's heart! Gosh, it was fate that you were meant to find each other. Just like me and my mom!
I'm very much glad charges are being filed against that bad man. And it never would have happened without peoples like your mom, Khyra! She inspires us a lot.
Wiggles & Wags,
I am glad to hear the good news!
Good news about the murderer being brought to brook. Nice to see Merdie.. Thanks for mentioning the loses in our pack as you say, Its been a rough couple days.. Take care woofie friend.. Hugs GJ xx
Welcome back Merdie!
Khyra, happy gotcha day to you!!! What a wonderful day!! Merdie, we are so glad you are back at Khamp Khyra!! The shooting of Bear Bear has mom all upset like many others and we was real Justice in this case. Not a slap on the hand. Lots of love, Holly and mom
Mom hasn't found Steve's mute button, but it looks like your mom has found yours. You look pretty quiet there thinking on the rug!
So much to be thankful for...Merdie's return...Local Pet Shelter Day...Bear Bear's justice...your upcoming Gotcha Day! All these things make us so grateful.
those are some cute feets!
Benny & Lily
Happy Gotcha Day! And thanks for the update on Bear-Bear's murder. Thank goodness you can't just get away with killing a dog!
We were hoping for harsher charges, but at least its something! Now, lets hope he is convicted!
Nice nappy poses you two have.
Happy Gothcha Day
I am glad you were gotted, becuse otherwise I would not know you,
You and your mom and Merdie have touched our lives
Great Khyra and Merdie pictures=they always put a smile on our faces and we needed that this week; a tough CB week...We are so glad charges will be filed against Bear-Bear's murderer; blessings to that sweet baby at the Bridge...xoxo...Calle, Halle, Sukki
Happy Gotcha Day, Khyra!
Glad to know about the investigation on Bear-Bear.
Take care
Kisses and hugs
Hi Merdie and Khyra!
that's really good news about Bear Bear's case!! We'd expected something more but we guess it's better than nothing. We're still following on the case and hope that this kind of thing will never be repeated! Justice for Bear Bear!!
Maxx and family
Happy gotcha day!
Don't forget, we moved to http://dogisgodinreverse.com
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