Mom inkhluded us chekhking out the nice surprises in the videos she has - and HASN'T YET UPLOADED to the Photobukhket she khreated fur Fergi and Jake's visit - she's been slakhking but I'll khut her a wee bit of a break THIS TIME - she honestly has been so affekhted by Bear-Bear that her few remaining brain cells have been seriously skhrambled

I told her it was rude not to have thanked our VA pals yet - and threatened her - it will be our little sekhret what I yapped at her

So I had her let Musher and the khool totebag pawticipate in a weebonnie photoshoot

I'm still looking fur MY Scotty -

I let Musher enjoy some empty bone time
SERIOUSLY, we do want to apologise fur our belated thank woo - the yummy biskhuits are long gone - and enjoyed by Merdie and me - again, woo will be able to see THAT when somemom finally gets the rest of the pikhs and videos 'out there' fur all to see

More of this

And this filled our day
Wednesday did start out with THIS VIDEO - Mom wasn't planning on anything but she looked out and saw Merdie chekhking out the edge of the golf khourse and me gazing longingly at what life without string was like - SOOOO out she khame with the flashie beastie to khapture THAT look but I moved and ruined THE MOMENT - so she decided it was time fur more insekht sounds to make your days and nights

And no Thursday T-T-T would be khomplete without
THIS from some furry nice pals who khreated this fur all of us to keep those in need of good vibes in our thoughts
Khyra and Khousin Merdie
PeeEssWoo: Today's Bear-Bear Items
Furry nice gifts! We'll look furward to the video. Understandable that our bipeds' brains are a bit fried with keeping up to all the Bear Bear news & all, but all that energy is going to a worthy case...justice for Bear Bear. I don't know about you pups, but our mom has been extra lovey this week - lots more hugs & walks & treats than usual. We don't mind. :- )
jack a-roo & miss moo
Hi Merdie and Khyra!...Musher is a cute puppy!...Hope you all have a fun Thursday, stay cool sweet friends...xoxo...Calle, Halle, Sukki
Those are furry nice gifts Khyra! We certainly think your mom should be khut some slakh because of everything she's doing to keep us informed about Bear-Bear. We're glad they are investigating but are so sad that Bear-Bear is gone.
Very, very nice gifts, Khyra.:) Musher is adorable. And he is in such good shape. Is he your favorite toy?
Teddy Bear
Awww a baby khyra! Looks like he could use a floof transplant! The insects sound like sizzling for sure! Yikes it must be hot there. Bear Bear makes me sad too. I read the articles your mom posts but will no longer let myself read the comments because some are so ignorant and un-informed that I end up fuming. Paws crossed that there is justice done and more importantly that something will change in the way some officers think before they act. Try to distract your mom from it all for at least a bit though, I bet she could use it.
I likes ur video. Ur friends' sites is nice too. :) I send a big hug to Bear Bear in dog heaven. :)
Yay pressies! You could show that Musher whos boss if you get bored...
Happy Thursday
Wot lovely presents yoo got. Have a great Thurdsay.
We are glad you enjoyed your little package!! Aren't those biscuits just the best??
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Ruairi
Wow- lots of deep thinking goes on in Pawslyvania! Aren't Jake & Fergi gifts THE best! they sent some along with nordude fur me too-- so nice since i don't really know them. (psst. we got beer!) but nordude's to young to drink it. just sayin.
back 2 thinkin..
We understand about the Bear-Bear distraction. Hu-dad has been really bothered by this story and not done other things he has supposed to have done - because of reading and thinking about it.
Lovely gifts! Thank dogness Khyra you are there to remind your mom....!
We do understand your mom has been busy as always!
We enjoyed the video - we do think there is something quite lion like about Merdie with the new haircut!
Martha and Bailey xxx
Thanks for the /Bear Bear updates! I understand Mom's emotions because I'm feeling the same.
It looks like you got some great presents and Musher will be good company when Merdie heads home from Khamp Khyra.
What great pressies!!
Thanks for keeping us updated on Bear Bear news - we appreciate it. There will be justice for Bear Bear, we just know it.
Pugs & Kisses,
Yoda & Brutus
Those are some great presents! You and Merdie are really lucky to get such nice stuff!
Wow! What pawsome gifts!
I hope you weren't yelling at your mom in that photo!
I think you should take your frustrations out on Musher (But gently though)!
Hey it is a mini-Khyra! I saw a Sibe Dog, just like you, at the park this week. Mom yelled, 'Look it's Khyra!' Hehe
Beanie Khyra!
Wow, Musher and the tote bag are really cool gifts! We all know you're special, Khyra, and now we have proof!! Can't wait to see the video of you and Merdie nom nom nomming the biscuits!! (But we understand how something as sad as what happened to Bear-Bear can take a lot out of a mom, so it's okay if it's late, I'm sure everyone understands).
Bear Bear will not be forgotten...
those was great gifties!!!
Those are very nice gifts!!! You and Merdie look quite cool and comfy!
Deawest Khywa and Cousin Mewdie
Those awe soopew nice giftses fwom those lovely scottie kids..I know they will undewstand that youw Mom has sometimes too much on hew plate. I was howwified to heaw about BeawBeaw..We cwied and then wote to the police in theiw town..it just is heawtbweaking
sad smoochie kisses
Furry nice. We always love seeing you. We are all still very sad about Bear-Bear here. We tried to sign on to facebook to find out the latest news but for some reason can't get facebook to come up.
Those are furry nice presents you got there. Everyone understands how busy your mum is, so please dont give her a had time . LOved all your pictures again. You take care and hope you are cooler today.. HUgs GJ xx
Very nice graphic your friends made.
cooooooooooooooooooool gift :D
well we are glad that sanne is back so we can read your adventures and watch you and mer walk :)
El'bow & Hauwii
Cool video. Now we need to get some biscuits from our human
Misty the alpha Poodle
Great presents! Enjoy!
Presents are always so much fun! :)
Those are fab gifts! Hey, better late than never (We know ALL about THAT!) Our mom SUX at uploading stuff! Thanks for the car prayers. Turns out it was just a thermostat of sorts.
Lovely gifts, you and Merdie are lucky girls. :)
Those are awesome gifts Khyra! And we can understand why your mom has been slow in getting to the video - she has been doing so much to get Bear Bears story out, she deserves a break this time for sure! We know it is making a lot of us very sad, but she has been so good at keeping everyone informed. That must take a lot of her time, so we really appreciate it, and we can see the video when she gets to it!
What a cool toy you got.. We probably wouldn't wait for Mom to post before we ate the cookies either...
It is really sad about Bear-bear.. We think possible there is another story we are not hearing...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Those are nice presents. I bet the cookies were tasty. I always move when mom brings out the flashie beast. She thinks I have some sensing ability.
The "flashie beastie" kills me every time! Cute Cute!
Lovely gifts Khyra!
I hope your VA friends understand that your mom is fighting a terrible injustice and that she is at the same time very grateful for their thoughtfulness. The gifts were lovely and your words of thanks are most gracious...I am sure we will enjoy the videos in due time. Meanwhile, just stay cool...and out of your nasty heat! Drink plenty of water and don't overexert!
They brought you pawesome presents!
Happy Thanking, Thinking, Thoughtful Thursay!
Kisses and hugs
Your tote bag is so khute. And I love Paws of Prayer
I've heard that you have a year to thank someone...Or is that just for wedding gifts? I can't remember!! But what nice gifts, those RCS are the best, aren't they!
Very lovely gifts!! Lots of love, Debbie and Holly
Those sure are lovely gifts
Don't forget, we moved to http://dogisgodinreverse.com
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